Abstract:State estimation remains a fundamental challenge across numerous domains, from autonomous driving, aircraft tracking to quantum system control. Although Bayesian filtering has been the cornerstone solution, its classical model-based paradigm faces two major limitations: it struggles with inaccurate state space model (SSM) and requires extensive prior knowledge of noise characteristics. We present TrackDiffuser, a generative framework addressing both challenges by reformulating Bayesian filtering as a conditional diffusion model. Our approach implicitly learns system dynamics from data to mitigate the effects of inaccurate SSM, while simultaneously circumventing the need for explicit measurement models and noise priors by establishing a direct relationship between measurements and states. Through an implicit predict-and-update mechanism, TrackDiffuser preserves the interpretability advantage of traditional model-based filtering methods. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our framework substantially outperforms both classical and contemporary hybrid methods, especially in challenging non-linear scenarios involving non-Gaussian noises. Notably, TrackDiffuser exhibits remarkable robustness to SSM inaccuracies, offering a practical solution for real-world state estimation problems where perfect models and prior knowledge are unavailable.
Abstract:Symbolic regression automatically searches for mathematical equations to reveal underlying mechanisms within datasets, offering enhanced interpretability compared to black box models. Traditionally, symbolic regression has been considered to be purely numeric-driven, with insufficient attention given to the potential contributions of visual information in augmenting this process. When dealing with high-dimensional and complex datasets, existing symbolic regression models are often inefficient and tend to generate overly complex equations, making subsequent mechanism analysis complicated. In this paper, we propose the vision-guided multimodal symbolic regression model, called ViSymRe, that systematically explores how visual information can improve various metrics of symbolic regression. Compared to traditional models, our proposed model has the following innovations: (1) It integrates three modalities: vision, symbol and numeric to enhance symbolic regression, enabling the model to benefit from the strengths of each modality; (2) It establishes a meta-learning framework that can learn from historical experiences to efficiently solve new symbolic regression problems; (3) It emphasizes the simplicity and structural rationality of the equations rather than merely numerical fitting. Extensive experiments show that our proposed model exhibits strong generalization capability and noise resistance. The equations it generates outperform state-of-the-art numeric-only baselines in terms of fitting effect, simplicity and structural accuracy, thus being able to facilitate accurate mechanism analysis and the development of theoretical models.
Abstract:Nowadays, many machine learning (ML) solutions to improve the wireless standard IEEE802.11p for Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET) are commonly evaluated in the simulated world. At the same time, this approach could be cost-effective compared to real-world testing due to the high cost of vehicles. There is a risk of unexpected outcomes when these solutions are implemented in the real world, potentially leading to wasted resources. To mitigate this challenge, the hardware-in-the-loop is the way to move forward as it enables the opportunity to test in the real world and simulated worlds together. Therefore, we have developed what we believe is the pioneering hardware-in-the-loop for testing artificial intelligence, multiple services, and HD map data (LiDAR), in both simulated and real-world settings.
Abstract:Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms have been used to address the challenging problems in the offloading process of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET). More recently, they have been utilized to improve the dissemination of high-definition (HD) Maps. Nevertheless, implementing solutions such as deep Q-learning (DQN) and Actor-critic at the autonomous vehicle (AV) may lead to an increase in the computational load, causing a heavy burden on the computational devices and higher costs. Moreover, their implementation might raise compatibility issues between technologies due to the required modifications to the standards. Therefore, in this paper, we assess the scalability of an application utilizing a Q-learning single-agent solution in a distributed multi-agent environment. This application improves the network performance by taking advantage of a smaller state, and action space whilst using a multi-agent approach. The proposed solution is extensively evaluated with different test cases involving reward function considering individual or overall network performance, number of agents, and centralized and distributed learning comparison. The experimental results demonstrate that the time latencies of our proposed solution conducted in voice, video, HD Map, and best-effort cases have significant improvements, with 40.4%, 36%, 43%, and 12% respectively, compared to the performances with the single-agent approach.
Abstract:One effective way to optimize the offloading process is by minimizing the transmission time. This is particularly true in a Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET) where vehicles frequently download and upload High-definition (HD) map data which requires constant updates. This implies that latency and throughput requirements must be guaranteed by the wireless system. To achieve this, adjustable contention windows (CW) allocation strategies in the standard IEEE802.11p have been explored by numerous researchers. Nevertheless, their implementations demand alterations to the existing standard which is not always desirable. To address this issue, we proposed a Q-Learning algorithm that operates at the application layer. Moreover, it could be deployed in any wireless network thereby mitigating the compatibility issues. The solution has demonstrated a better network performance with relatively fewer optimization requirements as compared to the Deep Q Network (DQN) and Actor-Critic algorithms. The same is observed while evaluating the model in a multi-agent setup showing higher performance compared to the single-agent setup.
Abstract:Computed tomography (CT) is widely utilized in clinical settings because it delivers detailed 3D images of the human body. However, performing CT scans is not always feasible due to radiation exposure and limitations in certain surgical environments. As an alternative, reconstructing CT images from ultra-sparse X-rays offers a valuable solution and has gained significant interest in scientific research and medical applications. However, it presents great challenges as it is inherently an ill-posed problem, often compromised by artifacts resulting from overlapping structures in X-ray images. In this paper, we propose DiffuX2CT, which models CT reconstruction from orthogonal biplanar X-rays as a conditional diffusion process. DiffuX2CT is established with a 3D global coherence denoising model with a new, implicit conditioning mechanism. We realize the conditioning mechanism by a newly designed tri-plane decoupling generator and an implicit neural decoder. By doing so, DiffuX2CT achieves structure-controllable reconstruction, which enables 3D structural information to be recovered from 2D X-rays, therefore producing faithful textures in CT images. As an extra contribution, we collect a real-world lumbar CT dataset, called LumbarV, as a new benchmark to verify the clinical significance and performance of CT reconstruction from X-rays. Extensive experiments on this dataset and three more publicly available datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal.
Abstract:Self-attention-based networks have achieved remarkable performance in sequential recommendation tasks. A crucial component of these models is positional encoding. In this study, we delve into the learned positional embedding, demonstrating that it often captures the distance between tokens. Building on this insight, we introduce novel attention models that directly learn positional relations. Extensive experiments reveal that our proposed models, \textbf{PARec} and \textbf{FPARec} outperform previous self-attention-based approaches.Our code is available at the link for anonymous review: https://anonymous.4open.science/ r/FPARec-2C55/
Abstract:CDR (Cross-Domain Recommendation), i.e., leveraging information from multiple domains, is a critical solution to data sparsity problem in recommendation system. The majority of previous research either focused on single-target CDR (STCDR) by utilizing data from the source domains to improve the model's performance on the target domain, or applied dual-target CDR (DTCDR) by integrating data from the source and target domains. In addition, multi-target CDR (MTCDR) is a generalization of DTCDR, which is able to capture the link among different domains. In this paper we present HGDR (Heterogeneous Graph-based Framework with Disentangled Representations Learning), an end-to-end heterogeneous network architecture where graph convolutional layers are applied to model relations among different domains, meanwhile utilizes the idea of disentangling representation for domain-shared and domain-specifc information. First, a shared heterogeneous graph is generated by gathering users and items from several domains without any further side information. Second, we use HGDR to compute disentangled representations for users and items in all domains.Experiments on real-world datasets and online A/B tests prove that our proposed model can transmit information among domains effectively and reach the SOTA performance.
Abstract:Interpreting complex deep networks, notably pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs), is a formidable challenge. Current Class Activation Map (CAM) methods highlight regions revealing the model's decision-making basis but lack clear saliency maps and detailed interpretability. To bridge this gap, we propose DecomCAM, a novel decomposition-and-integration method that distills shared patterns from channel activation maps. Utilizing singular value decomposition, DecomCAM decomposes class-discriminative activation maps into orthogonal sub-saliency maps (OSSMs), which are then integrated together based on their contribution to the target concept. Extensive experiments on six benchmarks reveal that DecomCAM not only excels in locating accuracy but also achieves an optimizing balance between interpretability and computational efficiency. Further analysis unveils that OSSMs correlate with discernible object components, facilitating a granular understanding of the model's reasoning. This positions DecomCAM as a potential tool for fine-grained interpretation of advanced deep learning models. The code is avaible at https://github.com/CapricornGuang/DecomCAM.
Abstract:Cross-modality fusing complementary information from different modalities effectively improves object detection performance, making it more useful and robust for a wider range of applications. Existing fusion strategies combine different types of images or merge different backbone features through elaborated neural network modules. However, these methods neglect that modality disparities affect cross-modality fusion performance, as different modalities with different camera focal lengths, placements, and angles are hardly fused. In this paper, we investigate cross-modality fusion by associating cross-modal features in a hidden state space based on an improved Mamba with a gating mechanism. We design a Fusion-Mamba block (FMB) to map cross-modal features into a hidden state space for interaction, thereby reducing disparities between cross-modal features and enhancing the representation consistency of fused features. FMB contains two modules: the State Space Channel Swapping (SSCS) module facilitates shallow feature fusion, and the Dual State Space Fusion (DSSF) enables deep fusion in a hidden state space. Through extensive experiments on public datasets, our proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on $m$AP with 5.9% on $M^3FD$ and 4.9% on FLIR-Aligned datasets, demonstrating superior object detection performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to explore the potential of Mamba for cross-modal fusion and establish a new baseline for cross-modality object detection.