Member, IEEE
Abstract:Dense object detection is widely used in automatic driving, video surveillance, and other fields. This paper focuses on the challenging task of dense object detection. Currently, detection methods based on greedy algorithms, such as non-maximum suppression (NMS), often produce many repetitive predictions or missed detections in dense scenarios, which is a common problem faced by NMS-based algorithms. Through the end-to-end DETR (DEtection TRansformer), as a type of detector that can incorporate the post-processing de-duplication capability of NMS, etc., into the network, we found that homogeneous queries in the query-based detector lead to a reduction in the de-duplication capability of the network and the learning efficiency of the encoder, resulting in duplicate prediction and missed detection problems. To solve this problem, we propose learnable differentiated encoding to de-homogenize the queries, and at the same time, queries can communicate with each other via differentiated encoding information, replacing the previous self-attention among the queries. In addition, we used joint loss on the output of the encoder that considered both location and confidence prediction to give a higher-quality initialization for queries. Without cumbersome decoder stacking and guaranteeing accuracy, our proposed end-to-end detection framework was more concise and reduced the number of parameters by about 8% compared to deformable DETR. Our method achieved excellent results on the challenging CrowdHuman dataset with 93.6% average precision (AP), 39.2% MR-2, and 84.3% JI. The performance overperformed previous SOTA methods, such as Iter-E2EDet (Progressive End-to-End Object Detection) and MIP (One proposal, Multiple predictions). In addition, our method is more robust in various scenarios with different densities.
Abstract:Artistic style transfer aims to use a style image and a content image to synthesize a target image that retains the same artistic expression as the style image while preserving the basic content of the content image. Many recently proposed style transfer methods have a common problem; that is, they simply transfer the texture and color of the style image to the global structure of the content image. As a result, the content image has a local structure that is not similar to the local structure of the style image. In this paper, we present an effective method that can be used to transfer style patterns while fusing the local style structure into the local content structure. In our method, dif-ferent levels of coarse stylized features are first reconstructed at low resolution using a Coarse Network, in which style color distribution is roughly transferred, and the content structure is combined with the style structure. Then, the reconstructed features and the content features are adopted to synthesize high-quality structure-aware stylized images with high resolution using a Fine Network with three structural selective fusion (SSF) modules. The effectiveness of our method is demonstrated through the generation of appealing high-quality stylization results and a com-parison with some state-of-the-art style transfer methods.
Abstract:Style transfer is adopted to synthesize appealing stylized images that preserve the structure of a content image but carry the pattern of a style image. Many recently proposed style transfer methods use only western oil paintings as style images to achieve image stylization. As a result, unnatural messy artistic effects are produced in stylized images when using these methods to directly transfer the patterns of traditional Chinese paintings, which are composed of plain colors and abstract objects. Moreover, most of them work only at the original image scale and thus ignore multiscale image information during training. In this paper, we present a novel effective multiscale style transfer method based on Laplacian pyramid decomposition and reconstruction, which can transfer unique patterns of Chinese paintings by learning different image features at different scales. In the first stage, the holistic patterns are transferred at low resolution by adopting a Style Transfer Base Network. Then, the details of the content and style are gradually enhanced at higher resolutions by a Detail Enhancement Network with an edge information selection (EIS) module in the second stage. The effectiveness of our method is demonstrated through the generation of appealing high-quality stylization results and a comparison with some state-of-the-art style transfer methods. Datasets and codes are available at
Abstract:Automatic object detection by satellite remote sensing images is of great significance for resource exploration and natural disaster assessment. To solve existing problems in remote sensing image detection, this article proposes an improved YOLOX model for satellite remote sensing image automatic detection. This model is named RS-YOLOX. To strengthen the feature learning ability of the network, we used Efficient Channel Attention (ECA) in the backbone network of YOLOX and combined the Adaptively Spatial Feature Fusion (ASFF) with the neck network of YOLOX. To balance the numbers of positive and negative samples in training, we used the Varifocal Loss function. Finally, to obtain a high-performance remote sensing object detector, we combined the trained model with an open-source framework called Slicing Aided Hyper Inference (SAHI). This work evaluated models on three aerial remote sensing datasets (DOTA-v1.5, TGRS-HRRSD, and RSOD). Our comparative experiments demonstrate that our model has the highest accuracy in detecting objects in remote sensing image datasets.
Abstract:With the continuous advancement of large language models (LLMs) in mathematical reasoning, evaluating their performance in this domain has become a prominent research focus. Recent studies have raised concerns about the reliability of current mathematical benchmarks, highlighting issues such as simplistic design and potential data leakage. Therefore, creating a reliable benchmark that effectively evaluates the genuine capabilities of LLMs in mathematical reasoning remains a significant challenge. To address this, we propose RV-Bench, a framework for Benchmarking LLMs via Random Variables in mathematical reasoning. Specifically, the background content of a random variable question (RV question) mirrors the original problem in existing standard benchmarks, but the variable combinations are randomized into different values. LLMs must fully understand the problem-solving process for the original problem to correctly answer RV questions with various combinations of variable values. As a result, the LLM's genuine capability in mathematical reasoning is reflected by its accuracy on RV-Bench. Extensive experiments are conducted with 29 representative LLMs across 900+ RV questions. A leaderboard for RV-Bench ranks the genuine capability of these LLMs. Further analysis of accuracy dropping indicates that current LLMs still struggle with complex mathematical reasoning problems.
Abstract:Communication has been widely employed to enhance multi-agent collaboration. Previous research has typically assumed delay-free communication, a strong assumption that is challenging to meet in practice. However, real-world agents suffer from channel delays, receiving messages sent at different time points, termed {\it{Asynchronous Communication}}, leading to cognitive biases and breakdowns in collaboration. This paper first defines two communication delay settings in MARL and emphasizes their harm to collaboration. To handle the above delays, this paper proposes a novel framework, Communication Delay-tolerant Multi-Agent Collaboration (CoDe). At first, CoDe learns an intent representation as messages through future action inference, reflecting the stable future behavioral trends of the agents. Then, CoDe devises a dual alignment mechanism of intent and timeliness to strengthen the fusion process of asynchronous messages. In this way, agents can extract the long-term intent of others, even from delayed messages, and selectively utilize the most recent messages that are relevant to their intent. Experimental results demonstrate that CoDe outperforms baseline algorithms in three MARL benchmarks without delay and exhibits robustness under fixed and time-varying delays.
Abstract:The unusually warm sea surface temperature events known as marine heatwaves (MHWs) have a profound impact on marine ecosystems. Accurate prediction of extreme MHWs has significant scientific and financial worth. However, existing methods still have certain limitations, especially in the most extreme MHWs. In this study, to address these issues, based on the physical nature of MHWs, we created a novel deep learning neural network that is capable of accurate 10-day MHW forecasting. Our framework significantly improves the forecast ability of extreme MHWs through two specially designed modules inspired by numerical models: a coupler and a probabilistic data argumentation. The coupler simulates the driving effect of atmosphere on MHWs while the probabilistic data argumentation approaches significantly boost the forecast ability of extreme MHWs based on the idea of ensemble forecast. Compared with traditional numerical prediction, our framework has significantly higher accuracy and requires fewer computational resources. What's more, explainable AI methods show that wind forcing is the primary driver of MHW evolution and reveal its relation with air-sea heat exchange. Overall, our model provides a framework for understanding MHWs' driving processes and operational forecasts in the future.
Abstract:Conventional automatic incident detection (AID) has relied heavily on all incident reports exclusively for training and evaluation. However, these reports suffer from a number of issues, such as delayed reports, inaccurate descriptions, false alarms, missing reports, and incidents that do not necessarily influence traffic. Relying on these reports to train or calibrate AID models hinders their ability to detect traffic anomalies effectively and timely, even leading to convergence issues in the model training process. Moreover, conventional AID models are not inherently designed to capture the early indicators of any generic incidents. It remains unclear how far ahead an AID model can report incidents. The AID applications in the literature are also spatially limited because the data used by most models is often limited to specific test road segments. To solve these problems, we propose a deep learning framework utilizing prior domain knowledge and model-designing strategies. This allows the model to detect a broader range of anomalies, not only incidents that significantly influence traffic flow but also early characteristics of incidents along with historically unreported anomalies. We specially design the model to target the early-stage detection/prediction of an incident. Additionally, unlike most conventional AID studies, we use widely available data, enhancing our method's scalability. The experimental results across numerous road segments on different maps demonstrate that our model leads to more effective and early anomaly detection. Our framework does not focus on stacking or tweaking various deep learning models; instead, it focuses on model design and training strategies to improve early detection performance.
Abstract:We study the problem of privately releasing an approximate minimum spanning tree (MST). Given a graph $G = (V, E, \vec{W})$ where $V$ is a set of $n$ vertices, $E$ is a set of $m$ undirected edges, and $ \vec{W} \in \mathbb{R}^{|E|} $ is an edge-weight vector, our goal is to publish an approximate MST under edge-weight differential privacy, as introduced by Sealfon in PODS 2016, where $V$ and $E$ are considered public and the weight vector is private. Our neighboring relation is $\ell_\infty$-distance on weights: for a sensitivity parameter $\Delta_\infty$, graphs $ G = (V, E, \vec{W}) $ and $ G' = (V, E, \vec{W}') $ are neighboring if $\|\vec{W}-\vec{W}'\|_\infty \leq \Delta_\infty$. Existing private MST algorithms face a trade-off, sacrificing either computational efficiency or accuracy. We show that it is possible to get the best of both worlds: With a suitable random perturbation of the input that does not suffice to make the weight vector private, the result of any non-private MST algorithm will be private and achieves a state-of-the-art error guarantee. Furthermore, by establishing a connection to Private Top-k Selection [Steinke and Ullman, FOCS '17], we give the first privacy-utility trade-off lower bound for MST under approximate differential privacy, demonstrating that the error magnitude, $\tilde{O}(n^{3/2})$, is optimal up to logarithmic factors. That is, our approach matches the time complexity of any non-private MST algorithm and at the same time achieves optimal error. We complement our theoretical treatment with experiments that confirm the practicality of our approach.
Abstract:Image captioning models often suffer from performance degradation when applied to novel datasets, as they are typically trained on domain-specific data. To enhance generalization in out-of-domain scenarios, retrieval-augmented approaches have garnered increasing attention. However, current methods face two key challenges: (1) image features used for retrieval are often optimized based on ground-truth (GT) captions, which represent the image from a specific perspective and are influenced by annotator biases, and (2) they underutilize the full potential of retrieved text, typically relying on raw captions or parsed objects, which fail to capture the full semantic richness of the data. In this paper, we propose Dive Into Retrieval (DIR), a method designed to enhance both the image-to-text retrieval process and the utilization of retrieved text to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the visual content. Our approach introduces two key innovations: (1) diffusion-guided retrieval enhancement, where a pretrained diffusion model guides image feature learning by reconstructing noisy images, allowing the model to capture more comprehensive and fine-grained visual information beyond standard annotated captions; and (2) a high-quality retrieval database, which provides comprehensive semantic information to enhance caption generation, especially in out-of-domain scenarios. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DIR not only maintains competitive in-domain performance but also significantly improves out-of-domain generalization, all without increasing inference costs.