Abstract:We study a novel language model architecture that is capable of scaling test-time computation by implicitly reasoning in latent space. Our model works by iterating a recurrent block, thereby unrolling to arbitrary depth at test-time. This stands in contrast to mainstream reasoning models that scale up compute by producing more tokens. Unlike approaches based on chain-of-thought, our approach does not require any specialized training data, can work with small context windows, and can capture types of reasoning that are not easily represented in words. We scale a proof-of-concept model to 3.5 billion parameters and 800 billion tokens. We show that the resulting model can improve its performance on reasoning benchmarks, sometimes dramatically, up to a computation load equivalent to 50 billion parameters.
Abstract:High-quality human-annotated data is crucial for modern deep learning pipelines, yet the human annotation process is both costly and time-consuming. Given a constrained human labeling budget, selecting an informative and representative data subset for labeling can significantly reduce human annotation effort. Well-performing state-of-the-art (SOTA) coreset selection methods require ground-truth labels over the whole dataset, failing to reduce the human labeling burden. Meanwhile, SOTA label-free coreset selection methods deliver inferior performance due to poor geometry-based scores. In this paper, we introduce ELFS, a novel label-free coreset selection method. ELFS employs deep clustering to estimate data difficulty scores without ground-truth labels. Furthermore, ELFS uses a simple but effective double-end pruning method to mitigate bias on calculated scores, which further improves the performance on selected coresets. We evaluate ELFS on five vision benchmarks and show that ELFS consistently outperforms SOTA label-free baselines. For instance, at a 90% pruning rate, ELFS surpasses the best-performing baseline by 5.3% on CIFAR10 and 7.1% on CIFAR100. Moreover, ELFS even achieves comparable performance to supervised coreset selection at low pruning rates (e.g., 30% and 50%) on CIFAR10 and ImageNet-1K.
Abstract:The poor performance of transformers on arithmetic tasks seems to stem in large part from their inability to keep track of the exact position of each digit inside of a large span of digits. We mend this problem by adding an embedding to each digit that encodes its position relative to the start of the number. In addition to the boost these embeddings provide on their own, we show that this fix enables architectural modifications such as input injection and recurrent layers to improve performance even further. With positions resolved, we can study the logical extrapolation ability of transformers. Can they solve arithmetic problems that are larger and more complex than those in their training data? We find that training on only 20 digit numbers with a single GPU for one day, we can reach state-of-the-art performance, achieving up to 99% accuracy on 100 digit addition problems. Finally, we show that these gains in numeracy also unlock improvements on other multi-step reasoning tasks including sorting and multiplication.
Abstract:This paper revisits the simple, long-studied, yet still unsolved problem of making image classifiers robust to imperceptible perturbations. Taking CIFAR10 as an example, SOTA clean accuracy is about $100$%, but SOTA robustness to $\ell_{\infty}$-norm bounded perturbations barely exceeds $70$%. To understand this gap, we analyze how model size, dataset size, and synthetic data quality affect robustness by developing the first scaling laws for adversarial training. Our scaling laws reveal inefficiencies in prior art and provide actionable feedback to advance the field. For instance, we discovered that SOTA methods diverge notably from compute-optimal setups, using excess compute for their level of robustness. Leveraging a compute-efficient setup, we surpass the prior SOTA with $20$% ($70$%) fewer training (inference) FLOPs. We trained various compute-efficient models, with our best achieving $74$% AutoAttack accuracy ($+3$% gain). However, our scaling laws also predict robustness slowly grows then plateaus at $90$%: dwarfing our new SOTA by scaling is impractical, and perfect robustness is impossible. To better understand this predicted limit, we carry out a small-scale human evaluation on the AutoAttack data that fools our top-performing model. Concerningly, we estimate that human performance also plateaus near $90$%, which we show to be attributable to $\ell_{\infty}$-constrained attacks' generation of invalid images not consistent with their original labels. Having characterized limiting roadblocks, we outline promising paths for future research.
Abstract:We show that language model finetuning can be improved, sometimes dramatically, with a simple augmentation. NEFTune adds noise to the embedding vectors during training. Standard finetuning of LLaMA-2-7B using Alpaca achieves 29.79% on AlpacaEval, which rises to 64.69% using noisy embeddings. NEFTune also improves over strong baselines on modern instruction datasets. Models trained with Evol-Instruct see a 10% improvement, with ShareGPT an 8% improvement, and with OpenPlatypus an 8% improvement. Even powerful models further refined with RLHF such as LLaMA-2-Chat benefit from additional training with NEFTune.
Abstract:Data-driven modeling approaches can produce fast surrogates to study large-scale physics problems. Among them, graph neural networks (GNNs) that operate on mesh-based data are desirable because they possess inductive biases that promote physical faithfulness, but hardware limitations have precluded their application to large computational domains. We show that it is \textit{possible} to train a class of GNN surrogates on 3D meshes. We scale MeshGraphNets (MGN), a subclass of GNNs for mesh-based physics modeling, via our domain decomposition approach to facilitate training that is mathematically equivalent to training on the whole domain under certain conditions. With this, we were able to train MGN on meshes with \textit{millions} of nodes to generate computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Furthermore, we show how to enhance MGN via higher-order numerical integration, which can reduce MGN's error and training time. We validated our methods on an accompanying dataset of 3D $\text{CO}_2$-capture CFD simulations on a 3.1M-node mesh. This work presents a practical path to scaling MGN for real-world applications.
Abstract:Although deep learning has made great progress in recent years, the exploding economic and environmental costs of training neural networks are becoming unsustainable. To address this problem, there has been a great deal of research on *algorithmically-efficient deep learning*, which seeks to reduce training costs not at the hardware or implementation level, but through changes in the semantics of the training program. In this paper, we present a structured and comprehensive overview of the research in this field. First, we formalize the *algorithmic speedup* problem, then we use fundamental building blocks of algorithmically efficient training to develop a taxonomy. Our taxonomy highlights commonalities of seemingly disparate methods and reveals current research gaps. Next, we present evaluation best practices to enable comprehensive, fair, and reliable comparisons of speedup techniques. To further aid research and applications, we discuss common bottlenecks in the training pipeline (illustrated via experiments) and offer taxonomic mitigation strategies for them. Finally, we highlight some unsolved research challenges and present promising future directions.
Abstract:Improving the accuracy of deep neural networks (DNNs) on out-of-distribution (OOD) data is critical to an acceptance of deep learning (DL) in real world applications. It has been observed that accuracies on in-distribution (ID) versus OOD data follow a linear trend and models that outperform this baseline are exceptionally rare (and referred to as "effectively robust"). Recently, some promising approaches have been developed to improve OOD robustness: model pruning, data augmentation, and ensembling or zero-shot evaluating large pretrained models. However, there still is no clear understanding of the conditions on OOD data and model properties that are required to observe effective robustness. We approach this issue by conducting a comprehensive empirical study of diverse approaches that are known to impact OOD robustness on a broad range of natural and synthetic distribution shifts of CIFAR-10 and ImageNet. In particular, we view the "effective robustness puzzle" through a Fourier lens and ask how spectral properties of both models and OOD data influence the corresponding effective robustness. We find this Fourier lens offers some insight into why certain robust models, particularly those from the CLIP family, achieve OOD robustness. However, our analysis also makes clear that no known metric is consistently the best explanation (or even a strong explanation) of OOD robustness. Thus, to aid future research into the OOD puzzle, we address the gap in publicly-available models with effective robustness by introducing a set of pretrained models--RobustNets--with varying levels of OOD robustness.
Abstract:Two crucial requirements for a successful adoption of deep learning (DL) in the wild are: (1) robustness to distributional shifts, and (2) model compactness for achieving efficiency. Unfortunately, efforts towards simultaneously achieving Out-of-Distribution (OOD) robustness and extreme model compactness without sacrificing accuracy have mostly been unsuccessful. This raises an important question: "Is the inability to create compact, accurate, and robust deep neural networks (CARDs) fundamental?" To answer this question, we perform a large-scale analysis for a range of popular model compression techniques which uncovers several intriguing patterns. Notably, in contrast to traditional pruning approaches (e.g., fine tuning and gradual magnitude pruning), we find that "lottery ticket-style" pruning approaches can surprisingly be used to create high performing CARDs. Specifically, we are able to create extremely compact CARDs that are dramatically more robust than their significantly larger and full-precision counterparts while matching (or beating) their test accuracy, simply by pruning and/or quantizing. To better understand these differences, we perform sensitivity analysis in the Fourier domain for CARDs trained using different data augmentation methods. Motivated by our analysis, we develop a simple domain-adaptive test-time ensembling approach (CARD-Deck) that uses a gating module to dynamically select an appropriate CARD from the CARD-Deck based on their spectral-similarity with test samples. By leveraging complementary frequency biases of different compressed models, the proposed approach builds a "winning hand" of CARDs that establishes a new state-of-the-art on CIFAR-10-C accuracies (i.e., 96.8% clean and 92.75% robust) with dramatically better memory usage than their non-compressed counterparts. We also present some theoretical evidences supporting our empirical findings.
Abstract:Pruning neural network parameters to reduce model size is an area of much interest, but the original motivation for pruning was the prevention of overfitting rather than the improvement of computational efficiency. This motivation is particularly relevant given the perhaps surprising observation that a wide variety of pruning approaches confer increases in test accuracy, even when parameter counts are drastically reduced. To better understand this phenomenon, we analyze the behavior of pruning over the course of training, finding that pruning's effect on generalization relies more on the instability generated by pruning than the final size of the pruned model. We demonstrate that even pruning of seemingly unimportant parameters can lead to such instability, allowing our finding to account for the generalization benefits of modern pruning techniques. Our results ultimately suggest that, counter-intuitively, pruning regularizes through instability and mechanisms unrelated to parameter counts.