Abstract:The problem of forecasting spatiotemporal events such as crimes and accidents is crucial to public safety and city management. Besides accuracy, interpretability is also a key requirement for spatiotemporal forecasting models to justify the decisions. Interpretation of the spatiotemporal forecasting mechanism is, however, challenging due to the complexity of multi-source spatiotemporal features, the non-intuitive nature of spatiotemporal patterns for non-expert users, and the presence of spatial heterogeneity in the data. Currently, no existing deep learning model intrinsically interprets the complex predictive process learned from multi-source spatiotemporal features. To bridge the gap, we propose GeoPro-Net, an intrinsically interpretable spatiotemporal model for spatiotemporal event forecasting problems. GeoPro-Net introduces a novel Geo-concept convolution operation, which employs statistical tests to extract predictive patterns in the input as Geo-concepts, and condenses the Geo-concept-encoded input through interpretable channel fusion and geographic-based pooling. In addition, GeoPro-Net learns different sets of prototypes of concepts inherently, and projects them to real-world cases for interpretation. Comprehensive experiments and case studies on four real-world datasets demonstrate that GeoPro-Net provides better interpretability while still achieving competitive prediction performance compared with state-of-the-art baselines.
Abstract:Traffic accident forecasting is an important task for intelligent transportation management and emergency response systems. However, this problem is challenging due to the spatial heterogeneity of the environment. Existing data-driven methods mostly focus on studying homogeneous areas with limited size (e.g. a single urban area such as New York City) and fail to handle the heterogeneous accident patterns over space at different scales. Recent advances (e.g. spatial ensemble) utilize pre-defined space partitions and learn multiple models to improve prediction accuracy. However, external knowledge is required to define proper space partitions before training models and pre-defined partitions may not necessarily reduce the heterogeneity. To address this issue, we propose a novel Learning-Integrated Space Partition Framework (LISA) to simultaneously learn partitions while training models, where the partitioning process and learning process are integrated in a way that partitioning is guided explicitly by prediction accuracy rather than other factors. Experiments using real-world datasets, demonstrate that our work can capture underlying heterogeneous patterns in a self-guided way and substantially improve baseline networks by an average of 13.0%.
Abstract:This paper addresses the critical need for democratizing large language models (LLM) in the Arab world, a region that has seen slower progress in developing models comparable to state-of-the-art offerings like GPT-4 or ChatGPT 3.5, due to a predominant focus on mainstream languages (e.g., English and Chinese). One practical objective for an Arabic LLM is to utilize an Arabic-specific vocabulary for the tokenizer that could speed up decoding. However, using a different vocabulary often leads to a degradation of learned knowledge since many words are initially out-of-vocabulary (OOV) when training starts. Inspired by the vocabulary learning during Second Language (Arabic) Acquisition for humans, the released AraLLaMA employs progressive vocabulary expansion, which is implemented by a modified BPE algorithm that progressively extends the Arabic subwords in its dynamic vocabulary during training, thereby balancing the OOV ratio at every stage. The ablation study demonstrated the effectiveness of Progressive Vocabulary Expansion. Moreover, AraLLaMA achieves decent performance comparable to the best Arabic LLMs across a variety of Arabic benchmarks. Models, training data, benchmarks, and codes will be all open-sourced.
Abstract:The alignment of large language models (LLMs) is critical for developing effective and safe language models. Traditional approaches focus on aligning models during the instruction tuning or reinforcement learning stages, referred to in this paper as `post alignment'. We argue that alignment during the pre-training phase, which we term `native alignment', warrants investigation. Native alignment aims to prevent unaligned content from the beginning, rather than relying on post-hoc processing. This approach leverages extensively aligned pre-training data to enhance the effectiveness and usability of pre-trained models. Our study specifically explores the application of native alignment in the context of Arabic LLMs. We conduct comprehensive experiments and ablation studies to evaluate the impact of native alignment on model performance and alignment stability. Additionally, we release open-source Arabic LLMs that demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on various benchmarks, providing significant benefits to the Arabic LLM community.
Abstract:The remarkable capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) make them increasingly compelling for adoption in real-world healthcare applications. However, the risks associated with using LLMs in medical applications have not been systematically characterized. We propose using five key principles for safe and trustworthy medical AI: Truthfulness, Resilience, Fairness, Robustness, and Privacy, along with ten specific aspects. Under this comprehensive framework, we introduce a novel MedGuard benchmark with 1,000 expert-verified questions. Our evaluation of 11 commonly used LLMs shows that the current language models, regardless of their safety alignment mechanisms, generally perform poorly on most of our benchmarks, particularly when compared to the high performance of human physicians. Despite recent reports indicate that advanced LLMs like ChatGPT can match or even exceed human performance in various medical tasks, this study underscores a significant safety gap, highlighting the crucial need for human oversight and the implementation of AI safety guardrails.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit impressive capabilities but require careful alignment with human preferences. Traditional training-time methods finetune LLMs using human preference datasets but incur significant training costs and require repeated training to handle diverse user preferences. Test-time alignment methods address this by using reward models (RMs) to guide frozen LLMs without retraining. However, existing test-time approaches rely on trajectory-level RMs which are designed to evaluate complete responses, making them unsuitable for autoregressive text generation that requires computing next-token rewards from partial responses. To address this, we introduce GenARM, a test-time alignment approach that leverages the Autoregressive Reward Model--a novel reward parametrization designed to predict next-token rewards for efficient and effective autoregressive generation. Theoretically, we demonstrate that this parametrization can provably guide frozen LLMs toward any distribution achievable by traditional RMs within the KL-regularized reinforcement learning framework. Experimental results show that GenARM significantly outperforms prior test-time alignment baselines and matches the performance of training-time methods. Additionally, GenARM enables efficient weak-to-strong guidance, aligning larger LLMs with smaller RMs without the high costs of training larger models. Furthermore, GenARM supports multi-objective alignment, allowing real-time trade-offs between preference dimensions and catering to diverse user preferences without retraining.
Abstract:Data augmentation, a cornerstone technique in deep learning, is crucial in enhancing model performance, especially with scarce labeled data. While traditional techniques are effective, their reliance on hand-crafted methods limits their applicability across diverse data types and tasks. Although modern learnable augmentation methods offer increased adaptability, they are computationally expensive and challenging to incorporate within prevalent augmentation workflows. In this work, we present a novel, efficient method for data augmentation, effectively bridging the gap between existing augmentation strategies and emerging datasets and learning tasks. We introduce SAFLEX (Self-Adaptive Augmentation via Feature Label EXtrapolation), which learns the sample weights and soft labels of augmented samples provided by any given upstream augmentation pipeline, using a specifically designed efficient bilevel optimization algorithm. Remarkably, SAFLEX effectively reduces the noise and label errors of the upstream augmentation pipeline with a marginal computational cost. As a versatile module, SAFLEX excels across diverse datasets, including natural and medical images and tabular data, showcasing its prowess in few-shot learning and out-of-distribution generalization. SAFLEX seamlessly integrates with common augmentation strategies like RandAug, CutMix, and those from large pre-trained generative models like stable diffusion and is also compatible with frameworks such as CLIP's fine-tuning. Our findings highlight the potential to adapt existing augmentation pipelines for new data types and tasks, signaling a move towards more adaptable and resilient training frameworks.
Abstract:Safety-aligned large language models (LLMs) sometimes falsely refuse pseudo-harmful prompts, like "how to kill a mosquito," which are actually harmless. Frequent false refusals not only frustrate users but also provoke a public backlash against the very values alignment seeks to protect. In this paper, we propose the first method to auto-generate diverse, content-controlled, and model-dependent pseudo-harmful prompts. Using this method, we construct an evaluation dataset called PHTest, which is ten times larger than existing datasets, covers more false refusal patterns, and separately labels controversial prompts. We evaluate 20 LLMs on PHTest, uncovering new insights due to its scale and labeling. Our findings reveal a trade-off between minimizing false refusals and improving safety against jailbreak attacks. Moreover, we show that many jailbreak defenses significantly increase the false refusal rates, thereby undermining usability. Our method and dataset can help developers evaluate and fine-tune safer and more usable LLMs. Our code and dataset are available at https://github.com/umd-huang-lab/FalseRefusal
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities in generating diverse and contextually rich text. However, concerns regarding copyright infringement arise as LLMs may inadvertently produce copyrighted material. In this paper, we first investigate the effectiveness of watermarking LLMs as a deterrent against the generation of copyrighted texts. Through theoretical analysis and empirical evaluation, we demonstrate that incorporating watermarks into LLMs significantly reduces the likelihood of generating copyrighted content, thereby addressing a critical concern in the deployment of LLMs. Additionally, we explore the impact of watermarking on Membership Inference Attacks (MIAs), which aim to discern whether a sample was part of the pretraining dataset and may be used to detect copyright violations. Surprisingly, we find that watermarking adversely affects the success rate of MIAs, complicating the task of detecting copyrighted text in the pretraining dataset. Finally, we propose an adaptive technique to improve the success rate of a recent MIA under watermarking. Our findings underscore the importance of developing adaptive methods to study critical problems in LLMs with potential legal implications.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are widely applied to graph learning problems such as node classification. When scaling up the underlying graphs of GNNs to a larger size, we are forced to either train on the complete graph and keep the full graph adjacency and node embeddings in memory (which is often infeasible) or mini-batch sample the graph (which results in exponentially growing computational complexities with respect to the number of GNN layers). Various sampling-based and historical-embedding-based methods are proposed to avoid this exponential growth of complexities. However, none of these solutions eliminates the linear dependence on graph size. This paper proposes a sketch-based algorithm whose training time and memory grow sublinearly with respect to graph size by training GNNs atop a few compact sketches of graph adjacency and node embeddings. Based on polynomial tensor-sketch (PTS) theory, our framework provides a novel protocol for sketching non-linear activations and graph convolution matrices in GNNs, as opposed to existing methods that sketch linear weights or gradients in neural networks. In addition, we develop a locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) technique that can be trained to improve the quality of sketches. Experiments on large-graph benchmarks demonstrate the scalability and competitive performance of our Sketch-GNNs versus their full-size GNN counterparts.