Abstract:Bi-level optimization (BO) has become a fundamental mathematical framework for addressing hierarchical machine learning problems. As deep learning models continue to grow in size, the demand for scalable bi-level optimization solutions has become increasingly critical. Traditional gradient-based bi-level optimization algorithms, due to their inherent characteristics, are ill-suited to meet the demands of large-scale applications. In this paper, we introduce $\textbf{F}$orward $\textbf{G}$radient $\textbf{U}$nrolling with $\textbf{F}$orward $\textbf{F}$radient, abbreviated as $(\textbf{FG})^2\textbf{U}$, which achieves an unbiased stochastic approximation of the meta gradient for bi-level optimization. $(\text{FG})^2\text{U}$ circumvents the memory and approximation issues associated with classical bi-level optimization approaches, and delivers significantly more accurate gradient estimates than existing large-scale bi-level optimization approaches. Additionally, $(\text{FG})^2\text{U}$ is inherently designed to support parallel computing, enabling it to effectively leverage large-scale distributed computing systems to achieve significant computational efficiency. In practice, $(\text{FG})^2\text{U}$ and other methods can be strategically placed at different stages of the training process to achieve a more cost-effective two-phase paradigm. Further, $(\text{FG})^2\text{U}$ is easy to implement within popular deep learning frameworks, and can be conveniently adapted to address more challenging zeroth-order bi-level optimization scenarios. We provide a thorough convergence analysis and a comprehensive practical discussion for $(\text{FG})^2\text{U}$, complemented by extensive empirical evaluations, showcasing its superior performance in diverse large-scale bi-level optimization tasks.
Abstract:Random label noises (or observational noises) widely exist in practical machine learning settings. While previous studies primarily focus on the affects of label noises to the performance of learning, our work intends to investigate the implicit regularization effects of the label noises, under mini-batch sampling settings of stochastic gradient descent (SGD), with assumptions that label noises are unbiased. Specifically, we analyze the learning dynamics of SGD over the quadratic loss with unbiased label noises, where we model the dynamics of SGD as a stochastic differentiable equation (SDE) with two diffusion terms (namely a Doubly Stochastic Model). While the first diffusion term is caused by mini-batch sampling over the (label-noiseless) loss gradients as many other works on SGD, our model investigates the second noise term of SGD dynamics, which is caused by mini-batch sampling over the label noises, as an implicit regularizer. Our theoretical analysis finds such implicit regularizer would favor some convergence points that could stabilize model outputs against perturbation of parameters (namely inference stability). Though similar phenomenon have been investigated, our work doesn't assume SGD as an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck like process and achieve a more generalizable result with convergence of approximation proved. To validate our analysis, we design two sets of empirical studies to analyze the implicit regularizer of SGD with unbiased random label noises for deep neural networks training and linear regression.
Abstract:The conventional understanding of adversarial training in generative adversarial networks (GANs) is that the discriminator is trained to estimate a divergence, and the generator learns to minimize this divergence. We argue that despite the fact that many variants of GANs were developed following this paradigm, the current theoretical understanding of GANs and their practical algorithms are inconsistent. In this paper, we leverage Wasserstein gradient flows which characterize the evolution of particles in the sample space, to gain theoretical insights and algorithmic inspiration of GANs. We introduce a unified generative modeling framework - MonoFlow: the particle evolution is rescaled via a monotonically increasing mapping of the log density ratio. Under our framework, adversarial training can be viewed as a procedure first obtaining MonoFlow's vector field via training the discriminator and the generator learns to draw the particle flow defined by the corresponding vector field. We also reveal the fundamental difference between variational divergence minimization and adversarial training. This analysis helps us to identify what types of generator loss functions can lead to the successful training of GANs and suggest that GANs may have more loss designs beyond the literature (e.g., non-saturated loss), as long as they realize MonoFlow. Consistent empirical studies are included to validate the effectiveness of our framework.
Abstract:Differentiable physics modeling combines physics models with gradient-based learning to provide model explicability and data efficiency. It has been used to learn dynamics, solve inverse problems and facilitate design, and is at its inception of impact. Current successes have concentrated on general physics models such as rigid bodies, deformable sheets, etc., assuming relatively simple structures and forces. Their granularity is intrinsically coarse and therefore incapable of modelling complex physical phenomena. Fine-grained models are still to be developed to incorporate sophisticated material structures and force interactions with gradient-based learning. Following this motivation, we propose a new differentiable fabrics model for composite materials such as cloths, where we dive into the granularity of yarns and model individual yarn physics and yarn-to-yarn interactions. To this end, we propose several differentiable forces, whose counterparts in empirical physics are indifferentiable, to facilitate gradient-based learning. These forces, albeit applied to cloths, are ubiquitous in various physical systems. Through comprehensive evaluation and comparison, we demonstrate our model's explicability in learning meaningful physical parameters, versatility in incorporating complex physical structures and heterogeneous materials, data-efficiency in learning, and high-fidelity in capturing subtle dynamics.
Abstract:This is the Proceedings of ICML 2021 Workshop on Theoretic Foundation, Criticism, and Application Trend of Explainable AI. Deep neural networks (DNNs) have undoubtedly brought great success to a wide range of applications in computer vision, computational linguistics, and AI. However, foundational principles underlying the DNNs' success and their resilience to adversarial attacks are still largely missing. Interpreting and theorizing the internal mechanisms of DNNs becomes a compelling yet controversial topic. This workshop pays a special interest in theoretic foundations, limitations, and new application trends in the scope of XAI. These issues reflect new bottlenecks in the future development of XAI.
Abstract:It is well-known that stochastic gradient noise (SGN) acts as implicit regularization for deep learning and is essentially important for both optimization and generalization of deep networks. Some works attempted to artificially simulate SGN by injecting random noise to improve deep learning. However, it turned out that the injected simple random noise cannot work as well as SGN, which is anisotropic and parameter-dependent. For simulating SGN at low computational costs and without changing the learning rate or batch size, we propose the Positive-Negative Momentum (PNM) approach that is a powerful alternative to conventional Momentum in classic optimizers. The introduced PNM method maintains two approximate independent momentum terms. Then, we can control the magnitude of SGN explicitly by adjusting the momentum difference. We theoretically prove the convergence guarantee and the generalization advantage of PNM over Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). By incorporating PNM into the two conventional optimizers, SGD with Momentum and Adam, our extensive experiments empirically verified the significant advantage of the PNM-based variants over the corresponding conventional Momentum-based optimizers. Code: \url{https://github.com/zeke-xie/Positive-Negative-Momentum}.
Abstract:Despite the empirical success in various domains, it has been revealed that deep neural networks are vulnerable to maliciously perturbed input data that much degrade their performance. This is known as adversarial attacks. To counter adversarial attacks, adversarial training formulated as a form of robust optimization has been demonstrated to be effective. However, conducting adversarial training brings much computational overhead compared with standard training. In order to reduce the computational cost, we propose an annealing mechanism, Amata, to reduce the overhead associated with adversarial training. The proposed Amata is provably convergent, well-motivated from the lens of optimal control theory and can be combined with existing acceleration methods to further enhance performance. It is demonstrated that on standard datasets, Amata can achieve similar or better robustness with around 1/3 to 1/2 the computational time compared with traditional methods. In addition, Amata can be incorporated into other adversarial training acceleration algorithms (e.g. YOPO, Free, Fast, and ATTA), which leads to further reduction in computational time on large-scale problems.
Abstract:Knowledge distillation is a strategy of training a student network with guide of the soft output from a teacher network. It has been a successful method of model compression and knowledge transfer. However, currently knowledge distillation lacks a convincing theoretical understanding. On the other hand, recent finding on neural tangent kernel enables us to approximate a wide neural network with a linear model of the network's random features. In this paper, we theoretically analyze the knowledge distillation of a wide neural network. First we provide a transfer risk bound for the linearized model of the network. Then we propose a metric of the task's training difficulty, called data inefficiency. Based on this metric, we show that for a perfect teacher, a high ratio of teacher's soft labels can be beneficial. Finally, for the case of imperfect teacher, we find that hard labels can correct teacher's wrong prediction, which explains the practice of mixing hard and soft labels.
Abstract:We consider the fundamental problem of how to automatically construct summary statistics for implicit generative models where the evaluation of likelihood function is intractable but sampling / simulating data from the model is possible. The idea is to frame the task of constructing sufficient statistics as learning mutual information maximizing representation of the data. This representation is computed by a deep neural network trained by a joint statistic-posterior learning strategy. We apply our approach to both traditional approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) and recent neural likelihood approaches, boosting their performance on a range of tasks.
Abstract:Data augmentation is an effective and universal technique for improving generalization performance of deep neural networks. It could enrich diversity of training samples that is essential in medical image segmentation tasks because 1) the scale of medical image dataset is typically smaller, which may increase the risk of overfitting; 2) the shape and modality of different objects such as organs or tumors are unique, thus requiring customized data augmentation policy. However, most data augmentation implementations are hand-crafted and suboptimal in medical image processing. To fully exploit the potential of data augmentation, we propose an efficient algorithm to automatically search for the optimal augmentation strategies. We formulate the coupled optimization w.r.t. network weights and augmentation parameters into a differentiable form by means of stochastic relaxation. This formulation allows us to apply alternative gradient-based methods to solve it, i.e. stochastic natural gradient method with adaptive step-size. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that differentiable automatic data augmentation is employed in medical image segmentation tasks. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly outperforms existing build-in data augmentation of state-of-the-art models.