College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P.R. China, Key Laboratory of Spectroscopy Sensing, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Hangzhou, P.R. China
Abstract:State-of-the-art supervised stereo matching methods have achieved amazing results on various benchmarks. However, these data-driven methods suffer from generalization to real-world scenarios due to the lack of real-world annotated data. In this paper, we propose StereoGen, a novel pipeline for high-quality stereo image generation. This pipeline utilizes arbitrary single images as left images and pseudo disparities generated by a monocular depth estimation model to synthesize high-quality corresponding right images. Unlike previous methods that fill the occluded area in warped right images using random backgrounds or using convolutions to take nearby pixels selectively, we fine-tune a diffusion inpainting model to recover the background. Images generated by our model possess better details and undamaged semantic structures. Besides, we propose Training-free Confidence Generation and Adaptive Disparity Selection. The former suppresses the negative effect of harmful pseudo ground truth during stereo training, while the latter helps generate a wider disparity distribution and better synthetic images. Experiments show that models trained under our pipeline achieve state-of-the-art zero-shot generalization results among all published methods. The code will be available upon publication of the paper.
Abstract:Stereo matching recovers depth from image correspondences. Existing methods struggle to handle ill-posed regions with limited matching cues, such as occlusions and textureless areas. To address this, we propose MonSter, a novel method that leverages the complementary strengths of monocular depth estimation and stereo matching. MonSter integrates monocular depth and stereo matching into a dual-branch architecture to iteratively improve each other. Confidence-based guidance adaptively selects reliable stereo cues for monodepth scale-shift recovery. The refined monodepth is in turn guides stereo effectively at ill-posed regions. Such iterative mutual enhancement enables MonSter to evolve monodepth priors from coarse object-level structures to pixel-level geometry, fully unlocking the potential of stereo matching. As shown in Fig.1, MonSter ranks 1st across five most commonly used leaderboards -- SceneFlow, KITTI 2012, KITTI 2015, Middlebury, and ETH3D. Achieving up to 49.5% improvements (Bad 1.0 on ETH3D) over the previous best method. Comprehensive analysis verifies the effectiveness of MonSter in ill-posed regions. In terms of zero-shot generalization, MonSter significantly and consistently outperforms state-of-the-art across the board. The code is publicly available at:
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) facilitates collaborative model training while prioritizing privacy by avoiding direct data sharing. However, most existing articles attempt to address challenges within the model's internal parameters and corresponding outputs, while neglecting to solve them at the input level. To address this gap, we propose a novel framework called Granular-Ball Federated Learning (GrBFL) for image classification. GrBFL diverges from traditional methods that rely on the finest-grained input data. Instead, it segments images into multiple regions with optimal coarse granularity, which are then reconstructed into a graph structure. We designed a two-dimensional binary search segmentation algorithm based on variance constraints for GrBFL, which effectively removes redundant information while preserving key representative features. Extensive theoretical analysis and experiments demonstrate that GrBFL not only safeguards privacy and enhances efficiency but also maintains robust utility, consistently outperforming other state-of-the-art FL methods. The code is available at
Abstract:In the past, most search queries issued to a search engine were short and simple. A keyword based search engine was able to answer such queries quite well. However, members are now developing the habit of issuing long and complex natural language queries. Answering such queries requires evolution of a search engine to have semantic capability. In this paper we present the design of LinkedIn's new content search engine with semantic capability, and its impact on metrics.
Abstract:Federated continual learning (FCL) allows each client to continually update its knowledge from task streams, enhancing the applicability of federated learning in real-world scenarios. However, FCL needs to address not only spatial data heterogeneity between clients but also temporal data heterogeneity between tasks. In this paper, empirical experiments demonstrate that such input-level heterogeneity significantly affects the model's internal parameters and outputs, leading to severe spatial-temporal catastrophic forgetting of local and previous knowledge. To this end, we propose Federated Tail Anchor (FedTA) to mix trainable Tail Anchor with the frozen output features to adjust their position in the feature space, thereby overcoming parameter-forgetting and output-forgetting. Moreover, three novel components are also included in FedTA: Input Enhancement for improving the performance of pre-trained models on downstream tasks; Selective Input Knowledge Fusion for fusion of heterogeneous local knowledge on the server side; and Best Global Prototype Selection for finding the best anchor point for each class in the feature space. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FedTA not only outperforms existing FCL methods but also effectively preserves the relative positions of features, remaining unaffected by spatial and temporal changes.
Abstract:Scene flow methods based on deep learning have achieved impressive performance. However, current top-performing methods still struggle with ill-posed regions, such as extensive flat regions or occlusions, due to insufficient local evidence. In this paper, we propose a novel global-aware scene flow estimation network with global motion propagation, named FlowMamba. The core idea of FlowMamba is a novel Iterative Unit based on the State Space Model (ISU), which first propagates global motion patterns and then adaptively integrates the global motion information with previously hidden states. As the irregular nature of point clouds limits the performance of ISU in global motion propagation, we propose a feature-induced ordering strategy (FIO). The FIO leverages semantic-related and motion-related features to order points into a sequence characterized by spatial continuity. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of FlowMamba, with 21.9\% and 20.5\% EPE3D reduction from the best published results on FlyingThings3D and KITTI datasets. Specifically, our FlowMamba is the first method to achieve millimeter-level prediction accuracy in FlyingThings3D and KITTI. Furthermore, the proposed ISU can be seamlessly embedded into existing iterative networks as a plug-and-play module, improving their estimation accuracy significantly.
Abstract:Recent approaches to VO have significantly improved performance by using deep networks to predict optical flow between video frames. However, existing methods still suffer from noisy and inconsistent flow matching, making it difficult to handle challenging scenarios and long-sequence estimation. To overcome these challenges, we introduce Spatio-Temporal Visual Odometry (STVO), a novel deep network architecture that effectively leverages inherent spatio-temporal cues to enhance the accuracy and consistency of multi-frame flow matching. With more accurate and consistent flow matching, STVO can achieve better pose estimation through the bundle adjustment (BA). Specifically, STVO introduces two innovative components: 1) the Temporal Propagation Module that utilizes multi-frame information to extract and propagate temporal cues across adjacent frames, maintaining temporal consistency; 2) the Spatial Activation Module that utilizes geometric priors from the depth maps to enhance spatial consistency while filtering out excessive noise and incorrect matches. Our STVO achieves state-of-the-art performance on TUM-RGBD, EuRoc MAV, ETH3D and KITTI Odometry benchmarks. Notably, it improves accuracy by 77.8% on ETH3D benchmark and 38.9% on KITTI Odometry benchmark over the previous best methods.
Abstract:Promptable segmentation foundation models have emerged as a transformative approach to addressing the diverse needs in medical images, but most existing models require expensive computing, posing a big barrier to their adoption in clinical practice. In this work, we organized the first international competition dedicated to promptable medical image segmentation, featuring a large-scale dataset spanning nine common imaging modalities from over 20 different institutions. The top teams developed lightweight segmentation foundation models and implemented an efficient inference pipeline that substantially reduced computational requirements while maintaining state-of-the-art segmentation accuracy. Moreover, the post-challenge phase advanced the algorithms through the design of performance booster and reproducibility tasks, resulting in improved algorithms and validated reproducibility of the winning solution. Furthermore, the best-performing algorithms have been incorporated into the open-source software with a user-friendly interface to facilitate clinical adoption. The data and code are publicly available to foster the further development of medical image segmentation foundation models and pave the way for impactful real-world applications.
Abstract:Sensor data collected by Internet of Things (IoT) devices carries detailed information about individuals in their vicinity. Sharing this data with a semi-trusted service provider may compromise the individuals' privacy, as sensitive information can be extracted by powerful machine learning models. Data obfuscation empowered by generative models is a promising approach to generate synthetic sensor data such that the useful information contained in the original data is preserved and the sensitive information is obscured. This newly generated data will then be shared with the service provider instead of the original sensor data. In this work, we propose PrivDiffuser, a novel data obfuscation technique based on a denoising diffusion model that attains a superior trade-off between data utility and privacy through effective guidance techniques. Specifically, we extract latent representations that contain information about public and private attributes from sensor data to guide the diffusion model, and impose mutual information-based regularization when learning the latent representations to alleviate the entanglement of public and private attributes, thereby increasing the effectiveness of guidance. Evaluation on three real-world datasets containing different sensing modalities reveals that PrivDiffuser yields a better privacy-utility trade-off than the state-of-the-art obfuscation model, decreasing the utility loss by up to $1.81\%$ and the privacy loss by up to $3.42\%$. Moreover, we showed that users with diverse privacy needs can use PrivDiffuser to protect their privacy without having to retrain the model.
Abstract:Non-Centralized Continual Learning (NCCL) has become an emerging paradigm for enabling distributed devices such as vehicles and servers to handle streaming data from a joint non-stationary environment. To achieve high reliability and scalability in deploying this paradigm in distributed systems, it is essential to conquer challenges stemming from both spatial and temporal dimensions, manifesting as distribution shifts, catastrophic forgetting, heterogeneity, and privacy issues. This survey focuses on a comprehensive examination of the development of the non-centralized continual learning algorithms and the real-world deployment across distributed devices. We begin with an introduction to the background and fundamentals of non-centralized learning and continual learning. Then, we review existing solutions from three levels to represent how existing techniques alleviate the catastrophic forgetting and distribution shift. Additionally, we delve into the various types of heterogeneity issues, security, and privacy attributes, as well as real-world applications across three prevalent scenarios. Furthermore, we establish a large-scale benchmark to revisit this problem and analyze the performance of the state-of-the-art NCCL approaches. Finally, we discuss the important challenges and future research directions in NCCL.