Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained immense success in revolutionizing various applications, including content generation, search and recommendation, and AI-assisted operation. To reduce high training costs, Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) architecture has become a popular backbone for modern LLMs. However, despite the benefits, serving MoE-based LLMs experience severe memory inefficiency due to sparsely activated experts. Recent studies propose to offload inactive experts from GPU memory to CPU memory to improve the serving efficiency of MoE models. However, they either incur high inference latency or high model memory footprints due to coarse-grained designs. To tame the latency-memory trade-off in MoE serving, we present fMoE, a fine-grained expert offloading system for MoE serving that achieves low inference latency with memory efficiency. We design fMoE to extract fine-grained expert selection patterns from MoE models and semantic hints from input prompts to efficiently guide expert prefetching, caching, and offloading decisions. fMoE is prototyped on top of HuggingFace Transformers and deployed on a six-GPU testbed. Experiments with open-source MoE models and real-world workloads show that fMoE reduces inference latency by 47% and improves expert hit rate by 36% over state-of-the-art solutions.
Abstract:Stance detection has emerged as a popular task in natural language processing research, enabled largely by the abundance of target-specific social media data. While there has been considerable research on the development of stance detection models, datasets, and application, we highlight important gaps pertaining to (i) a lack of theoretical conceptualization of stance, and (ii) the treatment of stance at an individual- or user-level, as opposed to message-level. In this paper, we first review the interdisciplinary origins of stance as an individual-level construct to highlight relevant attributes (e.g., psychological features) that might be useful to incorporate in stance detection models. Further, we argue that recent pre-trained and large language models (LLMs) might offer a way to flexibly infer such user-level attributes and/or incorporate them in modelling stance. To better illustrate this, we briefly review and synthesize the emerging corpus of studies on using LLMs for inferring stance, and specifically on incorporating user attributes in such tasks. We conclude by proposing a four-point agenda for pursuing stance detection research that is theoretically informed, inclusive, and practically impactful.
Abstract:With the rapid advancement of deep learning, computational pathology has made significant progress in cancer diagnosis and subtyping. Tissue segmentation is a core challenge, essential for prognosis and treatment decisions. Weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS) reduces the annotation requirement by using image-level labels instead of pixel-level ones. However, Class Activation Map (CAM)-based methods still suffer from low spatial resolution and unclear boundaries. To address these issues, we propose a multi-level superpixel correction algorithm that refines CAM boundaries using superpixel clustering and floodfill. Experimental results show that our method achieves great performance on breast cancer segmentation dataset with mIoU of 71.08%, significantly improving tumor microenvironment boundary delineation.
Abstract:Recent advancements in diffusion models have significantly advanced text-to-image generation, yet global text prompts alone remain insufficient for achieving fine-grained control over individual entities within an image. To address this limitation, we present EliGen, a novel framework for Entity-Level controlled Image Generation. We introduce regional attention, a mechanism for diffusion transformers that requires no additional parameters, seamlessly integrating entity prompts and arbitrary-shaped spatial masks. By contributing a high-quality dataset with fine-grained spatial and semantic entity-level annotations, we train EliGen to achieve robust and accurate entity-level manipulation, surpassing existing methods in both positional control precision and image quality. Additionally, we propose an inpainting fusion pipeline, extending EliGen to multi-entity image inpainting tasks. We further demonstrate its flexibility by integrating it with community models such as IP-Adapter and MLLM, unlocking new creative possibilities. The source code, dataset, and model will be released publicly.
Abstract:In 3D understanding, point transformers have yielded significant advances in broadening the receptive field. However, further enhancement of the receptive field is hindered by the constraints of grouping attention. The proxy-based model, as a hot topic in image and language feature extraction, uses global or local proxies to expand the model's receptive field. But global proxy-based methods fail to precisely determine proxy positions and are not suited for tasks like segmentation and detection in the point cloud, and exist local proxy-based methods for image face difficulties in global-local balance, proxy sampling in various point clouds, and parallel cross-attention computation for sparse association. In this paper, we present SP$^2$T, a local proxy-based dual stream point transformer, which promotes global receptive field while maintaining a balance between local and global information. To tackle robust 3D proxy sampling, we propose a spatial-wise proxy sampling with vertex-based point proxy associations, ensuring robust point-cloud sampling in many scales of point cloud. To resolve economical association computation, we introduce sparse proxy attention combined with table-based relative bias, which enables low-cost and precise interactions between proxy and point features. Comprehensive experiments across multiple datasets reveal that our model achieves SOTA performance in downstream tasks. The code has been released in https://github.com/TerenceWallel/Sparse-Proxy-Point-Transformer .
Abstract:Classical neural ODEs trained with explicit methods are intrinsically limited by stability, crippling their efficiency and robustness for stiff learning problems that are common in graph learning and scientific machine learning. We present a semi-implicit neural ODE approach that exploits the partitionable structure of the underlying dynamics. Our technique leads to an implicit neural network with significant computational advantages over existing approaches because of enhanced stability and efficient linear solves during time integration. We show that our approach outperforms existing approaches on a variety of applications including graph classification and learning complex dynamical systems. We also demonstrate that our approach can train challenging neural ODEs where both explicit methods and fully implicit methods are intractable.
Abstract:The joint optimization of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and camera trajectories has been widely applied in SLAM tasks due to its superior dense mapping quality and consistency. NeRF-based SLAM learns camera poses using constraints by implicit map representation. A widely observed phenomenon that results from the constraints of this form is jerky and physically unrealistic estimated camera motion, which in turn affects the map quality. To address this deficiency of current NeRF-based SLAM, we propose in this paper TS-SLAM (TS for Trajectory Smoothness). It introduces smoothness constraints on camera trajectories by representing them with uniform cubic B-splines with continuous acceleration that guarantees smooth camera motion. Benefiting from the differentiability and local control properties of B-splines, TS-SLAM can incrementally learn the control points end-to-end using a sliding window paradigm. Additionally, we regularize camera trajectories by exploiting the dynamics prior to further smooth trajectories. Experimental results demonstrate that TS-SLAM achieves superior trajectory accuracy and improves mapping quality versus NeRF-based SLAM that does not employ the above smoothness constraints.
Abstract:Task-oriented grasping (TOG) is crucial for robots to accomplish manipulation tasks, requiring the determination of TOG positions and directions. Existing methods either rely on costly manual TOG annotations or only extract coarse grasping positions or regions from human demonstrations, limiting their practicality in real-world applications. To address these limitations, we introduce RTAGrasp, a Retrieval, Transfer, and Alignment framework inspired by human grasping strategies. Specifically, our approach first effortlessly constructs a robot memory from human grasping demonstration videos, extracting both TOG position and direction constraints. Then, given a task instruction and a visual observation of the target object, RTAGrasp retrieves the most similar human grasping experience from its memory and leverages semantic matching capabilities of vision foundation models to transfer the TOG constraints to the target object in a training-free manner. Finally, RTAGrasp aligns the transferred TOG constraints with the robot's action for execution. Evaluations on the public TOG benchmark, TaskGrasp dataset, show the competitive performance of RTAGrasp on both seen and unseen object categories compared to existing baseline methods. Real-world experiments further validate its effectiveness on a robotic arm. Our code, appendix, and video are available at \url{https://sites.google.com/view/rtagrasp/home}.
Abstract:We investigate Large Language Models' (LLMs) ability to predict a user's stance on a target given a collection of his/her target-agnostic social media posts (i.e., user-level stance prediction). While we show early evidence that LLMs are capable of this task, we highlight considerable variability in the performance of the model across (i) the type of stance target, (ii) the prediction strategy and (iii) the number of target-agnostic posts supplied. Post-hoc analyses further hint at the usefulness of target-agnostic posts in providing relevant information to LLMs through the presence of both surface-level (e.g., target-relevant keywords) and user-level features (e.g., encoding users' moral values). Overall, our findings suggest that LLMs might offer a viable method for determining public stances towards new topics based on historical and target-agnostic data. At the same time, we also call for further research to better understand LLMs' strong performance on the stance prediction task and how their effectiveness varies across task contexts.
Abstract:Neural implicit surface reconstruction has achieved remarkable progress recently. Despite resorting to complex radiance modeling, state-of-the-art methods still struggle with textureless and specular surfaces. Different from RGB images, polarization images can provide direct constraints on the azimuth angles of the surface normals. In this paper, we present PISR, a novel method that utilizes a geometrically accurate polarimetric loss to refine shape independently of appearance. In addition, PISR smooths surface normals in image space to eliminate severe shape distortions and leverages the hash-grid-based neural signed distance function to accelerate the reconstruction. Experimental results demonstrate that PISR achieves higher accuracy and robustness, with an L1 Chamfer distance of 0.5 mm and an F-score of 99.5% at 1 mm, while converging 4~30 times faster than previous polarimetric surface reconstruction methods.