Abstract:In this paper, we study the stochastic multi-armed bandit problem with graph feedback. Motivated by applications in clinical trials and recommendation systems, we assume that two arms are connected if and only if they are similar (i.e., their means are close to each other). We establish a regret lower bound for this problem under the novel feedback structure and introduce two upper confidence bound (UCB)-based algorithms: Double-UCB, which has problem-independent regret upper bounds, and Conservative-UCB, which has problem-dependent upper bounds. Leveraging the similarity structure, we also explore a scenario where the number of arms increases over time (referred to as the \emph{ballooning setting}). Practical applications of this scenario include Q\&A platforms (e.g., Reddit, Stack Overflow, Quora) and product reviews on platforms like Amazon and Flipkart, where answers (or reviews) continuously appear, and the goal is to display the best ones at the top. We extend these two UCB-based algorithms to the ballooning setting. Under mild assumptions, we provide regret upper bounds for both algorithms and discuss their sub-linearity. Furthermore, we propose a new version of the corresponding algorithms that do not rely on prior knowledge of the graph's structural information and provide regret upper bounds. Finally, we conduct experiments to validate the theoretical results.
Abstract:Few-shot action recognition is an emerging field in computer vision, primarily focused on meta-learning within the same domain. However, challenges arise in real-world scenario deployment, as gathering extensive labeled data within a specific domain is laborious and time-intensive. Thus, attention shifts towards cross-domain few-shot action recognition, requiring the model to generalize across domains with significant deviations. Therefore, we propose a novel approach, ``Distillation from Mixed-Source Domain", tailored to address this conundrum. Our method strategically integrates insights from both labeled data of the source domain and unlabeled data of the target domain during the training. The ResNet18 is used as the backbone to extract spatial features from the source and target domains. We design two branches for meta-training: the original-source and the mixed-source branches. In the first branch, a Domain Temporal Encoder is employed to capture temporal features for both the source and target domains. Additionally, a Domain Temporal Decoder is employed to reconstruct all extracted features. In the other branch, a Domain Mixed Encoder is used to handle labeled source domain data and unlabeled target domain data, generating mixed-source domain features. We incorporate a pre-training stage before meta-training, featuring a network architecture similar to that of the first branch. Lastly, we introduce a dual distillation mechanism to refine the classification probabilities of source domain features, aligning them with those of mixed-source domain features. This iterative process enriches the insights of the original-source branch with knowledge from the mixed-source branch, thereby enhancing the model's generalization capabilities. Our code is available at URL: \url{https://xxxx/xxxx/xxxx.git}
Abstract:In recent years, few-shot action recognition has attracted increasing attention. It generally adopts the paradigm of meta-learning. In this field, overcoming the overlapping distribution of classes and outliers is still a challenging problem based on limited samples. We believe the combination of Multi-modal and Multi-view can improve this issue depending on information complementarity. Therefore, we propose a method of Multi-view Distillation based on Multi-modal Fusion. Firstly, a Probability Prompt Selector for the query is constructed to generate probability prompt embedding based on the comparison score between the prompt embeddings of the support and the visual embedding of the query. Secondly, we establish a Multi-view. In each view, we fuse the prompt embedding as consistent information with visual and the global or local temporal context to overcome the overlapping distribution of classes and outliers. Thirdly, we perform the distance fusion for the Multi-view and the mutual distillation of matching ability from one to another, enabling the model to be more robust to the distribution bias. Our code is available at the URL: \url{https://github.com/cofly2014/MDMF}.
Abstract:The multi-armed bandit(MAB) is a classical sequential decision problem. Most work requires assumptions about the reward distribution (e.g., bounded), while practitioners may have difficulty obtaining information about these distributions to design models for their problems, especially in non-stationary MAB problems. This paper aims to design a multi-armed bandit algorithm that can be implemented without using information about the reward distribution while still achieving substantial regret upper bounds. To this end, we propose a novel algorithm alternating between greedy rule and forced exploration. Our method can be applied to Gaussian, Bernoulli and other subgaussian distributions, and its implementation does not require additional information. We employ a unified analysis method for different forced exploration strategies and provide problem-dependent regret upper bounds for stationary and piecewise-stationary settings. Furthermore, we compare our algorithm with popular bandit algorithms on different reward distributions.
Abstract:Recently, few-shot action recognition has significantly progressed by learning the feature discriminability and designing suitable comparison methods. Still, there are the following restrictions. (a) Previous works are mainly based on visual mono-modal. Although some multi-modal works use labels as supplementary to construct prototypes of support videos, they can not use this information for query videos. The labels are not used efficiently. (b) Most of the works ignore the motion feature of video, although the motion features are essential for distinguishing. We proposed a Consistency Prototype and Motion Compensation Network(CLIP-CP$M^2$C) to address these issues. Firstly, we use the CLIP for multi-modal few-shot action recognition with the text-image comparison for domain adaption. Secondly, in order to make the amount of information between the prototype and the query more similar, we propose a novel method to compensate for the text(prompt) information of query videos when text(prompt) does not exist, which depends on a Consistency Loss. Thirdly, we use the differential features of the adjacent frames in two directions as the motion features, which explicitly embeds the network with motion dynamics. We also apply the Consistency Loss to the motion features. Extensive experiments on standard benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed method can compete with state-of-the-art results. Our code is available at the URL: https://github.com/xxx/xxx.git.
Abstract:In the research field of few-shot learning, the main difference between image-based and video-based is the additional temporal dimension for videos. In recent years, many approaches for few-shot action recognition have followed the metric-based methods, especially, since some works use the Transformer to get the cross-attention feature of the videos or the enhanced prototype, and the results are competitive. However, they do not mine enough information from the Transformer because they only focus on the feature of a single level. In our paper, we have addressed this problem. We propose an end-to-end method named "Task-Specific Alignment and Multiple Level Transformer Network (TSA-MLT)". In our model, the Multiple Level Transformer focuses on the multiple-level feature of the support video and query video. Especially before Multiple Level Transformer, we use task-specific TSA to filter unimportant or misleading frames as a pre-processing. Furthermore, we adopt a fusion loss using two kinds of distance, the first is L2 sequence distance, which focuses on temporal order alignment. The second one is Optimal transport distance, which focuses on measuring the gap between the appearance and semantics of the videos. Using a simple fusion network, we fuse the two distances element-wise, then use the cross-entropy loss as our fusion loss. Extensive experiments show our method achieves state-of-the-art results on the HMDB51 and UCF101 datasets and a competitive result on the benchmark of Kinetics and something-2-something V2 datasets. Our code will be available at the URL: https://github.com/cofly2014/tsa-mlt.git
Abstract:In the realm of machine learning, the study of anomaly detection and localization within image data has gained substantial traction, particularly for practical applications such as industrial defect detection. While the majority of existing methods predominantly use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) as their primary network architecture, we introduce a novel approach based on the Transformer backbone network. Our method employs a two-stage incremental learning strategy. During the first stage, we train a Masked Autoencoder (MAE) model solely on normal images. In the subsequent stage, we apply pixel-level data augmentation techniques to generate corrupted normal images and their corresponding pixel labels. This process allows the model to learn how to repair corrupted regions and classify the status of each pixel. Ultimately, the model generates a pixel reconstruction error matrix and a pixel anomaly probability matrix. These matrices are then combined to produce an anomaly scoring matrix that effectively detects abnormal regions. When benchmarked against several state-of-the-art CNN-based methods, our approach exhibits superior performance on the MVTec AD dataset, achieving an impressive 97.6% AUC.
Abstract:Removing haze from real-world images is challenging due to unpredictable weather conditions, resulting in misaligned hazy and clear image pairs. In this paper, we propose a non-aligned supervision framework that consists of three networks - dehazing, airlight, and transmission. In particular, we explore a non-alignment setting by utilizing a clear reference image that is not aligned with the hazy input image to supervise the dehazing network through a multi-scale reference loss that compares the features of the two images. Our setting makes it easier to collect hazy/clear image pairs in real-world environments, even under conditions of misalignment and shift views. To demonstrate this, we have created a new hazy dataset called "Phone-Hazy", which was captured using mobile phones in both rural and urban areas. Additionally, we present a mean and variance self-attention network to model the infinite airlight using dark channel prior as position guidance, and employ a channel attention network to estimate the three-channel transmission. Experimental results show that our framework outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in the real-world image dehazing. Phone-Hazy and code will be available at https://github.com/hello2377/NSDNet.
Abstract:Automatic image segmentation technology is critical to the visual analysis. The autoencoder architecture has satisfying performance in various image segmentation tasks. However, autoencoders based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) seem to encounter a bottleneck in improving the accuracy of semantic segmentation. Increasing the inter-class distance between foreground and background is an inherent characteristic of the segmentation network. However, segmentation networks pay too much attention to the main visual difference between foreground and background, and ignores the detailed edge information, which leads to a reduction in the accuracy of edge segmentation. In this paper, we propose a light-weight end-to-end segmentation framework based on multi-task learning, termed Edge Attention autoencoder Network (EAA-Net), to improve edge segmentation ability. Our approach not only utilizes the segmentation network to obtain inter-class features, but also applies the reconstruction network to extract intra-class features among the foregrounds. We further design a intra-class and inter-class features fusion module -- I2 fusion module. The I2 fusion module is used to merge intra-class and inter-class features, and use a soft attention mechanism to remove invalid background information. Experimental results show that our method performs well in medical image segmentation tasks. EAA-Net is easy to implement and has small calculation cost.
Abstract:Automatic segmentation of medical images based on multi-modality is an important topic for disease diagnosis. Although the convolutional neural network (CNN) has been proven to have excellent performance in image segmentation tasks, it is difficult to obtain global information. The lack of global information will seriously affect the accuracy of the segmentation results of the lesion area. In addition, there are visual representation differences between multimodal data of the same patient. These differences will affect the results of the automatic segmentation methods. To solve these problems, we propose a segmentation method suitable for multimodal medical images that can capture global information, named TranSiam. TranSiam is a 2D dual path network that extracts features of different modalities. In each path, we utilize convolution to extract detailed information in low level stage, and design a ICMT block to extract global information in high level stage. ICMT block embeds convolution in the transformer, which can extract global information while retaining spatial and detailed information. Furthermore, we design a novel fusion mechanism based on cross attention and selfattention, called TMM block, which can effectively fuse features between different modalities. On the BraTS 2019 and BraTS 2020 multimodal datasets, we have a significant improvement in accuracy over other popular methods.