Abstract:Multi-agent debate (MAD) has emerged as a promising approach to enhance the factual accuracy and reasoning quality of large language models (LLMs) by engaging multiple agents in iterative discussions during inference. Despite its potential, we argue that current MAD research suffers from critical shortcomings in evaluation practices, including limited dataset overlap and inconsistent baselines, raising significant concerns about generalizability. Correspondingly, this paper presents a systematic evaluation of five representative MAD methods across nine benchmarks using four foundational models. Surprisingly, our findings reveal that MAD methods fail to reliably outperform simple single-agent baselines such as Chain-of-Thought and Self-Consistency, even when consuming additional inference-time computation. From our analysis, we found that model heterogeneity can significantly improve MAD frameworks. We propose Heter-MAD enabling a single LLM agent to access the output from heterogeneous foundation models, which boosts the performance of current MAD frameworks. Finally, we outline potential directions for advancing MAD, aiming to spark a broader conversation and inspire future work in this area.
Abstract:In this paper, we study the stochastic multi-armed bandit problem with graph feedback. Motivated by applications in clinical trials and recommendation systems, we assume that two arms are connected if and only if they are similar (i.e., their means are close to each other). We establish a regret lower bound for this problem under the novel feedback structure and introduce two upper confidence bound (UCB)-based algorithms: Double-UCB, which has problem-independent regret upper bounds, and Conservative-UCB, which has problem-dependent upper bounds. Leveraging the similarity structure, we also explore a scenario where the number of arms increases over time (referred to as the \emph{ballooning setting}). Practical applications of this scenario include Q\&A platforms (e.g., Reddit, Stack Overflow, Quora) and product reviews on platforms like Amazon and Flipkart, where answers (or reviews) continuously appear, and the goal is to display the best ones at the top. We extend these two UCB-based algorithms to the ballooning setting. Under mild assumptions, we provide regret upper bounds for both algorithms and discuss their sub-linearity. Furthermore, we propose a new version of the corresponding algorithms that do not rely on prior knowledge of the graph's structural information and provide regret upper bounds. Finally, we conduct experiments to validate the theoretical results.
Abstract:The integration of both network information and node attribute information has recently gained significant attention in the context of community recovery problems. In this work, we address the task of determining the optimal classification rate for the Label-SBM(LSBM) model with node attribute information and. Specifically, we derive the optimal lower bound, which is characterized by the Chernoff-Hellinger divergence for a general LSBM network model with Gaussian node attributes. Additionally, we highlight the connection between the divergence $D(\bs\alpha, \mb P, \bs\mu)$ in our model and those introduced in \cite{yun2016optimal} and \cite{lu2016statistical}. We also presents a consistent algorithm based on spectral method for the proposed aggreated latent factor model.
Abstract:Despite the growing popularity of graph attention mechanisms, their theoretical understanding remains limited. This paper aims to explore the conditions under which these mechanisms are effective in node classification tasks through the lens of Contextual Stochastic Block Models (CSBMs). Our theoretical analysis reveals that incorporating graph attention mechanisms is \emph{not universally beneficial}. Specifically, by appropriately defining \emph{structure noise} and \emph{feature noise} in graphs, we show that graph attention mechanisms can enhance classification performance when structure noise exceeds feature noise. Conversely, when feature noise predominates, simpler graph convolution operations are more effective. Furthermore, we examine the over-smoothing phenomenon and show that, in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime, graph convolutional networks suffer from over-smoothing, whereas graph attention mechanisms can effectively resolve this issue. Building on these insights, we propose a novel multi-layer Graph Attention Network (GAT) architecture that significantly outperforms single-layer GATs in achieving \emph{perfect node classification} in CSBMs, relaxing the SNR requirement from $ \omega(\sqrt{\log n}) $ to $ \omega(\sqrt{\log n} / \sqrt[3]{n}) $. To our knowledge, this is the first study to delineate the conditions for perfect node classification using multi-layer GATs. Our theoretical contributions are corroborated by extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets, highlighting the practical implications of our findings.
Abstract:We study the problem of offline decision making, which focuses on learning decisions from datasets only partially correlated with the learning objective. While previous research has extensively studied specific offline decision making problems like offline reinforcement learning (RL) and off-policy evaluation (OPE), a unified framework and theory remain absent. To address this gap, we introduce a unified framework termed Decision Making with Offline Feedback (DMOF), which captures a wide range of offline decision making problems including offline RL, OPE, and offline partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). For the DMOF framework, we introduce a hardness measure called the Offline Estimation Coefficient (OEC), which measures the learnability of offline decision making problems and is also reflected in the derived minimax lower bounds. Additionally, we introduce an algorithm called Empirical Decision with Divergence (EDD), for which we establish both an instance-dependent upper bound and a minimax upper bound. The minimax upper bound almost matches the lower bound determined by the OEC. Finally, we show that EDD achieves a fast convergence rate (i.e., a rate scaling as $1/N$, where $N$ is the sample size) for specific settings such as supervised learning and Markovian sequential problems~(e.g., MDPs) with partial coverage.
Abstract:Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning (RL) provides a promising paradigm for learning useful behaviors via reward-free per-training. Existing methods for unsupervised RL mainly conduct empowerment-driven skill discovery or entropy-based exploration. However, empowerment often leads to static skills, and pure exploration only maximizes the state coverage rather than learning useful behaviors. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised RL framework via an ensemble of skills, where each skill performs partition exploration based on the state prototypes. Thus, each skill can explore the clustered area locally, and the ensemble skills maximize the overall state coverage. We adopt state-distribution constraints for the skill occupancy and the desired cluster for learning distinguishable skills. Theoretical analysis is provided for the state entropy and the resulting skill distributions. Based on extensive experiments on several challenging tasks, we find our method learns well-explored ensemble skills and achieves superior performance in various downstream tasks compared to previous methods.
Abstract:In Reinforcement Learning (RL), training a policy from scratch with online experiences can be inefficient because of the difficulties in exploration. Recently, offline RL provides a promising solution by giving an initialized offline policy, which can be refined through online interactions. However, existing approaches primarily perform offline and online learning in the same task, without considering the task generalization problem in offline-to-online adaptation. In real-world applications, it is common that we only have an offline dataset from a specific task while aiming for fast online-adaptation for several tasks. To address this problem, our work builds upon the investigation of successor representations for task generalization in online RL and extends the framework to incorporate offline-to-online learning. We demonstrate that the conventional paradigm using successor features cannot effectively utilize offline data and improve the performance for the new task by online fine-tuning. To mitigate this, we introduce a novel methodology that leverages offline data to acquire an ensemble of successor representations and subsequently constructs ensemble Q functions. This approach enables robust representation learning from datasets with different coverage and facilitates fast adaption of Q functions towards new tasks during the online fine-tuning phase. Extensive empirical evaluations provide compelling evidence showcasing the superior performance of our method in generalizing to diverse or even unseen tasks.
Abstract:This work designs and analyzes a novel set of algorithms for multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) based on the principle of information-directed sampling (IDS). These algorithms draw inspiration from foundational concepts in information theory, and are proven to be sample efficient in MARL settings such as two-player zero-sum Markov games (MGs) and multi-player general-sum MGs. For episodic two-player zero-sum MGs, we present three sample-efficient algorithms for learning Nash equilibrium. The basic algorithm, referred to as MAIDS, employs an asymmetric learning structure where the max-player first solves a minimax optimization problem based on the joint information ratio of the joint policy, and the min-player then minimizes the marginal information ratio with the max-player's policy fixed. Theoretical analyses show that it achieves a Bayesian regret of tilde{O}(sqrt{K}) for K episodes. To reduce the computational load of MAIDS, we develop an improved algorithm called Reg-MAIDS, which has the same Bayesian regret bound while enjoying less computational complexity. Moreover, by leveraging the flexibility of IDS principle in choosing the learning target, we propose two methods for constructing compressed environments based on rate-distortion theory, upon which we develop an algorithm Compressed-MAIDS wherein the learning target is a compressed environment. Finally, we extend Reg-MAIDS to multi-player general-sum MGs and prove that it can learn either the Nash equilibrium or coarse correlated equilibrium in a sample efficient manner.
Abstract:This paper considers the problem of completing a rating matrix based on sub-sampled matrix entries as well as observed social graphs and hypergraphs. We show that there exists a \emph{sharp threshold} on the sample probability for the task of exactly completing the rating matrix -- the task is achievable when the sample probability is above the threshold, and is impossible otherwise -- demonstrating a phase transition phenomenon. The threshold can be expressed as a function of the ``quality'' of hypergraphs, enabling us to \emph{quantify} the amount of reduction in sample probability due to the exploitation of hypergraphs. This also highlights the usefulness of hypergraphs in the matrix completion problem. En route to discovering the sharp threshold, we develop a computationally efficient matrix completion algorithm that effectively exploits the observed graphs and hypergraphs. Theoretical analyses show that our algorithm succeeds with high probability as long as the sample probability exceeds the aforementioned threshold, and this theoretical result is further validated by synthetic experiments. Moreover, our experiments on a real social network dataset (with both graphs and hypergraphs) show that our algorithm outperforms other state-of-the-art matrix completion algorithms.
Abstract:This paper considers the problem of community detection on multiple potentially correlated graphs from an information-theoretical perspective. We first put forth a random graph model, called the multi-view stochastic block model (MVSBM), designed to generate correlated graphs on the same set of nodes (with cardinality $n$). The $n$ nodes are partitioned into two disjoint communities of equal size. The presence or absence of edges in the graphs for each pair of nodes depends on whether the two nodes belong to the same community or not. The objective for the learner is to recover the hidden communities with observed graphs. Our technical contributions are two-fold: (i) We establish an information-theoretic upper bound (Theorem~1) showing that exact recovery of community is achievable when the model parameters of MVSBM exceed a certain threshold. (ii) Conversely, we derive an information-theoretic lower bound (Theorem~2) showing that when the model parameters of MVSBM fall below the aforementioned threshold, then for any estimator, the expected number of misclassified nodes will always be greater than one. Our results for the MVSBM recover several prior results for community detection in the standard SBM as well as in multiple independent SBMs as special cases.