Abstract:In this paper, we delve into the utilization of the negative momentum technique in constrained minimax games. From an intuitive mechanical standpoint, we introduce a novel framework for momentum buffer updating, which extends the findings of negative momentum from the unconstrained setting to the constrained setting and provides a universal enhancement to the classic game-solver algorithms. Additionally, we provide theoretical guarantee of convergence for our momentum-augmented algorithms with entropy regularizer. We then extend these algorithms to their extensive-form counterparts. Experimental results on both Normal Form Games (NFGs) and Extensive Form Games (EFGs) demonstrate that our momentum techniques can significantly improve algorithm performance, surpassing both their original versions and the SOTA baselines by a large margin.
Abstract:In recent years, significant progress has been made in multi-objective reinforcement learning (RL) research, which aims to balance multiple objectives by incorporating preferences for each objective. In most existing studies, specific preferences must be provided during deployment to indicate the desired policies explicitly. However, designing these preferences depends heavily on human prior knowledge, which is typically obtained through extensive observation of high-performing demonstrations with expected behaviors. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective offline adaptation framework for multi-objective RL problems without assuming handcrafted target preferences, but only given several demonstrations to implicitly indicate the preferences of expected policies. Additionally, we demonstrate that our framework can naturally be extended to meet constraints on safety-critical objectives by utilizing safe demonstrations, even when the safety thresholds are unknown. Empirical results on offline multi-objective and safe tasks demonstrate the capability of our framework to infer policies that align with real preferences while meeting the constraints implied by the provided demonstrations.
Abstract:In this paper, we aim to utilize only offline trajectory data to train a policy for multi-objective RL. We extend the offline policy-regularized method, a widely-adopted approach for single-objective offline RL problems, into the multi-objective setting in order to achieve the above goal. However, such methods face a new challenge in offline MORL settings, namely the preference-inconsistent demonstration problem. We propose two solutions to this problem: 1) filtering out preference-inconsistent demonstrations via approximating behavior preferences, and 2) adopting regularization techniques with high policy expressiveness. Moreover, we integrate the preference-conditioned scalarized update method into policy-regularized offline RL, in order to simultaneously learn a set of policies using a single policy network, thus reducing the computational cost induced by the training of a large number of individual policies for various preferences. Finally, we introduce Regularization Weight Adaptation to dynamically determine appropriate regularization weights for arbitrary target preferences during deployment. Empirical results on various multi-objective datasets demonstrate the capability of our approach in solving offline MORL problems.