Abstract:`Extreme Classification'' (or XC) is the task of annotating data points (queries) with relevant labels (documents), from an extremely large set of $L$ possible labels, arising in search and recommendations. The most successful deep learning paradigm that has emerged over the last decade or so for XC is to embed the queries (and labels) using a deep encoder (e.g. DistilBERT), and use linear classifiers on top of the query embeddings. This architecture is of appeal because it enables millisecond-time inference using approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS). The key question is how do we design training algorithms that are accurate as well as scale to $O(100M)$ labels on a limited number of GPUs. State-of-the-art XC techniques that demonstrate high accuracies (e.g., DEXML, Ren\'ee, DEXA) on standard datasets have per-epoch training time that scales as $O(L)$ or employ expensive negative sampling strategies, which are prohibitive in XC scenarios. In this work, we develop an accurate and scalable XC algorithm ASTRA with two key observations: (a) building ANNS index on the classifier vectors and retrieving hard negatives using the classifiers aligns the negative sampling strategy to the loss function optimized; (b) keeping the ANNS indices current as the classifiers change through the epochs is prohibitively expensive while using stale negatives (refreshed periodically) results in poor accuracy; to remedy this, we propose a negative sampling strategy that uses a mixture of importance sampling and uniform sampling. By extensive evaluation on standard XC as well as proprietary datasets with 120M labels, we demonstrate that ASTRA achieves SOTA precision, while reducing training time by 4x-15x relative to the second best.
Abstract:Ranking a set of items based on their relevance to a given query is a core problem in search and recommendation. Transformer-based ranking models are the state-of-the-art approaches for such tasks, but they score each query-item independently, ignoring the joint context of other relevant items. This leads to sub-optimal ranking accuracy and high computational costs. In response, we propose Cross-encoders with Joint Efficient Modeling (CROSS-JEM), a novel ranking approach that enables transformer-based models to jointly score multiple items for a query, maximizing parameter utilization. CROSS-JEM leverages (a) redundancies and token overlaps to jointly score multiple items, that are typically short-text phrases arising in search and recommendations, and (b) a novel training objective that models ranking probabilities. CROSS-JEM achieves state-of-the-art accuracy and over 4x lower ranking latency over standard cross-encoders. Our contributions are threefold: (i) we highlight the gap between the ranking application's need for scoring thousands of items per query and the limited capabilities of current cross-encoders; (ii) we introduce CROSS-JEM for joint efficient scoring of multiple items per query; and (iii) we demonstrate state-of-the-art accuracy on standard public datasets and a proprietary dataset. CROSS-JEM opens up new directions for designing tailored early-attention-based ranking models that incorporate strict production constraints such as item multiplicity and latency.
Abstract:Extreme Classification (XC) aims to map a query to the most relevant documents from a very large document set. XC algorithms used in real-world applications learn this mapping from datasets curated from implicit feedback, such as user clicks. However, these datasets inevitably suffer from missing labels. In this work, we observe that systematic missing labels lead to missing knowledge, which is critical for accurately modelling relevance between queries and documents. We formally show that this absence of knowledge cannot be recovered using existing methods such as propensity weighting and data imputation strategies that solely rely on the training dataset. While LLMs provide an attractive solution to augment the missing knowledge, leveraging them in applications with low latency requirements and large document sets is challenging. To incorporate missing knowledge at scale, we propose SKIM (Scalable Knowledge Infusion for Missing Labels), an algorithm that leverages a combination of small LM and abundant unstructured meta-data to effectively mitigate the missing label problem. We show the efficacy of our method on large-scale public datasets through exhaustive unbiased evaluation ranging from human annotations to simulations inspired from industrial settings. SKIM outperforms existing methods on Recall@100 by more than 10 absolute points. Additionally, SKIM scales to proprietary query-ad retrieval datasets containing 10 million documents, outperforming contemporary methods by 12% in offline evaluation and increased ad click-yield by 1.23% in an online A/B test conducted on a popular search engine. We release our code, prompts, trained XC models and finetuned SLMs at: https://github.com/bicycleman15/skim
Abstract:Generative Retrieval introduces a new approach to Information Retrieval by reframing it as a constrained generation task, leveraging recent advancements in Autoregressive (AR) language models. However, AR-based Generative Retrieval methods suffer from high inference latency and cost compared to traditional dense retrieval techniques, limiting their practical applicability. This paper investigates fully Non-autoregressive (NAR) language models as a more efficient alternative for generative retrieval. While standard NAR models alleviate latency and cost concerns, they exhibit a significant drop in retrieval performance (compared to AR models) due to their inability to capture dependencies between target tokens. To address this, we question the conventional choice of limiting the target token space to solely words or sub-words. We propose PIXAR, a novel approach that expands the target vocabulary of NAR models to include multi-word entities and common phrases (up to 5 million tokens), thereby reducing token dependencies. PIXAR employs inference optimization strategies to maintain low inference latency despite the significantly larger vocabulary. Our results demonstrate that PIXAR achieves a relative improvement of 31.0% in MRR@10 on MS MARCO and 23.2% in Hits@5 on Natural Questions compared to standard NAR models with similar latency and cost. Furthermore, online A/B experiments on a large commercial search engine show that PIXAR increases ad clicks by 5.08% and revenue by 4.02%.
Abstract:Recent breakthroughs in large models have highlighted the critical significance of data scale, labels and modals. In this paper, we introduce MS MARCO Web Search, the first large-scale information-rich web dataset, featuring millions of real clicked query-document labels. This dataset closely mimics real-world web document and query distribution, provides rich information for various kinds of downstream tasks and encourages research in various areas, such as generic end-to-end neural indexer models, generic embedding models, and next generation information access system with large language models. MS MARCO Web Search offers a retrieval benchmark with three web retrieval challenge tasks that demand innovations in both machine learning and information retrieval system research domains. As the first dataset that meets large, real and rich data requirements, MS MARCO Web Search paves the way for future advancements in AI and system research. MS MARCO Web Search dataset is available at: https://github.com/microsoft/MS-MARCO-Web-Search.
Abstract:Deep extreme classification (XC) aims to train an encoder architecture and an accompanying classifier architecture to tag a data point with the most relevant subset of labels from a very large universe of labels. XC applications in ranking, recommendation and tagging routinely encounter tail labels for which the amount of training data is exceedingly small. Graph convolutional networks (GCN) present a convenient but computationally expensive way to leverage task metadata and enhance model accuracies in these settings. This paper formally establishes that in several use cases, the steep computational cost of GCNs is entirely avoidable by replacing GCNs with non-GCN architectures. The paper notices that in these settings, it is much more effective to use graph data to regularize encoder training than to implement a GCN. Based on these insights, an alternative paradigm RAMEN is presented to utilize graph metadata in XC settings that offers significant performance boosts with zero increase in inference computational costs. RAMEN scales to datasets with up to 1M labels and offers prediction accuracy up to 15% higher on benchmark datasets than state of the art methods, including those that use graph metadata to train GCNs. RAMEN also offers 10% higher accuracy over the best baseline on a proprietary recommendation dataset sourced from click logs of a popular search engine. Code for RAMEN will be released publicly.
Abstract:This paper develops the MUFIN technique for extreme classification (XC) tasks with millions of labels where datapoints and labels are endowed with visual and textual descriptors. Applications of MUFIN to product-to-product recommendation and bid query prediction over several millions of products are presented. Contemporary multi-modal methods frequently rely on purely embedding-based methods. On the other hand, XC methods utilize classifier architectures to offer superior accuracies than embedding only methods but mostly focus on text-based categorization tasks. MUFIN bridges this gap by reformulating multi-modal categorization as an XC problem with several millions of labels. This presents the twin challenges of developing multi-modal architectures that can offer embeddings sufficiently expressive to allow accurate categorization over millions of labels; and training and inference routines that scale logarithmically in the number of labels. MUFIN develops an architecture based on cross-modal attention and trains it in a modular fashion using pre-training and positive and negative mining. A novel product-to-product recommendation dataset MM-AmazonTitles-300K containing over 300K products was curated from publicly available amazon.com listings with each product endowed with a title and multiple images. On the all datasets MUFIN offered at least 3% higher accuracy than leading text-based, image-based and multi-modal techniques. Code for MUFIN is available at https://github.com/Extreme-classification/MUFIN
Abstract:Extreme Classification (XC) seeks to tag data points with the most relevant subset of labels from an extremely large label set. Performing deep XC with dense, learnt representations for data points and labels has attracted much attention due to its superiority over earlier XC methods that used sparse, hand-crafted features. Negative mining techniques have emerged as a critical component of all deep XC methods that allow them to scale to millions of labels. However, despite recent advances, training deep XC models with large encoder architectures such as transformers remains challenging. This paper identifies that memory overheads of popular negative mining techniques often force mini-batch sizes to remain small and slow training down. In response, this paper introduces NGAME, a light-weight mini-batch creation technique that offers provably accurate in-batch negative samples. This allows training with larger mini-batches offering significantly faster convergence and higher accuracies than existing negative sampling techniques. NGAME was found to be up to 16% more accurate than state-of-the-art methods on a wide array of benchmark datasets for extreme classification, as well as 3% more accurate at retrieving search engine queries in response to a user webpage visit to show personalized ads. In live A/B tests on a popular search engine, NGAME yielded up to 23% gains in click-through-rates.
Abstract:Scalability and accuracy are well recognized challenges in deep extreme multi-label learning where the objective is to train architectures for automatically annotating a data point with the most relevant subset of labels from an extremely large label set. This paper develops the DeepXML framework that addresses these challenges by decomposing the deep extreme multi-label task into four simpler sub-tasks each of which can be trained accurately and efficiently. Choosing different components for the four sub-tasks allows DeepXML to generate a family of algorithms with varying trade-offs between accuracy and scalability. In particular, DeepXML yields the Astec algorithm that could be 2-12% more accurate and 5-30x faster to train than leading deep extreme classifiers on publically available short text datasets. Astec could also efficiently train on Bing short text datasets containing up to 62 million labels while making predictions for billions of users and data points per day on commodity hardware. This allowed Astec to be deployed on the Bing search engine for a number of short text applications ranging from matching user queries to advertiser bid phrases to showing personalized ads where it yielded significant gains in click-through-rates, coverage, revenue and other online metrics over state-of-the-art techniques currently in production. DeepXML's code is available at https://github.com/Extreme-classification/deepxml
Abstract:Extreme multi-label classification (XML) involves tagging a data point with its most relevant subset of labels from an extremely large label set, with several applications such as product-to-product recommendation with millions of products. Although leading XML algorithms scale to millions of labels, they largely ignore label meta-data such as textual descriptions of the labels. On the other hand, classical techniques that can utilize label metadata via representation learning using deep networks struggle in extreme settings. This paper develops the DECAF algorithm that addresses these challenges by learning models enriched by label metadata that jointly learn model parameters and feature representations using deep networks and offer accurate classification at the scale of millions of labels. DECAF makes specific contributions to model architecture design, initialization, and training, enabling it to offer up to 2-6% more accurate prediction than leading extreme classifiers on publicly available benchmark product-to-product recommendation datasets, such as LF-AmazonTitles-1.3M. At the same time, DECAF was found to be up to 22x faster at inference than leading deep extreme classifiers, which makes it suitable for real-time applications that require predictions within a few milliseconds. The code for DECAF is available at the following URL https://github.com/Extreme-classification/DECAF.