Abstract:The current research on Role-Playing Conversational Agents (RPCAs) with Large Language Models (LLMs) primarily focuses on imitating specific speaking styles and utilizing character backgrounds, neglecting the depiction of deeper personality traits.~In this study, we introduce personality-infused role-playing for LLM agents, which encourages agents to accurately portray their designated personality traits during dialogues. We then propose PsyPlay, a dialogue generation framework that facilitates the expression of rich personalities among multiple LLM agents. Specifically, PsyPlay enables agents to assume roles with distinct personality traits and engage in discussions centered around specific topics, consistently exhibiting their designated personality traits throughout the interactions. Validation on generated dialogue data demonstrates that PsyPlay can accurately portray the intended personality traits, achieving an overall success rate of 80.31% on GPT-3.5. Notably, we observe that LLMs aligned with positive values are more successful in portraying positive personality roles compared to negative ones. Moreover, we construct a dialogue corpus for personality-infused role-playing, called PsyPlay-Bench. The corpus, which consists of 4745 instances of correctly portrayed dialogues using PsyPlay, aims to further facilitate research in personalized role-playing and dialogue personality detection.
Abstract:Cloud computing has revolutionized the provisioning of computing resources, offering scalable, flexible, and on-demand services to meet the diverse requirements of modern applications. At the heart of efficient cloud operations are job scheduling and resource management, which are critical for optimizing system performance and ensuring timely and cost-effective service delivery. However, the dynamic and heterogeneous nature of cloud environments presents significant challenges for these tasks, as workloads and resource availability can fluctuate unpredictably. Traditional approaches, including heuristic and meta-heuristic algorithms, often struggle to adapt to these real-time changes due to their reliance on static models or predefined rules. Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has emerged as a promising solution to these challenges by enabling systems to learn and adapt policies based on continuous observations of the environment, facilitating intelligent and responsive decision-making. This survey provides a comprehensive review of DRL-based algorithms for job scheduling and resource management in cloud computing, analyzing their methodologies, performance metrics, and practical applications. We also highlight emerging trends and future research directions, offering valuable insights into leveraging DRL to advance both job scheduling and resource management in cloud computing.
Abstract:Patch deformation-based methods have recently exhibited substantial effectiveness in multi-view stereo, due to the incorporation of deformable and expandable perception to reconstruct textureless areas. However, such approaches typically focus on exploring correlative reliable pixels to alleviate match ambiguity during patch deformation, but ignore the deformation instability caused by mistaken edge-skipping and visibility occlusion, leading to potential estimation deviation. To remedy the above issues, we propose DVP-MVS, which innovatively synergizes depth-edge aligned and cross-view prior for robust and visibility-aware patch deformation. Specifically, to avoid unexpected edge-skipping, we first utilize Depth Anything V2 followed by the Roberts operator to initialize coarse depth and edge maps respectively, both of which are further aligned through an erosion-dilation strategy to generate fine-grained homogeneous boundaries for guiding patch deformation. In addition, we reform view selection weights as visibility maps and restore visible areas by cross-view depth reprojection, then regard them as cross-view prior to facilitate visibility-aware patch deformation. Finally, we improve propagation and refinement with multi-view geometry consistency by introducing aggregated visible hemispherical normals based on view selection and local projection depth differences based on epipolar lines, respectively. Extensive evaluations on ETH3D and Tanks & Temples benchmarks demonstrate that our method can achieve state-of-the-art performance with excellent robustness and generalization.
Abstract:Diffusion models have revolutionized the field of talking head generation, yet still face challenges in expressiveness, controllability, and stability in long-time generation. In this research, we propose an EmotiveTalk framework to address these issues. Firstly, to realize better control over the generation of lip movement and facial expression, a Vision-guided Audio Information Decoupling (V-AID) approach is designed to generate audio-based decoupled representations aligned with lip movements and expression. Specifically, to achieve alignment between audio and facial expression representation spaces, we present a Diffusion-based Co-speech Temporal Expansion (Di-CTE) module within V-AID to generate expression-related representations under multi-source emotion condition constraints. Then we propose a well-designed Emotional Talking Head Diffusion (ETHD) backbone to efficiently generate highly expressive talking head videos, which contains an Expression Decoupling Injection (EDI) module to automatically decouple the expressions from reference portraits while integrating the target expression information, achieving more expressive generation performance. Experimental results show that EmotiveTalk can generate expressive talking head videos, ensuring the promised controllability of emotions and stability during long-time generation, yielding state-of-the-art performance compared to existing methods.
Abstract:Given the extensive research and real-world applications of automatic speech recognition (ASR), ensuring the robustness of ASR models against minor input perturbations becomes a crucial consideration for maintaining their effectiveness in real-time scenarios. Previous explorations into ASR model robustness have predominantly revolved around evaluating accuracy on white-box settings with full access to ASR models. Nevertheless, full ASR model details are often not available in real-world applications. Therefore, evaluating the robustness of black-box ASR models is essential for a comprehensive understanding of ASR model resilience. In this regard, we thoroughly study the vulnerability of practical black-box attacks in cutting-edge ASR models and propose to employ two advanced time-domain-based transferable attacks alongside our differentiable feature extractor. We also propose a speech-aware gradient optimization approach (SAGO) for ASR, which forces mistranscription with minimal impact on human imperceptibility through voice activity detection rule and a speech-aware gradient-oriented optimizer. Our comprehensive experimental results reveal performance enhancements compared to baseline approaches across five models on two databases.
Abstract:The emergence of standalone XR systems has enhanced user mobility, accommodating both subtle, frequent head motions and substantial, less frequent body motions. However, the pervasively used M2D latency metric, which measures the delay between the most recent motion and its corresponding display update, only accounts for head motions. This oversight can leave users prone to motion sickness if significant body motion is involved. Although existing methods optimize M2D latency through asynchronous task scheduling and reprojection methods, they introduce challenges like resource contention between tasks and outdated pose data. These challenges are further complicated by user motion dynamics and scene changes during runtime. To address these issues, we for the first time introduce the C2D latency metric, which captures the delay caused by body motions, and present BOXR, a framework designed to co-optimize both body and head motion delays within an XR system. BOXR enhances the coordination between M2D and C2D latencies by efficiently scheduling tasks to avoid contentions while maintaining an up-to-date pose in the output frame. Moreover, BOXR incorporates a motion-driven visual inertial odometer to adjust to user motion dynamics and employs scene-dependent foveated rendering to manage changes in the scene effectively. Our evaluations show that BOXR significantly outperforms state-of-the-art solutions in 11 EuRoC MAV datasets across 4 XR applications across 3 hardware platforms. In controlled motion and scene settings, BOXR reduces M2D and C2D latencies by up to 63% and 27%, respectively and increases frame rate by up to 43%. In practical deployments, BOXR achieves substantial reductions in real-world scenarios up to 42% in M2D latency and 31% in C2D latency while maintaining remarkably low miss rates of only 1.6% for M2D requirements and 1.0% for C2D requirements.
Abstract:Conventional geometry-based SLAM systems lack dense 3D reconstruction capabilities since their data association usually relies on feature correspondences. Additionally, learning-based SLAM systems often fall short in terms of real-time performance and accuracy. Balancing real-time performance with dense 3D reconstruction capabilities is a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a real-time RGB-D SLAM system that incorporates a novel view synthesis technique, 3D Gaussian Splatting, for 3D scene representation and pose estimation. This technique leverages the real-time rendering performance of 3D Gaussian Splatting with rasterization and allows for differentiable optimization in real time through CUDA implementation. We also enable mesh reconstruction from 3D Gaussians for explicit dense 3D reconstruction. To estimate accurate camera poses, we utilize a rotation-translation decoupled strategy with inverse optimization. This involves iteratively updating both in several iterations through gradient-based optimization. This process includes differentiably rendering RGB, depth, and silhouette maps and updating the camera parameters to minimize a combined loss of photometric loss, depth geometry loss, and visibility loss, given the existing 3D Gaussian map. However, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) struggles to accurately represent surfaces due to the multi-view inconsistency of 3D Gaussians, which can lead to reduced accuracy in both camera pose estimation and scene reconstruction. To address this, we utilize depth priors as additional regularization to enforce geometric constraints, thereby improving the accuracy of both pose estimation and 3D reconstruction. We also provide extensive experimental results on public benchmark datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methods in terms of pose accuracy, geometric accuracy, and rendering performance.
Abstract:Existing Transformer-based RGBT trackers achieve remarkable performance benefits by leveraging self-attention to extract uni-modal features and cross-attention to enhance multi-modal feature interaction and template-search correlation computation. Nevertheless, the independent search-template correlation calculations ignore the consistency between branches, which can result in ambiguous and inappropriate correlation weights. It not only limits the intra-modal feature representation, but also harms the robustness of cross-attention for multi-modal feature interaction and search-template correlation computation. To address these issues, we propose a novel approach called Cross-modulated Attention Transformer (CAFormer), which performs intra-modality self-correlation, inter-modality feature interaction, and search-template correlation computation in a unified attention model, for RGBT tracking. In particular, we first independently generate correlation maps for each modality and feed them into the designed Correlation Modulated Enhancement module, modulating inaccurate correlation weights by seeking the consensus between modalities. Such kind of design unifies self-attention and cross-attention schemes, which not only alleviates inaccurate attention weight computation in self-attention but also eliminates redundant computation introduced by extra cross-attention scheme. In addition, we propose a collaborative token elimination strategy to further improve tracking inference efficiency and accuracy. Extensive experiments on five public RGBT tracking benchmarks show the outstanding performance of the proposed CAFormer against state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:We focus on the problem of fusing two or more heterogeneous large language models (LLMs) to facilitate their complementary strengths. One of the challenges on model fusion is high computational load, i.e. to fine-tune or to align vocabularies via combinatorial optimization. To this end, we propose \emph{Cool-Fusion}, a simple yet effective approach that fuses the knowledge of heterogeneous source LLMs to leverage their complementary strengths. \emph{Cool-Fusion} is the first method that does not require any type of training like the ensemble approaches. But unlike ensemble methods, it is applicable to any set of source LLMs that have different vocabularies. The basic idea is to have each source LLM individually generate tokens until the tokens can be decoded into a text segment that ends at word boundaries common to all source LLMs. Then, the source LLMs jointly rerank the generated text segment and select the best one, which is the fused text generation in one step. Extensive experiments are conducted across a variety of benchmark datasets. On \emph{GSM8K}, \emph{Cool-Fusion} increases accuracy from three strong source LLMs by a significant 8\%-17.8\%.
Abstract:Reconstructing textureless areas in MVS poses challenges due to the absence of reliable pixel correspondences within fixed patch. Although certain methods employ patch deformation to expand the receptive field, their patches mistakenly skip depth edges to calculate areas with depth discontinuity, thereby causing ambiguity. Consequently, we introduce Multi-granularity Segmentation Prior Multi-View Stereo (MSP-MVS). Specifically, we first propose multi-granularity segmentation prior by integrating multi-granularity depth edges to restrict patch deformation within homogeneous areas. Moreover, we present anchor equidistribution that bring deformed patches with more uniformly distributed anchors to ensure an adequate coverage of their own homogeneous areas. Furthermore, we introduce iterative local search optimization to represent larger patch with sparse representative candidates, significantly boosting the expressive capacity for each patch. The state-of-the-art results on ETH3D and Tanks & Temples benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness and robust generalization ability of our proposed method.