Abstract:The performance of imitation learning policies often hinges on the datasets with which they are trained. Consequently, investment in data collection for robotics has grown across both industrial and academic labs. However, despite the marked increase in the quantity of demonstrations collected, little work has sought to assess the quality of said data despite mounting evidence of its importance in other areas such as vision and language. In this work, we take a critical step towards addressing the data quality in robotics. Given a dataset of demonstrations, we aim to estimate the relative quality of individual demonstrations in terms of both state diversity and action predictability. To do so, we estimate the average contribution of a trajectory towards the mutual information between states and actions in the entire dataset, which precisely captures both the entropy of the state distribution and the state-conditioned entropy of actions. Though commonly used mutual information estimators require vast amounts of data often beyond the scale available in robotics, we introduce a novel technique based on k-nearest neighbor estimates of mutual information on top of simple VAE embeddings of states and actions. Empirically, we demonstrate that our approach is able to partition demonstration datasets by quality according to human expert scores across a diverse set of benchmarks spanning simulation and real world environments. Moreover, training policies based on data filtered by our method leads to a 5-10% improvement in RoboMimic and better performance on real ALOHA and Franka setups.
Abstract:Large, high-capacity models trained on diverse datasets have shown remarkable successes on efficiently tackling downstream applications. In domains from NLP to Computer Vision, this has led to a consolidation of pretrained models, with general pretrained backbones serving as a starting point for many applications. Can such a consolidation happen in robotics? Conventionally, robotic learning methods train a separate model for every application, every robot, and even every environment. Can we instead train generalist X-robot policy that can be adapted efficiently to new robots, tasks, and environments? In this paper, we provide datasets in standardized data formats and models to make it possible to explore this possibility in the context of robotic manipulation, alongside experimental results that provide an example of effective X-robot policies. We assemble a dataset from 22 different robots collected through a collaboration between 21 institutions, demonstrating 527 skills (160266 tasks). We show that a high-capacity model trained on this data, which we call RT-X, exhibits positive transfer and improves the capabilities of multiple robots by leveraging experience from other platforms. More details can be found on the project website $\href{https://robotics-transformer-x.github.io}{\text{robotics-transformer-x.github.io}}$.
Abstract:The ability to leverage heterogeneous robotic experience from different robots and tasks to quickly master novel skills and embodiments has the potential to transform robot learning. Inspired by recent advances in foundation models for vision and language, we propose a foundation agent for robotic manipulation. This agent, named RoboCat, is a visual goal-conditioned decision transformer capable of consuming multi-embodiment action-labelled visual experience. This data spans a large repertoire of motor control skills from simulated and real robotic arms with varying sets of observations and actions. With RoboCat, we demonstrate the ability to generalise to new tasks and robots, both zero-shot as well as through adaptation using only 100--1000 examples for the target task. We also show how a trained model itself can be used to generate data for subsequent training iterations, thus providing a basic building block for an autonomous improvement loop. We investigate the agent's capabilities, with large-scale evaluations both in simulation and on three different real robot embodiments. We find that as we grow and diversify its training data, RoboCat not only shows signs of cross-task transfer, but also becomes more efficient at adapting to new tasks.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) has been shown to be effective at learning control from experience. However, RL typically requires a large amount of online interaction with the environment. This limits its applicability to real-world settings, such as in robotics, where such interaction is expensive. In this work we investigate ways to minimize online interactions in a target task, by reusing a suboptimal policy we might have access to, for example from training on related prior tasks, or in simulation. To this end, we develop two RL algorithms that can speed up training by using not only the action distributions of teacher policies, but also data collected by such policies on the task at hand. We conduct a thorough experimental study of how to use suboptimal teachers on a challenging robotic manipulation benchmark on vision-based stacking with diverse objects. We compare our methods to offline, online, offline-to-online, and kickstarting RL algorithms. By doing so, we find that training on data from both the teacher and student, enables the best performance for limited data budgets. We examine how to best allocate a limited data budget -- on the target task -- between the teacher and the student policy, and report experiments using varying budgets, two teachers with different degrees of suboptimality, and five stacking tasks that require a diverse set of behaviors. Our analysis, both in simulation and in the real world, shows that our approach is the best across data budgets, while standard offline RL from teacher rollouts is surprisingly effective when enough data is given.
Abstract:We study the problem of robotic stacking with objects of complex geometry. We propose a challenging and diverse set of such objects that was carefully designed to require strategies beyond a simple "pick-and-place" solution. Our method is a reinforcement learning (RL) approach combined with vision-based interactive policy distillation and simulation-to-reality transfer. Our learned policies can efficiently handle multiple object combinations in the real world and exhibit a large variety of stacking skills. In a large experimental study, we investigate what choices matter for learning such general vision-based agents in simulation, and what affects optimal transfer to the real robot. We then leverage data collected by such policies and improve upon them with offline RL. A video and a blog post of our work are provided as supplementary material.
Abstract:We study how robots can autonomously learn skills that require a combination of navigation and grasping. While reinforcement learning in principle provides for automated robotic skill learning, in practice reinforcement learning in the real world is challenging and often requires extensive instrumentation and supervision. Our aim is to devise a robotic reinforcement learning system for learning navigation and manipulation together, in an autonomous way without human intervention, enabling continual learning under realistic assumptions. Our proposed system, ReLMM, can learn continuously on a real-world platform without any environment instrumentation, without human intervention, and without access to privileged information, such as maps, objects positions, or a global view of the environment. Our method employs a modularized policy with components for manipulation and navigation, where manipulation policy uncertainty drives exploration for the navigation controller, and the manipulation module provides rewards for navigation. We evaluate our method on a room cleanup task, where the robot must navigate to and pick up items scattered on the floor. After a grasp curriculum training phase, ReLMM can learn navigation and grasping together fully automatically, in around 40 hours of autonomous real-world training.
Abstract:We propose a modular architecture for following natural language instructions that describe sequences of diverse subgoals, such as navigating to landmarks or picking up objects. Standard, non-modular, architectures used in instruction following do not exploit subgoal compositionality and often struggle on out-of-distribution tasks and environments. In our approach, subgoal modules each carry out natural language instructions for a specific subgoal type. A sequence of modules to execute is chosen by learning to segment the instructions and predicting a subgoal type for each segment. When compared to standard sequence-to-sequence approaches on ALFRED, a challenging instruction following benchmark, we find that modularization improves generalization to environments unseen in training and to novel tasks.
Abstract:Robots have the capability to collect large amounts of data autonomously by interacting with objects in the world. However, it is often not obvious \emph{how} to learning from autonomously collected data without human-labeled supervision. In this work we learn pixel-wise object representations from unsupervised pick and place data that generalize to new objects. We introduce a novel framework for using these representations in order to predict where to pick and where to place in order to match a goal image. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of our approach in a simulated grasping environment.
Abstract:Imitation learning algorithms provide a simple and straightforward approach for training control policies via supervised learning. By maximizing the likelihood of good actions provided by an expert demonstrator, supervised imitation learning can produce effective policies without the algorithmic complexities and optimization challenges of reinforcement learning, at the cost of requiring an expert demonstrator to provide the demonstrations. In this paper, we ask: can we take insights from imitation learning to design algorithms that can effectively acquire optimal policies from scratch without any expert demonstrations? The key observation that makes this possible is that, in the multi-task setting, trajectories that are generated by a suboptimal policy can still serve as optimal examples for other tasks. In particular, when tasks correspond to different goals, every trajectory is a successful demonstration for the goal state that it actually reaches. We propose a simple algorithm for learning goal-reaching behaviors without any demonstrations, complicated user-provided reward functions, or complex reinforcement learning methods. Our method simply maximizes the likelihood of actions the agent actually took in its own previous rollouts, conditioned on the goal being the state that it actually reached. Although related variants of this approach have been proposed previously in imitation learning with demonstrations, we show how this approach can effectively learn goal-reaching policies from scratch. We present a theoretical result linking self-supervised imitation learning and reinforcement learning, and empirical results showing that it performs competitively with more complex reinforcement learning methods on a range of challenging goal reaching problems, while yielding advantages in terms of stability and use of offline data.
Abstract:All living organisms struggle against the forces of nature to carve out niches where they can maintain homeostasis. We propose that such a search for order amidst chaos might offer a unifying principle for the emergence of useful behaviors in artificial agents. We formalize this idea into an unsupervised reinforcement learning method called surprise minimizing RL (SMiRL). SMiRL trains an agent with the objective of maximizing the probability of observed states under a model trained on previously seen states. The resulting agents can acquire proactive behaviors that seek out and maintain stable conditions, such as balancing and damage avoidance, that are closely tied to an environment's prevailing sources of entropy, such as wind, earthquakes, and other agents. We demonstrate that our surprise minimizing agents can successfully play Tetris, Doom, control a humanoid to avoid falls and navigate to escape enemy agents, without any task-specific reward supervision. We further show that SMiRL can be used together with a standard task reward to accelerate reward-driven learning.