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Abstract:The performance of imitation learning policies often hinges on the datasets with which they are trained. Consequently, investment in data collection for robotics has grown across both industrial and academic labs. However, despite the marked increase in the quantity of demonstrations collected, little work has sought to assess the quality of said data despite mounting evidence of its importance in other areas such as vision and language. In this work, we take a critical step towards addressing the data quality in robotics. Given a dataset of demonstrations, we aim to estimate the relative quality of individual demonstrations in terms of both state diversity and action predictability. To do so, we estimate the average contribution of a trajectory towards the mutual information between states and actions in the entire dataset, which precisely captures both the entropy of the state distribution and the state-conditioned entropy of actions. Though commonly used mutual information estimators require vast amounts of data often beyond the scale available in robotics, we introduce a novel technique based on k-nearest neighbor estimates of mutual information on top of simple VAE embeddings of states and actions. Empirically, we demonstrate that our approach is able to partition demonstration datasets by quality according to human expert scores across a diverse set of benchmarks spanning simulation and real world environments. Moreover, training policies based on data filtered by our method leads to a 5-10% improvement in RoboMimic and better performance on real ALOHA and Franka setups.
Abstract:Communicating in natural language is a powerful tool in multi-agent settings, as it enables independent agents to share information in partially observable settings and allows zero-shot coordination with humans. However, most prior works are limited as they either rely on training with large amounts of human demonstrations or lack the ability to generate natural and useful communication strategies. In this work, we train language models to have productive discussions about their environment in natural language without any human demonstrations. We decompose the communication problem into listening and speaking. Our key idea is to leverage the agent's goal to predict useful information about the world as a dense reward signal that guides communication. Specifically, we improve a model's listening skills by training them to predict information about the environment based on discussions, and we simultaneously improve a model's speaking skills with multi-agent reinforcement learning by rewarding messages based on their influence on other agents. To investigate the role and necessity of communication in complex social settings, we study an embodied social deduction game based on Among Us, where the key question to answer is the identity of an adversarial imposter. We analyze emergent behaviors due to our technique, such as accusing suspects and providing evidence, and find that it enables strong discussions, doubling the win rates compared to standard RL. We release our code and models at
Abstract:End-to-end imitation learning offers a promising approach for training robot policies. However, generalizing to new settings remains a significant challenge. Although large-scale robot demonstration datasets have shown potential for inducing generalization, they are resource-intensive to scale. In contrast, human video data is abundant and diverse, presenting an attractive alternative. Yet, these human-video datasets lack action labels, complicating their use in imitation learning. Existing methods attempt to extract grounded action representations (e.g., hand poses), but resulting policies struggle to bridge the embodiment gap between human and robot actions. We propose an alternative approach: leveraging language-based reasoning from human videos-essential for guiding robot actions-to train generalizable robot policies. Building on recent advances in reasoning-based policy architectures, we introduce Reasoning through Action-free Data (RAD). RAD learns from both robot demonstration data (with reasoning and action labels) and action-free human video data (with only reasoning labels). The robot data teaches the model to map reasoning to low-level actions, while the action-free data enhances reasoning capabilities. Additionally, we will release a new dataset of 3,377 human-hand demonstrations with reasoning annotations compatible with the Bridge V2 benchmark and aimed at facilitating future research on reasoning-driven robot learning. Our experiments show that RAD enables effective transfer across the embodiment gap, allowing robots to perform tasks seen only in action-free data. Furthermore, scaling up action-free reasoning data significantly improves policy performance and generalization to novel tasks. These results highlight the promise of reasoning-driven learning from action-free datasets for advancing generalizable robot control. Project page:
Abstract:Expressive robotic behavior is essential for the widespread acceptance of robots in social environments. Recent advancements in learned legged locomotion controllers have enabled more dynamic and versatile robot behaviors. However, determining the optimal behavior for interactions with different users across varied scenarios remains a challenge. Current methods either rely on natural language input, which is efficient but low-resolution, or learn from human preferences, which, although high-resolution, is sample inefficient. This paper introduces a novel approach that leverages priors generated by pre-trained LLMs alongside the precision of preference learning. Our method, termed Language-Guided Preference Learning (LGPL), uses LLMs to generate initial behavior samples, which are then refined through preference-based feedback to learn behaviors that closely align with human expectations. Our core insight is that LLMs can guide the sampling process for preference learning, leading to a substantial improvement in sample efficiency. We demonstrate that LGPL can quickly learn accurate and expressive behaviors with as few as four queries, outperforming both purely language-parameterized models and traditional preference learning approaches. Website with videos:
Abstract:Teaching robots to autonomously complete everyday tasks remains a challenge. Imitation Learning (IL) is a powerful approach that imbues robots with skills via demonstrations, but is limited by the labor-intensive process of collecting teleoperated robot data. Human videos offer a scalable alternative, but it remains difficult to directly train IL policies from them due to the lack of robot action labels. To address this, we propose to represent actions as short-horizon 2D trajectories on an image. These actions, or motion tracks, capture the predicted direction of motion for either human hands or robot end-effectors. We instantiate an IL policy called Motion Track Policy (MT-pi) which receives image observations and outputs motion tracks as actions. By leveraging this unified, cross-embodiment action space, MT-pi completes tasks with high success given just minutes of human video and limited additional robot demonstrations. At test time, we predict motion tracks from two camera views, recovering 6DoF trajectories via multi-view synthesis. MT-pi achieves an average success rate of 86.5% across 4 real-world tasks, outperforming state-of-the-art IL baselines which do not leverage human data or our action space by 40%, and generalizes to scenarios seen only in human videos. Code and videos are available on our website
Abstract:While imitation learning (IL) offers a promising framework for teaching robots various behaviors, learning complex tasks remains challenging. Existing IL policies struggle to generalize effectively across visual and spatial variations even for simple tasks. In this work, we introduce SPHINX: Salient Point-based Hybrid ImitatioN and eXecution, a flexible IL policy that leverages multimodal observations (point clouds and wrist images), along with a hybrid action space of low-frequency, sparse waypoints and high-frequency, dense end effector movements. Given 3D point cloud observations, SPHINX learns to infer task-relevant points within a point cloud, or salient points, which support spatial generalization by focusing on semantically meaningful features. These salient points serve as anchor points to predict waypoints for long-range movement, such as reaching target poses in free-space. Once near a salient point, SPHINX learns to switch to predicting dense end-effector movements given close-up wrist images for precise phases of a task. By exploiting the strengths of different input modalities and action representations for different manipulation phases, SPHINX tackles complex tasks in a sample-efficient, generalizable manner. Our method achieves 86.7% success across 4 real-world and 2 simulated tasks, outperforming the next best state-of-the-art IL baseline by 41.1% on average across 440 real world trials. SPHINX additionally generalizes to novel viewpoints, visual distractors, spatial arrangements, and execution speeds with a 1.7x speedup over the most competitive baseline. Our website ( provides open-sourced code for data collection, training, and evaluation, along with supplementary videos.
Abstract:Predicting temporal progress from visual trajectories is important for intelligent robots that can learn, adapt, and improve. However, learning such progress estimator, or temporal value function, across different tasks and domains requires both a large amount of diverse data and methods which can scale and generalize. To address these challenges, we present Generative Value Learning (\GVL), a universal value function estimator that leverages the world knowledge embedded in vision-language models (VLMs) to predict task progress. Naively asking a VLM to predict values for a video sequence performs poorly due to the strong temporal correlation between successive frames. Instead, GVL poses value estimation as a temporal ordering problem over shuffled video frames; this seemingly more challenging task encourages VLMs to more fully exploit their underlying semantic and temporal grounding capabilities to differentiate frames based on their perceived task progress, consequently producing significantly better value predictions. Without any robot or task specific training, GVL can in-context zero-shot and few-shot predict effective values for more than 300 distinct real-world tasks across diverse robot platforms, including challenging bimanual manipulation tasks. Furthermore, we demonstrate that GVL permits flexible multi-modal in-context learning via examples from heterogeneous tasks and embodiments, such as human videos. The generality of GVL enables various downstream applications pertinent to visuomotor policy learning, including dataset filtering, success detection, and advantage-weighted regression -- all without any model training or finetuning.
Abstract:We explore how intermediate policy representations can facilitate generalization by providing guidance on how to perform manipulation tasks. Existing representations such as language, goal images, and trajectory sketches have been shown to be helpful, but these representations either do not provide enough context or provide over-specified context that yields less robust policies. We propose conditioning policies on affordances, which capture the pose of the robot at key stages of the task. Affordances offer expressive yet lightweight abstractions, are easy for users to specify, and facilitate efficient learning by transferring knowledge from large internet datasets. Our method, RT-Affordance, is a hierarchical model that first proposes an affordance plan given the task language, and then conditions the policy on this affordance plan to perform manipulation. Our model can flexibly bridge heterogeneous sources of supervision including large web datasets and robot trajectories. We additionally train our model on cheap-to-collect in-domain affordance images, allowing us to learn new tasks without collecting any additional costly robot trajectories. We show on a diverse set of novel tasks how RT-Affordance exceeds the performance of existing methods by over 50%, and we empirically demonstrate that affordances are robust to novel settings. Videos available at
Abstract:In recent years, imitation learning from large-scale human demonstrations has emerged as a promising paradigm for training robot policies. However, the burden of collecting large quantities of human demonstrations is significant in terms of collection time and the need for access to expert operators. We introduce a new data collection paradigm, RoboCrowd, which distributes the workload by utilizing crowdsourcing principles and incentive design. RoboCrowd helps enable scalable data collection and facilitates more efficient learning of robot policies. We build RoboCrowd on top of ALOHA (Zhao et al. 2023) -- a bimanual platform that supports data collection via puppeteering -- to explore the design space for crowdsourcing in-person demonstrations in a public environment. We propose three classes of incentive mechanisms to appeal to users' varying sources of motivation for interacting with the system: material rewards, intrinsic interest, and social comparison. We instantiate these incentives through tasks that include physical rewards, engaging or challenging manipulations, as well as gamification elements such as a leaderboard. We conduct a large-scale, two-week field experiment in which the platform is situated in a university cafe. We observe significant engagement with the system -- over 200 individuals independently volunteered to provide a total of over 800 interaction episodes. Our findings validate the proposed incentives as mechanisms for shaping users' data quantity and quality. Further, we demonstrate that the crowdsourced data can serve as useful pre-training data for policies fine-tuned on expert demonstrations -- boosting performance up to 20% compared to when this data is not available. These results suggest the potential for RoboCrowd to reduce the burden of robot data collection by carefully implementing crowdsourcing and incentive design principles.
Abstract:A long-standing goal in robot learning is to develop methods for robots to acquire new skills autonomously. While reinforcement learning (RL) comes with the promise of enabling autonomous data collection, it remains challenging to scale in the real-world partly due to the significant effort required for environment design and instrumentation, including the need for designing reset functions or accurate success detectors. On the other hand, imitation learning (IL) methods require little to no environment design effort, but instead require significant human supervision in the form of collected demonstrations. To address these shortcomings, recent works in autonomous IL start with an initial seed dataset of human demonstrations that an autonomous policy can bootstrap from. While autonomous IL approaches come with the promise of addressing the challenges of autonomous RL as well as pure IL strategies, in this work, we posit that such techniques do not deliver on this promise and are still unable to scale up autonomous data collection in the real world. Through a series of real-world experiments, we demonstrate that these approaches, when scaled up to realistic settings, face much of the same scaling challenges as prior attempts in RL in terms of environment design. Further, we perform a rigorous study of autonomous IL methods across different data scales and 7 simulation and real-world tasks, and demonstrate that while autonomous data collection can modestly improve performance, simply collecting more human data often provides significantly more improvement. Our work suggests a negative result: that scaling up autonomous data collection for learning robot policies for real-world tasks is more challenging and impractical than what is suggested in prior work. We hope these insights about the core challenges of scaling up data collection help inform future efforts in autonomous learning.