Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Abstract:Designing modern imitation learning (IL) policies requires making numerous decisions, including the selection of feature encoding, architecture, policy representation, and more. As the field rapidly advances, the range of available options continues to grow, creating a vast and largely unexplored design space for IL policies. In this work, we present X-IL, an accessible open-source framework designed to systematically explore this design space. The framework's modular design enables seamless swapping of policy components, such as backbones (e.g., Transformer, Mamba, xLSTM) and policy optimization techniques (e.g., Score-matching, Flow-matching). This flexibility facilitates comprehensive experimentation and has led to the discovery of novel policy configurations that outperform existing methods on recent robot learning benchmarks. Our experiments demonstrate not only significant performance gains but also provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of various design choices. This study serves as both a practical reference for practitioners and a foundation for guiding future research in imitation learning.
Abstract:Learning for manipulation requires using policies that have access to rich sensory information such as point clouds or RGB images. Point clouds efficiently capture geometric structures, making them essential for manipulation tasks in imitation learning. In contrast, RGB images provide rich texture and semantic information that can be crucial for certain tasks. Existing approaches for fusing both modalities assign 2D image features to point clouds. However, such approaches often lose global contextual information from the original images. In this work, we propose FPV-Net, a novel imitation learning method that effectively combines the strengths of both point cloud and RGB modalities. Our method conditions the point-cloud encoder on global and local image tokens using adaptive layer norm conditioning, leveraging the beneficial properties of both modalities. Through extensive experiments on the challenging RoboCasa benchmark, we demonstrate the limitations of relying on either modality alone and show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance across all tasks.
Abstract:Manipulating objects with varying geometries and deformable objects is a major challenge in robotics. Tasks such as insertion with different objects or cloth hanging require precise control and effective modelling of complex dynamics. In this work, we frame this problem through the lens of a heterogeneous graph that comprises smaller sub-graphs, such as actuators and objects, accompanied by different edge types describing their interactions. This graph representation serves as a unified structure for both rigid and deformable objects tasks, and can be extended further to tasks comprising multiple actuators. To evaluate this setup, we present a novel and challenging reinforcement learning benchmark, including rigid insertion of diverse objects, as well as rope and cloth manipulation with multiple end-effectors. These tasks present a large search space, as both the initial and target configurations are uniformly sampled in 3D space. To address this issue, we propose a novel graph-based policy model, dubbed Heterogeneous Equivariant Policy (HEPi), utilizing $SE(3)$ equivariant message passing networks as the main backbone to exploit the geometric symmetry. In addition, by modeling explicit heterogeneity, HEPi can outperform Transformer-based and non-heterogeneous equivariant policies in terms of average returns, sample efficiency, and generalization to unseen objects.
Abstract:This paper introduces IRIS, an immersive Robot Interaction System leveraging Extended Reality (XR), designed for robot data collection and interaction across multiple simulators, benchmarks, and real-world scenarios. While existing XR-based data collection systems provide efficient and intuitive solutions for large-scale data collection, they are often challenging to reproduce and reuse. This limitation arises because current systems are highly tailored to simulator-specific use cases and environments. IRIS is a novel, easily extendable framework that already supports multiple simulators, benchmarks, and even headsets. Furthermore, IRIS is able to include additional information from real-world sensors, such as point clouds captured through depth cameras. A unified scene specification is generated directly from simulators or real-world sensors and transmitted to XR headsets, creating identical scenes in XR. This specification allows IRIS to support any of the objects, assets, and robots provided by the simulators. In addition, IRIS introduces shared spatial anchors and a robust communication protocol that links simulations between multiple XR headsets. This feature enables multiple XR headsets to share a synchronized scene, facilitating collaborative and multi-user data collection. IRIS can be deployed on any device that supports the Unity Framework, encompassing the vast majority of commercially available headsets. In this work, IRIS was deployed and tested on the Meta Quest 3 and the HoloLens 2. IRIS showcased its versatility across a wide range of real-world and simulated scenarios, using current popular robot simulators such as MuJoCo, IsaacSim, CoppeliaSim, and Genesis. In addition, a user study evaluates IRIS on a data collection task for the LIBERO benchmark. The study shows that IRIS significantly outperforms the baseline in both objective and subjective metrics.
Abstract:Maximum entropy reinforcement learning (MaxEnt-RL) has become the standard approach to RL due to its beneficial exploration properties. Traditionally, policies are parameterized using Gaussian distributions, which significantly limits their representational capacity. Diffusion-based policies offer a more expressive alternative, yet integrating them into MaxEnt-RL poses challenges--primarily due to the intractability of computing their marginal entropy. To overcome this, we propose Diffusion-Based Maximum Entropy RL (DIME). DIME leverages recent advances in approximate inference with diffusion models to derive a lower bound on the maximum entropy objective. Additionally, we propose a policy iteration scheme that provably converges to the optimal diffusion policy. Our method enables the use of expressive diffusion-based policies while retaining the principled exploration benefits of MaxEnt-RL, significantly outperforming other diffusion-based methods on challenging high-dimensional control benchmarks. It is also competitive with state-of-the-art non-diffusion based RL methods while requiring fewer algorithmic design choices and smaller update-to-data ratios, reducing computational complexity.
Abstract:An effective approach for sampling from unnormalized densities is based on the idea of gradually transporting samples from an easy prior to the complicated target distribution. Two popular methods are (1) Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC), where the transport is performed through successive annealed densities via prescribed Markov chains and resampling steps, and (2) recently developed diffusion-based sampling methods, where a learned dynamical transport is used. Despite the common goal, both approaches have different, often complementary, advantages and drawbacks. The resampling steps in SMC allow focusing on promising regions of the space, often leading to robust performance. While the algorithm enjoys asymptotic guarantees, the lack of flexible, learnable transitions can lead to slow convergence. On the other hand, diffusion-based samplers are learned and can potentially better adapt themselves to the target at hand, yet often suffer from training instabilities. In this work, we present a principled framework for combining SMC with diffusion-based samplers by viewing both methods in continuous time and considering measures on path space. This culminates in the new Sequential Controlled Langevin Diffusion (SCLD) sampling method, which is able to utilize the benefits of both methods and reaches improved performance on multiple benchmark problems, in many cases using only 10% of the training budget of previous diffusion-based samplers.
Abstract:Learning diverse policies for non-prehensile manipulation is essential for improving skill transfer and generalization to out-of-distribution scenarios. In this work, we enhance exploration through a two-fold approach within a hybrid framework that tackles both discrete and continuous action spaces. First, we model the continuous motion parameter policy as a diffusion model, and second, we incorporate this into a maximum entropy reinforcement learning framework that unifies both the discrete and continuous components. The discrete action space, such as contact point selection, is optimized through Q-value function maximization, while the continuous part is guided by a diffusion-based policy. This hybrid approach leads to a principled objective, where the maximum entropy term is derived as a lower bound using structured variational inference. We propose the Hybrid Diffusion Policy algorithm (HyDo) and evaluate its performance on both simulation and zero-shot sim2real tasks. Our results show that HyDo encourages more diverse behavior policies, leading to significantly improved success rates across tasks - for example, increasing from 53% to 72% on a real-world 6D pose alignment task. Project page: https://leh2rng.github.io/hydo
Abstract:Stability guarantees are crucial when ensuring that a fully autonomous robot does not take undesirable or potentially harmful actions. We recently proposed the Neural Contractive Dynamical Systems (NCDS), which is a neural network architecture that guarantees contractive stability. With this, learning-from-demonstrations approaches can trivially provide stability guarantees. However, our early work left several unanswered questions, which we here address. Beyond providing an in-depth explanation of NCDS, this paper extends the framework with more careful regularization, a conditional variant of the framework for handling multiple tasks, and an uncertainty-driven approach to latent obstacle avoidance. Experiments verify that the developed system has the flexibility of ordinary neural networks while providing the stability guarantees needed for autonomous robotics.
Abstract:This work introduces B-spline Movement Primitives (BMPs), a new Movement Primitive (MP) variant that leverages B-splines for motion representation. B-splines are a well-known concept in motion planning due to their ability to generate complex, smooth trajectories with only a few control points while satisfying boundary conditions, i.e., passing through a specified desired position with desired velocity. However, current usages of B-splines tend to ignore the higher-order statistics in trajectory distributions, which limits their usage in imitation learning (IL) and reinforcement learning (RL), where modeling trajectory distribution is essential. In contrast, MPs are commonly used in IL and RL for their capacity to capture trajectory likelihoods and correlations. However, MPs are constrained by their abilities to satisfy boundary conditions and usually need extra terms in learning objectives to satisfy velocity constraints. By reformulating B-splines as MPs, represented through basis functions and weight parameters, BMPs combine the strengths of both approaches, allowing B-splines to capture higher-order statistics while retaining their ability to satisfy boundary conditions. Empirical results in IL and RL demonstrate that BMPs broaden the applicability of B-splines in robot learning and offer greater expressiveness compared to existing MP variants.
Abstract:Machine learning methods have a groundbreaking impact in many application domains, but their application on real robotic platforms is still limited. Despite the many challenges associated with combining machine learning technology with robotics, robot learning remains one of the most promising directions for enhancing the capabilities of robots. When deploying learning-based approaches on real robots, extra effort is required to address the challenges posed by various real-world factors. To investigate the key factors influencing real-world deployment and to encourage original solutions from different researchers, we organized the Robot Air Hockey Challenge at the NeurIPS 2023 conference. We selected the air hockey task as a benchmark, encompassing low-level robotics problems and high-level tactics. Different from other machine learning-centric benchmarks, participants need to tackle practical challenges in robotics, such as the sim-to-real gap, low-level control issues, safety problems, real-time requirements, and the limited availability of real-world data. Furthermore, we focus on a dynamic environment, removing the typical assumption of quasi-static motions of other real-world benchmarks. The competition's results show that solutions combining learning-based approaches with prior knowledge outperform those relying solely on data when real-world deployment is challenging. Our ablation study reveals which real-world factors may be overlooked when building a learning-based solution. The successful real-world air hockey deployment of best-performing agents sets the foundation for future competitions and follow-up research directions.