Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Abstract:Learning for manipulation requires using policies that have access to rich sensory information such as point clouds or RGB images. Point clouds efficiently capture geometric structures, making them essential for manipulation tasks in imitation learning. In contrast, RGB images provide rich texture and semantic information that can be crucial for certain tasks. Existing approaches for fusing both modalities assign 2D image features to point clouds. However, such approaches often lose global contextual information from the original images. In this work, we propose FPV-Net, a novel imitation learning method that effectively combines the strengths of both point cloud and RGB modalities. Our method conditions the point-cloud encoder on global and local image tokens using adaptive layer norm conditioning, leveraging the beneficial properties of both modalities. Through extensive experiments on the challenging RoboCasa benchmark, we demonstrate the limitations of relying on either modality alone and show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance across all tasks.
Abstract:Designing modern imitation learning (IL) policies requires making numerous decisions, including the selection of feature encoding, architecture, policy representation, and more. As the field rapidly advances, the range of available options continues to grow, creating a vast and largely unexplored design space for IL policies. In this work, we present X-IL, an accessible open-source framework designed to systematically explore this design space. The framework's modular design enables seamless swapping of policy components, such as backbones (e.g., Transformer, Mamba, xLSTM) and policy optimization techniques (e.g., Score-matching, Flow-matching). This flexibility facilitates comprehensive experimentation and has led to the discovery of novel policy configurations that outperform existing methods on recent robot learning benchmarks. Our experiments demonstrate not only significant performance gains but also provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of various design choices. This study serves as both a practical reference for practitioners and a foundation for guiding future research in imitation learning.
Abstract:This paper introduces IRIS, an immersive Robot Interaction System leveraging Extended Reality (XR), designed for robot data collection and interaction across multiple simulators, benchmarks, and real-world scenarios. While existing XR-based data collection systems provide efficient and intuitive solutions for large-scale data collection, they are often challenging to reproduce and reuse. This limitation arises because current systems are highly tailored to simulator-specific use cases and environments. IRIS is a novel, easily extendable framework that already supports multiple simulators, benchmarks, and even headsets. Furthermore, IRIS is able to include additional information from real-world sensors, such as point clouds captured through depth cameras. A unified scene specification is generated directly from simulators or real-world sensors and transmitted to XR headsets, creating identical scenes in XR. This specification allows IRIS to support any of the objects, assets, and robots provided by the simulators. In addition, IRIS introduces shared spatial anchors and a robust communication protocol that links simulations between multiple XR headsets. This feature enables multiple XR headsets to share a synchronized scene, facilitating collaborative and multi-user data collection. IRIS can be deployed on any device that supports the Unity Framework, encompassing the vast majority of commercially available headsets. In this work, IRIS was deployed and tested on the Meta Quest 3 and the HoloLens 2. IRIS showcased its versatility across a wide range of real-world and simulated scenarios, using current popular robot simulators such as MuJoCo, IsaacSim, CoppeliaSim, and Genesis. In addition, a user study evaluates IRIS on a data collection task for the LIBERO benchmark. The study shows that IRIS significantly outperforms the baseline in both objective and subjective metrics.
Abstract:Diffusion Policies have become widely used in Imitation Learning, offering several appealing properties, such as generating multimodal and discontinuous behavior. As models are becoming larger to capture more complex capabilities, their computational demands increase, as shown by recent scaling laws. Therefore, continuing with the current architectures will present a computational roadblock. To address this gap, we propose Mixture-of-Denoising Experts (MoDE) as a novel policy for Imitation Learning. MoDE surpasses current state-of-the-art Transformer-based Diffusion Policies while enabling parameter-efficient scaling through sparse experts and noise-conditioned routing, reducing both active parameters by 40% and inference costs by 90% via expert caching. Our architecture combines this efficient scaling with noise-conditioned self-attention mechanism, enabling more effective denoising across different noise levels. MoDE achieves state-of-the-art performance on 134 tasks in four established imitation learning benchmarks (CALVIN and LIBERO). Notably, by pretraining MoDE on diverse robotics data, we achieve 4.01 on CALVIN ABC and 0.95 on LIBERO-90. It surpasses both CNN-based and Transformer Diffusion Policies by an average of 57% across 4 benchmarks, while using 90% fewer FLOPs and fewer active parameters compared to default Diffusion Transformer architectures. Furthermore, we conduct comprehensive ablations on MoDE's components, providing insights for designing efficient and scalable Transformer architectures for Diffusion Policies. Code and demonstrations are available at https://mbreuss.github.io/MoDE_Diffusion_Policy/.
Abstract:This work introduces B-spline Movement Primitives (BMPs), a new Movement Primitive (MP) variant that leverages B-splines for motion representation. B-splines are a well-known concept in motion planning due to their ability to generate complex, smooth trajectories with only a few control points while satisfying boundary conditions, i.e., passing through a specified desired position with desired velocity. However, current usages of B-splines tend to ignore the higher-order statistics in trajectory distributions, which limits their usage in imitation learning (IL) and reinforcement learning (RL), where modeling trajectory distribution is essential. In contrast, MPs are commonly used in IL and RL for their capacity to capture trajectory likelihoods and correlations. However, MPs are constrained by their abilities to satisfy boundary conditions and usually need extra terms in learning objectives to satisfy velocity constraints. By reformulating B-splines as MPs, represented through basis functions and weight parameters, BMPs combine the strengths of both approaches, allowing B-splines to capture higher-order statistics while retaining their ability to satisfy boundary conditions. Empirical results in IL and RL demonstrate that BMPs broaden the applicability of B-splines in robot learning and offer greater expressiveness compared to existing MP variants.
Abstract:Machine learning methods have a groundbreaking impact in many application domains, but their application on real robotic platforms is still limited. Despite the many challenges associated with combining machine learning technology with robotics, robot learning remains one of the most promising directions for enhancing the capabilities of robots. When deploying learning-based approaches on real robots, extra effort is required to address the challenges posed by various real-world factors. To investigate the key factors influencing real-world deployment and to encourage original solutions from different researchers, we organized the Robot Air Hockey Challenge at the NeurIPS 2023 conference. We selected the air hockey task as a benchmark, encompassing low-level robotics problems and high-level tactics. Different from other machine learning-centric benchmarks, participants need to tackle practical challenges in robotics, such as the sim-to-real gap, low-level control issues, safety problems, real-time requirements, and the limited availability of real-world data. Furthermore, we focus on a dynamic environment, removing the typical assumption of quasi-static motions of other real-world benchmarks. The competition's results show that solutions combining learning-based approaches with prior knowledge outperform those relying solely on data when real-world deployment is challenging. Our ablation study reveals which real-world factors may be overlooked when building a learning-based solution. The successful real-world air hockey deployment of best-performing agents sets the foundation for future competitions and follow-up research directions.
Abstract:A central challenge towards developing robots that can relate human language to their perception and actions is the scarcity of natural language annotations in diverse robot datasets. Moreover, robot policies that follow natural language instructions are typically trained on either templated language or expensive human-labeled instructions, hindering their scalability. To this end, we introduce NILS: Natural language Instruction Labeling for Scalability. NILS automatically labels uncurated, long-horizon robot data at scale in a zero-shot manner without any human intervention. NILS combines pretrained vision-language foundation models in order to detect objects in a scene, detect object-centric changes, segment tasks from large datasets of unlabelled interaction data and ultimately label behavior datasets. Evaluations on BridgeV2, Fractal, and a kitchen play dataset show that NILS can autonomously annotate diverse robot demonstrations of unlabeled and unstructured datasets while alleviating several shortcomings of crowdsourced human annotations, such as low data quality and diversity. We use NILS to label over 115k trajectories obtained from over 430 hours of robot data. We open-source our auto-labeling code and generated annotations on our website: http://robottasklabeling.github.io.
Abstract:This work introduces Transformer-based Off-Policy Episodic Reinforcement Learning (TOP-ERL), a novel algorithm that enables off-policy updates in the ERL framework. In ERL, policies predict entire action trajectories over multiple time steps instead of single actions at every time step. These trajectories are typically parameterized by trajectory generators such as Movement Primitives (MP), allowing for smooth and efficient exploration over long horizons while capturing high-level temporal correlations. However, ERL methods are often constrained to on-policy frameworks due to the difficulty of evaluating state-action values for entire action sequences, limiting their sample efficiency and preventing the use of more efficient off-policy architectures. TOP-ERL addresses this shortcoming by segmenting long action sequences and estimating the state-action values for each segment using a transformer-based critic architecture alongside an n-step return estimation. These contributions result in efficient and stable training that is reflected in the empirical results conducted on sophisticated robot learning environments. TOP-ERL significantly outperforms state-of-the-art RL methods. Thorough ablation studies additionally show the impact of key design choices on the model performance.
Abstract:Prototype Learning methods provide an interpretable alternative to black-box deep learning models. Approaches such as ProtoPNet learn, which part of a test image "look like" known prototypical parts from training images, combining predictive power with the inherent interpretability of case-based reasoning. However, existing approaches have two main drawbacks: A) They rely solely on deterministic similarity scores without statistical confidence. B) The prototypes are learned in a black-box manner without human input. This work introduces HyperPg, a new prototype representation leveraging Gaussian distributions on a hypersphere in latent space, with learnable mean and variance. HyperPg prototypes adapt to the spread of clusters in the latent space and output likelihood scores. The new architecture, HyperPgNet, leverages HyperPg to learn prototypes aligned with human concepts from pixel-level annotations. Consequently, each prototype represents a specific concept such as color, image texture, or part of the image subject. A concept extraction pipeline built on foundation models provides pixel-level annotations, significantly reducing human labeling effort. Experiments on CUB-200-2011 and Stanford Cars datasets demonstrate that HyperPgNet outperforms other prototype learning architectures while using fewer parameters and training steps. Additionally, the concept-aligned HyperPg prototypes are learned transparently, enhancing model interpretability.
Abstract:Movement Primitives (MPs) are a well-established method for representing and generating modular robot trajectories. This work presents FA-ProDMP, a new approach which introduces force awareness to Probabilistic Dynamic Movement Primitives (ProDMP). FA-ProDMP adapts the trajectory during runtime to account for measured and desired forces. It offers smooth trajectories and captures position and force correlations over multiple trajectories, e.g. a set of human demonstrations. FA-ProDMP supports multiple axes of force and is thus agnostic to cartesian or joint space control. This makes FA-ProDMP a valuable tool for learning contact rich manipulation tasks such as polishing, cutting or industrial assembly from demonstration. In order to reliably evaluate FA-ProDMP, this work additionally introduces a modular, 3D printed task suite called POEMPEL, inspired by the popular Lego Technic pins. POEMPEL mimics industrial peg-in-hole assembly tasks with force requirements. It offers multiple parameters of adjustment, such as position, orientation and plug stiffness level, thus varying the direction and amount of required forces. Our experiments show that FA-ProDMP outperforms other MP formulations on the POEMPEL setup and a electrical power plug insertion task, due to its replanning capabilities based on the measured forces. These findings highlight how FA-ProDMP enhances the performance of robotic systems in contact-rich manipulation tasks.