Abstract:We introduce STRING: Separable Translationally Invariant Position Encodings. STRING extends Rotary Position Encodings, a recently proposed and widely used algorithm in large language models, via a unifying theoretical framework. Importantly, STRING still provides exact translation invariance, including token coordinates of arbitrary dimensionality, whilst maintaining a low computational footprint. These properties are especially important in robotics, where efficient 3D token representation is key. We integrate STRING into Vision Transformers with RGB(-D) inputs (color plus optional depth), showing substantial gains, e.g. in open-vocabulary object detection and for robotics controllers. We complement our experiments with a rigorous mathematical analysis, proving the universality of our methods.
Abstract:We introduce Diffusion Augmented Agents (DAAG), a novel framework that leverages large language models, vision language models, and diffusion models to improve sample efficiency and transfer learning in reinforcement learning for embodied agents. DAAG hindsight relabels the agent's past experience by using diffusion models to transform videos in a temporally and geometrically consistent way to align with target instructions with a technique we call Hindsight Experience Augmentation. A large language model orchestrates this autonomous process without requiring human supervision, making it well-suited for lifelong learning scenarios. The framework reduces the amount of reward-labeled data needed to 1) finetune a vision language model that acts as a reward detector, and 2) train RL agents on new tasks. We demonstrate the sample efficiency gains of DAAG in simulated robotics environments involving manipulation and navigation. Our results show that DAAG improves learning of reward detectors, transferring past experience, and acquiring new tasks - key abilities for developing efficient lifelong learning agents. Supplementary material and visualizations are available on our website https://sites.google.com/view/diffusion-augmented-agents/
Abstract:We apply multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (RL) to train end-to-end robot soccer policies with fully onboard computation and sensing via egocentric RGB vision. This setting reflects many challenges of real-world robotics, including active perception, agile full-body control, and long-horizon planning in a dynamic, partially-observable, multi-agent domain. We rely on large-scale, simulation-based data generation to obtain complex behaviors from egocentric vision which can be successfully transferred to physical robots using low-cost sensors. To achieve adequate visual realism, our simulation combines rigid-body physics with learned, realistic rendering via multiple Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs). We combine teacher-based multi-agent RL and cross-experiment data reuse to enable the discovery of sophisticated soccer strategies. We analyze active-perception behaviors including object tracking and ball seeking that emerge when simply optimizing perception-agnostic soccer play. The agents display equivalent levels of performance and agility as policies with access to privileged, ground-truth state. To our knowledge, this paper constitutes a first demonstration of end-to-end training for multi-agent robot soccer, mapping raw pixel observations to joint-level actions, that can be deployed in the real world. Videos of the game-play and analyses can be seen on our website https://sites.google.com/view/vision-soccer .
Abstract:Recent advances in real-world applications of reinforcement learning (RL) have relied on the ability to accurately simulate systems at scale. However, domains such as fluid dynamical systems exhibit complex dynamic phenomena that are hard to simulate at high integration rates, limiting the direct application of modern deep RL algorithms to often expensive or safety critical hardware. In this work, we introduce "Box o Flows", a novel benchtop experimental control system for systematically evaluating RL algorithms in dynamic real-world scenarios. We describe the key components of the Box o Flows, and through a series of experiments demonstrate how state-of-the-art model-free RL algorithms can synthesize a variety of complex behaviors via simple reward specifications. Furthermore, we explore the role of offline RL in data-efficient hypothesis testing by reusing past experiences. We believe that the insights gained from this preliminary study and the availability of systems like the Box o Flows support the way forward for developing systematic RL algorithms that can be generally applied to complex, dynamical systems. Supplementary material and videos of experiments are available at https://sites.google.com/view/box-o-flows/home.
Abstract:Contemporary artificial intelligence systems exhibit rapidly growing abilities accompanied by the growth of required resources, expansive datasets and corresponding investments into computing infrastructure. Although earlier successes predominantly focus on constrained settings, recent strides in fundamental research and applications aspire to create increasingly general systems. This evolving landscape presents a dual panorama of opportunities and challenges in refining the generalisation and transfer of knowledge - the extraction from existing sources and adaptation as a comprehensive foundation for tackling new problems. Within the domain of reinforcement learning (RL), the representation of knowledge manifests through various modalities, including dynamics and reward models, value functions, policies, and the original data. This taxonomy systematically targets these modalities and frames its discussion based on their inherent properties and alignment with different objectives and mechanisms for transfer. Where possible, we aim to provide coarse guidance delineating approaches which address requirements such as limiting environment interactions, maximising computational efficiency, and enhancing generalisation across varying axes of change. Finally, we analyse reasons contributing to the prevalence or scarcity of specific forms of transfer, the inherent potential behind pushing these frontiers, and underscore the significance of transitioning from designed to learned transfer.
Abstract:We present a novel approach to address the challenge of generalization in offline reinforcement learning (RL), where the agent learns from a fixed dataset without any additional interaction with the environment. Specifically, we aim to improve the agent's ability to generalize to out-of-distribution goals. To achieve this, we propose to learn a dynamics model and check if it is equivariant with respect to a fixed type of transformation, namely translations in the state space. We then use an entropy regularizer to increase the equivariant set and augment the dataset with the resulting transformed samples. Finally, we learn a new policy offline based on the augmented dataset, with an off-the-shelf offline RL algorithm. Our experimental results demonstrate that our approach can greatly improve the test performance of the policy on the considered environments.
Abstract:Language Models and Vision Language Models have recently demonstrated unprecedented capabilities in terms of understanding human intentions, reasoning, scene understanding, and planning-like behaviour, in text form, among many others. In this work, we investigate how to embed and leverage such abilities in Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents. We design a framework that uses language as the core reasoning tool, exploring how this enables an agent to tackle a series of fundamental RL challenges, such as efficient exploration, reusing experience data, scheduling skills, and learning from observations, which traditionally require separate, vertically designed algorithms. We test our method on a sparse-reward simulated robotic manipulation environment, where a robot needs to stack a set of objects. We demonstrate substantial performance improvements over baselines in exploration efficiency and ability to reuse data from offline datasets, and illustrate how to reuse learned skills to solve novel tasks or imitate videos of human experts.
Abstract:We investigate the use of transformer sequence models as dynamics models (TDMs) for control. In a number of experiments in the DeepMind control suite, we find that first, TDMs perform well in a single-environment learning setting when compared to baseline models. Second, TDMs exhibit strong generalization capabilities to unseen environments, both in a few-shot setting, where a generalist model is fine-tuned with small amounts of data from the target environment, and in a zero-shot setting, where a generalist model is applied to an unseen environment without any further training. We further demonstrate that generalizing system dynamics can work much better than generalizing optimal behavior directly as a policy. This makes TDMs a promising ingredient for a foundation model of control.
Abstract:We investigate whether Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep RL) is able to synthesize sophisticated and safe movement skills for a low-cost, miniature humanoid robot that can be composed into complex behavioral strategies in dynamic environments. We used Deep RL to train a humanoid robot with 20 actuated joints to play a simplified one-versus-one (1v1) soccer game. We first trained individual skills in isolation and then composed those skills end-to-end in a self-play setting. The resulting policy exhibits robust and dynamic movement skills such as rapid fall recovery, walking, turning, kicking and more; and transitions between them in a smooth, stable, and efficient manner - well beyond what is intuitively expected from the robot. The agents also developed a basic strategic understanding of the game, and learned, for instance, to anticipate ball movements and to block opponent shots. The full range of behaviors emerged from a small set of simple rewards. Our agents were trained in simulation and transferred to real robots zero-shot. We found that a combination of sufficiently high-frequency control, targeted dynamics randomization, and perturbations during training in simulation enabled good-quality transfer, despite significant unmodeled effects and variations across robot instances. Although the robots are inherently fragile, minor hardware modifications together with basic regularization of the behavior during training led the robots to learn safe and effective movements while still performing in a dynamic and agile way. Indeed, even though the agents were optimized for scoring, in experiments they walked 156% faster, took 63% less time to get up, and kicked 24% faster than a scripted baseline, while efficiently combining the skills to achieve the longer term objectives. Examples of the emergent behaviors and full 1v1 matches are available on the supplementary website.
Abstract:In this paper we study the problem of learning multi-step dynamics prediction models (jumpy models) from unlabeled experience and their utility for fast inference of (high-level) plans in downstream tasks. In particular we propose to learn a jumpy model alongside a skill embedding space offline, from previously collected experience for which no labels or reward annotations are required. We then investigate several options of harnessing those learned components in combination with model-based planning or model-free reinforcement learning (RL) to speed up learning on downstream tasks. We conduct a set of experiments in the RGB-stacking environment, showing that planning with the learned skills and the associated model can enable zero-shot generalization to new tasks, and can further speed up training of policies via reinforcement learning. These experiments demonstrate that jumpy models which incorporate temporal abstraction can facilitate planning in long-horizon tasks in which standard dynamics models fail.