Abstract:Robot behavior policies trained via imitation learning are prone to failure under conditions that deviate from their training data. Thus, algorithms that monitor learned policies at test time and provide early warnings of failure are necessary to facilitate scalable deployment. We propose Sentinel, a runtime monitoring framework that splits the detection of failures into two complementary categories: 1) Erratic failures, which we detect using statistical measures of temporal action consistency, and 2) task progression failures, where we use Vision Language Models (VLMs) to detect when the policy confidently and consistently takes actions that do not solve the task. Our approach has two key strengths. First, because learned policies exhibit diverse failure modes, combining complementary detectors leads to significantly higher accuracy at failure detection. Second, using a statistical temporal action consistency measure ensures that we quickly detect when multimodal, generative policies exhibit erratic behavior at negligible computational cost. In contrast, we only use VLMs to detect failure modes that are less time-sensitive. We demonstrate our approach in the context of diffusion policies trained on robotic mobile manipulation domains in both simulation and the real world. By unifying temporal consistency detection and VLM runtime monitoring, Sentinel detects 18% more failures than using either of the two detectors alone and significantly outperforms baselines, thus highlighting the importance of assigning specialized detectors to complementary categories of failure. Qualitative results are made available at https://sites.google.com/stanford.edu/sentinel.
Abstract:The landscape of Deep Learning has experienced a major shift with the pervasive adoption of Transformer-based architectures, particularly in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Novel avenues for physical applications, such as solving Partial Differential Equations and Image Vision, have been explored. However, in challenging domains like robotics, where high non-linearity poses significant challenges, Transformer-based applications are scarce. While Transformers have been used to provide robots with knowledge about high-level tasks, few efforts have been made to perform system identification. This paper proposes a novel methodology to learn a meta-dynamical model of a high-dimensional physical system, such as the Franka robotic arm, using a Transformer-based architecture without prior knowledge of the system's physical parameters. The objective is to predict quantities of interest (end-effector pose and joint positions) given the torque signals for each joint. This prediction can be useful as a component for Deep Model Predictive Control frameworks in robotics. The meta-model establishes the correlation between torques and positions and predicts the output for the complete trajectory. This work provides empirical evidence of the efficacy of the in-context learning paradigm, suggesting future improvements in learning the dynamics of robotic systems without explicit knowledge of physical parameters. Code, videos, and supplementary materials can be found at project website. See https://sites.google.com/view/robomorph/
Abstract:We present Points2Plans, a framework for composable planning with a relational dynamics model that enables robots to solve long-horizon manipulation tasks from partial-view point clouds. Given a language instruction and a point cloud of the scene, our framework initiates a hierarchical planning procedure, whereby a language model generates a high-level plan and a sampling-based planner produces constraint-satisfying continuous parameters for manipulation primitives sequenced according to the high-level plan. Key to our approach is the use of a relational dynamics model as a unifying interface between the continuous and symbolic representations of states and actions, thus facilitating language-driven planning from high-dimensional perceptual input such as point clouds. Whereas previous relational dynamics models require training on datasets of multi-step manipulation scenarios that align with the intended test scenarios, Points2Plans uses only single-step simulated training data while generalizing zero-shot to a variable number of steps during real-world evaluations. We evaluate our approach on tasks involving geometric reasoning, multi-object interactions, and occluded object reasoning in both simulated and real-world settings. Results demonstrate that Points2Plans offers strong generalization to unseen long-horizon tasks in the real world, where it solves over 85% of evaluated tasks while the next best baseline solves only 50%. Qualitative demonstrations of our approach operating on a mobile manipulator platform are made available at sites.google.com/stanford.edu/points2plans.
Abstract:Adjusting robot behavior to human preferences can require intensive human feedback, preventing quick adaptation to new users and changing circumstances. Moreover, current approaches typically treat user preferences as a reward, which requires a manual balance between task success and user satisfaction. To integrate new user preferences in a zero-shot manner, our proposed Text2Interaction framework invokes large language models to generate a task plan, motion preferences as Python code, and parameters of a safe controller. By maximizing the combined probability of task completion and user satisfaction instead of a weighted sum of rewards, we can reliably find plans that fulfill both requirements. We find that 83% of users working with Text2Interaction agree that it integrates their preferences into the robot's plan, and 94% prefer Text2Interaction over the baseline. Our ablation study shows that Text2Interaction aligns better with unseen preferences than other baselines while maintaining a high success rate.
Abstract:Foundation models, e.g., large language models, possess attributes of intelligence which offer promise to endow a robot with the contextual understanding necessary to navigate complex, unstructured tasks in the wild. In the future of space robotics, we see three core challenges which motivate the use of a foundation model adapted to space-based applications: 1) Scalability of ground-in-the-loop operations; 2) Generalizing prior knowledge to novel environments; and 3) Multi-modality in tasks and sensor data. Therefore, as a first-step towards building a foundation model for space-based applications, we automatically label the AI4Mars dataset to curate a language annotated dataset of visual-question-answer tuples. We fine-tune a pretrained LLaVA checkpoint on this dataset to endow a vision-language model with the ability to perform spatial reasoning and navigation on Mars' surface. In this work, we demonstrate that 1) existing vision-language models are deficient visual reasoners in space-based applications, and 2) fine-tuning a vision-language model on extraterrestrial data significantly improves the quality of responses even with a limited training dataset of only a few thousand samples.
Abstract:Foundation models, e.g., large language models (LLMs), trained on internet-scale data possess zero-shot generalization capabilities that make them a promising technology towards detecting and mitigating out-of-distribution failure modes of robotic systems. Fully realizing this promise, however, poses two challenges: (i) mitigating the considerable computational expense of these models such that they may be applied online, and (ii) incorporating their judgement regarding potential anomalies into a safe control framework. In this work, we present a two-stage reasoning framework: First is a fast binary anomaly classifier that analyzes observations in an LLM embedding space, which may then trigger a slower fallback selection stage that utilizes the reasoning capabilities of generative LLMs. These stages correspond to branch points in a model predictive control strategy that maintains the joint feasibility of continuing along various fallback plans to account for the slow reasoner's latency as soon as an anomaly is detected, thus ensuring safety. We show that our fast anomaly classifier outperforms autoregressive reasoning with state-of-the-art GPT models, even when instantiated with relatively small language models. This enables our runtime monitor to improve the trustworthiness of dynamic robotic systems, such as quadrotors or autonomous vehicles, under resource and time constraints. Videos illustrating our approach in both simulation and real-world experiments are available on this project page: https://sites.google.com/view/aesop-llm.
Abstract:The creation of large, diverse, high-quality robot manipulation datasets is an important stepping stone on the path toward more capable and robust robotic manipulation policies. However, creating such datasets is challenging: collecting robot manipulation data in diverse environments poses logistical and safety challenges and requires substantial investments in hardware and human labour. As a result, even the most general robot manipulation policies today are mostly trained on data collected in a small number of environments with limited scene and task diversity. In this work, we introduce DROID (Distributed Robot Interaction Dataset), a diverse robot manipulation dataset with 76k demonstration trajectories or 350 hours of interaction data, collected across 564 scenes and 84 tasks by 50 data collectors in North America, Asia, and Europe over the course of 12 months. We demonstrate that training with DROID leads to policies with higher performance and improved generalization ability. We open source the full dataset, policy learning code, and a detailed guide for reproducing our robot hardware setup.
Abstract:To extend the limited scope of autonomy used in prior missions for operation in distant and complex environments, there is a need to further develop and mature autonomy that jointly reasons over multiple subsystems, which we term system-level autonomy. System-level autonomy establishes situational awareness that resolves conflicting information across subsystems, which may necessitate the refinement and interconnection of the underlying spacecraft and environment onboard models. However, with a limited understanding of the assumptions and tradeoffs of modeling to arbitrary extents, designing onboard models to support system-level capabilities presents a significant challenge. In this paper, we provide a detailed analysis of the increasing levels of model fidelity for several key spacecraft subsystems, with the goal of informing future spacecraft functional- and system-level autonomy algorithms and the physics-based simulators on which they are validated. We do not argue for the adoption of a particular fidelity class of models but, instead, highlight the potential tradeoffs and opportunities associated with the use of models for onboard autonomy and in physics-based simulators at various fidelity levels. We ground our analysis in the context of deep space exploration of small bodies, an emerging frontier for autonomous spacecraft operation in space, where the choice of models employed onboard the spacecraft may determine mission success. We conduct our experiments in the Multi-Spacecraft Concept and Autonomy Tool (MuSCAT), a software suite for developing spacecraft autonomy algorithms.
Abstract:As robots acquire increasingly sophisticated skills and see increasingly complex and varied environments, the threat of an edge case or anomalous failure is ever present. For example, Tesla cars have seen interesting failure modes ranging from autopilot disengagements due to inactive traffic lights carried by trucks to phantom braking caused by images of stop signs on roadside billboards. These system-level failures are not due to failures of any individual component of the autonomy stack but rather system-level deficiencies in semantic reasoning. Such edge cases, which we call \textit{semantic anomalies}, are simple for a human to disentangle yet require insightful reasoning. To this end, we study the application of large language models (LLMs), endowed with broad contextual understanding and reasoning capabilities, to recognize these edge semantic cases. We introduce a monitoring framework for semantic anomaly detection in vision-based policies to do so. Our experiments evaluate this framework in monitoring a learned policy for object manipulation and a finite state machine policy for autonomous driving and demonstrate that an LLM-based monitor can serve as a proxy for human reasoning. Finally, we provide an extended discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of this approach and motivate a research outlook on how we can further use foundation models for semantic anomaly detection.
Abstract:We propose Text2Motion, a language-based planning framework enabling robots to solve sequential manipulation tasks that require long-horizon reasoning. Given a natural language instruction, our framework constructs both a task- and policy-level plan that is verified to reach inferred symbolic goals. Text2Motion uses skill feasibility heuristics encoded in learned Q-functions to guide task planning with Large Language Models. Whereas previous language-based planners only consider the feasibility of individual skills, Text2Motion actively resolves geometric dependencies spanning skill sequences by performing policy sequence optimization during its search. We evaluate our method on a suite of problems that require long-horizon reasoning, interpretation of abstract goals, and handling of partial affordance perception. Our experiments show that Text2Motion can solve these challenging problems with a success rate of 64%, while prior state-of-the-art language-based planning methods only achieve 13%. Text2Motion thus provides promising generalization characteristics to semantically diverse sequential manipulation tasks with geometric dependencies between skills.