Abstract:Exploiting the promise of recent advances in imitation learning for mobile manipulation will require the collection of large numbers of human-guided demonstrations. This paper proposes an open-source design for an inexpensive, robust, and flexible mobile manipulator that can support arbitrary arms, enabling a wide range of real-world household mobile manipulation tasks. Crucially, our design uses powered casters to enable the mobile base to be fully holonomic, able to control all planar degrees of freedom independently and simultaneously. This feature makes the base more maneuverable and simplifies many mobile manipulation tasks, eliminating the kinematic constraints that create complex and time-consuming motions in nonholonomic bases. We equip our robot with an intuitive mobile phone teleoperation interface to enable easy data acquisition for imitation learning. In our experiments, we use this interface to collect data and show that the resulting learned policies can successfully perform a variety of common household mobile manipulation tasks.
Abstract:We present Points2Plans, a framework for composable planning with a relational dynamics model that enables robots to solve long-horizon manipulation tasks from partial-view point clouds. Given a language instruction and a point cloud of the scene, our framework initiates a hierarchical planning procedure, whereby a language model generates a high-level plan and a sampling-based planner produces constraint-satisfying continuous parameters for manipulation primitives sequenced according to the high-level plan. Key to our approach is the use of a relational dynamics model as a unifying interface between the continuous and symbolic representations of states and actions, thus facilitating language-driven planning from high-dimensional perceptual input such as point clouds. Whereas previous relational dynamics models require training on datasets of multi-step manipulation scenarios that align with the intended test scenarios, Points2Plans uses only single-step simulated training data while generalizing zero-shot to a variable number of steps during real-world evaluations. We evaluate our approach on tasks involving geometric reasoning, multi-object interactions, and occluded object reasoning in both simulated and real-world settings. Results demonstrate that Points2Plans offers strong generalization to unseen long-horizon tasks in the real world, where it solves over 85% of evaluated tasks while the next best baseline solves only 50%. Qualitative demonstrations of our approach operating on a mobile manipulator platform are made available at sites.google.com/stanford.edu/points2plans.
Abstract:Many robotic systems, such as mobile manipulators or quadrotors, cannot be equipped with high-end GPUs due to space, weight, and power constraints. These constraints prevent these systems from leveraging recent developments in visuomotor policy architectures that require high-end GPUs to achieve fast policy inference. In this paper, we propose Consistency Policy, a faster and similarly powerful alternative to Diffusion Policy for learning visuomotor robot control. By virtue of its fast inference speed, Consistency Policy can enable low latency decision making in resource-constrained robotic setups. A Consistency Policy is distilled from a pretrained Diffusion Policy by enforcing self-consistency along the Diffusion Policy's learned trajectories. We compare Consistency Policy with Diffusion Policy and other related speed-up methods across 6 simulation tasks as well as two real-world tasks where we demonstrate inference on a laptop GPU. For all these tasks, Consistency Policy speeds up inference by an order of magnitude compared to the fastest alternative method and maintains competitive success rates. We also show that the Conistency Policy training procedure is robust to the pretrained Diffusion Policy's quality, a useful result that helps practioners avoid extensive testing of the pretrained model. Key design decisions that enabled this performance are the choice of consistency objective, reduced initial sample variance, and the choice of preset chaining steps. Code and training details will be released publicly.
Abstract:The creation of large, diverse, high-quality robot manipulation datasets is an important stepping stone on the path toward more capable and robust robotic manipulation policies. However, creating such datasets is challenging: collecting robot manipulation data in diverse environments poses logistical and safety challenges and requires substantial investments in hardware and human labour. As a result, even the most general robot manipulation policies today are mostly trained on data collected in a small number of environments with limited scene and task diversity. In this work, we introduce DROID (Distributed Robot Interaction Dataset), a diverse robot manipulation dataset with 76k demonstration trajectories or 350 hours of interaction data, collected across 564 scenes and 84 tasks by 50 data collectors in North America, Asia, and Europe over the course of 12 months. We demonstrate that training with DROID leads to policies with higher performance and improved generalization ability. We open source the full dataset, policy learning code, and a detailed guide for reproducing our robot hardware setup.
Abstract:If a robot masters folding a kitchen towel, we would also expect it to master folding a beach towel. However, existing works for policy learning that rely on data set augmentations are still limited in achieving this level of generalization. Our insight is to add equivariance to both the visual object representation and policy architecture. We propose EquivAct which utilizes SIM(3)-equivariant network structures that guarantee generalization across all possible object translations, 3D rotations, and scales by construction. Training of EquivAct is done in two phases. We first pre-train a SIM(3)-equivariant visual representation on simulated scene point clouds. Then, we learn a SIM(3)-equivariant visuomotor policy on top of the pre-trained visual representation using a small amount of source task demonstrations. We demonstrate that after training, the learned policy directly transfers to objects that substantially differ in scale, position and orientation from the source demonstrations. In simulation, we evaluate our method in three manipulation tasks involving deformable and articulated objects thereby going beyond the typical rigid object manipulation tasks that prior works considered. We show that our method outperforms prior works that do not use equivariant architectures or do not use our contrastive pre-training procedure. We also show quantitative and qualitative experiments on three real robot tasks, where the robot watches twenty demonstrations of a tabletop task and transfers zero-shot to a mobile manipulation task in a much larger setup. Project website: https://equivact.github.io
Abstract:For a robot to personalize physical assistance effectively, it must learn user preferences that can be generally reapplied to future scenarios. In this work, we investigate personalization of household cleanup with robots that can tidy up rooms by picking up objects and putting them away. A key challenge is determining the proper place to put each object, as people's preferences can vary greatly depending on personal taste or cultural background. For instance, one person may prefer storing shirts in the drawer, while another may prefer them on the shelf. We aim to build systems that can learn such preferences from just a handful of examples via prior interactions with a particular person. We show that robots can combine language-based planning and perception with the few-shot summarization capabilities of large language models (LLMs) to infer generalized user preferences that are broadly applicable to future interactions. This approach enables fast adaptation and achieves 91.2% accuracy on unseen objects in our benchmark dataset. We also demonstrate our approach on a real-world mobile manipulator called TidyBot, which successfully puts away 85.0% of objects in real-world test scenarios.
Abstract:We study the problem of classifier derandomization in machine learning: given a stochastic binary classifier $f: X \to [0,1]$, sample a deterministic classifier $\hat{f}: X \to \{0,1\}$ that approximates the output of $f$ in aggregate over any data distribution. Recent work revealed how to efficiently derandomize a stochastic classifier with strong output approximation guarantees, but at the cost of individual fairness -- that is, if $f$ treated similar inputs similarly, $\hat{f}$ did not. In this paper, we initiate a systematic study of classifier derandomization with metric fairness guarantees. We show that the prior derandomization approach is almost maximally metric-unfair, and that a simple ``random threshold'' derandomization achieves optimal fairness preservation but with weaker output approximation. We then devise a derandomization procedure that provides an appealing tradeoff between these two: if $f$ is $\alpha$-metric fair according to a metric $d$ with a locality-sensitive hash (LSH) family, then our derandomized $\hat{f}$ is, with high probability, $O(\alpha)$-metric fair and a close approximation of $f$. We also prove generic results applicable to all (fair and unfair) classifier derandomization procedures, including a bias-variance decomposition and reductions between various notions of metric fairness.
Abstract:We investigate pneumatic non-prehensile manipulation (i.e., blowing) as a means of efficiently moving scattered objects into a target receptacle. Due to the chaotic nature of aerodynamic forces, a blowing controller must (i) continually adapt to unexpected changes from its actions, (ii) maintain fine-grained control, since the slightest misstep can result in large unintended consequences (e.g., scatter objects already in a pile), and (iii) infer long-range plans (e.g., move the robot to strategic blowing locations). We tackle these challenges in the context of deep reinforcement learning, introducing a multi-frequency version of the spatial action maps framework. This allows for efficient learning of vision-based policies that effectively combine high-level planning and low-level closed-loop control for dynamic mobile manipulation. Experiments show that our system learns efficient behaviors for the task, demonstrating in particular that blowing achieves better downstream performance than pushing, and that our policies improve performance over baselines. Moreover, we show that our system naturally encourages emergent specialization between the different subpolicies spanning low-level fine-grained control and high-level planning. On a real mobile robot equipped with a miniature air blower, we show that our simulation-trained policies transfer well to a real environment and can generalize to novel objects.
Abstract:The ability to communicate intention enables decentralized multi-agent robots to collaborate while performing physical tasks. In this work, we present spatial intention maps, a new intention representation for multi-agent vision-based deep reinforcement learning that improves coordination between decentralized mobile manipulators. In this representation, each agent's intention is provided to other agents, and rendered into an overhead 2D map aligned with visual observations. This synergizes with the recently proposed spatial action maps framework, in which state and action representations are spatially aligned, providing inductive biases that encourage emergent cooperative behaviors requiring spatial coordination, such as passing objects to each other or avoiding collisions. Experiments across a variety of multi-agent environments, including heterogeneous robot teams with different abilities (lifting, pushing, or throwing), show that incorporating spatial intention maps improves performance for different mobile manipulation tasks while significantly enhancing cooperative behaviors.
Abstract:3D point cloud interpretation is a challenging task due to the randomness and sparsity of the component points. Many of the recently proposed methods like PointNet and PointCNN have been focusing on learning shape descriptions from point coordinates as point-wise input features, which usually involves complicated network architectures. In this work, we draw attention back to the standard 3D convolutions towards an efficient 3D point cloud interpretation. Instead of converting the entire point cloud into voxel representations like the other volumetric methods, we voxelize the sub-portions of the point cloud only at necessary locations within each convolution layer on-the-fly, using our dynamic voxelization operation with self-adaptive voxelization resolution. In addition, we incorporate 3D group convolution into our dense convolution kernel implementation to further exploit the rotation invariant features of point cloud. Benefiting from its simple fully-convolutional architecture, our network is able to run and converge at a considerably fast speed, while yields on-par or even better performance compared with the state-of-the-art methods on several benchmark datasets.