Abstract:Multi-class segmentation of the aorta in computed tomography angiography (CTA) scans is essential for diagnosing and planning complex endovascular treatments for patients with aortic dissections. However, existing methods reduce aortic segmentation to a binary problem, limiting their ability to measure diameters across different branches and zones. Furthermore, no open-source dataset is currently available to support the development of multi-class aortic segmentation methods. To address this gap, we organized the AortaSeg24 MICCAI Challenge, introducing the first dataset of 100 CTA volumes annotated for 23 clinically relevant aortic branches and zones. This dataset was designed to facilitate both model development and validation. The challenge attracted 121 teams worldwide, with participants leveraging state-of-the-art frameworks such as nnU-Net and exploring novel techniques, including cascaded models, data augmentation strategies, and custom loss functions. We evaluated the submitted algorithms using the Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) and Normalized Surface Distance (NSD), highlighting the approaches adopted by the top five performing teams. This paper presents the challenge design, dataset details, evaluation metrics, and an in-depth analysis of the top-performing algorithms. The annotated dataset, evaluation code, and implementations of the leading methods are publicly available to support further research. All resources can be accessed at https://aortaseg24.grand-challenge.org.
Abstract:Breast cancer is one of the most common causes of death among women worldwide. Early detection helps in reducing the number of deaths. Automated 3D Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) is a newer approach for breast screening, which has many advantages over handheld mammography such as safety, speed, and higher detection rate of breast cancer. Tumor detection, segmentation, and classification are key components in the analysis of medical images, especially challenging in the context of 3D ABUS due to the significant variability in tumor size and shape, unclear tumor boundaries, and a low signal-to-noise ratio. The lack of publicly accessible, well-labeled ABUS datasets further hinders the advancement of systems for breast tumor analysis. Addressing this gap, we have organized the inaugural Tumor Detection, Segmentation, and Classification Challenge on Automated 3D Breast Ultrasound 2023 (TDSC-ABUS2023). This initiative aims to spearhead research in this field and create a definitive benchmark for tasks associated with 3D ABUS image analysis. In this paper, we summarize the top-performing algorithms from the challenge and provide critical analysis for ABUS image examination. We offer the TDSC-ABUS challenge as an open-access platform at https://tdsc-abus2023.grand-challenge.org/ to benchmark and inspire future developments in algorithmic research.
Abstract:The human brain receives nutrients and oxygen through an intricate network of blood vessels. Pathology affecting small vessels, at the mesoscopic scale, represents a critical vulnerability within the cerebral blood supply and can lead to severe conditions, such as Cerebral Small Vessel Diseases. The advent of 7 Tesla MRI systems has enabled the acquisition of higher spatial resolution images, making it possible to visualise such vessels in the brain. However, the lack of publicly available annotated datasets has impeded the development of robust, machine learning-driven segmentation algorithms. To address this, the SMILE-UHURA challenge was organised. This challenge, held in conjunction with the ISBI 2023, in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, aimed to provide a platform for researchers working on related topics. The SMILE-UHURA challenge addresses the gap in publicly available annotated datasets by providing an annotated dataset of Time-of-Flight angiography acquired with 7T MRI. This dataset was created through a combination of automated pre-segmentation and extensive manual refinement. In this manuscript, sixteen submitted methods and two baseline methods are compared both quantitatively and qualitatively on two different datasets: held-out test MRAs from the same dataset as the training data (with labels kept secret) and a separate 7T ToF MRA dataset where both input volumes and labels are kept secret. The results demonstrate that most of the submitted deep learning methods, trained on the provided training dataset, achieved reliable segmentation performance. Dice scores reached up to 0.838 $\pm$ 0.066 and 0.716 $\pm$ 0.125 on the respective datasets, with an average performance of up to 0.804 $\pm$ 0.15.
Abstract:The field of computer vision applied to videos of minimally invasive surgery is ever-growing. Workflow recognition pertains to the automated recognition of various aspects of a surgery: including which surgical steps are performed; and which surgical instruments are used. This information can later be used to assist clinicians when learning the surgery; during live surgery; and when writing operation notes. The Pituitary Vision (PitVis) 2023 Challenge tasks the community to step and instrument recognition in videos of endoscopic pituitary surgery. This is a unique task when compared to other minimally invasive surgeries due to the smaller working space, which limits and distorts vision; and higher frequency of instrument and step switching, which requires more precise model predictions. Participants were provided with 25-videos, with results presented at the MICCAI-2023 conference as part of the Endoscopic Vision 2023 Challenge in Vancouver, Canada, on 08-Oct-2023. There were 18-submissions from 9-teams across 6-countries, using a variety of deep learning models. A commonality between the top performing models was incorporating spatio-temporal and multi-task methods, with greater than 50% and 10% macro-F1-score improvement over purely spacial single-task models in step and instrument recognition respectively. The PitVis-2023 Challenge therefore demonstrates state-of-the-art computer vision models in minimally invasive surgery are transferable to a new dataset, with surgery specific techniques used to enhance performance, progressing the field further. Benchmark results are provided in the paper, and the dataset is publicly available at: https://doi.org/10.5522/04/26531686.
Abstract:Retinal imaging has emerged as a promising method of addressing this challenge, taking advantage of the unique structure of the retina. The retina is an embryonic extension of the central nervous system, providing a direct in vivo window into neurological health. Recent studies have shown that specific structural changes in retinal vessels can not only serve as early indicators of various diseases but also help to understand disease progression. In this work, we present a lightweight retinal vessel segmentation network based on the encoder-decoder mechanism with region-guided attention. We introduce inverse addition attention blocks with region guided attention to focus on the foreground regions and improve the segmentation of regions of interest. To further boost the model's performance on retinal vessel segmentation, we employ a weighted dice loss. This choice is particularly effective in addressing the class imbalance issues frequently encountered in retinal vessel segmentation tasks. Dice loss penalises false positives and false negatives equally, encouraging the model to generate more accurate segmentation with improved object boundary delineation and reduced fragmentation. Extensive experiments on a benchmark dataset show better performance (0.8285, 0.8098, 0.9677, and 0.8166 recall, precision, accuracy and F1 score respectively) compared to state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Automated segmentation of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) plays a pivotal role in efficiently assessing cardiac function, offering rapid clinical evaluations that benefit both healthcare practitioners and patients. While recent research has primarily focused on delineating structures in the short-axis orientation, less attention has been given to long-axis representations, mainly due to the complex nature of structures in this orientation. Performing pixel-wise segmentation of the left ventricular (LV) myocardium and the four cardiac chambers in 2-D steady-state free precession (SSFP) cine sequences is a crucial preprocessing stage for various analyses. However, the challenge lies in the significant variability in contrast, appearance, orientation, and positioning of the heart across different patients, clinical views, scanners, and imaging protocols. Consequently, achieving fully automatic semantic segmentation in this context is notoriously challenging. In recent years, several deep learning models have been proposed to accurately quantify and diagnose cardiac pathologies. These automated tools heavily rely on the accurate segmentation of cardiac structures in magnetic resonance images (MRI). Hence, there is a need for new methods to handle such structures' geometrical and textural complexities. We proposed 2D and 3D two-stage self-supervised deep learning segmentation hybrid transformer and CNN-based architectures for 4CH whole heart segmentation. Accurate segmentation of the ventricles and atria in 4CH views is crucial for analyzing heart health and reconstructing four-chamber meshes, which are essential for estimating various parameters to assess overall heart condition. Our proposed method outperformed state-of-the-art techniques, demonstrating superior performance in this domain.
Abstract:Accurate segmentation of anatomical structures and abnormalities in medical images is crucial for computer-aided diagnosis and analysis. While deep learning techniques excel at this task, their computational demands pose challenges. Additionally, some cutting-edge segmentation methods, though effective for general object segmentation, may not be optimised for medical images. To address these issues, we propose Mini-Net, a lightweight segmentation network specifically designed for medical images. With fewer than 38,000 parameters, Mini-Net efficiently captures both high- and low-frequency features, enabling real-time applications in various medical imaging scenarios. We evaluate Mini-Net on various datasets, including DRIVE, STARE, ISIC-2016, ISIC-2018, and MoNuSeg, demonstrating its robustness and good performance compared to state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Unlike Right Atrium (RA), Left Atrium (LA) presents distinctive challenges, including much thinner myocardial walls, complex and irregular morphology, as well as diversity in individual's structure, making off-the-shelf methods designed for the Left Ventricle (LV) may not work in the context of the left atrium. To overcome aforementioned challenges, we are the first to present comprehensive technical workflow designed for 4D registration modeling to automatically analyze LA motion using high-resolution 3D Cine MR images. We integrate segmentation network and 4D registration process to precisely delineate LA segmentation throughout the full cardiac cycle. Additionally, an image 4D registration network is employed to extract LA displacement vector fields (DVFs). Our findings show the potential of proposed end to end framework in providing clinicians with novel regional biomarkers for left atrium motion tracking and deformation, carrying significant clinical implications.
Abstract:Diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) is essential for stroke diagnosis, treatment decisions, and prognosis. However, image and disease variability hinder the development of generalizable AI algorithms with clinical value. We address this gap by presenting a novel ensemble algorithm derived from the 2022 Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation (ISLES) challenge. ISLES'22 provided 400 patient scans with ischemic stroke from various medical centers, facilitating the development of a wide range of cutting-edge segmentation algorithms by the research community. Through collaboration with leading teams, we combined top-performing algorithms into an ensemble model that overcomes the limitations of individual solutions. Our ensemble model achieved superior ischemic lesion detection and segmentation accuracy on our internal test set compared to individual algorithms. This accuracy generalized well across diverse image and disease variables. Furthermore, the model excelled in extracting clinical biomarkers. Notably, in a Turing-like test, neuroradiologists consistently preferred the algorithm's segmentations over manual expert efforts, highlighting increased comprehensiveness and precision. Validation using a real-world external dataset (N=1686) confirmed the model's generalizability. The algorithm's outputs also demonstrated strong correlations with clinical scores (admission NIHSS and 90-day mRS) on par with or exceeding expert-derived results, underlining its clinical relevance. This study offers two key findings. First, we present an ensemble algorithm (https://github.com/Tabrisrei/ISLES22_Ensemble) that detects and segments ischemic stroke lesions on DWI across diverse scenarios on par with expert (neuro)radiologists. Second, we show the potential for biomedical challenge outputs to extend beyond the challenge's initial objectives, demonstrating their real-world clinical applicability.
Abstract:Segmentation is a critical step in analyzing the developing human fetal brain. There have been vast improvements in automatic segmentation methods in the past several years, and the Fetal Brain Tissue Annotation (FeTA) Challenge 2021 helped to establish an excellent standard of fetal brain segmentation. However, FeTA 2021 was a single center study, and the generalizability of algorithms across different imaging centers remains unsolved, limiting real-world clinical applicability. The multi-center FeTA Challenge 2022 focuses on advancing the generalizability of fetal brain segmentation algorithms for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In FeTA 2022, the training dataset contained images and corresponding manually annotated multi-class labels from two imaging centers, and the testing data contained images from these two imaging centers as well as two additional unseen centers. The data from different centers varied in many aspects, including scanners used, imaging parameters, and fetal brain super-resolution algorithms applied. 16 teams participated in the challenge, and 17 algorithms were evaluated. Here, a detailed overview and analysis of the challenge results are provided, focusing on the generalizability of the submissions. Both in- and out of domain, the white matter and ventricles were segmented with the highest accuracy, while the most challenging structure remains the cerebral cortex due to anatomical complexity. The FeTA Challenge 2022 was able to successfully evaluate and advance generalizability of multi-class fetal brain tissue segmentation algorithms for MRI and it continues to benchmark new algorithms. The resulting new methods contribute to improving the analysis of brain development in utero.