Abstract:There is a widely-spread claim that GANs are difficult to train, and GAN architectures in the literature are littered with empirical tricks. We provide evidence against this claim and build a modern GAN baseline in a more principled manner. First, we derive a well-behaved regularized relativistic GAN loss that addresses issues of mode dropping and non-convergence that were previously tackled via a bag of ad-hoc tricks. We analyze our loss mathematically and prove that it admits local convergence guarantees, unlike most existing relativistic losses. Second, our new loss allows us to discard all ad-hoc tricks and replace outdated backbones used in common GANs with modern architectures. Using StyleGAN2 as an example, we present a roadmap of simplification and modernization that results in a new minimalist baseline -- R3GAN. Despite being simple, our approach surpasses StyleGAN2 on FFHQ, ImageNet, CIFAR, and Stacked MNIST datasets, and compares favorably against state-of-the-art GANs and diffusion models.
Abstract:Synthetic data has become an important tool in the fine-tuning of language models to follow instructions and solve complex problems. Nevertheless, the majority of open data to date is often lacking multi-turn data and collected on closed models, limiting progress on advancing open fine-tuning methods. We introduce Self Directed Synthetic Dialogues (SDSD), an experimental dataset consisting of guided conversations of language models talking to themselves. The dataset consists of multi-turn conversations generated with DBRX, Llama 2 70B, and Mistral Large, all instructed to follow a conversation plan generated prior to the conversation. We also explore including principles from Constitutional AI and other related works to create synthetic preference data via revisions to the final conversation turn. We hope this work encourages further exploration in multi-turn data and the use of open models for expanding the impact of synthetic data.
Abstract:We introduce DataComp for Language Models (DCLM), a testbed for controlled dataset experiments with the goal of improving language models. As part of DCLM, we provide a standardized corpus of 240T tokens extracted from Common Crawl, effective pretraining recipes based on the OpenLM framework, and a broad suite of 53 downstream evaluations. Participants in the DCLM benchmark can experiment with data curation strategies such as deduplication, filtering, and data mixing at model scales ranging from 412M to 7B parameters. As a baseline for DCLM, we conduct extensive experiments and find that model-based filtering is key to assembling a high-quality training set. The resulting dataset, DCLM-Baseline enables training a 7B parameter language model from scratch to 64% 5-shot accuracy on MMLU with 2.6T training tokens. Compared to MAP-Neo, the previous state-of-the-art in open-data language models, DCLM-Baseline represents a 6.6 percentage point improvement on MMLU while being trained with 40% less compute. Our baseline model is also comparable to Mistral-7B-v0.3 and Llama 3 8B on MMLU (63% & 66%), and performs similarly on an average of 53 natural language understanding tasks while being trained with 6.6x less compute than Llama 3 8B. Our results highlight the importance of dataset design for training language models and offer a starting point for further research on data curation.
Abstract:A recent frontier in computer vision has been the task of 3D video generation, which consists of generating a time-varying 3D representation of a scene. To generate dynamic 3D scenes, current methods explicitly model 3D temporal dynamics by jointly optimizing for consistency across both time and views of the scene. In this paper, we instead investigate whether it is necessary to explicitly enforce multiview consistency over time, as current approaches do, or if it is sufficient for a model to generate 3D representations of each timestep independently. We hence propose a model, Vid3D, that leverages 2D video diffusion to generate 3D videos by first generating a 2D "seed" of the video's temporal dynamics and then independently generating a 3D representation for each timestep in the seed video. We evaluate Vid3D against two state-of-the-art 3D video generation methods and find that Vid3D is achieves comparable results despite not explicitly modeling 3D temporal dynamics. We further ablate how the quality of Vid3D depends on the number of views generated per frame. While we observe some degradation with fewer views, performance degradation remains minor. Our results thus suggest that 3D temporal knowledge may not be necessary to generate high-quality dynamic 3D scenes, potentially enabling simpler generative algorithms for this task.
Abstract:While diffusion models excel at generating high-quality images, prior work reports a significant performance gap between diffusion and autoregressive (AR) methods in language modeling. In this work, we show that simple masked discrete diffusion is more performant than previously thought. We apply an effective training recipe that improves the performance of masked diffusion models and derive a simplified, Rao-Blackwellized objective that results in additional improvements. Our objective has a simple form -- it is a mixture of classical masked language modeling losses -- and can be used to train encoder-only language models that admit efficient samplers, including ones that can generate arbitrary lengths of text semi-autoregressively like a traditional language model. On language modeling benchmarks, a range of masked diffusion models trained with modern engineering practices achieves a new state-of-the-art among diffusion models, and approaches AR perplexity. We release our code at: https://github.com/kuleshov-group/mdlm
Abstract:Large-scale sequence modeling has sparked rapid advances that now extend into biology and genomics. However, modeling genomic sequences introduces challenges such as the need to model long-range token interactions, the effects of upstream and downstream regions of the genome, and the reverse complementarity (RC) of DNA. Here, we propose an architecture motivated by these challenges that builds off the long-range Mamba block, and extends it to a BiMamba component that supports bi-directionality, and to a MambaDNA block that additionally supports RC equivariance. We use MambaDNA as the basis of Caduceus, the first family of RC equivariant bi-directional long-range DNA language models, and we introduce pre-training and fine-tuning strategies that yield Caduceus DNA foundation models. Caduceus outperforms previous long-range models on downstream benchmarks; on a challenging long-range variant effect prediction task, Caduceus exceeds the performance of 10x larger models that do not leverage bi-directionality or equivariance.
Abstract:Growing concerns over negligent or malicious uses of AI have increased the appetite for tools that help manage the risks of the technology. In 2018, licenses with behaviorial-use clauses (commonly referred to as Responsible AI Licenses) were proposed to give developers a framework for releasing AI assets while specifying their users to mitigate negative applications. As of the end of 2023, on the order of 40,000 software and model repositories have adopted responsible AI licenses licenses. Notable models licensed with behavioral use clauses include BLOOM (language) and LLaMA2 (language), Stable Diffusion (image), and GRID (robotics). This paper explores why and how these licenses have been adopted, and why and how they have been adapted to fit particular use cases. We use a mixed-methods methodology of qualitative interviews, clustering of license clauses, and quantitative analysis of license adoption. Based on this evidence we take the position that responsible AI licenses need standardization to avoid confusing users or diluting their impact. At the same time, customization of behavioral restrictions is also appropriate in some contexts (e.g., medical domains). We advocate for ``standardized customization'' that can meet users' needs and can be supported via tooling.
Abstract:Diffusion models have gained traction as powerful algorithms for synthesizing high-quality images. Central to these algorithms is the diffusion process, which maps data to noise according to equations inspired by thermodynamics and can significantly impact performance. A widely held assumption is that the ELBO objective of a diffusion model is invariant to the noise process (Kingma et al.,2021). In this work, we dispel this assumption -- we propose multivariate learned adaptive noise (MuLAN), a learned diffusion process that applies Gaussian noise at different rates across an image. Our method consists of three components -- a multivariate noise schedule, instance-conditional diffusion, and auxiliary variables -- which ensure that the learning objective is no longer invariant to the choice of the noise schedule as in previous works. Our work is grounded in Bayesian inference and casts the learned diffusion process as an approximate variational posterior that yields a tighter lower bound on marginal likelihood. Empirically, MuLAN sets a new state-of-the-art in density estimation on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet compared to classical diffusion. Code is available at https://github.com/s-sahoo/MuLAN
Abstract:We assemble a dataset of Creative-Commons-licensed (CC) images, which we use to train a set of open diffusion models that are qualitatively competitive with Stable Diffusion 2 (SD2). This task presents two challenges: (1) high-resolution CC images lack the captions necessary to train text-to-image generative models; (2) CC images are relatively scarce. In turn, to address these challenges, we use an intuitive transfer learning technique to produce a set of high-quality synthetic captions paired with curated CC images. We then develop a data- and compute-efficient training recipe that requires as little as 3% of the LAION-2B data needed to train existing SD2 models, but obtains comparable quality. These results indicate that we have a sufficient number of CC images (~70 million) for training high-quality models. Our training recipe also implements a variety of optimizations that achieve ~3X training speed-ups, enabling rapid model iteration. We leverage this recipe to train several high-quality text-to-image models, which we dub the CommonCanvas family. Our largest model achieves comparable performance to SD2 on a human evaluation, despite being trained on our CC dataset that is significantly smaller than LAION and using synthetic captions for training. We release our models, data, and code at https://github.com/mosaicml/diffusion/blob/main/assets/common-canvas.md
Abstract:While diffusion models excel at generating high-quality samples, their latent variables typically lack semantic meaning and are not suitable for representation learning. Here, we propose InfoDiffusion, an algorithm that augments diffusion models with low-dimensional latent variables that capture high-level factors of variation in the data. InfoDiffusion relies on a learning objective regularized with the mutual information between observed and hidden variables, which improves latent space quality and prevents the latents from being ignored by expressive diffusion-based decoders. Empirically, we find that InfoDiffusion learns disentangled and human-interpretable latent representations that are competitive with state-of-the-art generative and contrastive methods, while retaining the high sample quality of diffusion models. Our method enables manipulating the attributes of generated images and has the potential to assist tasks that require exploring a learned latent space to generate quality samples, e.g., generative design.