Topic:Dialogue Act Classification
What is Dialogue Act Classification? Dialogue act classification is the process of categorizing utterances or dialogues into different dialogue acts or speech acts.
Papers and Code
Sep 18, 2023
Abstract:Multi-task learning (MTL) aims to improve the performance of a primary task by jointly learning with related auxiliary tasks. Traditional MTL methods select tasks randomly during training. However, both previous studies and our results suggest that such the random selection of tasks may not be helpful, and can even be harmful to performance. Therefore, new strategies for task selection and assignment in MTL need to be explored. This paper studies the multi-modal, multi-task dialogue act classification task, and proposes a method for selecting and assigning tasks based on non-stationary multi-armed bandits (MAB) with discounted Thompson Sampling (TS) using Gaussian priors. Our experimental results show that in different training stages, different tasks have different utility. Our proposed method can effectively identify the task utility, actively avoid useless or harmful tasks, and realise the task assignment during training. Our proposed method is significantly superior in terms of UAR and F1 to the single-task and multi-task baselines with p-values < 0.05. Further analysis of experiments indicates that for the dataset with the data imbalance problem, our proposed method has significantly higher stability and can obtain consistent and decent performance for minority classes. Our proposed method is superior to the current state-of-the-art model.
* Submitted to ICASSP 2024
Oct 23, 2023
Abstract:While recently developed NLP explainability methods let us open the black box in various ways (Madsen et al., 2022), a missing ingredient in this endeavor is an interactive tool offering a conversational interface. Such a dialogue system can help users explore datasets and models with explanations in a contextualized manner, e.g. via clarification or follow-up questions, and through a natural language interface. We adapt the conversational explanation framework TalkToModel (Slack et al., 2022) to the NLP domain, add new NLP-specific operations such as free-text rationalization, and illustrate its generalizability on three NLP tasks (dialogue act classification, question answering, hate speech detection). To recognize user queries for explanations, we evaluate fine-tuned and few-shot prompting models and implement a novel Adapter-based approach. We then conduct two user studies on (1) the perceived correctness and helpfulness of the dialogues, and (2) the simulatability, i.e. how objectively helpful dialogical explanations are for humans in figuring out the model's predicted label when it's not shown. We found rationalization and feature attribution were helpful in explaining the model behavior. Moreover, users could more reliably predict the model outcome based on an explanation dialogue rather than one-off explanations.
* EMNLP 2023 Findings. Camera-ready version
Dec 07, 2023
Abstract:Task-Oriented Dialogue (TOD) systems have become crucial components in interactive artificial intelligence applications. While recent advances have capitalized on pre-trained language models (PLMs), they exhibit limitations regarding transparency and controllability. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach focusing on inferring the TOD-Flow graph from dialogue data annotated with dialog acts, uncovering the underlying task structure in the form of a graph. The inferred TOD-Flow graph can be easily integrated with any dialogue model to improve its prediction performance, transparency, and controllability. Our TOD-Flow graph learns what a model can, should, and should not predict, effectively reducing the search space and providing a rationale for the model's prediction. We show that the proposed TOD-Flow graph better resembles human-annotated graphs compared to prior approaches. Furthermore, when combined with several dialogue policies and end-to-end dialogue models, we demonstrate that our approach significantly improves dialog act classification and end-to-end response generation performance in the MultiWOZ and SGD benchmarks. Code available at:
Sep 27, 2023
Abstract:Scripted dialogues such as movie and TV subtitles constitute a widespread source of training data for conversational NLP models. However, the linguistic characteristics of those dialogues are notably different from those observed in corpora of spontaneous interactions. This difference is particularly marked for communicative feedback and grounding phenomena such as backchannels, acknowledgments, or clarification requests. Such signals are known to constitute a key part of the conversation flow and are used by the dialogue participants to provide feedback to one another on their perception of the ongoing interaction. This paper presents a quantitative analysis of such communicative feedback phenomena in both subtitles and spontaneous conversations. Based on dialogue data in English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian and Chinese, we extract both lexical statistics and classification outputs obtained with a neural dialogue act tagger. Two main findings of this empirical study are that (1) conversational feedback is markedly less frequent in subtitles than in spontaneous dialogues and (2) subtitles contain a higher proportion of negative feedback. Furthermore, we show that dialogue responses generated by large language models also follow the same underlying trends and include comparatively few occurrences of communicative feedback, except when those models are explicitly fine-tuned on spontaneous dialogues.
Dec 01, 2023
Abstract:Guided by grammatical structure, words compose to form sentences, and guided by discourse structure, sentences compose to form dialogues and documents. The compositional aspect of sentence and discourse units is often overlooked by machine learning algorithms. A recent initiative called Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP) learns word meanings as points in a Hilbert space and acts on them via a translation of grammatical structure into Parametrised Quantum Circuits (PQCs). Previous work extended the QNLP translation to discourse structure using points in a closure of Hilbert spaces. In this paper, we evaluate this translation on a Winograd-style pronoun resolution task. We train a Variational Quantum Classifier (VQC) for binary classification and implement an end-to-end pronoun resolution system. The simulations executed on IBMQ software converged with an F1 score of 87.20%. The model outperformed two out of three classical coreference resolution systems and neared state-of-the-art SpanBERT. A mixed quantum-classical model yet improved these results with an F1 score increase of around 6%.
* CRAC 2023, the Sixth Workshop on Computational Models of Reference,
Anaphora and Coreference, EMNLP 2023
Apr 12, 2023
Abstract:Dialogue Acts (DAs) can be used to explain what expert tutors do and what students know during the tutoring process. Most empirical studies adopt the random sampling method to obtain sentence samples for manual annotation of DAs, which are then used to train DA classifiers. However, these studies have paid little attention to sample informativeness, which can reflect the information quantity of the selected samples and inform the extent to which a classifier can learn patterns. Notably, the informativeness level may vary among the samples and the classifier might only need a small amount of low informative samples to learn the patterns. Random sampling may overlook sample informativeness, which consumes human labelling costs and contributes less to training the classifiers. As an alternative, researchers suggest employing statistical sampling methods of Active Learning (AL) to identify the informative samples for training the classifiers. However, the use of AL methods in educational DA classification tasks is under-explored. In this paper, we examine the informativeness of annotated sentence samples. Then, the study investigates how the AL methods can select informative samples to support DA classifiers in the AL sampling process. The results reveal that most annotated sentences present low informativeness in the training dataset and the patterns of these sentences can be easily captured by the DA classifier. We also demonstrate how AL methods can reduce the cost of manual annotation in the AL sampling process.
* 12 pages full paper, The 24th International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence in Education, AIED 2023
Apr 29, 2023
Abstract:Compared with standard text, understanding dialogue is more challenging for machines as the dynamic and unexpected semantic changes in each turn. To model such inconsistent semantics, we propose a simple but effective Hierarchical Dialogue Understanding model, HiDialog. Specifically, we first insert multiple special tokens into a dialogue and propose the turn-level attention to learn turn embeddings hierarchically. Then, a heterogeneous graph module is leveraged to polish the learned embeddings. We evaluate our model on various dialogue understanding tasks including dialogue relation extraction, dialogue emotion recognition, and dialogue act classification. Results show that our simple approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on all three tasks above. All our source code is publicly available at
May 04, 2023
Abstract:It is challenging to extract semantic meanings directly from audio signals in spoken language understanding (SLU), due to the lack of textual information. Popular end-to-end (E2E) SLU models utilize sequence-to-sequence automatic speech recognition (ASR) models to extract textual embeddings as input to infer semantics, which, however, require computationally expensive auto-regressive decoding. In this work, we leverage self-supervised acoustic encoders fine-tuned with Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) to extract textual embeddings and use joint CTC and SLU losses for utterance-level SLU tasks. Experiments show that our model achieves 4% absolute improvement over the the state-of-the-art (SOTA) dialogue act classification model on the DSTC2 dataset and 1.3% absolute improvement over the SOTA SLU model on the SLURP dataset.
* ICASSP 2023
May 04, 2023
Abstract:Despite growing interest in applications based on natural customer support conversations, there exist remarkably few publicly available datasets that reflect the expected characteristics of conversations in these settings. Existing task-oriented dialogue datasets, which were collected to benchmark dialogue systems mainly in written human-to-bot settings, are not representative of real customer support conversations and do not provide realistic benchmarks for systems that are applied to natural data. To address this gap, we introduce NatCS, a multi-domain collection of spoken customer service conversations. We describe our process for collecting synthetic conversations between customers and agents based on natural language phenomena observed in real conversations. Compared to previous dialogue datasets, the conversations collected with our approach are more representative of real human-to-human conversations along multiple metrics. Finally, we demonstrate potential uses of NatCS, including dialogue act classification and intent induction from conversations as potential applications, showing that dialogue act annotations in NatCS provide more effective training data for modeling real conversations compared to existing synthetic written datasets. We publicly release NatCS to facilitate research in natural dialog systems
* Accepted to Findings of ACL 2023
Jul 03, 2023
Abstract:Humans talk in free-form while negotiating the expressed meanings or common ground. Despite the impressive conversational abilities of the large generative language models, they do not consider the individual differences in contextual understanding in a shared situated environment. In this work, we propose MindDial, a novel conversational framework that can generate situated free-form responses to negotiate common ground. We design an explicit mind module that can track three-level beliefs -- the speaker's belief, the speaker's prediction of the listener's belief, and the common belief based on the gap between the first two. Then the speaking act classification head will decide to continue to talk, end this turn, or take task-related action. We augment a common ground alignment dataset MutualFriend with belief dynamics annotation, of which the goal is to find a single mutual friend based on the free chat between two agents. Experiments show that our model with mental state modeling can resemble human responses when aligning common ground meanwhile mimic the natural human conversation flow. The ablation study further validates the third-level common belief can aggregate information of the first and second-order beliefs and align common ground more efficiently.