Picture for Jennifer Jacobs

Jennifer Jacobs

Next Steps for Human-Centered Generative AI: A Technical Perspective

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Jun 27, 2023
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The TalkMoves Dataset: K-12 Mathematics Lesson Transcripts Annotated for Teacher and Student Discursive Moves

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Apr 06, 2022
Figure 1 for The TalkMoves Dataset: K-12 Mathematics Lesson Transcripts Annotated for Teacher and Student Discursive Moves
Figure 2 for The TalkMoves Dataset: K-12 Mathematics Lesson Transcripts Annotated for Teacher and Student Discursive Moves
Figure 3 for The TalkMoves Dataset: K-12 Mathematics Lesson Transcripts Annotated for Teacher and Student Discursive Moves
Figure 4 for The TalkMoves Dataset: K-12 Mathematics Lesson Transcripts Annotated for Teacher and Student Discursive Moves
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Using Transformers to Provide Teachers with Personalized Feedback on their Classroom Discourse: The TalkMoves Application

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Apr 29, 2021
Figure 1 for Using Transformers to Provide Teachers with Personalized Feedback on their Classroom Discourse: The TalkMoves Application
Figure 2 for Using Transformers to Provide Teachers with Personalized Feedback on their Classroom Discourse: The TalkMoves Application
Figure 3 for Using Transformers to Provide Teachers with Personalized Feedback on their Classroom Discourse: The TalkMoves Application
Figure 4 for Using Transformers to Provide Teachers with Personalized Feedback on their Classroom Discourse: The TalkMoves Application
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