Abstract:The multilingual neural machine translation (MNMT) enables arbitrary translations across multiple languages by training a model with limited parameters using parallel data only. However, the performance of such MNMT models still lags behind that of large language models (LLMs), limiting their practicality. In this work, we address this limitation by introducing registering to achieve the new state-of-the-art of decoder-only MNMT models. Specifically, we insert a set of artificial tokens specifying the target language, called registers, into the input sequence between the source and target tokens. By modifying the attention mask, the target token generation only pays attention to the activation of registers, representing the source tokens in the target language space. Experiments on EC-40, a large-scale benchmark, show that our method outperforms related methods driven by optimizing multilingual representations. We further scale up and collect 9.3 billion sentence pairs across 24 languages from public datasets to pre-train two models, namely MITRE (multilingual translation with registers). One of them, MITRE-913M, outperforms NLLB-3.3B, achieves comparable performance with commercial LLMs, and shows strong adaptability in fine-tuning. Finally, we open-source our models to facilitate further research and development in MNMT: https://github.com/zhiqu22/mitre.
Abstract:The exploration \& exploitation dilemma poses significant challenges in reinforcement learning (RL). Recently, curiosity-based exploration methods achieved great success in tackling hard-exploration problems. However, they necessitate extensive hyperparameter tuning on different environments, which heavily limits the applicability and accessibility of this line of methods. In this paper, we characterize this problem via analysis of the agent behavior, concluding the fundamental difficulty of choosing a proper hyperparameter. We then identify the difficulty and the instability of the optimization when the agent learns with curiosity. We propose our method, hyperparameter robust exploration (\textbf{Hyper}), which extensively mitigates the problem by effectively regularizing the visitation of the exploration and decoupling the exploitation to ensure stable training. We theoretically justify that \textbf{Hyper} is provably efficient under function approximation setting and empirically demonstrate its appealing performance and robustness in various environments.
Abstract:Existing multilingual neural machine translation (MNMT) approaches mainly focus on improving models with the encoder-decoder architecture to translate multiple languages. However, decoder-only architecture has been explored less in MNMT due to its underperformance when trained on parallel data solely. In this work, we attribute the issue of the decoder-only architecture to its lack of language transfer capability. Specifically, the decoder-only architecture is insufficient in encoding source tokens with the target language features. We propose dividing the decoding process into two stages so that target tokens are explicitly excluded in the first stage to implicitly boost the transfer capability across languages. Additionally, we impose contrastive learning on translation instructions, resulting in improved performance in zero-shot translation. We conduct experiments on TED-19 and OPUS-100 datasets, considering both training from scratch and fine-tuning scenarios. Experimental results show that, compared to the encoder-decoder architecture, our methods not only perform competitively in supervised translations but also achieve improvements of up to 3.39 BLEU, 6.99 chrF++, 3.22 BERTScore, and 4.81 COMET in zero-shot translations.
Abstract:Human motion generation is a cut-edge area of research in generative computer vision, with promising applications in video creation, game development, and robotic manipulation. The recent Mamba architecture shows promising results in efficiently modeling long and complex sequences, yet two significant challenges remain: Firstly, directly applying Mamba to extended motion generation is ineffective, as the limited capacity of the implicit memory leads to memory decay. Secondly, Mamba struggles with multimodal fusion compared to Transformers, and lack alignment with textual queries, often confusing directions (left or right) or omitting parts of longer text queries. To address these challenges, our paper presents three key contributions: Firstly, we introduce KMM, a novel architecture featuring Key frame Masking Modeling, designed to enhance Mamba's focus on key actions in motion segments. This approach addresses the memory decay problem and represents a pioneering method in customizing strategic frame-level masking in SSMs. Additionally, we designed a contrastive learning paradigm for addressing the multimodal fusion problem in Mamba and improving the motion-text alignment. Finally, we conducted extensive experiments on the go-to dataset, BABEL, achieving state-of-the-art performance with a reduction of more than 57% in FID and 70% parameters compared to previous state-of-the-art methods. See project website: https://steve-zeyu-zhang.github.io/KMM
Abstract:Unsupervised parsing, also known as grammar induction, aims to infer syntactic structure from raw text. Recently, binary representation has exhibited remarkable information-preserving capabilities at both lexicon and syntax levels. In this paper, we explore the possibility of leveraging this capability to deduce parsing trees from raw text, relying solely on the implicitly induced grammars within models. To achieve this, we upgrade the bit-level CKY from zero-order to first-order to encode the lexicon and syntax in a unified binary representation space, switch training from supervised to unsupervised under the contrastive hashing framework, and introduce a novel loss function to impose stronger yet balanced alignment signals. Our model shows competitive performance on various datasets, therefore, we claim that our method is effective and efficient enough to acquire high-quality parsing trees from pre-trained language models at a low cost.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have become increasingly pivotal across various domains, especially in handling complex data types. This includes structured data processing, as exemplified by ChartQA and ChatGPT-Ada, and multimodal unstructured data processing as seen in Visual Question Answering (VQA). These areas have attracted significant attention from both industry and academia. Despite this, there remains a lack of unified evaluation methodologies for these diverse data handling scenarios. In response, we introduce BabelBench, an innovative benchmark framework that evaluates the proficiency of LLMs in managing multimodal multistructured data with code execution. BabelBench incorporates a dataset comprising 247 meticulously curated problems that challenge the models with tasks in perception, commonsense reasoning, logical reasoning, and so on. Besides the basic capabilities of multimodal understanding, structured data processing as well as code generation, these tasks demand advanced capabilities in exploration, planning, reasoning and debugging. Our experimental findings on BabelBench indicate that even cutting-edge models like ChatGPT 4 exhibit substantial room for improvement. The insights derived from our comprehensive analysis offer valuable guidance for future research within the community. The benchmark data can be found at https://github.com/FFD8FFE/babelbench.
Abstract:Depth refinement aims to infer high-resolution depth with fine-grained edges and details, refining low-resolution results of depth estimation models. The prevailing methods adopt tile-based manners by merging numerous patches, which lacks efficiency and produces inconsistency. Besides, prior arts suffer from fuzzy depth boundaries and limited generalizability. Analyzing the fundamental reasons for these limitations, we model depth refinement as a noisy Poisson fusion problem with local inconsistency and edge deformation noises. We propose the Self-distilled Depth Refinement (SDDR) framework to enforce robustness against the noises, which mainly consists of depth edge representation and edge-based guidance. With noisy depth predictions as input, SDDR generates low-noise depth edge representations as pseudo-labels by coarse-to-fine self-distillation. Edge-based guidance with edge-guided gradient loss and edge-based fusion loss serves as the optimization objective equivalent to Poisson fusion. When depth maps are better refined, the labels also become more noise-free. Our model can acquire strong robustness to the noises, achieving significant improvements in accuracy, edge quality, efficiency, and generalizability on five different benchmarks. Moreover, directly training another model with edge labels produced by SDDR brings improvements, suggesting that our method could help with training robust refinement models in future works.
Abstract:In the field of monocular depth estimation (MDE), many models with excellent zero-shot performance in general scenes emerge recently. However, these methods often fail in predicting non-Lambertian surfaces, such as transparent or mirror (ToM) surfaces, due to the unique reflective properties of these regions. Previous methods utilize externally provided ToM masks and aim to obtain correct depth maps through direct in-painting of RGB images. These methods highly depend on the accuracy of additional input masks, and the use of random colors during in-painting makes them insufficiently robust. We are committed to incrementally enabling the baseline model to directly learn the uniqueness of non-Lambertian surface regions for depth estimation through a well-designed training framework. Therefore, we propose non-Lambertian surface regional guidance, which constrains the predictions of MDE model from the gradient domain to enhance its robustness. Noting the significant impact of lighting on this task, we employ the random tone-mapping augmentation during training to ensure the network can predict correct results for varying lighting inputs. Additionally, we propose an optional novel lighting fusion module, which uses Variational Autoencoders to fuse multiple images and obtain the most advantageous input RGB image for depth estimation when multi-exposure images are available. Our method achieves accuracy improvements of 33.39% and 5.21% in zero-shot testing on the Booster and Mirror3D dataset for non-Lambertian surfaces, respectively, compared to the Depth Anything V2. The state-of-the-art performance of 90.75 in delta1.05 within the ToM regions on the TRICKY2024 competition test set demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach.
Abstract:Public urban spaces like streetscapes and plazas serve residents and accommodate social life in all its vibrant variations. Recent advances in Robotics and Embodied AI make public urban spaces no longer exclusive to humans. Food delivery bots and electric wheelchairs have started sharing sidewalks with pedestrians, while diverse robot dogs and humanoids have recently emerged in the street. Ensuring the generalizability and safety of these forthcoming mobile machines is crucial when navigating through the bustling streets in urban spaces. In this work, we present MetaUrban, a compositional simulation platform for Embodied AI research in urban spaces. MetaUrban can construct an infinite number of interactive urban scenes from compositional elements, covering a vast array of ground plans, object placements, pedestrians, vulnerable road users, and other mobile agents' appearances and dynamics. We design point navigation and social navigation tasks as the pilot study using MetaUrban for embodied AI research and establish various baselines of Reinforcement Learning and Imitation Learning. Experiments demonstrate that the compositional nature of the simulated environments can substantially improve the generalizability and safety of the trained mobile agents. MetaUrban will be made publicly available to provide more research opportunities and foster safe and trustworthy embodied AI in urban spaces.
Abstract:Recently, binary representation has been proposed as a novel representation that lies between continuous and discrete representations. It exhibits considerable information-preserving capability when being used to replace continuous input vectors. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of further introducing it to the output side, aiming to allow models to output binary labels instead. To preserve the structural information on the output side along with label information, we extend the previous contrastive hashing method as structured contrastive hashing. More specifically, we upgrade CKY from label-level to bit-level, define a new similarity function with span marginal probabilities, and introduce a novel contrastive loss function with a carefully designed instance selection strategy. Our model achieves competitive performance on various structured prediction tasks, and demonstrates that binary representation can be considered a novel representation that further bridges the gap between the continuous nature of deep learning and the discrete intrinsic property of natural languages.