Abstract:While large language model (LLM) agents can effectively use external tools for complex real-world tasks, they require memory systems to leverage historical experiences. Current memory systems enable basic storage and retrieval but lack sophisticated memory organization, despite recent attempts to incorporate graph databases. Moreover, these systems' fixed operations and structures limit their adaptability across diverse tasks. To address this limitation, this paper proposes a novel agentic memory system for LLM agents that can dynamically organize memories in an agentic way. Following the basic principles of the Zettelkasten method, we designed our memory system to create interconnected knowledge networks through dynamic indexing and linking. When a new memory is added, we generate a comprehensive note containing multiple structured attributes, including contextual descriptions, keywords, and tags. The system then analyzes historical memories to identify relevant connections, establishing links where meaningful similarities exist. Additionally, this process enables memory evolution - as new memories are integrated, they can trigger updates to the contextual representations and attributes of existing historical memories, allowing the memory network to continuously refine its understanding. Our approach combines the structured organization principles of Zettelkasten with the flexibility of agent-driven decision making, allowing for more adaptive and context-aware memory management. Empirical experiments on six foundation models show superior improvement against existing SOTA baselines. The source code is available at https://github.com/WujiangXu/AgenticMemory.
Abstract:Graph representation learning methods are highly effective in handling complex non-Euclidean data by capturing intricate relationships and features within graph structures. However, traditional methods face challenges when dealing with heterogeneous graphs that contain various types of nodes and edges due to the diverse sources and complex nature of the data. Existing Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks (HGNNs) have shown promising results but require prior knowledge of node and edge types and unified node feature formats, which limits their applicability. Recent advancements in graph representation learning using Large Language Models (LLMs) offer new solutions by integrating LLMs' data processing capabilities, enabling the alignment of various graph representations. Nevertheless, these methods often overlook heterogeneous graph data and require extensive preprocessing. To address these limitations, we propose a novel method that leverages the strengths of both LLM and GNN, allowing for the processing of graph data with any format and type of nodes and edges without the need for type information or special preprocessing. Our method employs LLM to automatically summarize and classify different data formats and types, aligns node features, and uses a specialized GNN for targeted learning, thus obtaining effective graph representations for downstream tasks. Theoretical analysis and experimental validation have demonstrated the effectiveness of our method.
Abstract:By augmenting Large Language Models (LLMs) with external tools, their capacity to solve complex problems has been significantly enhanced. However, despite ongoing advancements in the parsing capabilities of LLMs, incorporating all available tools simultaneously in the prompt remains impractical due to the vast number of external tools. Consequently, it is essential to provide LLMs with a precise set of tools tailored to the specific task, considering both quantity and quality. Current tool retrieval methods primarily focus on refining the ranking list of tools and directly packaging a fixed number of top-ranked tools as the tool set. However, these approaches often fail to equip LLMs with the optimal set of tools prior to execution, since the optimal number of tools for different tasks could be different, resulting in inefficiencies such as redundant or unsuitable tools, which impede immediate access to the most relevant tools. This paper addresses the challenge of recommending precise toolsets for LLMs. We introduce the problem of tool recommendation, define its scope, and propose a novel Precision-driven Tool Recommendation (PTR) approach. PTR captures an initial, concise set of tools by leveraging historical tool bundle usage and dynamically adjusts the tool set by performing tool matching, culminating in a multi-view-based tool addition. Additionally, we present a new dataset, RecTools, and a metric, TRACC, designed to evaluate the effectiveness of tool recommendation for LLMs. We further validate our design choices through comprehensive experiments, demonstrating promising accuracy across two open benchmarks and our RecTools dataset.
Abstract:Human motion generation is a cut-edge area of research in generative computer vision, with promising applications in video creation, game development, and robotic manipulation. The recent Mamba architecture shows promising results in efficiently modeling long and complex sequences, yet two significant challenges remain: Firstly, directly applying Mamba to extended motion generation is ineffective, as the limited capacity of the implicit memory leads to memory decay. Secondly, Mamba struggles with multimodal fusion compared to Transformers, and lack alignment with textual queries, often confusing directions (left or right) or omitting parts of longer text queries. To address these challenges, our paper presents three key contributions: Firstly, we introduce KMM, a novel architecture featuring Key frame Masking Modeling, designed to enhance Mamba's focus on key actions in motion segments. This approach addresses the memory decay problem and represents a pioneering method in customizing strategic frame-level masking in SSMs. Additionally, we designed a contrastive learning paradigm for addressing the multimodal fusion problem in Mamba and improving the motion-text alignment. Finally, we conducted extensive experiments on the go-to dataset, BABEL, achieving state-of-the-art performance with a reduction of more than 57% in FID and 70% parameters compared to previous state-of-the-art methods. See project website: https://steve-zeyu-zhang.github.io/KMM
Abstract:Self-occlusion is common when capturing people in the wild, where the performer do not follow predefined motion scripts. This challenges existing monocular human reconstruction systems that assume full body visibility. We introduce Self-Occluded Avatar Recovery (SOAR), a method for complete human reconstruction from partial observations where parts of the body are entirely unobserved. SOAR leverages structural normal prior and generative diffusion prior to address such an ill-posed reconstruction problem. For structural normal prior, we model human with an reposable surfel model with well-defined and easily readable shapes. For generative diffusion prior, we perform an initial reconstruction and refine it using score distillation. On various benchmarks, we show that SOAR performs favorably than state-of-the-art reconstruction and generation methods, and on-par comparing to concurrent works. Additional video results and code are available at https://soar-avatar.github.io/.
Abstract:We develop a decision making framework to cast the problem of learning a ranking policy for search or recommendation engines in a two-sided e-commerce marketplace as an expected reward optimization problem using observational data. As a value allocation mechanism, the ranking policy allocates retrieved items to the designated slots so as to maximize the user utility from the slotted items, at any given stage of the shopping journey. The objective of this allocation can in turn be defined with respect to the underlying probabilistic user browsing model as the expected number of interaction events on presented items matching the user intent, given the ranking context. Through recognizing the effect of ranking as an intervention action to inform users' interactions with slotted items and the corresponding economic value of the interaction events for the marketplace, we formulate the expected reward of the marketplace as the collective value from all presented ranking actions. The key element in this formulation is a notion of context value distribution, which signifies not only the attribution of value to ranking interventions within a session but also the distribution of marketplace reward across user sessions. We build empirical estimates for the expected reward of the marketplace from observational data that account for the heterogeneity of economic value across session contexts as well as the distribution shifts in learning from observational user activity data. The ranking policy can then be trained by optimizing the empirical expected reward estimates via standard Bayesian inference techniques. We report empirical results for a product search ranking task in a major e-commerce platform demonstrating the fundamental trade-offs governed by ranking polices trained on empirical reward estimates with respect to extreme choices of the context value distribution.
Abstract:Seismic geobody interpretation is crucial for structural geology studies and various engineering applications. Existing deep learning methods show promise but lack support for multi-modal inputs and struggle to generalize to different geobody types or surveys. We introduce a promptable foundation model for interpreting any geobodies across seismic surveys. This model integrates a pre-trained vision foundation model (VFM) with a sophisticated multi-modal prompt engine. The VFM, pre-trained on massive natural images and fine-tuned on seismic data, provides robust feature extraction for cross-survey generalization. The prompt engine incorporates multi-modal prior information to iteratively refine geobody delineation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the model's superior accuracy, scalability from 2D to 3D, and generalizability to various geobody types, including those unseen during training. To our knowledge, this is the first highly scalable and versatile multi-modal foundation model capable of interpreting any geobodies across surveys while supporting real-time interactions. Our approach establishes a new paradigm for geoscientific data interpretation, with broad potential for transfer to other tasks.
Abstract:Temporal knowledge graph completion aims to infer the missing facts in temporal knowledge graphs. Current approaches usually embed factual knowledge into continuous vector space and apply geometric operations to learn potential patterns in temporal knowledge graphs. However, these methods only adopt a single operation, which may have limitations in capturing the complex temporal dynamics present in temporal knowledge graphs. Therefore, we propose a simple but effective method, i.e. TCompoundE, which is specially designed with two geometric operations, including time-specific and relation-specific operations. We provide mathematical proofs to demonstrate the ability of TCompoundE to encode various relation patterns. Experimental results show that our proposed model significantly outperforms existing temporal knowledge graph embedding models. Our code is available at https://github.com/nk-ruiying/TCompoundE.
Abstract:Monocular dynamic reconstruction is a challenging and long-standing vision problem due to the highly ill-posed nature of the task. Existing approaches are limited in that they either depend on templates, are effective only in quasi-static scenes, or fail to model 3D motion explicitly. In this work, we introduce a method capable of reconstructing generic dynamic scenes, featuring explicit, full-sequence-long 3D motion, from casually captured monocular videos. We tackle the under-constrained nature of the problem with two key insights: First, we exploit the low-dimensional structure of 3D motion by representing scene motion with a compact set of SE3 motion bases. Each point's motion is expressed as a linear combination of these bases, facilitating soft decomposition of the scene into multiple rigidly-moving groups. Second, we utilize a comprehensive set of data-driven priors, including monocular depth maps and long-range 2D tracks, and devise a method to effectively consolidate these noisy supervisory signals, resulting in a globally consistent representation of the dynamic scene. Experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance for both long-range 3D/2D motion estimation and novel view synthesis on dynamic scenes. Project Page: https://shape-of-motion.github.io/
Abstract:Vector retrieval algorithms are vital for semantic queries in the evolving landscape of Large Language Models (LLMs). Retrieving vectors that simultaneously meet criteria for both similarity and diversity significantly enhances the capabilities of LLM-based agents. Despite the widespread use of the Maximal Marginal Relevance (MMR) in retrieval scenarios with relevance and diversity requirements, fluctuations caused by variations in the parameter $ \lambda $ within the MMR complicate the determination of the optimization trajectory in vector spaces, thus obscuring the direction of enhancement. Moreover, there is a lack of a robust theoretical analysis for the constraints of similarity and diversity in retrieval processes. This paper introduces a novel approach to characterizing both constraints through the relationship between the sum vector and the query vector. The proximity of these vectors addresses the similarity constraint, while necessitating that individual vectors within the sum vector divergently align with the query vector to satisfy the diversity constraint. We also formulate a new combinatorial optimization challenge, taking a selection of $k$ vectors from a set of candidates such that their sum vector maximally aligns with the query vector, a problem we demonstrate to be NP-complete. This establishes the profound difficulty of pursuing similarity and diversity simultaneously in vector retrieval and lays a theoretical groundwork for further research. Additionally, we present the heuristic algorithm Vectors Retrieval with Similarity and Diversity (VRSD) which not only has a definitive optimization goal and eschews the need for preset parameters but also offers a modest reduction in time complexity compared to MMR. Empirical validation further confirm that VRSD significantly surpasses MMR across various datasets.