Abstract:Recent advancements in LLMs have accelerated the development of dialogue generation across text and images, yet video-based dialogue generation remains underexplored and presents unique challenges. In this paper, we introduce Theme-aware Video Dialogue Crafting (TVDC), a novel task aimed at generating new dialogues that align with video content and adhere to user-specified themes. We propose TV-Dialogue, a novel multi-modal agent framework that ensures both theme alignment (i.e., the dialogue revolves around the theme) and visual consistency (i.e., the dialogue matches the emotions and behaviors of characters in the video) by enabling real-time immersive interactions among video characters, thereby accurately understanding the video content and generating new dialogue that aligns with the given themes. To assess the generated dialogues, we present a multi-granularity evaluation benchmark with high accuracy, interpretability and reliability, demonstrating the effectiveness of TV-Dialogue on self-collected dataset over directly using existing LLMs. Extensive experiments reveal that TV-Dialogue can generate dialogues for videos of any length and any theme in a zero-shot manner without training. Our findings underscore the potential of TV-Dialogue for various applications, such as video re-creation, film dubbing and its use in downstream multimodal tasks.
Abstract:The human ear offers a unique opportunity for cardiac monitoring due to its physiological and practical advantages. However, existing earable solutions require additional hardware and complex processing, posing challenges for commercial True Wireless Stereo (TWS) earbuds which are limited by their form factor and resources. In this paper, we propose TWSCardio, a novel system that repurposes the IMU sensors in TWS earbuds for cardiac monitoring. Our key finding is that these sensors can capture in-ear ballistocardiogram (BCG) signals. TWSCardio reuses the unstable Bluetooth channel to stream the IMU data to a smartphone for BCG processing. It incorporates a signal enhancement framework to address issues related to missing data and low sampling rate, while mitigating motion artifacts by fusing multi-axis information. Furthermore, it employs a region-focused signal reconstruction method to translate the multi-axis in-ear BCG signals into fine-grained seismocardiogram (SCG) signals. We have implemented TWSCardio as an efficient real-time app. Our experiments on 100 subjects verify that TWSCardio can accurately reconstruct cardiac signals while showing resilience to motion artifacts, missing data, and low sampling rates. Our case studies further demonstrate that TWSCardio can support diverse cardiac monitoring applications.
Abstract:The proliferation of fake news in the digital age has raised critical concerns, particularly regarding its impact on societal trust and democratic processes. Diverging from conventional agent-based simulation approaches, this work introduces an innovative approach by employing a large language model (LLM)-driven multi-agent simulation to replicate complex interactions within information ecosystems. We investigate key factors that facilitate news propagation, such as agent personalities and network structures, while also evaluating strategies to combat misinformation. Through simulations across varying network structures, we demonstrate the potential of LLM-based agents in modeling the dynamics of misinformation spread, validating the influence of agent traits on the diffusion process. Our findings emphasize the advantages of LLM-based simulations over traditional techniques, as they uncover underlying causes of information spread -- such as agents promoting discussions -- beyond the predefined rules typically employed in existing agent-based models. Additionally, we evaluate three countermeasure strategies, discovering that brute-force blocking influential agents in the network or announcing news accuracy can effectively mitigate misinformation. However, their effectiveness is influenced by the network structure, highlighting the importance of considering network structure in the development of future misinformation countermeasures.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in various natural language processing tasks. However, the training of these models is computationally intensive and susceptible to faults, particularly in the attention mechanism, which is a critical component of transformer-based LLMs. In this paper, we investigate the impact of faults on LLM training, focusing on INF, NaN, and near-INF values in the computation results with systematic fault injection experiments. We observe the propagation patterns of these errors, which can trigger non-trainable states in the model and disrupt training, forcing the procedure to load from checkpoints.To mitigate the impact of these faults, we propose ATTNChecker, the first Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance (ABFT) technique tailored for the attention mechanism in LLMs. ATTNChecker is designed based on fault propagation patterns of LLM and incorporates performance optimization to adapt to both system reliability and model vulnerability while providing lightweight protection for fast LLM training. Evaluations on four LLMs show that ATTNChecker on average incurs on average 7% overhead on training while detecting and correcting all extreme errors. Compared with the state-of-the-art checkpoint/restore approach, ATTNChecker reduces recovery overhead by up to 49x.
Abstract:Periodic soft real-time systems have broad applications in many areas, such as IoT. Finding an optimal energy-efficient policy that is adaptable to underlying edge devices while meeting deadlines for tasks has always been challenging. This research studies generalized systems with multi-task, multi-deadline scenarios with reinforcement learning-based DVFS for energy saving. This work addresses the limitation of previous work that models a periodic system as a single task and single-deadline scenario, which is too simplified to cope with complex situations. The method encodes time series information in the Linux kernel into information that is easy to use for reinforcement learning, allowing the system to generate DVFS policies to adapt system patterns based on the general workload. For encoding, we present two different methods for comparison. Both methods use only one performance counter: system utilization and the kernel only needs minimal information from the userspace. Our method is implemented on Jetson Nano Board (2GB) and is tested with three fixed multitask workloads, which are three, five, and eight tasks in the workload, respectively. For randomness and generalization, we also designed a random workload generator to build different multitask workloads to test. Based on the test results, our method could save 3%-10% power compared to Linux built-in governors.
Abstract:In this paper we present the results of the AI-Debater 2023 Challenge held by the Chinese Conference on Affect Computing (CCAC 2023), and introduce the related datasets. We organize two tracks to handle the argumentative generation tasks in different scenarios, namely, Counter-Argument Generation (Track 1) and Claim-based Argument Generation (Track 2). Each track is equipped with its distinct dataset and baseline model respectively. In total, 32 competing teams register for the challenge, from which we received 11 successful submissions. In this paper, we will present the results of the challenge and a summary of the systems, highlighting commonalities and innovations among participating systems. Datasets and baseline models of the AI-Debater 2023 Challenge have been already released and can be accessed through the official website of the challenge.
Abstract:In frame-based vision, object detection faces substantial performance degradation under challenging conditions due to the limited sensing capability of conventional cameras. Event cameras output sparse and asynchronous events, providing a potential solution to solve these problems. However, effectively fusing two heterogeneous modalities remains an open issue. In this work, we propose a novel hierarchical feature refinement network for event-frame fusion. The core concept is the design of the coarse-to-fine fusion module, denoted as the cross-modality adaptive feature refinement (CAFR) module. In the initial phase, the bidirectional cross-modality interaction (BCI) part facilitates information bridging from two distinct sources. Subsequently, the features are further refined by aligning the channel-level mean and variance in the two-fold adaptive feature refinement (TAFR) part. We conducted extensive experiments on two benchmarks: the low-resolution PKU-DDD17-Car dataset and the high-resolution DSEC dataset. Experimental results show that our method surpasses the state-of-the-art by an impressive margin of $\textbf{8.0}\%$ on the DSEC dataset. Besides, our method exhibits significantly better robustness (\textbf{69.5}\% versus \textbf{38.7}\%) when introducing 15 different corruption types to the frame images. The code can be found at the link (https://github.com/HuCaoFighting/FRN).
Abstract:Open set anomaly detection (OSAD) is a crucial task that aims to identify abnormal patterns or behaviors in data sets, especially when the anomalies observed during training do not represent all possible classes of anomalies. The recent advances in quantum computing in handling complex data structures and improving machine learning models herald a paradigm shift in anomaly detection methodologies. This study proposes a Quantum Scoring Module (Qsco), embedding quantum variational circuits into neural networks to enhance the model's processing capabilities in handling uncertainty and unlabeled data. Extensive experiments conducted across eight real-world anomaly detection datasets demonstrate our model's superior performance in detecting anomalies across varied settings and reveal that integrating quantum simulators does not result in prohibitive time complexities. Our study validates the feasibility of quantum-enhanced anomaly detection methods in practical applications.
Abstract:In the current digital era, the rapid spread of misinformation on online platforms presents significant challenges to societal well-being, public trust, and democratic processes, influencing critical decision making and public opinion. To address these challenges, there is a growing need for automated fake news detection mechanisms. Pre-trained large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional capabilities across various natural language processing (NLP) tasks, prompting exploration into their potential for verifying news claims. Instead of employing LLMs in a non-agentic way, where LLMs generate responses based on direct prompts in a single shot, our work introduces FactAgent, an agentic approach of utilizing LLMs for fake news detection. FactAgent enables LLMs to emulate human expert behavior in verifying news claims without any model training, following a structured workflow. This workflow breaks down the complex task of news veracity checking into multiple sub-steps, where LLMs complete simple tasks using their internal knowledge or external tools. At the final step of the workflow, LLMs integrate all findings throughout the workflow to determine the news claim's veracity. Compared to manual human verification, FactAgent offers enhanced efficiency. Experimental studies demonstrate the effectiveness of FactAgent in verifying claims without the need for any training process. Moreover, FactAgent provides transparent explanations at each step of the workflow and during final decision-making, offering insights into the reasoning process of fake news detection for end users. FactAgent is highly adaptable, allowing for straightforward updates to its tools that LLMs can leverage within the workflow, as well as updates to the workflow itself using domain knowledge. This adaptability enables FactAgent's application to news verification across various domains.
Abstract:This paper explores the effectiveness of using large language models (LLMs) for personalized movie recommendations from users' perspectives in an online field experiment. Our study involves a combination of between-subject prompt and historic consumption assessments, along with within-subject recommendation scenario evaluations. By examining conversation and survey response data from 160 active users, we find that LLMs offer strong recommendation explainability but lack overall personalization, diversity, and user trust. Our results also indicate that different personalized prompting techniques do not significantly affect user-perceived recommendation quality, but the number of movies a user has watched plays a more significant role. Furthermore, LLMs show a greater ability to recommend lesser-known or niche movies. Through qualitative analysis, we identify key conversational patterns linked to positive and negative user interaction experiences and conclude that providing personal context and examples is crucial for obtaining high-quality recommendations from LLMs.