Abstract:The evolution of large-scale contrastive pre-training propelled by top-tier datasets has reached a transition point in the scaling law. Consequently, sustaining and enhancing a model's pre-training capabilities in drift environments have surfaced as a notable challenge. In this paper, we initially uncover that contrastive pre-training methods are significantly impacted by concept drift wherein distributions change unpredictably, resulting in notable biases in the feature space of the pre-trained model. Empowered by causal inference, we construct a structural causal graph to analyze the impact of concept drift to contrastive pre-training systemically, and propose the causal interventional contrastive objective. Upon achieving this, we devise a resilient contrastive pre-training approach to accommodate the data stream of concept drift, with simple and scalable implementation. Extensive experiments on various downstream tasks demonstrate our resilient contrastive pre-training effectively mitigates the bias stemming from the concept drift data stream. Codes are available at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/ResilientCL/.
Abstract:Wireless positioning technologies hold significant value for applications in autonomous driving, extended reality (XR), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and more. With the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), leveraging AI to enhance positioning accuracy and robustness has emerged as a field full of potential. Driven by the requirements and functionalities defined in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standards, AI/machine learning (ML)-based positioning is becoming a key technology to overcome the limitations of traditional methods. This paper begins with an introduction to the fundamentals of AI and wireless positioning, covering AI models, algorithms, positioning applications, emerging wireless technologies, and the basics of positioning techniques. Subsequently, focusing on standardization progress, we provide a comprehensive review of the evolution of 3GPP positioning standards, with an emphasis on the integration of AI/ML technologies in recent and upcoming releases. Based on the AI/ML-assisted positioning and direct AI/ML positioning schemes outlined in the standards, we conduct an in-depth investigation of related research. we focus on state-of-the-art (SOTA) research in AI-based line-of-sight (LOS)/non-line-of-sight (NLOS) detection, time of arrival (TOA)/time difference of arrival (TDOA) estimation, and angle estimation techniques. For Direct AI/ML Positioning, we explore SOTA advancements in fingerprint-based positioning, knowledge-assisted AI positioning, and channel charting-based positioning. Furthermore, we introduce publicly available datasets for wireless positioning and conclude by summarizing the challenges and opportunities of AI-driven wireless positioning.
Abstract:Full-duplex multimodal large language models (LLMs) provide a unified framework for addressing diverse speech understanding and generation tasks, enabling more natural and seamless human-machine conversations. Unlike traditional modularised conversational AI systems, which separate speech recognition, understanding, and text-to-speech generation into distinct components, multimodal LLMs operate as single end-to-end models. This streamlined design eliminates error propagation across components and fully leverages the rich non-verbal information embedded in input speech signals. We introduce SALMONN-omni, a codec-free, full-duplex speech understanding and generation model capable of simultaneously listening to its own generated speech and background sounds while speaking. To support this capability, we propose a novel duplex spoken dialogue framework incorporating a ``thinking'' mechanism that facilitates asynchronous text and speech generation relying on embeddings instead of codecs (quantized speech and audio tokens). Experimental results demonstrate SALMONN-omni's versatility across a broad range of streaming speech tasks, including speech recognition, speech enhancement, and spoken question answering. Additionally, SALMONN-omni excels at managing turn-taking, barge-in, and echo cancellation scenarios, establishing its potential as a robust prototype for full-duplex conversational AI systems. To the best of our knowledge, SALMONN-omni is the first codec-free model of its kind. A full technical report along with model checkpoints will be released soon.
Abstract:Self-supervised learning (SSL) has achieved great success in speech-related tasks, driven by advancements in speech encoder architectures and the expansion of datasets. While Transformer and Conformer architectures have dominated SSL backbones, encoders like Zipformer, which excel in automatic speech recognition (ASR), remain unexplored in SSL. Concurrently, inefficiencies in data processing within existing SSL training frameworks, such as fairseq, pose challenges in managing the growing volumes of training data. To address these issues, we propose k2SSL, an open-source framework that offers faster, more memory-efficient, and better-performing self-supervised speech representation learning, with a focus on downstream ASR tasks. The optimized HuBERT and proposed Zipformer-based SSL systems exhibit substantial reductions in both training time and memory usage during SSL training. Experiments on LibriSpeech and Libri-Light demonstrate that Zipformer-based SSL systems significantly outperform comparable HuBERT and WavLM systems, achieving a relative WER reduction on dev-other/test-other of up to 34.8%/32.4% compared to HuBERT Base after supervised fine-tuning, along with a 3.5x pre-training speedup in total GPU hours.
Abstract:This paper proposes a scalable and straightforward pre-training paradigm for efficient visual conceptual representation called masked image contrastive learning (MiCL). Our MiCL approach is simple: we randomly mask patches to generate different views within an image and contrast them among a mini-batch of images. The core idea behind MiCL consists of two designs. First, masked tokens have the potential to significantly diminish the conceptual redundancy inherent in images, and create distinct views with substantial fine-grained differences on the semantic concept level instead of the instance level. Second, contrastive learning is adept at extracting high-level semantic conceptual features during the pre-training, circumventing the high-frequency interference and additional costs associated with image reconstruction. Importantly, MiCL learns highly semantic conceptual representations efficiently without relying on hand-crafted data augmentations or additional auxiliary modules. Empirically, MiCL demonstrates high scalability with Vision Transformers, as the ViT-L/16 can complete pre-training in 133 hours using only 4 A100 GPUs, achieving 85.8% accuracy in downstream fine-tuning tasks.
Abstract:Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) is a widely used method for automatic speech recognition (ASR), renowned for its simplicity and computational efficiency. However, it often falls short in recognition performance compared to transducer or systems combining CTC and attention-based encoder-decoder (CTC/AED). In this work, we propose the Consistency-Regularized CTC (CR-CTC), which enforces consistency between two CTC distributions obtained from different augmented views of the input speech mel-spectrogram. We provide in-depth insights into its essential behaviors from three perspectives: 1) it conducts self-distillation between random pairs of sub-models that process different augmented views; 2) it learns contextual representation through masked prediction for positions within time-masked regions, especially when we increase the amount of time masking; 3) it suppresses the extremely peaky CTC distributions, thereby reducing overfitting and improving the generalization ability. Extensive experiments on LibriSpeech, Aishell-1, and GigaSpeech datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our CR-CTC, which achieves performance comparable to, or even slightly better than, that of transducer and CTC/AED.
Abstract:With the advances in deep learning, the performance of end-to-end (E2E) single-task models for speech and audio processing has been constantly improving. However, it is still challenging to build a general-purpose model with high performance on multiple tasks, since different speech and audio processing tasks usually require different training data, input features, or model architectures to achieve optimal performance. In this work, MT2KD, a novel two-stage multi-task learning framework is proposed to build a general-purpose speech and audio encoder that jointly performs three fundamental tasks: automatic speech recognition (ASR), audio tagging (AT) and speaker verification (SV). In the first stage, multi-teacher knowledge distillation (KD) is applied to align the feature spaces of three single-task high-performance teacher encoders into a single student encoder using the same unlabelled data. In the second stage, multi-task supervised fine-tuning is carried out by initialising the model from the first stage and training on the separate labelled data of each single task. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed multi-task training pipeline significantly outperforms a baseline model trained with multi-task learning from scratch. The final system achieves good performance on ASR, AT and SV: with less than 4% relative word-error-rate increase on ASR, only 1.9 lower mean averaged precision on AT and 0.23% absolute higher equal error rate on SV compared to the best-performing single-task encoders, using only a 66M total model parameters.
Abstract:The evolving speech processing landscape is increasingly focused on complex scenarios like meetings or cocktail parties with multiple simultaneous speakers and far-field conditions. Existing methodologies for addressing these challenges fall into two categories: multi-channel and single-channel solutions. Single-channel approaches, notable for their generality and convenience, do not require specific information about microphone arrays. This paper presents a large-scale far-field overlapping speech dataset, crafted to advance research in speech separation, recognition, and speaker diarization. This dataset is a critical resource for decoding ``Who said What and When'' in multi-talker, reverberant environments, a daunting challenge in the field. Additionally, we introduce a pipeline system encompassing speech separation, recognition, and diarization as a foundational benchmark. Evaluations on the WHAMR! dataset validate the broad applicability of the proposed data.
Abstract:The integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system under multi-input multi-output (MIMO) architecture achieves dual functionalities of sensing and communication on the same platform by utilizing spatial gain, which provides a feasible paradigm facing spectrum congestion. However, the dual functionalities of sensing and communication operating simultaneously in the same platform bring severe interference in the ISAC systems. Facing this challenge, we propose a joint optimization framework for transmit beamforming and receive filter design for ISAC systems with MIMO architecture. We aim to maximize the signal-to-clutter-plus-noise ratio (SCNR) at the receiver while considering various constraints such as waveform similarity, power budget, and communication performance requirements to ensure the integration of the dual functionalities. In particular, the overall transmit beamforming is refined into sensing beamforming and communication beamforming, and a quadratic transformation (QT) is introduced to relax and convert the complex non-convex optimization objective. An efficient algorithm based on covariance matrix tapers (CMT) is proposed to restructure the clutter covariance matrix considering the mismatched steering vector, thereby improving the robustness of the ISAC transceiver design. Numerical simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Abstract:While Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable success in various fields, the efficiency of training and inference remains a major challenge. To address this issue, we propose SUBLLM, short for Subsampling-Upsampling-Bypass Large Language Model, an innovative architecture that extends the core decoder-only framework by incorporating subsampling, upsampling, and bypass modules. The subsampling modules are responsible for shortening the sequence, while the upsampling modules restore the sequence length, and the bypass modules enhance convergence. In comparison to LLaMA, the proposed SUBLLM exhibits significant enhancements in both training and inference speeds as well as memory usage, while maintaining competitive few-shot performance. During training, SUBLLM increases speeds by 26% and cuts memory by 10GB per GPU. In inference, it boosts speeds by up to 37% and reduces memory by 1GB per GPU. The training and inference speeds can be enhanced by 34% and 52% respectively when the context window is expanded to 8192. We shall release the source code of the proposed architecture in the published version.