Abstract:In text-to-image (T2I) generation applications, negative embeddings have proven to be a simple yet effective approach for enhancing generation quality. Typically, these negative embeddings are derived from user-defined negative prompts, which, while being functional, are not necessarily optimal. In this paper, we introduce ReNeg, an end-to-end method designed to learn improved Negative embeddings guided by a Reward model. We employ a reward feedback learning framework and integrate classifier-free guidance (CFG) into the training process, which was previously utilized only during inference, thus enabling the effective learning of negative embeddings. We also propose two strategies for learning both global and per-sample negative embeddings. Extensive experiments show that the learned negative embedding significantly outperforms null-text and handcrafted counterparts, achieving substantial improvements in human preference alignment. Additionally, the negative embedding learned within the same text embedding space exhibits strong generalization capabilities. For example, using the same CLIP text encoder, the negative embedding learned on SD1.5 can be seamlessly transferred to text-to-image or even text-to-video models such as ControlNet, ZeroScope, and VideoCrafter2, resulting in consistent performance improvements across the board.
Abstract:List-mode positron emission tomography (PET) image reconstruction is an important tool for PET scanners with many lines-of-response (LORs) and additional information such as time-of-flight and depth-of-interaction. Deep learning is one possible solution to enhance the quality of PET image reconstruction. However, the application of deep learning techniques to list-mode PET image reconstruction have not been progressed because list data is a sequence of bit codes and unsuitable for processing by convolutional neural networks (CNN). In this study, we propose a novel list-mode PET image reconstruction method using an unsupervised CNN called deep image prior (DIP) and a framework of alternating direction method of multipliers. The proposed list-mode DIP reconstruction (LM-DIPRecon) method alternatively iterates regularized list-mode dynamic row action maximum likelihood algorithm (LM-DRAMA) and magnetic resonance imaging conditioned DIP (MR-DIP). We evaluated LM-DIPRecon using both simulation and clinical data, and it achieved sharper images and better tradeoff curves between contrast and noise than the LM-DRAMA and MR-DIP. These results indicated that the LM-DIPRecon is useful for quantitative PET imaging with limited events. In addition, as list data has finer temporal information than dynamic sinograms, list-mode deep image prior reconstruction is expected to be useful for 4D PET imaging and motion correction.
Abstract:Temporal modeling is crucial for video super-resolution. Most of the video super-resolution methods adopt the optical flow or deformable convolution for explicitly motion compensation. However, such temporal modeling techniques increase the model complexity and might fail in case of occlusion or complex motion, resulting in serious distortion and artifacts. In this paper, we propose to explore the role of explicit temporal difference modeling in both LR and HR space. Instead of directly feeding consecutive frames into a VSR model, we propose to compute the temporal difference between frames and divide those pixels into two subsets according to the level of difference. They are separately processed with two branches of different receptive fields in order to better extract complementary information. To further enhance the super-resolution result, not only spatial residual features are extracted, but the difference between consecutive frames in high-frequency domain is also computed. It allows the model to exploit intermediate SR results in both future and past to refine the current SR output. The difference at different time steps could be cached such that information from further distance in time could be propagated to the current frame for refinement. Experiments on several video super-resolution benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method and its favorable performance against state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:In this work, we address the problem of unsupervised domain adaptation for person re-ID where annotations are available for the source domain but not for target. Previous methods typically follow a two-stage optimization pipeline, where the network is first pre-trained on source and then fine-tuned on target with pseudo labels created by feature clustering. Such methods sustain two main limitations. (1) The label noise may hinder the learning of discriminative features for recognizing target classes. (2) The domain gap may hinder knowledge transferring from source to target. We propose three types of technical schemes to alleviate these issues. First, we propose a cluster-wise contrastive learning algorithm (CCL) by iterative optimization of feature learning and cluster refinery to learn noise-tolerant representations in the unsupervised manner. Second, we adopt a progressive domain adaptation (PDA) strategy to gradually mitigate the domain gap between source and target data. Third, we propose Fourier augmentation (FA) for further maximizing the class separability of re-ID models by imposing extra constraints in the Fourier space. We observe that these proposed schemes are capable of facilitating the learning of discriminative feature representations. Experiments demonstrate that our method consistently achieves notable improvements over the state-of-the-art unsupervised re-ID methods on multiple benchmarks, e.g., surpassing MMT largely by 8.1\%, 9.9\%, 11.4\% and 11.1\% mAP on the Market-to-Duke, Duke-to-Market, Market-to-MSMT and Duke-to-MSMT tasks, respectively.
Abstract:Recently unsupervised domain adaptation for the semantic segmentation task has become more and more popular due to high-cost of pixel-level annotation on real-world images. However, most domain adaptation methods are only restricted to single-source-single-target pair, and can not be directly extended to multiple target domains. In this work, we propose a collaborative learning framework to achieve unsupervised multi-target domain adaptation. An unsupervised domain adaptation expert model is first trained for each source-target pair and is further encouraged to collaborate with each other through a bridge built between different target domains. These expert models are further improved by adding the regularization of making the consistent pixel-wise prediction for each sample with the same structured context. To obtain a single model that works across multiple target domains, we propose to simultaneously learn a student model which is trained to not only imitate the output of each expert on the corresponding target domain, but also to pull different expert close to each other with regularization on their weights. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively exploit rich structured information contained in both labeled source domain and multiple unlabeled target domains. Not only does it perform well across multiple target domains but also performs favorably against state-of-the-art unsupervised domain adaptation methods specially trained on a single source-target pair
Abstract:Video super-resolution plays an important role in surveillance video analysis and ultra-high-definition video display, which has drawn much attention in both the research and industrial communities. Although many deep learning-based VSR methods have been proposed, it is hard to directly compare these methods since the different loss functions and training datasets have a significant impact on the super-resolution results. In this work, we carefully study and compare three temporal modeling methods (2D CNN with early fusion, 3D CNN with slow fusion and Recurrent Neural Network) for video super-resolution. We also propose a novel Recurrent Residual Network (RRN) for efficient video super-resolution, where residual learning is utilized to stabilize the training of RNN and meanwhile to boost the super-resolution performance. Extensive experiments show that the proposed RRN is highly computational efficiency and produces temporal consistent VSR results with finer details than other temporal modeling methods. Besides, the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art results on several widely used benchmarks.
Abstract:Most video super-resolution methods super-resolve a single reference frame with the help of neighboring frames in a temporal sliding window. They are less efficient compared to the recurrent-based methods. In this work, we propose a novel recurrent video super-resolution method which is both effective and efficient in exploiting previous frames to super-resolve the current frame. It divides the input into structure and detail components which are fed to a recurrent unit composed of several proposed two-stream structure-detail blocks. In addition, a hidden state adaptation module that allows the current frame to selectively use information from hidden state is introduced to enhance its robustness to appearance change and error accumulation. Extensive ablation study validate the effectiveness of the proposed modules. Experiments on several benchmark datasets demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method compared to state-of-the-art methods on video super-resolution.
Abstract:Video super-resolution, which aims at producing a high-resolution video from its corresponding low-resolution version, has recently drawn increasing attention. In this work, we propose a novel method that can effectively incorporate temporal information in a hierarchical way. The input sequence is divided into several groups, with each one corresponding to a kind of frame rate. These groups provide complementary information to recover missing details in the reference frame, which is further integrated with an attention module and a deep intra-group fusion module. In addition, a fast spatial alignment is proposed to handle videos with large motion. Extensive results demonstrate the capability of the proposed model in handling videos with various motion. It achieves favorable performance against state-of-the-art methods on several benchmark datasets.
Abstract:Video-based person re-id has drawn much attention in recent years due to its prospective applications in video surveillance. Most existing methods concentrate on how to represent discriminative clip-level features. Moreover, clip-level data augmentation is also important, especially for temporal aggregation task. Inconsistent intra-clip augmentation will collapse inter-frame alignment, thus bringing in additional noise. To tackle the above-motioned problems, we design a novel framework for video-based person re-id, which consists of two main modules: Synchronized Transformation (ST) and Intra-clip Aggregation (ICA). The former module augments intra-clip frames with the same probability and the same operation, while the latter leverages two-level intra-clip encoding to generate more discriminative clip-level features. To confirm the advantage of synchronized transformation, we conduct ablation study with different synchronized transformation scheme. We also perform cross-dataset experiment to better understand the generality of our method. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate that our framework outperforming the most of recent state-of-the-art methods.