University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Abstract:Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP)-based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is an effective technology used for information detection by detecting Event-Related Potentials (ERPs). The current RSVP decoding methods can perform well in decoding EEG signals within a single RSVP task, but their decoding performance significantly decreases when directly applied to different RSVP tasks without calibration data from the new tasks. This limits the rapid and efficient deployment of RSVP-BCI systems for detecting different categories of targets in various scenarios. To overcome this limitation, this study aims to enhance the cross-task zero-calibration RSVP decoding performance. First, we design three distinct RSVP tasks for target image retrieval and build an open-source dataset containing EEG signals and corresponding stimulus images. Then we propose an EEG with Language-Image Prior fusion Transformer (ELIPformer) for cross-task zero-calibration RSVP decoding. Specifically, we propose a prompt encoder based on the language-image pre-trained model to extract language-image features from task-specific prompts and stimulus images as prior knowledge for enhancing EEG decoding. A cross bidirectional attention mechanism is also adopted to facilitate the effective feature fusion and alignment between the EEG and language-image features. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed model achieves superior performance in cross-task zero-calibration RSVP decoding, which promotes the RSVP-BCI system from research to practical application.
Abstract:Diffusion models have achieved remarkable success in sequential decision-making by leveraging the highly expressive model capabilities in policy learning. A central problem for learning diffusion policies is to align the policy output with human intents in various tasks. To achieve this, previous methods conduct return-conditioned policy generation or Reinforcement Learning (RL)-based policy optimization, while they both rely on pre-defined reward functions. In this work, we propose a novel framework, Forward KL regularized Preference optimization for aligning Diffusion policies, to align the diffusion policy with preferences directly. We first train a diffusion policy from the offline dataset without considering the preference, and then align the policy to the preference data via direct preference optimization. During the alignment phase, we formulate direct preference learning in a diffusion policy, where the forward KL regularization is employed in preference optimization to avoid generating out-of-distribution actions. We conduct extensive experiments for MetaWorld manipulation and D4RL tasks. The results show our method exhibits superior alignment with preferences and outperforms previous state-of-the-art algorithms.
Abstract:This paper investigates multi-objective reinforcement learning (MORL), which focuses on learning Pareto optimal policies in the presence of multiple reward functions. Despite MORL's significant empirical success, there is still a lack of satisfactory understanding of various MORL optimization targets and efficient learning algorithms. Our work offers a systematic analysis of several optimization targets to assess their abilities to find all Pareto optimal policies and controllability over learned policies by the preferences for different objectives. We then identify Tchebycheff scalarization as a favorable scalarization method for MORL. Considering the non-smoothness of Tchebycheff scalarization, we reformulate its minimization problem into a new min-max-max optimization problem. Then, for the stochastic policy class, we propose efficient algorithms using this reformulation to learn Pareto optimal policies. We first propose an online UCB-based algorithm to achieve an $\varepsilon$ learning error with an $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\varepsilon^{-2})$ sample complexity for a single given preference. To further reduce the cost of environment exploration under different preferences, we propose a preference-free framework that first explores the environment without pre-defined preferences and then generates solutions for any number of preferences. We prove that it only requires an $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\varepsilon^{-2})$ exploration complexity in the exploration phase and demands no additional exploration afterward. Lastly, we analyze the smooth Tchebycheff scalarization, an extension of Tchebycheff scalarization, which is proved to be more advantageous in distinguishing the Pareto optimal policies from other weakly Pareto optimal policies based on entry values of preference vectors. Furthermore, we extend our algorithms and theoretical analysis to accommodate this optimization target.
Abstract:We study risk-sensitive reinforcement learning (RL), a crucial field due to its ability to enhance decision-making in scenarios where it is essential to manage uncertainty and minimize potential adverse outcomes. Particularly, our work focuses on applying the entropic risk measure to RL problems. While existing literature primarily investigates the online setting, there remains a large gap in understanding how to efficiently derive a near-optimal policy based on this risk measure using only a pre-collected dataset. We center on the linear Markov Decision Process (MDP) setting, a well-regarded theoretical framework that has yet to be examined from a risk-sensitive standpoint. In response, we introduce two provably sample-efficient algorithms. We begin by presenting a risk-sensitive pessimistic value iteration algorithm, offering a tight analysis by leveraging the structure of the risk-sensitive performance measure. To further improve the obtained bounds, we propose another pessimistic algorithm that utilizes variance information and reference-advantage decomposition, effectively improving both the dependence on the space dimension $d$ and the risk-sensitivity factor. To the best of our knowledge, we obtain the first provably efficient risk-sensitive offline RL algorithms.
Abstract:The conceptualization and categorization of natural objects in the human mind have long intrigued cognitive scientists and neuroscientists, offering crucial insights into human perception and cognition. Recently, the rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs) has raised the attractive question of whether these models can also develop human-like object representations through exposure to vast amounts of linguistic and multimodal data. In this study, we combined behavioral and neuroimaging analysis methods to uncover how the object concept representations in LLMs correlate with those of humans. By collecting large-scale datasets of 4.7 million triplet judgments from LLM and Multimodal LLM (MLLM), we were able to derive low-dimensional embeddings that capture the underlying similarity structure of 1,854 natural objects. The resulting 66-dimensional embeddings were found to be highly stable and predictive, and exhibited semantic clustering akin to human mental representations. Interestingly, the interpretability of the dimensions underlying these embeddings suggests that LLM and MLLM have developed human-like conceptual representations of natural objects. Further analysis demonstrated strong alignment between the identified model embeddings and neural activity patterns in many functionally defined brain ROIs (e.g., EBA, PPA, RSC and FFA). This provides compelling evidence that the object representations in LLMs, while not identical to those in the human, share fundamental commonalities that reflect key schemas of human conceptual knowledge. This study advances our understanding of machine intelligence and informs the development of more human-like artificial cognitive systems.
Abstract:Fine-grained control over large language models (LLMs) remains a significant challenge, hindering their adaptability to diverse user needs. While Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) shows promise in aligning LLMs, its reliance on scalar rewards often limits its ability to capture diverse user preferences in real-world applications. To address this limitation, we introduce the Directional Preference Alignment (DPA) framework. Unlike the scalar-reward RLHF, DPA incorporates multi-objective reward modeling to represent diverse preference profiles. Additionally, DPA models user preferences as directions (i.e., unit vectors) in the reward space to achieve user-dependent preference control. Our method involves training a multi-objective reward model and then fine-tuning the LLM with a preference-conditioned variant of Rejection Sampling Finetuning (RSF), an RLHF method adopted by Llama 2. This method enjoys a better performance trade-off across various reward objectives. In comparison with the scalar-reward RLHF, DPA offers users intuitive control over LLM generation: they can arithmetically specify their desired trade-offs (e.g., more helpfulness with less verbosity). We also validate the effectiveness of DPA with real-world alignment experiments on Mistral-7B. Our method provides straightforward arithmetic control over the trade-off between helpfulness and verbosity while maintaining competitive performance with strong baselines such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO).
Abstract:We consider the problem of multi-objective alignment of foundation models with human preferences, which is a critical step towards helpful and harmless AI systems. However, it is generally costly and unstable to fine-tune large foundation models using reinforcement learning (RL), and the multi-dimensionality, heterogeneity, and conflicting nature of human preferences further complicate the alignment process. In this paper, we introduce Rewards-in-Context (RiC), which conditions the response of a foundation model on multiple rewards in its prompt context and applies supervised fine-tuning for alignment. The salient features of RiC are simplicity and adaptivity, as it only requires supervised fine-tuning of a single foundation model and supports dynamic adjustment for user preferences during inference time. Inspired by the analytical solution of an abstracted convex optimization problem, our dynamic inference-time adjustment method approaches the Pareto-optimal solution for multiple objectives. Empirical evidence demonstrates the efficacy of our method in aligning both Large Language Models (LLMs) and diffusion models to accommodate diverse rewards with only around 10% GPU hours compared with multi-objective RL baseline.
Abstract:The Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP)-based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is an efficient technology for target retrieval using electroencephalography (EEG) signals. The performance improvement of traditional decoding methods relies on a substantial amount of training data from new test subjects, which increases preparation time for BCI systems. Several studies introduce data from existing subjects to reduce the dependence of performance improvement on data from new subjects, but their optimization strategy based on adversarial learning with extensive data increases training time during the preparation procedure. Moreover, most previous methods only focus on the single-view information of EEG signals, but ignore the information from other views which may further improve performance. To enhance decoding performance while reducing preparation time, we propose a Temporal-Spectral fusion transformer with Subject-specific Adapter (TSformer-SA). Specifically, a cross-view interaction module is proposed to facilitate information transfer and extract common representations across two-view features extracted from EEG temporal signals and spectrogram images. Then, an attention-based fusion module fuses the features of two views to obtain comprehensive discriminative features for classification. Furthermore, a multi-view consistency loss is proposed to maximize the feature similarity between two views of the same EEG signal. Finally, we propose a subject-specific adapter to rapidly transfer the knowledge of the model trained on data from existing subjects to decode data from new subjects. Experimental results show that TSformer-SA significantly outperforms comparison methods and achieves outstanding performance with limited training data from new subjects. This facilitates efficient decoding and rapid deployment of BCI systems in practical use.
Abstract:This paper investigates posterior sampling algorithms for competitive reinforcement learning (RL) in the context of general function approximations. Focusing on zero-sum Markov games (MGs) under two critical settings, namely self-play and adversarial learning, we first propose the self-play and adversarial generalized eluder coefficient (GEC) as complexity measures for function approximation, capturing the exploration-exploitation trade-off in MGs. Based on self-play GEC, we propose a model-based self-play posterior sampling method to control both players to learn Nash equilibrium, which can successfully handle the partial observability of states. Furthermore, we identify a set of partially observable MG models fitting MG learning with the adversarial policies of the opponent. Incorporating the adversarial GEC, we propose a model-based posterior sampling method for learning adversarial MG with potential partial observability. We further provide low regret bounds for proposed algorithms that can scale sublinearly with the proposed GEC and the number of episodes $T$. To the best of our knowledge, we for the first time develop generic model-based posterior sampling algorithms for competitive RL that can be applied to a majority of tractable zero-sum MG classes in both fully observable and partially observable MGs with self-play and adversarial learning.
Abstract:Vision-based stair perception can help autonomous mobile robots deal with the challenge of climbing stairs, especially in unfamiliar environments. To address the problem that current monocular vision methods are difficult to model stairs accurately without depth information, this paper proposes a depth-aware stair modeling method for monocular vision. Specifically, we take the extraction of stair geometric features and the prediction of depth images as joint tasks in a convolutional neural network (CNN), with the designed information propagation architecture, we can achieve effective supervision for stair geometric feature learning by depth information. In addition, to complete the stair modeling, we take the convex lines, concave lines, tread surfaces and riser surfaces as stair geometric features and apply Gaussian kernels to enable the network to predict contextual information within the stair lines. Combined with the depth information obtained by depth sensors, we propose a stair point cloud reconstruction method that can quickly get point clouds belonging to the stair step surfaces. Experiments on our dataset show that our method has a significant improvement over the previous best monocular vision method, with an intersection over union (IOU) increase of 3.4 %, and the lightweight version has a fast detection speed and can meet the requirements of most real-time applications. Our dataset is available at