Google Research
Abstract:Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs) produce high-quality, photo-realistic images, however, the latency incurred by multiple costly inference iterations can restrict their applicability. We introduce LatentCRF, a continuous Conditional Random Field (CRF) model, implemented as a neural network layer, that models the spatial and semantic relationships among the latent vectors in the LDM. By replacing some of the computationally-intensive LDM inference iterations with our lightweight LatentCRF, we achieve a superior balance between quality, speed and diversity. We increase inference efficiency by 33% with no loss in image quality or diversity compared to the full LDM. LatentCRF is an easy add-on, which does not require modifying the LDM.
Abstract:One of the core pillars of efficient deep learning methods is architectural improvements such as the residual/skip connection, which has led to significantly better model convergence and quality. Since then the residual connection has become ubiquitous in not just convolutional neural networks but also transformer-based architectures, the backbone of LLMs. In this paper we introduce \emph{Learned Augmented Residual Layer} (LAuReL) -- a novel generalization of the canonical residual connection -- with the goal to be an in-situ replacement of the latter while outperforming on both model quality and footprint metrics. Our experiments show that using \laurel can help boost performance for both vision and language models. For example, on the ResNet-50, ImageNet 1K task, it achieves $60\%$ of the gains from adding an extra layer, while only adding $0.003\%$ more parameters, and matches it while adding $2.6\times$ fewer parameters.
Abstract:The intriguing in-context learning (ICL) abilities of deep Transformer models have lately garnered significant attention. By studying in-context linear regression on unimodal Gaussian data, recent empirical and theoretical works have argued that ICL emerges from Transformers' abilities to simulate learning algorithms like gradient descent. However, these works fail to capture the remarkable ability of Transformers to learn multiple tasks in context. To this end, we study in-context learning for linear regression with diverse tasks, characterized by data covariance matrices with condition numbers ranging from $[1, \kappa]$, and highlight the importance of depth in this setting. More specifically, (a) we show theoretical lower bounds of $\log(\kappa)$ (or $\sqrt{\kappa}$) linear attention layers in the unrestricted (or restricted) attention setting and, (b) we show that multilayer Transformers can indeed solve such tasks with a number of layers that matches the lower bounds. However, we show that this expressivity of multilayer Transformer comes at the price of robustness. In particular, multilayer Transformers are not robust to even distributional shifts as small as $O(e^{-L})$ in Wasserstein distance, where $L$ is the depth of the network. We then demonstrate that Looped Transformers -- a special class of multilayer Transformers with weight-sharing -- not only exhibit similar expressive power but are also provably robust under mild assumptions. Besides out-of-distribution generalization, we also show that Looped Transformers are the only models that exhibit a monotonic behavior of loss with respect to depth.
Abstract:Low-rank adaption (LoRA) is a widely used parameter-efficient finetuning method for LLM that reduces memory requirements. However, current LoRA optimizers lack transformation invariance, meaning the actual updates to the weights depends on how the two LoRA factors are scaled or rotated. This deficiency leads to inefficient learning and sub-optimal solutions in practice. This paper introduces LoRA-RITE, a novel adaptive matrix preconditioning method for LoRA optimization, which can achieve transformation invariance and remain computationally efficient. We provide theoretical analysis to demonstrate the benefit of our method and conduct experiments on various LLM tasks with different models including Gemma 2B, 7B, and mT5-XXL. The results demonstrate consistent improvements against existing optimizers. For example, replacing Adam with LoRA-RITE during LoRA fine-tuning of Gemma-2B yielded 4.6\% accuracy gain on Super-Natural Instructions and 3.5\% accuracy gain across other four LLM benchmarks (HellaSwag, ArcChallenge, GSM8K, OpenBookQA).
Abstract:A primary challenge in large language model (LLM) development is their onerous pre-training cost. Typically, such pre-training involves optimizing a self-supervised objective (such as next-token prediction) over a large corpus. This paper explores a promising paradigm to improve LLM pre-training efficiency and quality by suitably leveraging a small language model (SLM). In particular, this paradigm relies on an SLM to both (1) provide soft labels as additional training supervision, and (2) select a small subset of valuable ("informative" and "hard") training examples. Put together, this enables an effective transfer of the SLM's predictive distribution to the LLM, while prioritizing specific regions of the training data distribution. Empirically, this leads to reduced LLM training time compared to standard training, while improving the overall quality. Theoretically, we develop a statistical framework to systematically study the utility of SLMs in enabling efficient training of high-quality LLMs. In particular, our framework characterizes how the SLM's seemingly low-quality supervision can enhance the training of a much more capable LLM. Furthermore, it also highlights the need for an adaptive utilization of such supervision, by striking a balance between the bias and variance introduced by the SLM-provided soft labels. We corroborate our theoretical framework by improving the pre-training of an LLM with 2.8B parameters by utilizing a smaller LM with 1.5B parameters on the Pile dataset.
Abstract:We present a novel soft prompt based framework, SoftSRV, that leverages a frozen pre-trained large language model (LLM) to generate targeted synthetic text sequences. Given a sample from the target distribution, our proposed framework uses data-driven loss minimization to train a parameterized "contextual" soft prompt. This soft prompt is then used to steer the frozen LLM to generate synthetic sequences that are similar to the target distribution. We argue that SoftSRV provides a practical improvement over common hard-prompting approaches that rely on human-curated prompt-templates, which can be idiosyncratic, labor-intensive to craft, and may need to be specialized per domain. We empirically evaluate SoftSRV and hard-prompting baselines by generating synthetic data to fine-tune a small Gemma model on three different domains (coding, math, reasoning). To stress the generality of SoftSRV, we perform these evaluations without any particular specialization of the framework to each domain. We find that SoftSRV significantly improves upon hard-prompting baselines, generating data with superior fine-tuning performance and that better matches the target distribution according to the MAUVE similarity metric.
Abstract:Recent work has shown that state space models such as Mamba are significantly worse than Transformers on recall-based tasks due to the fact that their state size is constant with respect to their input sequence length. But in practice, state space models have fairly large state sizes, and we conjecture that they should be able to perform much better at these tasks than previously reported. We investigate whether their poor copying and recall performance could be due in part to training difficulties rather than fundamental capacity constraints. Based on observations of their "attention" maps, we propose a structured initialization technique that allows state space layers to more readily mimic attention. Across a variety of architecture settings, our initialization makes it substantially easier for Mamba to learn to copy and do associative recall from scratch.
Abstract:The remarkable capability of Transformers to do reasoning and few-shot learning, without any fine-tuning, is widely conjectured to stem from their ability to implicitly simulate a multi-step algorithms -- such as gradient descent -- with their weights in a single forward pass. Recently, there has been progress in understanding this complex phenomenon from an expressivity point of view, by demonstrating that Transformers can express such multi-step algorithms. However, our knowledge about the more fundamental aspect of its learnability, beyond single layer models, is very limited. In particular, can training Transformers enable convergence to algorithmic solutions? In this work we resolve this for in-context linear regression with linear looped Transformers -- a multi-layer model with weight sharing that is conjectured to have an inductive bias to learn fix-point iterative algorithms. More specifically, for this setting we show that the global minimizer of the population training loss implements multi-step preconditioned gradient descent, with a preconditioner that adapts to the data distribution. Furthermore, we show a fast convergence for gradient flow on the regression loss, despite the non-convexity of the landscape, by proving a novel gradient dominance condition. To our knowledge, this is the first theoretical analysis for multi-layer Transformer in this setting. We further validate our theoretical findings through synthetic experiments.
Abstract:Given the increasing scale of model sizes, novel training strategies like gradual stacking [Gong et al., 2019, Reddi et al., 2023] have garnered interest. Stacking enables efficient training by gradually growing the depth of a model in stages and using layers from a smaller model in an earlier stage to initialize the next stage. Although efficient for training, the model biases induced by such growing approaches are largely unexplored. In this work, we examine this fundamental aspect of gradual stacking, going beyond its efficiency benefits. We propose a variant of gradual stacking called MIDAS that can speed up language model training by up to 40%. Furthermore we discover an intriguing phenomenon: MIDAS is not only training-efficient but surprisingly also has an inductive bias towards improving downstream tasks, especially tasks that require reasoning abilities like reading comprehension and math problems, despite having similar or slightly worse perplexity compared to baseline training. To further analyze this inductive bias, we construct reasoning primitives -- simple synthetic tasks that are building blocks for reasoning -- and find that a model pretrained with stacking is significantly better than standard pretraining on these primitives, with and without fine-tuning. This provides stronger and more robust evidence for this inductive bias towards reasoning. These findings of training efficiency and inductive bias towards reasoning are verified at 1B, 2B and 8B parameter language models. Finally, we conjecture the underlying reason for this inductive bias by exploring the connection of stacking to looped models and provide strong supporting empirical analysis.
Abstract:Autoregressive language models are the currently dominant paradigm for text generation, but they have some fundamental limitations that cannot be remedied by scale-for example inherently sequential and unidirectional generation. While alternate classes of models have been explored, we have limited mathematical understanding of their fundamental power and limitations. In this paper we focus on Generative Masked Language Models (GMLMs), a non-autoregressive paradigm in which we train a model to fit conditional probabilities of the data distribution via masking, which are subsequently used as inputs to a Markov Chain to draw samples from the model, These models empirically strike a promising speed-quality trade-off as each step can be typically parallelized by decoding the entire sequence in parallel. We develop a mathematical framework for analyzing and improving such models which sheds light on questions of sample complexity and inference speed and quality. Empirically, we adapt the T5 model for iteratively-refined parallel decoding, achieving 2-3x speedup in machine translation with minimal sacrifice in quality compared with autoregressive models. We run careful ablation experiments to give recommendations on key design choices, and make fine-grained observations on the common error modes in connection with our theory. Our mathematical analyses and empirical observations characterize both potentials and limitations of this approach, and can be applied to future works on improving understanding and performance of GMLMs. Our codes are released at