Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
Abstract:Chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning enhances the multi-step reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs) by breaking complex tasks into smaller, manageable sub-tasks. Researchers have been exploring ways to guide models to generate more complex CoT processes to improve the reasoning ability of LLMs, such as long CoT and the test-time scaling law. However, for most models and tasks, does an increase in CoT length consistently lead to improved reasoning accuracy? In this paper, we observe a nuanced relationship: as the number of reasoning steps increases, performance initially improves but eventually decreases. To understand this phenomenon, we provide a piece of evidence that longer reasoning processes are increasingly susceptible to noise. We theoretically prove the existence of an optimal CoT length and derive a scaling law for this optimal length based on model capability and task difficulty. Inspired by our theory, we conduct experiments on both synthetic and real world datasets and propose Length-filtered Vote to alleviate the effects of excessively long or short CoTs. Our findings highlight the critical need to calibrate CoT length to align with model capabilities and task demands, offering a principled framework for optimizing multi-step reasoning in LLMs.
Abstract:Recent studies have revealed various manifestations of position bias in transformer architectures, from the "lost-in-the-middle" phenomenon to attention sinks, yet a comprehensive theoretical understanding of how attention masks and positional encodings shape these biases remains elusive. This paper introduces a novel graph-theoretic framework to analyze position bias in multi-layer attention. Modeling attention masks as directed graphs, we quantify how tokens interact with contextual information based on their sequential positions. We uncover two key insights: First, causal masking inherently biases attention toward earlier positions, as tokens in deeper layers attend to increasingly more contextualized representations of earlier tokens. Second, we characterize the competing effects of the causal mask and relative positional encodings, such as the decay mask and rotary positional encoding (RoPE): while both mechanisms introduce distance-based decay within individual attention maps, their aggregate effect across multiple attention layers -- coupled with the causal mask -- leads to a trade-off between the long-term decay effects and the cumulative importance of early sequence positions. Through controlled numerical experiments, we not only validate our theoretical findings but also reproduce position biases observed in real-world LLMs. Our framework offers a principled foundation for understanding positional biases in transformers, shedding light on the complex interplay of attention mechanism components and guiding more informed architectural design.
Abstract:Contrastive learning has been a leading paradigm for self-supervised learning, but it is widely observed that it comes at the price of sacrificing useful features (\eg colors) by being invariant to data augmentations. Given this limitation, there has been a surge of interest in equivariant self-supervised learning (E-SSL) that learns features to be augmentation-aware. However, even for the simplest rotation prediction method, there is a lack of rigorous understanding of why, when, and how E-SSL learns useful features for downstream tasks. To bridge this gap between practice and theory, we establish an information-theoretic perspective to understand the generalization ability of E-SSL. In particular, we identify a critical explaining-away effect in E-SSL that creates a synergy between the equivariant and classification tasks. This synergy effect encourages models to extract class-relevant features to improve its equivariant prediction, which, in turn, benefits downstream tasks requiring semantic features. Based on this perspective, we theoretically analyze the influence of data transformations and reveal several principles for practical designs of E-SSL. Our theory not only aligns well with existing E-SSL methods but also sheds light on new directions by exploring the benefits of model equivariance. We believe that a theoretically grounded understanding on the role of equivariance would inspire more principled and advanced designs in this field. Code is available at
Abstract:We analyze the universality and generalization of graph neural networks (GNNs) on attributed graphs, i.e., with node attributes. To this end, we propose pseudometrics over the space of all attributed graphs that describe the fine-grained expressivity of GNNs. Namely, GNNs are both Lipschitz continuous with respect to our pseudometrics and can separate attributed graphs that are distant in the metric. Moreover, we prove that the space of all attributed graphs is relatively compact with respect to our metrics. Based on these properties, we prove a universal approximation theorem for GNNs and generalization bounds for GNNs on any data distribution of attributed graphs. The proposed metrics compute the similarity between the structures of attributed graphs via a hierarchical optimal transport between computation trees. Our work extends and unites previous approaches which either derived theory only for graphs with no attributes, derived compact metrics under which GNNs are continuous but without separation power, or derived metrics under which GNNs are continuous and separate points but the space of graphs is not relatively compact, which prevents universal approximation and generalization analysis.
Abstract:Handling long-context inputs is crucial for large language models (LLMs) in tasks such as extended conversations, document summarization, and many-shot in-context learning. While recent approaches have extended the context windows of LLMs and employed perplexity (PPL) as a standard evaluation metric, PPL has proven unreliable for assessing long-context capabilities. The underlying cause of this limitation has remained unclear. In this work, we provide a comprehensive explanation for this issue. We find that PPL overlooks key tokens, which are essential for long-context understanding, by averaging across all tokens and thereby obscuring the true performance of models in long-context scenarios. To address this, we propose \textbf{LongPPL}, a novel metric that focuses on key tokens by employing a long-short context contrastive method to identify them. Our experiments demonstrate that LongPPL strongly correlates with performance on various long-context benchmarks (e.g., Pearson correlation of -0.96), significantly outperforming traditional PPL in predictive accuracy. Additionally, we introduce \textbf{LongCE} (Long-context Cross-Entropy) loss, a re-weighting strategy for fine-tuning that prioritizes key tokens, leading to consistent improvements across diverse benchmarks. In summary, these contributions offer deeper insights into the limitations of PPL and present effective solutions for accurately evaluating and enhancing the long-context capabilities of LLMs. Code is available at
Abstract:Multimodal representation learning seeks to relate and decompose information inherent in multiple modalities. By disentangling modality-specific information from information that is shared across modalities, we can improve interpretability and robustness and enable downstream tasks such as the generation of counterfactual outcomes. Separating the two types of information is challenging since they are often deeply entangled in many real-world applications. We propose Disentangled Self-Supervised Learning (DisentangledSSL), a novel self-supervised approach for learning disentangled representations. We present a comprehensive analysis of the optimality of each disentangled representation, particularly focusing on the scenario not covered in prior work where the so-called Minimum Necessary Information (MNI) point is not attainable. We demonstrate that DisentangledSSL successfully learns shared and modality-specific features on multiple synthetic and real-world datasets and consistently outperforms baselines on various downstream tasks, including prediction tasks for vision-language data, as well as molecule-phenotype retrieval tasks for biological data.
Abstract:The intriguing in-context learning (ICL) abilities of deep Transformer models have lately garnered significant attention. By studying in-context linear regression on unimodal Gaussian data, recent empirical and theoretical works have argued that ICL emerges from Transformers' abilities to simulate learning algorithms like gradient descent. However, these works fail to capture the remarkable ability of Transformers to learn multiple tasks in context. To this end, we study in-context learning for linear regression with diverse tasks, characterized by data covariance matrices with condition numbers ranging from $[1, \kappa]$, and highlight the importance of depth in this setting. More specifically, (a) we show theoretical lower bounds of $\log(\kappa)$ (or $\sqrt{\kappa}$) linear attention layers in the unrestricted (or restricted) attention setting and, (b) we show that multilayer Transformers can indeed solve such tasks with a number of layers that matches the lower bounds. However, we show that this expressivity of multilayer Transformer comes at the price of robustness. In particular, multilayer Transformers are not robust to even distributional shifts as small as $O(e^{-L})$ in Wasserstein distance, where $L$ is the depth of the network. We then demonstrate that Looped Transformers -- a special class of multilayer Transformers with weight-sharing -- not only exhibit similar expressive power but are also provably robust under mild assumptions. Besides out-of-distribution generalization, we also show that Looped Transformers are the only models that exhibit a monotonic behavior of loss with respect to depth.
Abstract:Deep learning models often suffer from a lack of interpretability due to polysemanticity, where individual neurons are activated by multiple unrelated semantics, resulting in unclear attributions of model behavior. Recent advances in monosemanticity, where neurons correspond to consistent and distinct semantics, have significantly improved interpretability but are commonly believed to compromise accuracy. In this work, we challenge the prevailing belief of the accuracy-interpretability tradeoff, showing that monosemantic features not only enhance interpretability but also bring concrete gains in model performance. Across multiple robust learning scenarios-including input and label noise, few-shot learning, and out-of-domain generalization-our results show that models leveraging monosemantic features significantly outperform those relying on polysemantic features. Furthermore, we provide empirical and theoretical understandings on the robustness gains of feature monosemanticity. Our preliminary analysis suggests that monosemanticity, by promoting better separation of feature representations, leads to more robust decision boundaries. This diverse evidence highlights the generality of monosemanticity in improving model robustness. As a first step in this new direction, we embark on exploring the learning benefits of monosemanticity beyond interpretability, supporting the long-standing hypothesis of linking interpretability and robustness. Code is available at \url{}.
Abstract:Follow-the-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) algorithms are a popular class of learning algorithms for online linear optimization (OLO) that guarantee sub-linear regret, but the choice of regularizer can significantly impact dimension-dependent factors in the regret bound. We present an algorithm that takes as input convex and symmetric action sets and loss sets for a specific OLO instance, and outputs a regularizer such that running FTRL with this regularizer guarantees regret within a universal constant factor of the best possible regret bound. In particular, for any choice of (convex, symmetric) action set and loss set we prove that there exists an instantiation of FTRL which achieves regret within a constant factor of the best possible learning algorithm, strengthening the universality result of Srebro et al., 2011. Our algorithm requires preprocessing time and space exponential in the dimension $d$ of the OLO instance, but can be run efficiently online assuming a membership and linear optimization oracle for the action and loss sets, respectively (and is fully polynomial time for the case of constant dimension $d$). We complement this with a lower bound showing that even deciding whether a given regularizer is $\alpha$-strongly-convex with respect to a given norm is NP-hard.
Abstract:The remarkable generalization ability of neural networks is usually attributed to the implicit bias of SGD, which often yields models with lower complexity using simpler (e.g. linear) and low-rank features. Recent works have provided empirical and theoretical evidence for the bias of particular variants of SGD (such as label noise SGD) toward flatter regions of the loss landscape. Despite the folklore intuition that flat solutions are 'simple', the connection with the simplicity of the final trained model (e.g. low-rank) is not well understood. In this work, we take a step toward bridging this gap by studying the simplicity structure that arises from minimizers of the sharpness for a class of two-layer neural networks. We show that, for any high dimensional training data and certain activations, with small enough step size, label noise SGD always converges to a network that replicates a single linear feature across all neurons; thereby, implying a simple rank one feature matrix. To obtain this result, our main technical contribution is to show that label noise SGD always minimizes the sharpness on the manifold of models with zero loss for two-layer networks. Along the way, we discover a novel property -- a local geodesic convexity -- of the trace of Hessian of the loss at approximate stationary points on the manifold of zero loss, which links sharpness to the geometry of the manifold. This tool may be of independent interest.