Abstract:Defacing is often applied to head magnetic resonance image (MRI) datasets prior to public release to address privacy concerns. The alteration of facial and nearby voxels has provoked discussions about the true capability of these techniques to ensure privacy as well as their impact on downstream tasks. With advancements in deep generative models, the extent to which defacing can protect privacy is uncertain. Additionally, while the altered voxels are known to contain valuable anatomical information, their potential to support research beyond the anatomical regions directly affected by defacing remains uncertain. To evaluate these considerations, we develop a refacing pipeline that recovers faces in defaced head MRIs using cascaded diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs). The DPMs are trained on images from 180 subjects and tested on images from 484 unseen subjects, 469 of whom are from a different dataset. To assess whether the altered voxels in defacing contain universally useful information, we also predict computed tomography (CT)-derived skeletal muscle radiodensity from facial voxels in both defaced and original MRIs. The results show that DPMs can generate high-fidelity faces that resemble the original faces from defaced images, with surface distances to the original faces significantly smaller than those of a population average face (p < 0.05). This performance also generalizes well to previously unseen datasets. For skeletal muscle radiodensity predictions, using defaced images results in significantly weaker Spearman's rank correlation coefficients compared to using original images (p < 10-4). For shin muscle, the correlation is statistically significant (p < 0.05) when using original images but not statistically significant (p > 0.05) when any defacing method is applied, suggesting that defacing might not only fail to protect privacy but also eliminate valuable information.
Abstract:The Receptance Weighted Key Value (RWKV) model offers a novel alternative to the Transformer architecture, merging the benefits of recurrent and attention-based systems. Unlike conventional Transformers, which depend heavily on self-attention, RWKV adeptly captures long-range dependencies with minimal computational demands. By utilizing a recurrent framework, RWKV addresses some computational inefficiencies found in Transformers, particularly in tasks with long sequences. RWKV has recently drawn considerable attention for its robust performance across multiple domains. Despite its growing popularity, no systematic review of the RWKV model exists. This paper seeks to fill this gap as the first comprehensive review of the RWKV architecture, its core principles, and its varied applications, such as natural language generation, natural language understanding, and computer vision. We assess how RWKV compares to traditional Transformer models, highlighting its capability to manage long sequences efficiently and lower computational costs. Furthermore, we explore the challenges RWKV encounters and propose potential directions for future research and advancement. We consistently maintain the related open-source materials at: https://github.com/MLGroupJLU/RWKV-Survey.
Abstract:We present OmniVLM, a sub-billion-parameter vision-language model for efficient on-device inference. OmniVLM introduces a token compression mechanism that reduces visual token sequence length from 729 to 81 tokens, significantly reducing computational overhead while preserving visual-semantic fidelity. Through a multi-stage training pipeline of pretraining, supervised fine-tuning, and minimal-edit Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), OmniVLM matches the performance of larger models. On multiple benchmarks including ScienceQA, POPE, and MMMU, OmniVLM outperforms existing baselines like nanoLLAVA within a 968M-parameter footprint. Empirical results on the same laptop demonstrate 9.1x faster time-to-first-token (0.75s vs 6.82s) and 1.5x higher decoding speed (29.41 vs 19.20 tokens/s) compared to nanoLLAVA, enabling efficient deployment on edge devices. The model weights can be accessed on huggingface: \url{https://huggingface.co/NexaAIDev/OmniVLM-968M}, and the inference examples can be find in Appendix B.
Abstract:Estimated brain age from magnetic resonance image (MRI) and its deviation from chronological age can provide early insights into potential neurodegenerative diseases, supporting early detection and implementation of prevention strategies. Diffusion MRI (dMRI), a widely used modality for brain age estimation, presents an opportunity to build an earlier biomarker for neurodegenerative disease prediction because it captures subtle microstructural changes that precede more perceptible macrostructural changes. However, the coexistence of macro- and micro-structural information in dMRI raises the question of whether current dMRI-based brain age estimation models are leveraging the intended microstructural information or if they inadvertently rely on the macrostructural information. To develop a microstructure-specific brain age, we propose a method for brain age identification from dMRI that minimizes the model's use of macrostructural information by non-rigidly registering all images to a standard template. Imaging data from 13,398 participants across 12 datasets were used for the training and evaluation. We compare our brain age models, trained with and without macrostructural information minimized, with an architecturally similar T1-weighted (T1w) MRI-based brain age model and two state-of-the-art T1w MRI-based brain age models that primarily use macrostructural information. We observe difference between our dMRI-based brain age and T1w MRI-based brain age across stages of neurodegeneration, with dMRI-based brain age being older than T1w MRI-based brain age in participants transitioning from cognitively normal (CN) to mild cognitive impairment (MCI), but younger in participants already diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Approximately 4 years before MCI diagnosis, dMRI-based brain age yields better performance than T1w MRI-based brain ages in predicting transition from CN to MCI.
Abstract:The remarkable generalization ability of neural networks is usually attributed to the implicit bias of SGD, which often yields models with lower complexity using simpler (e.g. linear) and low-rank features. Recent works have provided empirical and theoretical evidence for the bias of particular variants of SGD (such as label noise SGD) toward flatter regions of the loss landscape. Despite the folklore intuition that flat solutions are 'simple', the connection with the simplicity of the final trained model (e.g. low-rank) is not well understood. In this work, we take a step toward bridging this gap by studying the simplicity structure that arises from minimizers of the sharpness for a class of two-layer neural networks. We show that, for any high dimensional training data and certain activations, with small enough step size, label noise SGD always converges to a network that replicates a single linear feature across all neurons; thereby, implying a simple rank one feature matrix. To obtain this result, our main technical contribution is to show that label noise SGD always minimizes the sharpness on the manifold of models with zero loss for two-layer networks. Along the way, we discover a novel property -- a local geodesic convexity -- of the trace of Hessian of the loss at approximate stationary points on the manifold of zero loss, which links sharpness to the geometry of the manifold. This tool may be of independent interest.
Abstract:Adam outperforms SGD when training language models. Yet this advantage is not well-understood theoretically -- previous convergence analysis for Adam and SGD mainly focuses on the number of steps $T$ and is already minimax-optimal in non-convex cases, which are both $\widetilde{O}(T^{-1/4})$. In this work, we argue that the exploitation of nice $\ell_\infty$-geometry is the key advantage of Adam over SGD. More specifically, we give a new convergence analysis for Adam under novel assumptions that loss is smooth under $\ell_\infty$-geometry rather than the more common $\ell_2$-geometry, which yields a much better empirical smoothness constant for GPT-2 and ResNet models. Our experiments confirm that Adam performs much worse when the favorable $\ell_\infty$-geometry is changed while SGD provably remains unaffected. We also extend the convergence analysis to blockwise Adam under novel blockwise smoothness assumptions.
Abstract:Training language models currently requires pre-determining a fixed compute budget because the typical cosine learning rate schedule depends on the total number of steps. In contrast, the Warmup-Stable-Decay (WSD) schedule uses a constant learning rate to produce a main branch of iterates that can in principle continue indefinitely without a pre-specified compute budget. Then, given any compute budget, one can branch out from the main branch at a proper at any time with a rapidly decaying learning rate to produce a strong model. Empirically, WSD generates a non-traditional loss curve: the loss remains elevated during the stable phase but sharply declines during the decay phase. Towards explaining this phenomenon, we conjecture that pretraining loss exhibits a river valley landscape, which resembles a deep valley with a river at its bottom. Under this assumption, we show that during the stable phase, the iterate undergoes large oscillations due to the high learning rate, yet it progresses swiftly along the river. During the decay phase, the rapidly dropping learning rate minimizes the iterate's oscillations, moving it closer to the river and revealing true optimization progress. Therefore, the sustained high learning rate phase and fast decaying phase are responsible for progress in the river and the mountain directions respectively, and are both critical. Our analysis predicts phenomenons consistent with empirical observations and shows that this landscape can emerge from pretraining on a simple bi-gram dataset. Inspired by the theory, we introduce WSD-S, a variant of WSD that reuses previous checkpoints' decay phases and keeps only one main branch, where we resume from a decayed checkpoint. WSD-S empirically outperforms WSD and Cyclic-Cosine in obtaining multiple language model checkpoints across various compute budgets in a single run for parameters scaling from 0.1B to 1.2B.
Abstract:Diffusion-based extreme image compression methods have achieved impressive performance at extremely low bitrates. However, constrained by the iterative denoising process that starts from pure noise, these methods are limited in both fidelity and efficiency. To address these two issues, we present Relay Residual Diffusion Extreme Image Compression (RDEIC), which leverages compressed feature initialization and residual diffusion. Specifically, we first use the compressed latent features of the image with added noise, instead of pure noise, as the starting point to eliminate the unnecessary initial stages of the denoising process. Second, we design a novel relay residual diffusion that reconstructs the raw image by iteratively removing the added noise and the residual between the compressed and target latent features. Notably, our relay residual diffusion network seamlessly integrates pre-trained stable diffusion to leverage its robust generative capability for high-quality reconstruction. Third, we propose a fixed-step fine-tuning strategy to eliminate the discrepancy between the training and inference phases, further improving the reconstruction quality. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed RDEIC achieves state-of-the-art visual quality and outperforms existing diffusion-based extreme image compression methods in both fidelity and efficiency. The source code will be provided in https://github.com/huai-chang/RDEIC.
Abstract:Recent advancements in Vision-Language (VL) research have sparked new benchmarks for complex visual reasoning, challenging models' advanced reasoning ability. Traditional Vision-Language Models (VLMs) perform well in visual perception tasks while struggling with complex reasoning scenarios. Conversely, Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate robust text reasoning capabilities; however, they lack visual acuity. To bridge this gap, we propose Complex Visual Reasoning Large Language Models (CVR-LLM), capitalizing on VLMs' visual perception proficiency and LLMs' extensive reasoning capability. Unlike recent multimodal large language models (MLLMs) that require a projection layer, our approach transforms images into detailed, context-aware descriptions using an iterative self-refinement loop and leverages LLMs' text knowledge for accurate predictions without extra training. We also introduce a novel multi-modal in-context learning (ICL) methodology to enhance LLMs' contextual understanding and reasoning. Additionally, we introduce Chain-of-Comparison (CoC), a step-by-step comparison technique enabling contrasting various aspects of predictions. Our CVR-LLM presents the first comprehensive study across a wide array of complex visual reasoning tasks and achieves SOTA performance among all.
Abstract:An incomplete field-of-view (FOV) in diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) can severely hinder the volumetric and bundle analyses of whole-brain white matter connectivity. Although existing works have investigated imputing the missing regions using deep generative models, it remains unclear how to specifically utilize additional information from paired multi-modality data and whether this can enhance the imputation quality and be useful for downstream tractography. To fill this gap, we propose a novel framework for imputing dMRI scans in the incomplete part of the FOV by integrating the learned diffusion features in the acquired part of the FOV to the complete brain anatomical structure. We hypothesize that by this design the proposed framework can enhance the imputation performance of the dMRI scans and therefore be useful for repairing whole-brain tractography in corrupted dMRI scans with incomplete FOV. We tested our framework on two cohorts from different sites with a total of 96 subjects and compared it with a baseline imputation method that treats the information from T1w and dMRI scans equally. The proposed framework achieved significant improvements in imputation performance, as demonstrated by angular correlation coefficient (p < 1E-5), and in downstream tractography accuracy, as demonstrated by Dice score (p < 0.01). Results suggest that the proposed framework improved imputation performance in dMRI scans by specifically utilizing additional information from paired multi-modality data, compared with the baseline method. The imputation achieved by the proposed framework enhances whole brain tractography, and therefore reduces the uncertainty when analyzing bundles associated with neurodegenerative.