Abstract:We investigate the concept of algorithmic replicability introduced by Impagliazzo et al. 2022, Ghazi et al. 2021, Ahn et al. 2024 in an online setting. In our model, the input sequence received by the online learner is generated from time-varying distributions chosen by an adversary (obliviously). Our objective is to design low-regret online algorithms that, with high probability, produce the exact same sequence of actions when run on two independently sampled input sequences generated as described above. We refer to such algorithms as adversarially replicable. Previous works (such as Esfandiari et al. 2022) explored replicability in the online setting under inputs generated independently from a fixed distribution; we term this notion as iid-replicability. Our model generalizes to capture both adversarial and iid input sequences, as well as their mixtures, which can be modeled by setting certain distributions as point-masses. We demonstrate adversarially replicable online learning algorithms for online linear optimization and the experts problem that achieve sub-linear regret. Additionally, we propose a general framework for converting an online learner into an adversarially replicable one within our setting, bounding the new regret in terms of the original algorithm's regret. We also present a nearly optimal (in terms of regret) iid-replicable online algorithm for the experts problem, highlighting the distinction between the iid and adversarial notions of replicability. Finally, we establish lower bounds on the regret (in terms of the replicability parameter and time) that any replicable online algorithm must incur.
Abstract:Instance-targeted data poisoning attacks, where an adversary corrupts a training set to induce errors on specific test points, have raised significant concerns. Balcan et al (2022) proposed an approach to addressing this challenge by defining a notion of robustly-reliable learners that provide per-instance guarantees of correctness under well-defined assumptions, even in the presence of data poisoning attacks. They then give a generic optimal (but computationally inefficient) robustly reliable learner as well as a computationally efficient algorithm for the case of linear separators over log-concave distributions. In this work, we address two challenges left open by Balcan et al (2022). The first is that the definition of robustly-reliable learners in Balcan et al (2022) becomes vacuous for highly-flexible hypothesis classes: if there are two classifiers h_0, h_1 \in H both with zero error on the training set such that h_0(x) \neq h_1(x), then a robustly-reliable learner must abstain on x. We address this problem by defining a modified notion of regularized robustly-reliable learners that allows for nontrivial statements in this case. The second is that the generic algorithm of Balcan et al (2022) requires re-running an ERM oracle (essentially, retraining the classifier) on each test point x, which is generally impractical even if ERM can be implemented efficiently. To tackle this problem, we show that at least in certain interesting cases we can design algorithms that can produce their outputs in time sublinear in training time, by using techniques from dynamic algorithm design.
Abstract:We are often interested in decomposing complex, structured data into simple components that explain the data. The linear version of this problem is well-studied as dictionary learning and factor analysis. In this work, we propose a combinatorial model in which to study this question, motivated by the way objects occlude each other in a scene to form an image. First, we identify a property we call "well-structuredness" of a set of low-dimensional components which ensures that no two components in the set are too similar. We show how well-structuredness is sufficient for learning the set of latent components comprising a set of sample instances. We then consider the problem: given a set of components and an instance generated from some unknown subset of them, identify which parts of the instance arise from which components. We consider two variants: (1) determine the minimal number of components required to explain the instance; (2) determine the correct explanation for as many locations as possible. For the latter goal, we also devise a version that is robust to adversarial corruptions, with just a slightly stronger assumption on the components. Finally, we show that the learning problem is computationally infeasible in the absence of any assumptions.
Abstract:A major challenge in defending against adversarial attacks is the enormous space of possible attacks that even a simple adversary might perform. To address this, prior work has proposed a variety of defenses that effectively reduce the size of this space. These include randomized smoothing methods that add noise to the input to take away some of the adversary's impact. Another approach is input discretization which limits the adversary's possible number of actions. Motivated by these two approaches, we introduce a new notion of adversarial loss which we call distributional adversarial loss, to unify these two forms of effectively weakening an adversary. In this notion, we assume for each original example, the allowed adversarial perturbation set is a family of distributions (e.g., induced by a smoothing procedure), and the adversarial loss over each example is the maximum loss over all the associated distributions. The goal is to minimize the overall adversarial loss. We show generalization guarantees for our notion of adversarial loss in terms of the VC-dimension of the hypothesis class and the size of the set of allowed adversarial distributions associated with each input. We also investigate the role of randomness in achieving robustness against adversarial attacks in the methods described above. We show a general derandomization technique that preserves the extent of a randomized classifier's robustness against adversarial attacks. We corroborate the procedure experimentally via derandomizing the Random Projection Filters framework of \cite{dong2023adversarial}. Our procedure also improves the robustness of the model against various adversarial attacks.
Abstract:We consider the problem of learning and using predictions for warm start algorithms with predictions. In this setting, an algorithm is given an instance of a problem, and a prediction of the solution. The runtime of the algorithm is bounded by the distance from the predicted solution to the true solution of the instance. Previous work has shown that when instances are drawn iid from some distribution, it is possible to learn an approximately optimal fixed prediction (Dinitz et al, NeurIPS 2021), and in the adversarial online case, it is possible to compete with the best fixed prediction in hindsight (Khodak et al, NeurIPS 2022). In this work we give competitive guarantees against stronger benchmarks that consider a set of $k$ predictions $\mathbf{P}$. That is, the "optimal offline cost" to solve an instance with respect to $\mathbf{P}$ is the distance from the true solution to the closest member of $\mathbf{P}$. This is analogous to the $k$-medians objective function. In the distributional setting, we show a simple strategy that incurs cost that is at most an $O(k)$ factor worse than the optimal offline cost. We then show a way to leverage learnable coarse information, in the form of partitions of the instance space into groups of "similar" instances, that allows us to potentially avoid this $O(k)$ factor. Finally, we consider an online version of the problem, where we compete against offline strategies that are allowed to maintain a moving set of $k$ predictions or "trajectories," and are charged for how much the predictions move. We give an algorithm that does at most $O(k^4 \ln^2 k)$ times as much work as any offline strategy of $k$ trajectories. This algorithm is deterministic (robust to an adaptive adversary), and oblivious to the setting of $k$. Thus the guarantee holds for all $k$ simultaneously.
Abstract:Counterfactual explanations (CFEs) are sets of actions that an agent with a negative classification could take to achieve a (desired) positive classification, for consequential decisions such as loan applications, hiring, admissions, etc. In this work, we consider settings where optimal CFEs correspond to solutions of weighted set cover problems. In particular, there is a collection of actions that agents can perform that each have their own cost and each provide the agent with different sets of capabilities. The agent wants to perform the cheapest subset of actions that together provide all the needed capabilities to achieve a positive classification. Since this is an NP-hard optimization problem, we are interested in the question: can we, from training data (instances of agents and their optimal CFEs) learn a CFE generator that will quickly provide optimal sets of actions for new agents? In this work, we provide a deep-network learning procedure that we show experimentally is able to achieve strong performance at this task. We consider several problem formulations, including formulations in which the underlying "capabilities" and effects of actions are not explicitly provided, and so there is an informational challenge in addition to the computational challenge. Our problem can also be viewed as one of learning an optimal policy in a family of large but deterministic Markov Decision Processes (MDPs).
Abstract:We give nearly-tight upper and lower bounds for the improving multi-armed bandits problem. An instance of this problem has $k$ arms, each of whose reward function is a concave and increasing function of the number of times that arm has been pulled so far. We show that for any randomized online algorithm, there exists an instance on which it must suffer at least an $\Omega(\sqrt{k})$ approximation factor relative to the optimal reward. We then provide a randomized online algorithm that guarantees an $O(\sqrt{k})$ approximation factor, if it is told the maximum reward achievable by the optimal arm in advance. We then show how to remove this assumption at the cost of an extra $O(\log k)$ approximation factor, achieving an overall $O(\sqrt{k} \log k)$ approximation relative to optimal.
Abstract:We introduce and study the problem of dueling optimization with a monotone adversary, which is a generalization of (noiseless) dueling convex optimization. The goal is to design an online algorithm to find a minimizer $\mathbf{x}^{*}$ for a function $f\colon X \to \mathbb{R}$, where $X \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d$. In each round, the algorithm submits a pair of guesses, i.e., $\mathbf{x}^{(1)}$ and $\mathbf{x}^{(2)}$, and the adversary responds with any point in the space that is at least as good as both guesses. The cost of each query is the suboptimality of the worse of the two guesses; i.e., ${\max} \left( f(\mathbf{x}^{(1)}), f(\mathbf{x}^{(2)}) \right) - f(\mathbf{x}^{*})$. The goal is to minimize the number of iterations required to find an $\varepsilon$-optimal point and to minimize the total cost (regret) of the guesses over many rounds. Our main result is an efficient randomized algorithm for several natural choices of the function $f$ and set $X$ that incurs cost $O(d)$ and iteration complexity $O(d\log(1/\varepsilon)^2)$. Moreover, our dependence on $d$ is asymptotically optimal, as we show examples in which any randomized algorithm for this problem must incur $\Omega(d)$ cost and iteration complexity.
Abstract:We consider the vulnerability of fairness-constrained learning to small amounts of malicious noise in the training data. Konstantinov and Lampert (2021) initiated the study of this question and presented negative results showing there exist data distributions where for several fairness constraints, any proper learner will exhibit high vulnerability when group sizes are imbalanced. Here, we present a more optimistic view, showing that if we allow randomized classifiers, then the landscape is much more nuanced. For example, for Demographic Parity we show we can incur only a $\Theta(\alpha)$ loss in accuracy, where $\alpha$ is the malicious noise rate, matching the best possible even without fairness constraints. For Equal Opportunity, we show we can incur an $O(\sqrt{\alpha})$ loss, and give a matching $\Omega(\sqrt{\alpha})$lower bound. In contrast, Konstantinov and Lampert (2021) showed for proper learners the loss in accuracy for both notions is $\Omega(1)$. The key technical novelty of our work is how randomization can bypass simple "tricks" an adversary can use to amplify his power. We also consider additional fairness notions including Equalized Odds and Calibration. For these fairness notions, the excess accuracy clusters into three natural regimes $O(\alpha)$,$O(\sqrt{\alpha})$ and $O(1)$. These results provide a more fine-grained view of the sensitivity of fairness-constrained learning to adversarial noise in training data.
Abstract:We study the fundamental mistake bound and sample complexity in the strategic classification, where agents can strategically manipulate their feature vector up to an extent in order to be predicted as positive. For example, given a classifier determining college admission, student candidates may try to take easier classes to improve their GPA, retake SAT and change schools in an effort to fool the classifier. Ball manipulations are a widely studied class of manipulations in the literature, where agents can modify their feature vector within a bounded radius ball. Unlike most prior work, our work considers manipulations to be personalized, meaning that agents can have different levels of manipulation abilities (e.g., varying radii for ball manipulations), and unknown to the learner. We formalize the learning problem in an interaction model where the learner first deploys a classifier and the agent manipulates the feature vector within their manipulation set to game the deployed classifier. We investigate various scenarios in terms of the information available to the learner during the interaction, such as observing the original feature vector before or after deployment, observing the manipulated feature vector, or not seeing either the original or the manipulated feature vector. We begin by providing online mistake bounds and PAC sample complexity in these scenarios for ball manipulations. We also explore non-ball manipulations and show that, even in the simplest scenario where both the original and the manipulated feature vectors are revealed, the mistake bounds and sample complexity are lower bounded by $\Omega(|\mathcal{H}|)$ when the target function belongs to a known class $\mathcal{H}$.