Abstract:We provide a full characterization of the concept classes that are optimistically universally online learnable with $\{0, 1\}$ labels. The notion of optimistically universal online learning was defined in [Hanneke, 2021] in order to understand learnability under minimal assumptions. In this paper, following the philosophy behind that work, we investigate two questions, namely, for every concept class: (1) What are the minimal assumptions on the data process admitting online learnability? (2) Is there a learning algorithm which succeeds under every data process satisfying the minimal assumptions? Such an algorithm is said to be optimistically universal for the given concept class. We resolve both of these questions for all concept classes, and moreover, as part of our solution, we design general learning algorithms for each case. Finally, we extend these algorithms and results to the agnostic case, showing an equivalence between the minimal assumptions on the data process for learnability in the agnostic and realizable cases, for every concept class, as well as the equivalence of optimistically universal learnability.
Abstract:Imagine a smart camera trap selectively clicking pictures to understand animal movement patterns within a particular habitat. These "snapshots", or pieces of data captured from a data stream at adaptively chosen times, provide a glimpse of different animal movements unfolding through time. Learning a continuous-time process through snapshots, such as smart camera traps, is a central theme governing a wide array of online learning situations. In this paper, we adopt a learning-theoretic perspective in understanding the fundamental nature of learning different classes of functions from both discrete data streams and continuous data streams. In our first framework, the \textit{update-and-deploy} setting, a learning algorithm discretely queries from a process to update a predictor designed to make predictions given as input the data stream. We construct a uniform sampling algorithm that can learn with bounded error any concept class with finite Littlestone dimension. Our second framework, known as the \emph{blind-prediction} setting, consists of a learning algorithm generating predictions independently of observing the process, only engaging with the process when it chooses to make queries. Interestingly, we show a stark contrast in learnability where non-trivial concept classes are unlearnable. However, we show that adaptive learning algorithms are necessary to learn sets of time-dependent and data-dependent functions, called pattern classes, in either framework. Finally, we develop a theory of pattern classes under discrete data streams for the blind-prediction setting.
Abstract:The well-known empirical risk minimization (ERM) principle is the basis of many widely used machine learning algorithms, and plays an essential role in the classical PAC theory. A common description of a learning algorithm's performance is its so-called "learning curve", that is, the decay of the expected error as a function of the input sample size. As the PAC model fails to explain the behavior of learning curves, recent research has explored an alternative universal learning model and has ultimately revealed a distinction between optimal universal and uniform learning rates (Bousquet et al., 2021). However, a basic understanding of such differences with a particular focus on the ERM principle has yet to be developed. In this paper, we consider the problem of universal learning by ERM in the realizable case and study the possible universal rates. Our main result is a fundamental tetrachotomy: there are only four possible universal learning rates by ERM, namely, the learning curves of any concept class learnable by ERM decay either at $e^{-n}$, $1/n$, $\log(n)/n$, or arbitrarily slow rates. Moreover, we provide a complete characterization of which concept classes fall into each of these categories, via new complexity structures. We also develop new combinatorial dimensions which supply sharp asymptotically-valid constant factors for these rates, whenever possible.
Abstract:Classic supervised learning involves algorithms trained on $n$ labeled examples to produce a hypothesis $h \in \mathcal{H}$ aimed at performing well on unseen examples. Meta-learning extends this by training across $n$ tasks, with $m$ examples per task, producing a hypothesis class $\mathcal{H}$ within some meta-class $\mathbb{H}$. This setting applies to many modern problems such as in-context learning, hypernetworks, and learning-to-learn. A common method for evaluating the performance of supervised learning algorithms is through their learning curve, which depicts the expected error as a function of the number of training examples. In meta-learning, the learning curve becomes a two-dimensional learning surface, which evaluates the expected error on unseen domains for varying values of $n$ (number of tasks) and $m$ (number of training examples). Our findings characterize the distribution-free learning surfaces of meta-Empirical Risk Minimizers when either $m$ or $n$ tend to infinity: we show that the number of tasks must increase inversely with the desired error. In contrast, we show that the number of examples exhibits very different behavior: it satisfies a dichotomy where every meta-class conforms to one of the following conditions: (i) either $m$ must grow inversely with the error, or (ii) a \emph{finite} number of examples per task suffices for the error to vanish as $n$ goes to infinity. This finding illustrates and characterizes cases in which a small number of examples per task is sufficient for successful learning. We further refine this for positive values of $\varepsilon$ and identify for each $\varepsilon$ how many examples per task are needed to achieve an error of $\varepsilon$ in the limit as the number of tasks $n$ goes to infinity. We achieve this by developing a necessary and sufficient condition for meta-learnability using a bounded number of examples per domain.
Abstract:We consider the problem of multiclass transductive online learning when the number of labels can be unbounded. Previous works by Ben-David et al. [1997] and Hanneke et al. [2023b] only consider the case of binary and finite label spaces, respectively. The latter work determined that their techniques fail to extend to the case of unbounded label spaces, and they pose the question of characterizing the optimal mistake bound for unbounded label spaces. We answer this question by showing that a new dimension, termed the Level-constrained Littlestone dimension, characterizes online learnability in this setting. Along the way, we show that the trichotomy of possible minimax rates of the expected number of mistakes established by Hanneke et al. [2023b] for finite label spaces in the realizable setting continues to hold even when the label space is unbounded. In particular, if the learner plays for $T \in \mathbb{N}$ rounds, its minimax expected number of mistakes can only grow like $\Theta(T)$, $\Theta(\log T)$, or $\Theta(1)$. To prove this result, we give another combinatorial dimension, termed the Level-constrained Branching dimension, and show that its finiteness characterizes constant minimax expected mistake-bounds. The trichotomy is then determined by a combination of the Level-constrained Littlestone and Branching dimensions. Quantitatively, our upper bounds improve upon existing multiclass upper bounds in Hanneke et al. [2023b] by removing the dependence on the label set size. In doing so, we explicitly construct learning algorithms that can handle extremely large or unbounded label spaces. A key and novel component of our algorithm is a new notion of shattering that exploits the sequential nature of transductive online learning. Finally, we complete our results by proving expected regret bounds in the agnostic setting, extending the result of Hanneke et al. [2023b].
Abstract:We present novel reductions from sample compression schemes in multiclass classification, regression, and adversarially robust learning settings to binary sample compression schemes. Assuming we have a compression scheme for binary classes of size $f(d_\mathrm{VC})$, where $d_\mathrm{VC}$ is the VC dimension, then we have the following results: (1) If the binary compression scheme is a majority-vote or a stable compression scheme, then there exists a multiclass compression scheme of size $O(f(d_\mathrm{G}))$, where $d_\mathrm{G}$ is the graph dimension. Moreover, for general binary compression schemes, we obtain a compression of size $O(f(d_\mathrm{G})\log|Y|)$, where $Y$ is the label space. (2) If the binary compression scheme is a majority-vote or a stable compression scheme, then there exists an $\epsilon$-approximate compression scheme for regression over $[0,1]$-valued functions of size $O(f(d_\mathrm{P}))$, where $d_\mathrm{P}$ is the pseudo-dimension. For general binary compression schemes, we obtain a compression of size $O(f(d_\mathrm{P})\log(1/\epsilon))$. These results would have significant implications if the sample compression conjecture, which posits that any binary concept class with a finite VC dimension admits a binary compression scheme of size $O(d_\mathrm{VC})$, is resolved (Littlestone and Warmuth, 1986; Floyd and Warmuth, 1995; Warmuth, 2003). Our results would then extend the proof of the conjecture immediately to other settings. We establish similar results for adversarially robust learning and also provide an example of a concept class that is robustly learnable but has no bounded-size compression scheme, demonstrating that learnability is not equivalent to having a compression scheme independent of the sample size, unlike in binary classification, where compression of size $2^{O(d_\mathrm{VC})}$ is attainable (Moran and Yehudayoff, 2016).
Abstract:We study the stochastic noisy bandit problem with an unknown reward function $f^*$ in a known function class $\mathcal{F}$. Formally, a model $M$ maps arms $\pi$ to a probability distribution $M(\pi)$ of reward. A model class $\mathcal{M}$ is a collection of models. For each model $M$, define its mean reward function $f^M(\pi)=\mathbb{E}_{r \sim M(\pi)}[r]$. In the bandit learning problem, we proceed in rounds, pulling one arm $\pi$ each round and observing a reward sampled from $M(\pi)$. With knowledge of $\mathcal{M}$, supposing that the true model $M\in \mathcal{M}$, the objective is to identify an arm $\hat{\pi}$ of near-maximal mean reward $f^M(\hat{\pi})$ with high probability in a bounded number of rounds. If this is possible, then the model class is said to be learnable. Importantly, a result of \cite{hanneke2023bandit} shows there exist model classes for which learnability is undecidable. However, the model class they consider features deterministic rewards, and they raise the question of whether learnability is decidable for classes containing sufficiently noisy models. For the first time, we answer this question in the positive by giving a complete characterization of learnability for model classes with arbitrary noise. In addition to that, we also describe the full spectrum of possible optimal query complexities. Further, we prove adaptivity is sometimes necessary to achieve the optimal query complexity. Last, we revisit an important complexity measure for interactive decision making, the Decision-Estimation-Coefficient \citep{foster2021statistical,foster2023tight}, and propose a new variant of the DEC which also characterizes learnability in this setting.
Abstract:We show that some basic moduli of continuity $\delta$ -- which measure how fast target risk decreases as source risk decreases -- appear to be at the root of many of the classical relatedness measures in transfer learning and related literature. Namely, bounds in terms of $\delta$ recover many of the existing bounds in terms of other measures of relatedness -- both in regression and classification -- and can at times be tighter. We are particularly interested in general situations where the learner has access to both source data and some or no target data. The unified perspective allowed by the moduli $\delta$ allow us to extend many existing notions of relatedness at once to these scenarios involving target data: interestingly, while $\delta$ itself might not be efficiently estimated, adaptive procedures exist -- based on reductions to confidence sets -- which can get nearly tight rates in terms of $\delta$ with no prior distributional knowledge. Such adaptivity to unknown $\delta$ immediately implies adaptivity to many classical relatedness notions, in terms of combined source and target samples' sizes.
Abstract:PAC learning, dating back to Valiant'84 and Vapnik and Chervonenkis'64,'74, is a classic model for studying supervised learning. In the agnostic setting, we have access to a hypothesis set $\mathcal{H}$ and a training set of labeled samples $(x_1,y_1),\dots,(x_n,y_n) \in \mathcal{X} \times \{-1,1\}$ drawn i.i.d. from an unknown distribution $\mathcal{D}$. The goal is to produce a classifier $h : \mathcal{X} \to \{-1,1\}$ that is competitive with the hypothesis $h^\star_{\mathcal{D}} \in \mathcal{H}$ having the least probability of mispredicting the label $y$ of a new sample $(x,y)\sim \mathcal{D}$. Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) is a natural learning algorithm, where one simply outputs the hypothesis from $\mathcal{H}$ making the fewest mistakes on the training data. This simple algorithm is known to have an optimal error in terms of the VC-dimension of $\mathcal{H}$ and the number of samples $n$. In this work, we revisit agnostic PAC learning and first show that ERM is in fact sub-optimal if we treat the performance of the best hypothesis, denoted $\tau:=\Pr_{\mathcal{D}}[h^\star_{\mathcal{D}}(x) \neq y]$, as a parameter. Concretely we show that ERM, and any other proper learning algorithm, is sub-optimal by a $\sqrt{\ln(1/\tau)}$ factor. We then complement this lower bound with the first learning algorithm achieving an optimal error for nearly the full range of $\tau$. Our algorithm introduces several new ideas that we hope may find further applications in learning theory.
Abstract:This work continues to investigate the link between differentially private (DP) and online learning. Alon, Livni, Malliaris, and Moran (2019) showed that for binary concept classes, DP learnability of a given class implies that it has a finite Littlestone dimension (equivalently, that it is online learnable). Their proof relies on a model-theoretic result by Hodges (1997), which demonstrates that any binary concept class with a large Littlestone dimension contains a large subclass of thresholds. In a follow-up work, Jung, Kim, and Tewari (2020) extended this proof to multiclass PAC learning with a bounded number of labels. Unfortunately, Hodges's result does not apply in other natural settings such as multiclass PAC learning with an unbounded label space, and PAC learning of partial concept classes. This naturally raises the question of whether DP learnability continues to imply online learnability in more general scenarios: indeed, Alon, Hanneke, Holzman, and Moran (2021) explicitly leave it as an open question in the context of partial concept classes, and the same question is open in the general multiclass setting. In this work, we give a positive answer to these questions showing that for general classification tasks, DP learnability implies online learnability. Our proof reasons directly about Littlestone trees, without relying on thresholds. We achieve this by establishing several Ramsey-type theorems for trees, which might be of independent interest.