Abstract:Tailoring treatments to individual needs is a central goal in fields such as medicine. A key step toward this goal is estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects (HTE) - the way treatments impact different subgroups. While crucial, HTE estimation is challenging with survival data, where time until an event (e.g., death) is key. Existing methods often assume complete observation, an assumption violated in survival data due to right-censoring, leading to bias and inefficiency. Cui et al. (2023) proposed a doubly-robust method for HTE estimation in survival data under no hidden confounders, combining a causal survival forest with an augmented inverse-censoring weighting estimator. However, we find it struggles under heavy censoring, which is common in rare-outcome problems such as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Moreover, most current methods cannot handle instrumental variables, which are a crucial tool in the causal inference arsenal. We introduce Multiple Imputation for Survival Treatment Response (MISTR), a novel, general, and non-parametric method for estimating HTE in survival data. MISTR uses recursively imputed survival trees to handle censoring without directly modeling the censoring mechanism. Through extensive simulations and analysis of two real-world datasets-the AIDS Clinical Trials Group Protocol 175 and the Illinois unemployment dataset we show that MISTR outperforms prior methods under heavy censoring in the no-hidden-confounders setting, and extends to the instrumental variable setting. To our knowledge, MISTR is the first non-parametric approach for HTE estimation with unobserved confounders via instrumental variables.
Abstract:Classic supervised learning involves algorithms trained on $n$ labeled examples to produce a hypothesis $h \in \mathcal{H}$ aimed at performing well on unseen examples. Meta-learning extends this by training across $n$ tasks, with $m$ examples per task, producing a hypothesis class $\mathcal{H}$ within some meta-class $\mathbb{H}$. This setting applies to many modern problems such as in-context learning, hypernetworks, and learning-to-learn. A common method for evaluating the performance of supervised learning algorithms is through their learning curve, which depicts the expected error as a function of the number of training examples. In meta-learning, the learning curve becomes a two-dimensional learning surface, which evaluates the expected error on unseen domains for varying values of $n$ (number of tasks) and $m$ (number of training examples). Our findings characterize the distribution-free learning surfaces of meta-Empirical Risk Minimizers when either $m$ or $n$ tend to infinity: we show that the number of tasks must increase inversely with the desired error. In contrast, we show that the number of examples exhibits very different behavior: it satisfies a dichotomy where every meta-class conforms to one of the following conditions: (i) either $m$ must grow inversely with the error, or (ii) a \emph{finite} number of examples per task suffices for the error to vanish as $n$ goes to infinity. This finding illustrates and characterizes cases in which a small number of examples per task is sufficient for successful learning. We further refine this for positive values of $\varepsilon$ and identify for each $\varepsilon$ how many examples per task are needed to achieve an error of $\varepsilon$ in the limit as the number of tasks $n$ goes to infinity. We achieve this by developing a necessary and sufficient condition for meta-learnability using a bounded number of examples per domain.
Abstract:Merging datasets across institutions is a lengthy and costly procedure, especially when it involves private information. Data hosts may therefore want to prospectively gauge which datasets are most beneficial to merge with, without revealing sensitive information. For causal estimation this is particularly challenging as the value of a merge will depend not only on the reduction in epistemic uncertainty but also the improvement in overlap. To address this challenge, we introduce the first cryptographically secure information-theoretic approach for quantifying the value of a merge in the context of heterogeneous treatment effect estimation. We do this by evaluating the Expected Information Gain (EIG) and utilising multi-party computation to ensure it can be securely computed without revealing any raw data. As we demonstrate, this can be used with differential privacy (DP) to ensure privacy requirements whilst preserving more accurate computation than naive DP alone. To the best of our knowledge, this work presents the first privacy-preserving method for dataset acquisition tailored to causal estimation. We demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of our method on a range of simulated and realistic benchmarks. The code is available anonymously.
Abstract:In many reinforcement learning (RL) applications one cannot easily let the agent act in the world; this is true for autonomous vehicles, healthcare applications, and even some recommender systems, to name a few examples. Offline RL provides a way to train agents without real-world exploration, but is often faced with biases due to data distribution shifts, limited coverage, and incomplete representation of the environment. To address these issues, practical applications have tried to combine simulators with grounded offline data, using so-called hybrid methods. However, constructing a reliable simulator is in itself often challenging due to intricate system complexities as well as missing or incomplete information. In this work, we outline four principal challenges for combining offline data with imperfect simulators in RL: simulator modeling error, partial observability, state and action discrepancies, and hidden confounding. To help drive the RL community to pursue these problems, we construct ``Benchmarks for Mechanistic Offline Reinforcement Learning'' (B4MRL), which provide dataset-simulator benchmarks for the aforementioned challenges. Our results suggest the key necessity of such benchmarks for future research.
Abstract:Vital signs are crucial in intensive care units (ICUs). They are used to track the patient's state and to identify clinically significant changes. Predicting vital sign trajectories is valuable for early detection of adverse events. However, conventional machine learning metrics like RMSE often fail to capture the true clinical relevance of such predictions. We introduce novel vital sign prediction performance metrics that align with clinical contexts, focusing on deviations from clinical norms, overall trends, and trend deviations. These metrics are derived from empirical utility curves obtained in a previous study through interviews with ICU clinicians. We validate the metrics' usefulness using simulated and real clinical datasets (MIMIC and eICU). Furthermore, we employ these metrics as loss functions for neural networks, resulting in models that excel in predicting clinically significant events. This research paves the way for clinically relevant machine learning model evaluation and optimization, promising to improve ICU patient care. 10 pages, 9 figures.
Abstract:Estimating heterogeneous treatment effects from observational data is a crucial task across many fields, helping policy and decision-makers take better actions. There has been recent progress on robust and efficient methods for estimating the conditional average treatment effect (CATE) function, but these methods often do not take into account the risk of hidden confounding, which could arbitrarily and unknowingly bias any causal estimate based on observational data. We propose a meta-learner called the B-Learner, which can efficiently learn sharp bounds on the CATE function under limits on the level of hidden confounding. We derive the B-Learner by adapting recent results for sharp and valid bounds of the average treatment effect (Dorn et al., 2021) into the framework given by Kallus & Oprescu (2022) for robust and model-agnostic learning of distributional treatment effects. The B-Learner can use any function estimator such as random forests and deep neural networks, and we prove its estimates are valid, sharp, efficient, and have a quasi-oracle property with respect to the constituent estimators under more general conditions than existing methods. Semi-synthetic experimental comparisons validate the theoretical findings, and we use real-world data demonstrate how the method might be used in practice.
Abstract:Learned classifiers should often possess certain invariance properties meant to encourage fairness, robustness, or out-of-distribution generalization. However, multiple recent works empirically demonstrate that common invariance-inducing regularizers are ineffective in the over-parameterized regime, in which classifiers perfectly fit (i.e. interpolate) the training data. This suggests that the phenomenon of ``benign overfitting," in which models generalize well despite interpolating, might not favorably extend to settings in which robustness or fairness are desirable. In this work we provide a theoretical justification for these observations. We prove that -- even in the simplest of settings -- any interpolating learning rule (with arbitrarily small margin) will not satisfy these invariance properties. We then propose and analyze an algorithm that -- in the same setting -- successfully learns a non-interpolating classifier that is provably invariant. We validate our theoretical observations on simulated data and the Waterbirds dataset.
Abstract:We present the problem of reinforcement learning with exogenous termination. We define the Termination Markov Decision Process (TerMDP), an extension of the MDP framework, in which episodes may be interrupted by an external non-Markovian observer. This formulation accounts for numerous real-world situations, such as a human interrupting an autonomous driving agent for reasons of discomfort. We learn the parameters of the TerMDP and leverage the structure of the estimation problem to provide state-wise confidence bounds. We use these to construct a provably-efficient algorithm, which accounts for termination, and bound its regret. Motivated by our theoretical analysis, we design and implement a scalable approach, which combines optimism (w.r.t. termination) and a dynamic discount factor, incorporating the termination probability. We deploy our method on high-dimensional driving and MinAtar benchmarks. Additionally, we test our approach on human data in a driving setting. Our results demonstrate fast convergence and significant improvement over various baseline approaches.
Abstract:Estimating the effects of continuous-valued interventions from observational data is critically important in fields such as climate science, healthcare, and economics. Recent work focuses on designing neural-network architectures and regularization functions to allow for scalable estimation of average and individual-level dose response curves from high-dimensional, large-sample data. Such methodologies assume ignorability (all confounding variables are observed) and positivity (all levels of treatment can be observed for every unit described by a given covariate value), which are especially challenged in the continuous treatment regime. Developing scalable sensitivity and uncertainty analyses that allow us to understand the ignorance induced in our estimates when these assumptions are relaxed receives less attention. Here, we develop a continuous treatment-effect marginal sensitivity model (CMSM) and derive bounds that agree with both the observed data and a researcher-defined level of hidden confounding. We introduce a scalable algorithm to derive the bounds and uncertainty-aware deep models to efficiently estimate these bounds for high-dimensional, large-sample observational data. We validate our methods using both synthetic and real-world experiments. For the latter, we work in concert with climate scientists interested in evaluating the climatological impacts of human emissions on cloud properties using satellite observations from the past 15 years: a finite-data problem known to be complicated by the presence of a multitude of unobserved confounders.
Abstract:Estimating personalized treatment effects from high-dimensional observational data is essential in situations where experimental designs are infeasible, unethical, or expensive. Existing approaches rely on fitting deep models on outcomes observed for treated and control populations. However, when measuring individual outcomes is costly, as is the case of a tumor biopsy, a sample-efficient strategy for acquiring each result is required. Deep Bayesian active learning provides a framework for efficient data acquisition by selecting points with high uncertainty. However, existing methods bias training data acquisition towards regions of non-overlapping support between the treated and control populations. These are not sample-efficient because the treatment effect is not identifiable in such regions. We introduce causal, Bayesian acquisition functions grounded in information theory that bias data acquisition towards regions with overlapping support to maximize sample efficiency for learning personalized treatment effects. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed acquisition strategies on synthetic and semi-synthetic datasets IHDP and CMNIST and their extensions, which aim to simulate common dataset biases and pathologies.