Abstract:Video encoders optimize compression for human perception by minimizing reconstruction error under bit-rate constraints. In many modern applications such as autonomous driving, an overwhelming majority of videos serve as input for AI systems performing tasks like object recognition or segmentation, rather than being watched by humans. It is therefore useful to optimize the encoder for a downstream task instead of for perceptual image quality. However, a major challenge is how to combine such downstream optimization with existing standard video encoders, which are highly efficient and popular. Here, we address this challenge by controlling the Quantization Parameters (QPs) at the macro-block level to optimize the downstream task. This granular control allows us to prioritize encoding for task-relevant regions within each frame. We formulate this optimization problem as a Reinforcement Learning (RL) task, where the agent learns to balance long-term implications of choosing QPs on both task performance and bit-rate constraints. Notably, our policy does not require the downstream task as an input during inference, making it suitable for streaming applications and edge devices such as vehicles. We demonstrate significant improvements in two tasks, car detection, and ROI (saliency) encoding. Our approach improves task performance for a given bit rate compared to traditional task agnostic encoding methods, paving the way for more efficient task-aware video compression.
Abstract:Controlling humanoids in complex physically simulated worlds is a long-standing challenge with numerous applications in gaming, simulation, and visual content creation. In our setup, given a rich and complex 3D scene, the user provides a list of instructions composed of target locations and locomotion types. To solve this task we present PlaMo, a scene-aware path planner and a robust physics-based controller. The path planner produces a sequence of motion paths, considering the various limitations the scene imposes on the motion, such as location, height, and speed. Complementing the planner, our control policy generates rich and realistic physical motion adhering to the plan. We demonstrate how the combination of both modules enables traversing complex landscapes in diverse forms while responding to real-time changes in the environment. Video: https://youtu.be/wWlqSQlRZ9M .
Abstract:Despite the popularity of policy gradient methods, they are known to suffer from large variance and high sample complexity. To mitigate this, we introduce SoftTreeMax -- a generalization of softmax that takes planning into account. In SoftTreeMax, we extend the traditional logits with the multi-step discounted cumulative reward, topped with the logits of future states. We consider two variants of SoftTreeMax, one for cumulative reward and one for exponentiated reward. For both, we analyze the gradient variance and reveal for the first time the role of a tree expansion policy in mitigating this variance. We prove that the resulting variance decays exponentially with the planning horizon as a function of the expansion policy. Specifically, we show that the closer the resulting state transitions are to uniform, the faster the decay. In a practical implementation, we utilize a parallelized GPU-based simulator for fast and efficient tree search. Our differentiable tree-based policy leverages all gradients at the tree leaves in each environment step instead of the traditional single-sample-based gradient. We then show in simulation how the variance of the gradient is reduced by three orders of magnitude, leading to better sample complexity compared to the standard policy gradient. On Atari, SoftTreeMax demonstrates up to 5x better performance in a faster run time compared to distributed PPO. Lastly, we demonstrate that high reward correlates with lower variance.
Abstract:Policy-gradient methods are widely used for learning control policies. They can be easily distributed to multiple workers and reach state-of-the-art results in many domains. Unfortunately, they exhibit large variance and subsequently suffer from high-sample complexity since they aggregate gradients over entire trajectories. At the other extreme, planning methods, like tree search, optimize the policy using single-step transitions that consider future lookahead. These approaches have been mainly considered for value-based algorithms. Planning-based algorithms require a forward model and are computationally intensive at each step, but are more sample efficient. In this work, we introduce SoftTreeMax, the first approach that integrates tree-search into policy gradient. Traditionally, gradients are computed for single state-action pairs. Instead, our tree-based policy structure leverages all gradients at the tree leaves in each environment step. This allows us to reduce the variance of gradients by three orders of magnitude and to benefit from better sample complexity compared with standard policy gradient. On Atari, SoftTreeMax demonstrates up to 5x better performance in faster run-time compared with distributed PPO.
Abstract:We present the problem of reinforcement learning with exogenous termination. We define the Termination Markov Decision Process (TerMDP), an extension of the MDP framework, in which episodes may be interrupted by an external non-Markovian observer. This formulation accounts for numerous real-world situations, such as a human interrupting an autonomous driving agent for reasons of discomfort. We learn the parameters of the TerMDP and leverage the structure of the estimation problem to provide state-wise confidence bounds. We use these to construct a provably-efficient algorithm, which accounts for termination, and bound its regret. Motivated by our theoretical analysis, we design and implement a scalable approach, which combines optimism (w.r.t. termination) and a dynamic discount factor, incorporating the termination probability. We deploy our method on high-dimensional driving and MinAtar benchmarks. Additionally, we test our approach on human data in a driving setting. Our results demonstrate fast convergence and significant improvement over various baseline approaches.
Abstract:The classical Policy Iteration (PI) algorithm alternates between greedy one-step policy improvement and policy evaluation. Recent literature shows that multi-step lookahead policy improvement leads to a better convergence rate at the expense of increased complexity per iteration. However, prior to running the algorithm, one cannot tell what is the best fixed lookahead horizon. Moreover, per a given run, using a lookahead of horizon larger than one is often wasteful. In this work, we propose for the first time to dynamically adapt the multi-step lookahead horizon as a function of the state and of the value estimate. We devise two PI variants and analyze the trade-off between iteration count and computational complexity per iteration. The first variant takes the desired contraction factor as the objective and minimizes the per-iteration complexity. The second variant takes as input the computational complexity per iteration and minimizes the overall contraction factor. We then devise a corresponding DQN-based algorithm with an adaptive tree search horizon. We also include a novel enhancement for on-policy learning: per-depth value function estimator. Lastly, we demonstrate the efficacy of our adaptive lookahead method in a maze environment and in Atari.
Abstract:We consider the problem of using expert data with unobserved confounders for imitation and reinforcement learning. We begin by defining the problem of learning from confounded expert data in a contextual MDP setup. We analyze the limitations of learning from such data with and without external reward, and propose an adjustment of standard imitation learning algorithms to fit this setup. We then discuss the problem of distribution shift between the expert data and the online environment when the data is only partially observable. We prove possibility and impossibility results for imitation learning under arbitrary distribution shift of the missing covariates. When additional external reward is provided, we propose a sampling procedure that addresses the unknown shift and prove convergence to an optimal solution. Finally, we validate our claims empirically on challenging assistive healthcare and recommender system simulation tasks.
Abstract:Tree Search (TS) is crucial to some of the most influential successes in reinforcement learning. Here, we tackle two major challenges with TS that limit its usability: \textit{distribution shift} and \textit{scalability}. We first discover and analyze a counter-intuitive phenomenon: action selection through TS and a pre-trained value function often leads to lower performance compared to the original pre-trained agent, even when having access to the exact state and reward in future steps. We show this is due to a distribution shift to areas where value estimates are highly inaccurate and analyze this effect using Extreme Value theory. To overcome this problem, we introduce a novel off-policy correction term that accounts for the mismatch between the pre-trained value and its corresponding TS policy by penalizing under-sampled trajectories. We prove that our correction eliminates the above mismatch and bound the probability of sub-optimal action selection. Our correction significantly improves pre-trained Rainbow agents without any further training, often more than doubling their scores on Atari games. Next, we address the scalability issue given by the computational complexity of exhaustive TS that scales exponentially with the tree depth. We introduce Batch-BFS: a GPU breadth-first search that advances all nodes in each depth of the tree simultaneously. Batch-BFS reduces runtime by two orders of magnitude and, beyond inference, enables also training with TS of depths that were not feasible before. We train DQN agents from scratch using TS and show improvement in several Atari games compared to both the original DQN and the more advanced Rainbow.
Abstract:Many modern commercial sites employ recommender systems to propose relevant content to users. While most systems are focused on maximizing the immediate gain (clicks, purchases or ratings), a better notion of success would be the lifetime value (LTV) of the user-system interaction. The LTV approach considers the future implications of the item recommendation, and seeks to maximize the cumulative gain over time. The Reinforcement Learning (RL) framework is the standard formulation for optimizing cumulative successes over time. However, RL is rarely used in practice due to its associated representation, optimization and validation techniques which can be complex. In this paper we propose a new architecture for combining RL with recommendation systems which obviates the need for hand-tuned features, thus automating the state-space representation construction process. We analyze the practical difficulties in this formulation and test our solutions on batch off-line real-world recommendation data.
Abstract:The problem of on-line off-policy evaluation (OPE) has been actively studied in the last decade due to its importance both as a stand-alone problem and as a module in a policy improvement scheme. However, most Temporal Difference (TD) based solutions ignore the discrepancy between the stationary distribution of the behavior and target policies and its effect on the convergence limit when function approximation is applied. In this paper we propose the Consistent Off-Policy Temporal Difference (COP-TD($\lambda$, $\beta$)) algorithm that addresses this issue and reduces this bias at some computational expense. We show that COP-TD($\lambda$, $\beta$) can be designed to converge to the same value that would have been obtained by using on-policy TD($\lambda$) with the target policy. Subsequently, the proposed scheme leads to a related and promising heuristic we call log-COP-TD($\lambda$, $\beta$). Both algorithms have favorable empirical results to the current state of the art on-line OPE algorithms. Finally, our formulation sheds some new light on the recently proposed Emphatic TD learning.