Abstract:We study the problem of matching markets with ties, where one side of the market does not necessarily have strict preferences over members at its other side. For example, workers do not always have strict preferences over jobs, students can give the same ranking for different schools and more. In particular, assume w.l.o.g. that workers' preferences are determined by their utility from being matched to each job, which might admit ties. Notably, in contrast to classical two-sided markets with strict preferences, there is no longer a single stable matching that simultaneously maximizes the utility for all workers. We aim to guarantee each worker the largest possible share from the utility in her best possible stable matching. We call the ratio between the worker's best possible stable utility and its assigned utility the \emph{Optimal Stable Share} (OSS)-ratio. We first prove that distributions over stable matchings cannot guarantee an OSS-ratio that is sublinear in the number of workers. Instead, randomizing over possibly non-stable matchings, we show how to achieve a tight logarithmic OSS-ratio. Then, we analyze the case where the real utility is not necessarily known and can only be approximated. In particular, we provide an algorithm that guarantees a similar fraction of the utility compared to the best possible utility. Finally, we move to a bandit setting, where we select a matching at each round and only observe the utilities for matches we perform. We show how to utilize our results for approximate utilities to gracefully interpolate between problems without ties and problems with statistical ties (small suboptimality gaps).
Abstract:In contextual dynamic pricing, a seller sequentially prices goods based on contextual information. Buyers will purchase products only if the prices are below their valuations. The goal of the seller is to design a pricing strategy that collects as much revenue as possible. We focus on two different valuation models. The first assumes that valuations linearly depend on the context and are further distorted by noise. Under minor regularity assumptions, our algorithm achieves an optimal regret bound of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{2/3})$, improving the existing results. The second model removes the linearity assumption, requiring only that the expected buyer valuation is $\beta$-H\"older in the context. For this model, our algorithm obtains a regret $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{d+2\beta/d+3\beta})$, where $d$ is the dimension of the context space.
Abstract:We study reinforcement learning (RL) problems in which agents observe the reward or transition realizations at their current state before deciding which action to take. Such observations are available in many applications, including transactions, navigation and more. When the environment is known, previous work shows that this lookahead information can drastically increase the collected reward. However, outside of specific applications, existing approaches for interacting with unknown environments are not well-adapted to these observations. In this work, we close this gap and design provably-efficient learning algorithms able to incorporate lookahead information. To achieve this, we perform planning using the empirical distribution of the reward and transition observations, in contrast to vanilla approaches that only rely on estimated expectations. We prove that our algorithms achieve tight regret versus a baseline that also has access to lookahead information - linearly increasing the amount of collected reward compared to agents that cannot handle lookahead information.
Abstract:In interactive decision-making tasks, information can be acquired by direct interactions, through receiving indirect feedback, and from external knowledgeable sources. We examine the trade-off between the information an agent accumulates and the regret it suffers. We show that information from external sources, measured in bits, can be traded off for regret, measured in reward. We invoke information-theoretic methods for obtaining regret lower bounds, that also allow us to easily re-derive several known lower bounds. We then generalize a variety of interactive decision-making tasks with external information to a new setting. Using this setting, we introduce the first Bayesian regret lower bounds that depend on the information an agent accumulates. These lower bounds also prove the near-optimality of Thompson sampling for Bayesian problems. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of these bounds in improving the performance of a question-answering task with large language models, allowing us to obtain valuable insights.
Abstract:In reinforcement learning (RL), agents sequentially interact with changing environments while aiming to maximize the obtained rewards. Usually, rewards are observed only after acting, and so the goal is to maximize the expected cumulative reward. Yet, in many practical settings, reward information is observed in advance -- prices are observed before performing transactions; nearby traffic information is partially known; and goals are oftentimes given to agents prior to the interaction. In this work, we aim to quantifiably analyze the value of such future reward information through the lens of competitive analysis. In particular, we measure the ratio between the value of standard RL agents and that of agents with partial future-reward lookahead. We characterize the worst-case reward distribution and derive exact ratios for the worst-case reward expectations. Surprisingly, the resulting ratios relate to known quantities in offline RL and reward-free exploration. We further provide tight bounds for the ratio given the worst-case dynamics. Our results cover the full spectrum between observing the immediate rewards before acting to observing all the rewards before the interaction starts.
Abstract:We introduce Dynamic Contextual Markov Decision Processes (DCMDPs), a novel reinforcement learning framework for history-dependent environments that generalizes the contextual MDP framework to handle non-Markov environments, where contexts change over time. We consider special cases of the model, with a focus on logistic DCMDPs, which break the exponential dependence on history length by leveraging aggregation functions to determine context transitions. This special structure allows us to derive an upper-confidence-bound style algorithm for which we establish regret bounds. Motivated by our theoretical results, we introduce a practical model-based algorithm for logistic DCMDPs that plans in a latent space and uses optimism over history-dependent features. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on a recommendation task (using MovieLens data) where user behavior dynamics evolve in response to recommendations.
Abstract:We present the problem of reinforcement learning with exogenous termination. We define the Termination Markov Decision Process (TerMDP), an extension of the MDP framework, in which episodes may be interrupted by an external non-Markovian observer. This formulation accounts for numerous real-world situations, such as a human interrupting an autonomous driving agent for reasons of discomfort. We learn the parameters of the TerMDP and leverage the structure of the estimation problem to provide state-wise confidence bounds. We use these to construct a provably-efficient algorithm, which accounts for termination, and bound its regret. Motivated by our theoretical analysis, we design and implement a scalable approach, which combines optimism (w.r.t. termination) and a dynamic discount factor, incorporating the termination probability. We deploy our method on high-dimensional driving and MinAtar benchmarks. Additionally, we test our approach on human data in a driving setting. Our results demonstrate fast convergence and significant improvement over various baseline approaches.
Abstract:We consider a stochastic multi-armed bandit setting where feedback is limited by a (possibly time-dependent) budget, and reward must be actively inquired for it to be observed. Previous works on this setting assumed a strict feedback budget and focused on not violating this constraint while providing problem-independent regret guarantees. In this work, we provide problem-dependent guarantees on both the regret and the asked feedback. In particular, we derive problem-dependent lower bounds on the required feedback and show that there is a fundamental difference between problems with a unique and multiple optimal arms. Furthermore, we present a new algorithm called BuFALU for which we derive problem-dependent regret and cumulative feedback bounds. Notably, we show that BuFALU naturally adapts to the number of optimal arms.
Abstract:Q-learning (QL), a common reinforcement learning algorithm, suffers from over-estimation bias due to the maximization term in the optimal Bellman operator. This bias may lead to sub-optimal behavior. Double-Q-learning tackles this issue by utilizing two estimators, yet results in an under-estimation bias. Similar to over-estimation in Q-learning, in certain scenarios, the under-estimation bias may degrade performance. In this work, we introduce a new bias-reduced algorithm called Ensemble Bootstrapped Q-Learning (EBQL), a natural extension of Double-Q-learning to ensembles. We analyze our method both theoretically and empirically. Theoretically, we prove that EBQL-like updates yield lower MSE when estimating the maximal mean of a set of independent random variables. Empirically, we show that there exist domains where both over and under-estimation result in sub-optimal performance. Finally, We demonstrate the superior performance of a deep RL variant of EBQL over other deep QL algorithms for a suite of ATARI games.
Abstract:A core element in decision-making under uncertainty is the feedback on the quality of the performed actions. However, in many applications, such feedback is restricted. For example, in recommendation systems, repeatedly asking the user to provide feedback on the quality of recommendations will annoy them. In this work, we formalize decision-making problems with querying budget, where there is a (possibly time-dependent) hard limit on the number of reward queries allowed. Specifically, we consider multi-armed bandits, linear bandits, and reinforcement learning problems. We start by analyzing the performance of `greedy' algorithms that query a reward whenever they can. We show that in fully stochastic settings, doing so performs surprisingly well, but in the presence of any adversity, this might lead to linear regret. To overcome this issue, we propose the Confidence-Budget Matching (CBM) principle that queries rewards when the confidence intervals are wider than the inverse square root of the available budget. We analyze the performance of CBM based algorithms in different settings and show that they perform well in the presence of adversity in the contexts, initial states, and budgets.