Abstract:We study the problem of matching markets with ties, where one side of the market does not necessarily have strict preferences over members at its other side. For example, workers do not always have strict preferences over jobs, students can give the same ranking for different schools and more. In particular, assume w.l.o.g. that workers' preferences are determined by their utility from being matched to each job, which might admit ties. Notably, in contrast to classical two-sided markets with strict preferences, there is no longer a single stable matching that simultaneously maximizes the utility for all workers. We aim to guarantee each worker the largest possible share from the utility in her best possible stable matching. We call the ratio between the worker's best possible stable utility and its assigned utility the \emph{Optimal Stable Share} (OSS)-ratio. We first prove that distributions over stable matchings cannot guarantee an OSS-ratio that is sublinear in the number of workers. Instead, randomizing over possibly non-stable matchings, we show how to achieve a tight logarithmic OSS-ratio. Then, we analyze the case where the real utility is not necessarily known and can only be approximated. In particular, we provide an algorithm that guarantees a similar fraction of the utility compared to the best possible utility. Finally, we move to a bandit setting, where we select a matching at each round and only observe the utilities for matches we perform. We show how to utilize our results for approximate utilities to gracefully interpolate between problems without ties and problems with statistical ties (small suboptimality gaps).
Abstract:In the strategic multi-armed bandit setting, when arms possess perfect information about the player's behavior, they can establish an equilibrium where: 1. they retain almost all of their value, 2. they leave the player with a substantial (linear) regret. This study illustrates that, even if complete information is not publicly available to all arms but is shared among them, it is possible to achieve a similar equilibrium. The primary challenge lies in designing a communication protocol that incentivizes the arms to communicate truthfully.
Abstract:In contextual dynamic pricing, a seller sequentially prices goods based on contextual information. Buyers will purchase products only if the prices are below their valuations. The goal of the seller is to design a pricing strategy that collects as much revenue as possible. We focus on two different valuation models. The first assumes that valuations linearly depend on the context and are further distorted by noise. Under minor regularity assumptions, our algorithm achieves an optimal regret bound of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{2/3})$, improving the existing results. The second model removes the linearity assumption, requiring only that the expected buyer valuation is $\beta$-H\"older in the context. For this model, our algorithm obtains a regret $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{d+2\beta/d+3\beta})$, where $d$ is the dimension of the context space.
Abstract:The non-clairvoyant scheduling problem has gained new interest within learning-augmented algorithms, where the decision-maker is equipped with predictions without any quality guarantees. In practical settings, access to predictions may be reduced to specific instances, due to cost or data limitations. Our investigation focuses on scenarios where predictions for only $B$ job sizes out of $n$ are available to the algorithm. We first establish near-optimal lower bounds and algorithms in the case of perfect predictions. Subsequently, we present a learning-augmented algorithm satisfying the robustness, consistency, and smoothness criteria, and revealing a novel tradeoff between consistency and smoothness inherent in the scenario with a restricted number of predictions.
Abstract:In reinforcement learning (RL), agents sequentially interact with changing environments while aiming to maximize the obtained rewards. Usually, rewards are observed only after acting, and so the goal is to maximize the expected cumulative reward. Yet, in many practical settings, reward information is observed in advance -- prices are observed before performing transactions; nearby traffic information is partially known; and goals are oftentimes given to agents prior to the interaction. In this work, we aim to quantifiably analyze the value of such future reward information through the lens of competitive analysis. In particular, we measure the ratio between the value of standard RL agents and that of agents with partial future-reward lookahead. We characterize the worst-case reward distribution and derive exact ratios for the worst-case reward expectations. Surprisingly, the resulting ratios relate to known quantities in offline RL and reward-free exploration. We further provide tight bounds for the ratio given the worst-case dynamics. Our results cover the full spectrum between observing the immediate rewards before acting to observing all the rewards before the interaction starts.
Abstract:The combination of lightly supervised pre-training and online fine-tuning has played a key role in recent AI developments. These new learning pipelines call for new theoretical frameworks. In this paper, we formalize core aspects of weakly supervised and active learning with a simple problem: the estimation of the mode of a distribution using partial feedback. We show how entropy coding allows for optimal information acquisition from partial feedback, develop coarse sufficient statistics for mode identification, and adapt bandit algorithms to our new setting. Finally, we combine those contributions into a statistically and computationally efficient solution to our problem.
Abstract:We study how to learn $\epsilon$-optimal strategies in zero-sum imperfect information games (IIG) with trajectory feedback. In this setting, players update their policies sequentially based on their observations over a fixed number of episodes, denoted by $T$. Existing procedures suffer from high variance due to the use of importance sampling over sequences of actions (Steinberger et al., 2020; McAleer et al., 2022). To reduce this variance, we consider a fixed sampling approach, where players still update their policies over time, but with observations obtained through a given fixed sampling policy. Our approach is based on an adaptive Online Mirror Descent (OMD) algorithm that applies OMD locally to each information set, using individually decreasing learning rates and a regularized loss. We show that this approach guarantees a convergence rate of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{-1/2})$ with high probability and has a near-optimal dependence on the game parameters when applied with the best theoretical choices of learning rates and sampling policies. To achieve these results, we generalize the notion of OMD stabilization, allowing for time-varying regularization with convex increments.
Abstract:We consider the problem of online allocation subject to a long-term fairness penalty. Contrary to existing works, however, we do not assume that the decision-maker observes the protected attributes -- which is often unrealistic in practice. Instead they can purchase data that help estimate them from sources of different quality; and hence reduce the fairness penalty at some cost. We model this problem as a multi-armed bandit problem where each arm corresponds to the choice of a data source, coupled with the online allocation problem. We propose an algorithm that jointly solves both problems and show that it has a regret bounded by $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T})$. A key difficulty is that the rewards received by selecting a source are correlated by the fairness penalty, which leads to a need for randomization (despite a stochastic setting). Our algorithm takes into account contextual information available before the source selection, and can adapt to many different fairness notions. We also show that in some instances, the estimates used can be learned on the fly.
Abstract:Many machine learning problems require performing dataset valuation, i.e. to quantify the incremental gain, to some relevant pre-defined utility, of aggregating an individual dataset to others. As seminal examples, dataset valuation has been leveraged in collaborative and federated learning to create incentives for data sharing across several data owners. The Shapley value has recently been proposed as a principled tool to achieve this goal due to formal axiomatic justification. Since its computation often requires exponential time, standard approximation strategies based on Monte Carlo integration have been considered. Such generic approximation methods, however, remain expensive in some cases. In this paper, we exploit the knowledge about the structure of the dataset valuation problem to devise more efficient Shapley value estimators. We propose a novel approximation of the Shapley value, referred to as discrete uniform Shapley (DU-Shapley) which is expressed as an expectation under a discrete uniform distribution with support of reasonable size. We justify the relevancy of the proposed framework via asymptotic and non-asymptotic theoretical guarantees and show that DU-Shapley tends towards the Shapley value when the number of data owners is large. The benefits of the proposed framework are finally illustrated on several dataset valuation benchmarks. DU-Shapley outperforms other Shapley value approximations, even when the number of data owners is small.
Abstract:Multiplayer bandits have recently been extensively studied because of their application to cognitive radio networks. While the literature mostly considers synchronous players, radio networks (e.g. for IoT) tend to have asynchronous devices. This motivates the harder, asynchronous multiplayer bandits problem, which was first tackled with an explore-then-commit (ETC) algorithm (see Dakdouk, 2022), with a regret upper-bound in $\mathcal{O}(T^{\frac{2}{3}})$. Before even considering decentralization, understanding the centralized case was still a challenge as it was unknown whether getting a regret smaller than $\Omega(T^{\frac{2}{3}})$ was possible. We answer positively this question, as a natural extension of UCB exhibits a $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T\log(T)})$ minimax regret. More importantly, we introduce Cautious Greedy, a centralized algorithm that yields constant instance-dependent regret if the optimal policy assigns at least one player on each arm (a situation that is proved to occur when arm means are close enough). Otherwise, its regret increases as the sum of $\log(T)$ over some sub-optimality gaps. We provide lower bounds showing that Cautious Greedy is optimal in the data-dependent terms. Therefore, we set up a strong baseline for asynchronous multiplayer bandits and suggest that learning the optimal policy in this problem might be easier than thought, at least with centralization.