Abstract:We pose a fundamental question in computational learning theory: can we efficiently test whether a training set satisfies the assumptions of a given noise model? This question has remained unaddressed despite decades of research on learning in the presence of noise. In this work, we show that this task is tractable and present the first efficient algorithm to test various noise assumptions on the training data. To model this question, we extend the recently proposed testable learning framework of Rubinfeld and Vasilyan (2023) and require a learner to run an associated test that satisfies the following two conditions: (1) whenever the test accepts, the learner outputs a classifier along with a certificate of optimality, and (2) the test must pass for any dataset drawn according to a specified modeling assumption on both the marginal distribution and the noise model. We then consider the problem of learning halfspaces over Gaussian marginals with Massart noise (where each label can be flipped with probability less than $1/2$ depending on the input features), and give a fully-polynomial time testable learning algorithm. We also show a separation between the classical setting of learning in the presence of structured noise and testable learning. In fact, for the simple case of random classification noise (where each label is flipped with fixed probability $\eta = 1/2$), we show that testable learning requires super-polynomial time while classical learning is trivial.
Abstract:We present an efficient reduction that converts any machine learning algorithm into an interactive protocol, enabling collaboration with another party (e.g., a human) to achieve consensus on predictions and improve accuracy. This approach imposes calibration conditions on each party, which are computationally and statistically tractable relaxations of Bayesian rationality. These conditions are sensible even in prior-free settings, representing a significant generalization of Aumann's classic "agreement theorem." In our protocol, the model first provides a prediction. The human then responds by either agreeing or offering feedback. The model updates its state and revises its prediction, while the human may adjust their beliefs. This iterative process continues until the two parties reach agreement. Initially, we study a setting that extends Aumann's Agreement Theorem, where parties aim to agree on a one-dimensional expectation by iteratively sharing their current estimates. Here, we recover the convergence theorem of Aaronson'05 under weaker assumptions. We then address the case where parties hold beliefs over distributions with d outcomes, exploring two feedback mechanisms. The first involves vector-valued estimates of predictions, while the second adopts a decision-theoretic approach: the human, needing to take an action from a finite set based on utility, communicates their utility-maximizing action at each round. In this setup, the number of rounds until agreement remains independent of d. Finally, we generalize to scenarios with more than two parties, where computational complexity scales linearly with the number of participants. Our protocols rely on simple, efficient conditions and produce predictions that surpass the accuracy of any individual party's alone.
Abstract:Knowledge distillation leverages a teacher model to improve the training of a student model. A persistent challenge is that a better teacher does not always yield a better student, to which a common mitigation is to use additional supervision from several ``intermediate'' teachers. One empirically validated variant of this principle is progressive distillation, where the student learns from successive intermediate checkpoints of the teacher. Using sparse parity as a sandbox, we identify an implicit curriculum as one mechanism through which progressive distillation accelerates the student's learning. This curriculum is available only through the intermediate checkpoints but not the final converged one, and imparts both empirical acceleration and a provable sample complexity benefit to the student. We then extend our investigation to Transformers trained on probabilistic context-free grammars (PCFGs) and real-world pre-training datasets (Wikipedia and Books). Through probing the teacher model, we identify an analogous implicit curriculum where the model progressively learns features that capture longer context. Our theoretical and empirical findings on sparse parity, complemented by empirical observations on more complex tasks, highlight the benefit of progressive distillation via implicit curriculum across setups.
Abstract:We study how to subvert language models from following the rules. We model rule-following as inference in propositional Horn logic, a mathematical system in which rules have the form "if $P$ and $Q$, then $R$" for some propositions $P$, $Q$, and $R$. We prove that although transformers can faithfully abide by such rules, maliciously crafted prompts can nevertheless mislead even theoretically constructed models. Empirically, we find that attacks on our theoretical models mirror popular attacks on large language models. Our work suggests that studying smaller theoretical models can help understand the behavior of large language models in rule-based settings like logical reasoning and jailbreak attacks.
Abstract:Despite the success of Transformers on language understanding, code generation, and logical reasoning, they still fail to generalize over length on basic arithmetic tasks such as addition and multiplication. A major reason behind this failure is the vast difference in structure between numbers and text; For example, the numbers are typically parsed from right to left, and there is a correspondence between digits at the same position across different numbers. In contrast, for text, such symmetries are quite unnatural. In this work, we propose to encode these semantics explicitly into the model via modified number formatting and custom positional encodings. Empirically, our method allows a Transformer trained on numbers with at most 5-digits for addition and multiplication to generalize up to 50-digit numbers, without using additional data for longer sequences. We further demonstrate that traditional absolute positional encodings (APE) fail to generalize to longer sequences, even when trained with augmented data that captures task symmetries. To elucidate the importance of explicitly encoding structure, we prove that explicit incorporation of structure via positional encodings is necessary for out-of-distribution generalization. Finally, we pinpoint other challenges inherent to length generalization beyond capturing symmetries, in particular complexity of the underlying task, and propose changes in the training distribution to address them.
Abstract:We study the problem of learning under arbitrary distribution shift, where the learner is trained on a labeled set from one distribution but evaluated on a different, potentially adversarially generated test distribution. We focus on two frameworks: PQ learning [Goldwasser, A. Kalai, Y. Kalai, Montasser NeurIPS 2020], allowing abstention on adversarially generated parts of the test distribution, and TDS learning [Klivans, Stavropoulos, Vasilyan COLT 2024], permitting abstention on the entire test distribution if distribution shift is detected. All prior known algorithms either rely on learning primitives that are computationally hard even for simple function classes, or end up abstaining entirely even in the presence of a tiny amount of distribution shift. We address both these challenges for natural function classes, including intersections of halfspaces and decision trees, and standard training distributions, including Gaussians. For PQ learning, we give efficient learning algorithms, while for TDS learning, our algorithms can tolerate moderate amounts of distribution shift. At the core of our approach is an improved analysis of spectral outlier-removal techniques from learning with nasty noise. Our analysis can (1) handle arbitrarily large fraction of outliers, which is crucial for handling arbitrary distribution shifts, and (2) obtain stronger bounds on polynomial moments of the distribution after outlier removal, yielding new insights into polynomial regression under distribution shifts. Lastly, our techniques lead to novel results for tolerant testable learning [Rubinfeld and Vasilyan STOC 2023], and learning with nasty noise.
Abstract:We study the stochastic bandit problem with ReLU neural network structure. We show that a $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret guarantee is achievable by considering bandits with one-layer ReLU neural networks; to the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to achieve such a guarantee. In this specific setting, we propose an OFU-ReLU algorithm that can achieve this upper bound. The algorithm first explores randomly until it reaches a linear regime, and then implements a UCB-type linear bandit algorithm to balance exploration and exploitation. Our key insight is that we can exploit the piecewise linear structure of ReLU activations and convert the problem into a linear bandit in a transformed feature space, once we learn the parameters of ReLU relatively accurately during the exploration stage. To remove dependence on model parameters, we design an OFU-ReLU+ algorithm based on a batching strategy, which can provide the same theoretical guarantee.
Abstract:Existing research often posits spurious features as "easier" to learn than core features in neural network optimization, but the impact of their relative simplicity remains under-explored. Moreover they mainly focus on the end performance intead of the learning dynamics of feature learning. In this paper, we propose a theoretical framework and associated synthetic dataset grounded in boolean function analysis which allows for fine-grained control on the relative complexity (compared to core features) and correlation strength (with respect to the label) of spurious features to study the dynamics of feature learning under spurious correlation. Our setup uncovers several interesting phenomenon: (1) stronger spurious correlations or simpler spurious features slow down the rate of learning for the core features, (2) learning phases of spurious features and core features are not always separable, (3) spurious features are not forgotten even after core features are fully learned. We show that our findings justify the success of retraining the last layer to remove spurious correlation and also identifies limitations of popular debiasing algorithms that exploit early learning of spurious features. We support our empirical findings with theoretical analyses for the case of learning XOR features with a one-hidden-layer ReLU network.
Abstract:Large language models have the ability to generate text that mimics patterns in their inputs. We introduce a simple Markov Chain sequence modeling task in order to study how this in-context learning (ICL) capability emerges. In our setting, each example is sampled from a Markov chain drawn from a prior distribution over Markov chains. Transformers trained on this task form \emph{statistical induction heads} which compute accurate next-token probabilities given the bigram statistics of the context. During the course of training, models pass through multiple phases: after an initial stage in which predictions are uniform, they learn to sub-optimally predict using in-context single-token statistics (unigrams); then, there is a rapid phase transition to the correct in-context bigram solution. We conduct an empirical and theoretical investigation of this multi-phase process, showing how successful learning results from the interaction between the transformer's layers, and uncovering evidence that the presence of the simpler unigram solution may delay formation of the final bigram solution. We examine how learning is affected by varying the prior distribution over Markov chains, and consider the generalization of our in-context learning of Markov chains (ICL-MC) task to $n$-grams for $n > 2$.
Abstract:This work investigates the nuanced algorithm design choices for deep learning in the presence of computational-statistical gaps. We begin by considering offline sparse parity learning, a supervised classification problem which admits a statistical query lower bound for gradient-based training of a multilayer perceptron. This lower bound can be interpreted as a multi-resource tradeoff frontier: successful learning can only occur if one is sufficiently rich (large model), knowledgeable (large dataset), patient (many training iterations), or lucky (many random guesses). We show, theoretically and experimentally, that sparse initialization and increasing network width yield significant improvements in sample efficiency in this setting. Here, width plays the role of parallel search: it amplifies the probability of finding "lottery ticket" neurons, which learn sparse features more sample-efficiently. Finally, we show that the synthetic sparse parity task can be useful as a proxy for real problems requiring axis-aligned feature learning. We demonstrate improved sample efficiency on tabular classification benchmarks by using wide, sparsely-initialized MLP models; these networks sometimes outperform tuned random forests.