Abstract:Legged robots have shown promise in locomotion complex environments, but recovery from falls on challenging terrains remains a significant hurdle. This paper presents an Adaptive Fall Recovery (AFR) controller for quadrupedal robots on challenging terrains such as rocky, breams, steep slopes, and irregular stones. We leverage deep reinforcement learning to train the AFR, which can adapt to a wide range of terrain geometries and physical properties. Our method demonstrates improvements over existing approaches, showing promising results in recovery scenarios on challenging terrains. We trained our method in Isaac Gym using the Go1 and directly transferred it to several mainstream quadrupedal platforms, such as Spot and ANYmal. Additionally, we validated the controller's effectiveness in Gazebo. Our results indicate that the AFR controller generalizes well to complex terrains and outperforms baseline methods in terms of success rate and recovery speed.
Abstract:3D Gaussian splatting has achieved very impressive performance in real-time novel view synthesis. However, it often suffers from over-reconstruction during Gaussian densification where high-variance image regions are covered by a few large Gaussians only, leading to blur and artifacts in the rendered images. We design a progressive frequency regularization (FreGS) technique to tackle the over-reconstruction issue within the frequency space. Specifically, FreGS performs coarse-to-fine Gaussian densification by exploiting low-to-high frequency components that can be easily extracted with low-pass and high-pass filters in the Fourier space. By minimizing the discrepancy between the frequency spectrum of the rendered image and the corresponding ground truth, it achieves high-quality Gaussian densification and alleviates the over-reconstruction of Gaussian splatting effectively. Experiments over multiple widely adopted benchmarks (e.g., Mip-NeRF360, Tanks-and-Temples and Deep Blending) show that FreGS achieves superior novel view synthesis and outperforms the state-of-the-art consistently.
Abstract:Generating multi-camera street-view videos is critical for augmenting autonomous driving datasets, addressing the urgent demand for extensive and varied data. Due to the limitations in diversity and challenges in handling lighting conditions, traditional rendering-based methods are increasingly being supplanted by diffusion-based methods. However, a significant challenge in diffusion-based methods is ensuring that the generated sensor data preserve both intra-world consistency and inter-sensor coherence. To address these challenges, we combine an additional explicit world volume and propose the World Volume-aware Multi-camera Driving Scene Generator (WoVoGen). This system is specifically designed to leverage 4D world volume as a foundational element for video generation. Our model operates in two distinct phases: (i) envisioning the future 4D temporal world volume based on vehicle control sequences, and (ii) generating multi-camera videos, informed by this envisioned 4D temporal world volume and sensor interconnectivity. The incorporation of the 4D world volume empowers WoVoGen not only to generate high-quality street-view videos in response to vehicle control inputs but also to facilitate scene editing tasks.
Abstract:We propose BOSS, an approach that automatically learns to solve new long-horizon, complex, and meaningful tasks by growing a learned skill library with minimal supervision. Prior work in reinforcement learning require expert supervision, in the form of demonstrations or rich reward functions, to learn long-horizon tasks. Instead, our approach BOSS (BOotStrapping your own Skills) learns to accomplish new tasks by performing "skill bootstrapping," where an agent with a set of primitive skills interacts with the environment to practice new skills without receiving reward feedback for tasks outside of the initial skill set. This bootstrapping phase is guided by large language models (LLMs) that inform the agent of meaningful skills to chain together. Through this process, BOSS builds a wide range of complex and useful behaviors from a basic set of primitive skills. We demonstrate through experiments in realistic household environments that agents trained with our LLM-guided bootstrapping procedure outperform those trained with naive bootstrapping as well as prior unsupervised skill acquisition methods on zero-shot execution of unseen, long-horizon tasks in new environments. Website at clvrai.com/boss.
Abstract:Pose-free neural radiance fields (NeRF) aim to train NeRF with unposed multi-view images and it has achieved very impressive success in recent years. Most existing works share the pipeline of training a coarse pose estimator with rendered images at first, followed by a joint optimization of estimated poses and neural radiance field. However, as the pose estimator is trained with only rendered images, the pose estimation is usually biased or inaccurate for real images due to the domain gap between real images and rendered images, leading to poor robustness for the pose estimation of real images and further local minima in joint optimization. We design IR-NeRF, an innovative pose-free NeRF that introduces implicit pose regularization to refine pose estimator with unposed real images and improve the robustness of the pose estimation for real images. With a collection of 2D images of a specific scene, IR-NeRF constructs a scene codebook that stores scene features and captures the scene-specific pose distribution implicitly as priors. Thus, the robustness of pose estimation can be promoted with the scene priors according to the rationale that a 2D real image can be well reconstructed from the scene codebook only when its estimated pose lies within the pose distribution. Extensive experiments show that IR-NeRF achieves superior novel view synthesis and outperforms the state-of-the-art consistently across multiple synthetic and real datasets.
Abstract:Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) has shown impressive performance in novel view synthesis via implicit scene representation. However, it usually suffers from poor scalability as requiring densely sampled images for each new scene. Several studies have attempted to mitigate this problem by integrating Multi-View Stereo (MVS) technique into NeRF while they still entail a cumbersome fine-tuning process for new scenes. Notably, the rendering quality will drop severely without this fine-tuning process and the errors mainly appear around the high-frequency features. In the light of this observation, we design WaveNeRF, which integrates wavelet frequency decomposition into MVS and NeRF to achieve generalizable yet high-quality synthesis without any per-scene optimization. To preserve high-frequency information when generating 3D feature volumes, WaveNeRF builds Multi-View Stereo in the Wavelet domain by integrating the discrete wavelet transform into the classical cascade MVS, which disentangles high-frequency information explicitly. With that, disentangled frequency features can be injected into classic NeRF via a novel hybrid neural renderer to yield faithful high-frequency details, and an intuitive frequency-guided sampling strategy can be designed to suppress artifacts around high-frequency regions. Extensive experiments over three widely studied benchmarks show that WaveNeRF achieves superior generalizable radiance field modeling when only given three images as input.
Abstract:Pre-training robot policies with a rich set of skills can substantially accelerate the learning of downstream tasks. Prior works have defined pre-training tasks via natural language instructions, but doing so requires tedious human annotation of hundreds of thousands of instructions. Thus, we propose SPRINT, a scalable offline policy pre-training approach which substantially reduces the human effort needed for pre-training a diverse set of skills. Our method uses two core ideas to automatically expand a base set of pre-training tasks: instruction relabeling via large language models and cross-trajectory skill chaining through offline reinforcement learning. As a result, SPRINT pre-training equips robots with a much richer repertoire of skills. Experimental results in a household simulator and on a real robot kitchen manipulation task show that SPRINT leads to substantially faster learning of new long-horizon tasks than previous pre-training approaches. Website at https://clvrai.com/sprint.
Abstract:Open-vocabulary segmentation of 3D scenes is a fundamental function of human perception and thus a crucial objective in computer vision research. However, this task is heavily impeded by the lack of large-scale and diverse 3D open-vocabulary segmentation datasets for training robust and generalizable models. Distilling knowledge from pre-trained 2D open-vocabulary segmentation models helps but it compromises the open-vocabulary feature significantly as the 2D models are mostly finetuned with close-vocabulary datasets. We tackle the challenges in 3D open-vocabulary segmentation by exploiting the open-vocabulary multimodal knowledge and object reasoning capability of pre-trained foundation models CLIP and DINO, without necessitating any fine-tuning. Specifically, we distill open-vocabulary visual and textual knowledge from CLIP into a neural radiance field (NeRF) which effectively lifts 2D features into view-consistent 3D segmentation. Furthermore, we introduce the Relevancy-Distribution Alignment loss and Feature-Distribution Alignment loss to respectively mitigate the ambiguities of CLIP features and distill precise object boundaries from DINO features, eliminating the need for segmentation annotations during training. Extensive experiments show that our method even outperforms fully supervised models trained with segmentation annotations, suggesting that 3D open-vocabulary segmentation can be effectively learned from 2D images and text-image pairs.
Abstract:Audio-driven talking face generation, which aims to synthesize talking faces with realistic facial animations (including accurate lip movements, vivid facial expression details and natural head poses) corresponding to the audio, has achieved rapid progress in recent years. However, most existing work focuses on generating lip movements only without handling the closely correlated facial expressions, which degrades the realism of the generated faces greatly. This paper presents DIRFA, a novel method that can generate talking faces with diverse yet realistic facial animations from the same driving audio. To accommodate fair variation of plausible facial animations for the same audio, we design a transformer-based probabilistic mapping network that can model the variational facial animation distribution conditioned upon the input audio and autoregressively convert the audio signals into a facial animation sequence. In addition, we introduce a temporally-biased mask into the mapping network, which allows to model the temporal dependency of facial animations and produce temporally smooth facial animation sequence. With the generated facial animation sequence and a source image, photo-realistic talking faces can be synthesized with a generic generation network. Extensive experiments show that DIRFA can generate talking faces with realistic facial animations effectively.
Abstract:Facial expression editing has attracted increasing attention with the advance of deep neural networks in recent years. However, most existing methods suffer from compromised editing fidelity and limited usability as they either ignore pose variations (unrealistic editing) or require paired training data (not easy to collect) for pose controls. This paper presents POCE, an innovative pose-controllable expression editing network that can generate realistic facial expressions and head poses simultaneously with just unpaired training images. POCE achieves the more accessible and realistic pose-controllable expression editing by mapping face images into UV space, where facial expressions and head poses can be disentangled and edited separately. POCE has two novel designs. The first is self-supervised UV completion that allows to complete UV maps sampled under different head poses, which often suffer from self-occlusions and missing facial texture. The second is weakly-supervised UV editing that allows to generate new facial expressions with minimal modification of facial identity, where the synthesized expression could be controlled by either an expression label or directly transplanted from a reference UV map via feature transfer. Extensive experiments show that POCE can learn from unpaired face images effectively, and the learned model can generate realistic and high-fidelity facial expressions under various new poses.