Abstract:Real-time multi-agent collaboration for ego-motion estimation and high-fidelity 3D reconstruction is vital for scalable spatial intelligence. However, traditional methods produce sparse, low-detail maps, while recent dense mapping approaches struggle with high latency. To overcome these challenges, we present MAC-Ego3D, a novel framework for real-time collaborative photorealistic 3D reconstruction via Multi-Agent Gaussian Consensus. MAC-Ego3D enables agents to independently construct, align, and iteratively refine local maps using a unified Gaussian splat representation. Through Intra-Agent Gaussian Consensus, it enforces spatial coherence among neighboring Gaussian splats within an agent. For global alignment, parallelized Inter-Agent Gaussian Consensus, which asynchronously aligns and optimizes local maps by regularizing multi-agent Gaussian splats, seamlessly integrates them into a high-fidelity 3D model. Leveraging Gaussian primitives, MAC-Ego3D supports efficient RGB-D rendering, enabling rapid inter-agent Gaussian association and alignment. MAC-Ego3D bridges local precision and global coherence, delivering higher efficiency, largely reducing localization error, and improving mapping fidelity. It establishes a new SOTA on synthetic and real-world benchmarks, achieving a 15x increase in inference speed, order-of-magnitude reductions in ego-motion estimation error for partial cases, and RGB PSNR gains of 4 to 10 dB. Our code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/Xiaohao-Xu/MAC-Ego3D .
Abstract:Model library is an effective tool for improving the performance of single-model Out-of-Distribution (OoD) detector, mainly through model selection and detector fusion. However, existing methods in the literature do not provide uncertainty quantification for model selection results. Additionally, the model ensemble process primarily focuses on controlling the True Positive Rate (TPR) while neglecting the False Positive Rate (FPR). In this paper, we emphasize the significance of the proportion of models in the library that identify the test sample as an OoD sample. This proportion holds crucial information and directly influences the error rate of OoD detection.To address this, we propose inverting the commonly-used sequential p-value strategies. We define the rejection region initially and then estimate the error rate. Furthermore, we introduce a novel perspective from change-point detection and propose an approach for proportion estimation with automatic hyperparameter selection. We name the proposed approach as DOS-Storey-based Detector Ensemble (DSDE). Experimental results on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in tackling OoD detection challenges. Specifically, the CIFAR10 experiments show that DSDE reduces the FPR from 11.07% to 3.31% compared to the top-performing single-model detector.
Abstract:Current segmentation methods require many training images and precise masks, while insufficient anomaly images hinder their application in industrial scenarios. To address such an issue, we explore producing diverse anomalies and accurate pixel-wise annotations. By observing the real production lines, we find that anomalies vary randomly in shape and appearance, whereas products hold globally consistent patterns with slight local variations. Such a characteristic inspires us to develop a Separation and Sharing Fine-tuning (SeaS) approach using only a few abnormal and some normal images. Firstly, we propose the Unbalanced Abnormal (UA) Text Prompt tailored to industrial anomaly generation, consisting of one product token and several anomaly tokens. Then, for anomaly images, we propose a Decoupled Anomaly Alignment (DA) loss to bind the attributes of the anomalies to different anomaly tokens. Re-blending such attributes may produce never-seen anomalies, achieving a high diversity of anomalies. For normal images, we propose a Normal-image Alignment (NA) loss to learn the products' key features that are used to synthesize products with both global consistency and local variations. The two training processes are separated but conducted on a shared U-Net. Finally, SeaS produces high-fidelity annotations for the generated anomalies by fusing discriminative features of U-Net and high-resolution VAE features. Extensive evaluations on the challenging MVTec AD and MVTec 3D AD dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. For anomaly image generation, we achieve 1.88 on IS and 0.34 on IC-LPIPS on MVTec AD dataset, 1.95 on IS and 0.30 on IC-LPIPS on MVTec 3D AD dataset. For downstream task, using our generated anomaly image-mask pairs, three common segmentation methods achieve an average 11.17% improvement on IoU on MVTec AD dataset, and a 15.49% enhancement in IoU on MVTec 3D AD dataset.
Abstract:In the industrial scenario, anomaly detection could locate but cannot classify anomalies. To complete their capability, we study to automatically discover and recognize visual classes of industrial anomalies. In terms of multi-class anomaly classification, previous methods cluster anomalies represented by frozen pre-trained models but often fail due to poor discrimination. Novel class discovery (NCD) has the potential to tackle this. However, it struggles with non-prominent and semantically weak anomalies that challenge network learning focus. To address these, we introduce AnomalyNCD, a multi-class anomaly classification framework compatible with existing anomaly detection methods. This framework learns anomaly-specific features and classifies anomalies in a self-supervised manner. Initially, a technique called Main Element Binarization (MEBin) is first designed, which segments primary anomaly regions into masks to alleviate the impact of incorrect detections on learning. Subsequently, we employ mask-guided contrastive representation learning to improve feature discrimination, which focuses network attention on isolated anomalous regions and reduces the confusion of erroneous inputs through re-corrected pseudo labels. Finally, to enable flexible classification at both region and image levels during inference, we develop a region merging strategy that determines the overall image category based on the classified anomaly regions. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art works on the MVTec AD and MTD datasets. Compared with the current methods, AnomalyNCD combined with zero-shot anomaly detection method achieves a 10.8% $F_1$ gain, 8.8% NMI gain, and 9.5% ARI gain on MVTec AD, 12.8% $F_1$ gain, 5.7% NMI gain, and 10.8% ARI gain on MTD. The source code is available at https://github.com/HUST-SLOW/AnomalyNCD.
Abstract:Model quantization is widely used to compress and accelerate deep neural networks. However, recent studies have revealed the feasibility of weaponizing model quantization via implanting quantization-conditioned backdoors (QCBs). These special backdoors stay dormant on released full-precision models but will come into effect after standard quantization. Due to the peculiarity of QCBs, existing defenses have minor effects on reducing their threats or are even infeasible. In this paper, we conduct the first in-depth analysis of QCBs. We reveal that the activation of existing QCBs primarily stems from the nearest rounding operation and is closely related to the norms of neuron-wise truncation errors (i.e., the difference between the continuous full-precision weights and its quantized version). Motivated by these insights, we propose Error-guided Flipped Rounding with Activation Preservation (EFRAP), an effective and practical defense against QCBs. Specifically, EFRAP learns a non-nearest rounding strategy with neuron-wise error norm and layer-wise activation preservation guidance, flipping the rounding strategies of neurons crucial for backdoor effects but with minimal impact on clean accuracy. Extensive evaluations on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our EFRAP can defeat state-of-the-art QCB attacks under various settings. Code is available at https://github.com/AntigoneRandy/QuantBackdoor_EFRAP.
Abstract:The generalization of monocular metric depth estimation (MMDE) has been a longstanding challenge. Recent methods made progress by combining relative and metric depth or aligning input image focal length. However, they are still beset by challenges in camera, scene, and data levels: (1) Sensitivity to different cameras; (2) Inconsistent accuracy across scenes; (3) Reliance on massive training data. This paper proposes SM4Depth, a seamless MMDE method, to address all the issues above within a single network. First, we reveal that a consistent field of view (FOV) is the key to resolve ``metric ambiguity'' across cameras, which guides us to propose a more straightforward preprocessing unit. Second, to achieve consistently high accuracy across scenes, we explicitly model the metric scale determination as discretizing the depth interval into bins and propose variation-based unnormalized depth bins. This method bridges the depth gap of diverse scenes by reducing the ambiguity of the conventional metric bin. Third, to reduce the reliance on massive training data, we propose a ``divide and conquer" solution. Instead of estimating directly from the vast solution space, the correct metric bins are estimated from multiple solution sub-spaces for complexity reduction. Finally, with just 150K RGB-D pairs and a consumer-grade GPU for training, SM4Depth achieves state-of-the-art performance on most previously unseen datasets, especially surpassing ZoeDepth and Metric3D on mRI$_\theta$. The code can be found at https://github.com/1hao-Liu/SM4Depth.
Abstract:Recently, neural networks (NN) have made great strides in combinatorial optimization. However, they face challenges when solving the capacitated arc routing problem (CARP) which is to find the minimum-cost tour covering all required edges on a graph, while within capacity constraints. In tackling CARP, NN-based approaches tend to lag behind advanced metaheuristics, since they lack directed arc modeling and efficient learning methods tailored for complex CARP. In this paper, we introduce an NN-based solver to significantly narrow the gap with advanced metaheuristics while exhibiting superior efficiency. First, we propose the direction-aware attention model (DaAM) to incorporate directionality into the embedding process, facilitating more effective one-stage decision-making. Second, we design a supervised reinforcement learning scheme that involves supervised pre-training to establish a robust initial policy for subsequent reinforcement fine-tuning. It proves particularly valuable for solving CARP that has a higher complexity than the node routing problems (NRPs). Finally, a path optimization method is proposed to adjust the depot return positions within the path generated by DaAM. Experiments illustrate that our approach surpasses heuristics and achieves decision quality comparable to state-of-the-art metaheuristics for the first time while maintaining superior efficiency.
Abstract:Achieving real-time and accuracy on embedded platforms has always been the pursuit of road segmentation methods. To this end, they have proposed many lightweight networks. However, they ignore the fact that roads are "stuff" (background or environmental elements) rather than "things" (specific identifiable objects), which inspires us to explore the feasibility of representing roads with low-level instead of high-level features. Surprisingly, we find that the primary stage of mainstream network models is sufficient to represent most pixels of the road for segmentation. Motivated by this, we propose a Low-level Feature Dominated Road Segmentation network (LFD-RoadSeg). Specifically, LFD-RoadSeg employs a bilateral structure. The spatial detail branch is firstly designed to extract low-level feature representation for the road by the first stage of ResNet-18. To suppress texture-less regions mistaken as the road in the low-level feature, the context semantic branch is then designed to extract the context feature in a fast manner. To this end, in the second branch, we asymmetrically downsample the input image and design an aggregation module to achieve comparable receptive fields to the third stage of ResNet-18 but with less time consumption. Finally, to segment the road from the low-level feature, a selective fusion module is proposed to calculate pixel-wise attention between the low-level representation and context feature, and suppress the non-road low-level response by this attention. On KITTI-Road, LFD-RoadSeg achieves a maximum F1-measure (MaxF) of 95.21% and an average precision of 93.71%, while reaching 238 FPS on a single TITAN Xp and 54 FPS on a Jetson TX2, all with a compact model size of just 936k parameters. The source code is available at https://github.com/zhouhuan-hust/LFD-RoadSeg.
Abstract:This paper studies zero-shot anomaly classification (AC) and segmentation (AS) in industrial vision. We reveal that the abundant normal and abnormal cues implicit in unlabeled test images can be exploited for anomaly determination, which is ignored by prior methods. Our key observation is that for the industrial product images, the normal image patches could find a relatively large number of similar patches in other unlabeled images, while the abnormal ones only have a few similar patches. We leverage such a discriminative characteristic to design a novel zero-shot AC/AS method by Mutual Scoring (MuSc) of the unlabeled images, which does not need any training or prompts. Specifically, we perform Local Neighborhood Aggregation with Multiple Degrees (LNAMD) to obtain the patch features that are capable of representing anomalies in varying sizes. Then we propose the Mutual Scoring Mechanism (MSM) to leverage the unlabeled test images to assign the anomaly score to each other. Furthermore, we present an optimization approach named Re-scoring with Constrained Image-level Neighborhood (RsCIN) for image-level anomaly classification to suppress the false positives caused by noises in normal images. The superior performance on the challenging MVTec AD and VisA datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach. Compared with the state-of-the-art zero-shot approaches, MuSc achieves a $\textbf{21.1%}$ PRO absolute gain (from 72.7% to 93.8%) on MVTec AD, a $\textbf{19.4%}$ pixel-AP gain and a $\textbf{14.7%}$ pixel-AUROC gain on VisA. In addition, our zero-shot approach outperforms most of the few-shot approaches and is comparable to some one-class methods. Code is available at https://github.com/xrli-U/MuSc.
Abstract:Visual obstacle discovery is a key step towards autonomous navigation of indoor mobile robots. Successful solutions have many applications in multiple scenes. One of the exceptions is the reflective ground. In this case, the reflections on the floor resemble the true world, which confuses the obstacle discovery and leaves navigation unsuccessful. We argue that the key to this problem lies in obtaining discriminative features for reflections and obstacles. Note that obstacle and reflection can be separated by the ground plane in 3D space. With this observation, we firstly introduce a pre-calibration based ground detection scheme that uses robot motion to predict the ground plane. Due to the immunity of robot motion to reflection, this scheme avoids failed ground detection caused by reflection. Given the detected ground, we design a ground-pixel parallax to describe the location of a pixel relative to the ground. Based on this, a unified appearance-geometry feature representation is proposed to describe objects inside rectangular boxes. Eventually, based on segmenting by detection framework, an appearance-geometry fusion regressor is designed to utilize the proposed feature to discover the obstacles. It also prevents our model from concentrating too much on parts of obstacles instead of whole obstacles. For evaluation, we introduce a new dataset for Obstacle on Reflective Ground (ORG), which comprises 15 scenes with various ground reflections, a total of more than 200 image sequences and 3400 RGB images. The pixel-wise annotations of ground and obstacle provide a comparison to our method and other methods. By reducing the misdetection of the reflection, the proposed approach outperforms others. The source code and the dataset will be available at https://github.com/XuefengBUPT/IndoorObstacleDiscovery-RG.