Abstract:Bilevel optimization, addressing challenges in hierarchical learning tasks, has gained significant interest in machine learning. The practical implementation of the gradient descent method to bilevel optimization encounters computational hurdles, notably the computation of the exact lower-level solution and the inverse Hessian of the lower-level objective. Although these two aspects are inherently connected, existing methods typically handle them separately by solving the lower-level problem and a linear system for the inverse Hessian-vector product. In this paper, we introduce a general framework to address these computational challenges in a coordinated manner. Specifically, we leverage quasi-Newton algorithms to accelerate the resolution of the lower-level problem while efficiently approximating the inverse Hessian-vector product. Furthermore, by exploiting the superlinear convergence properties of BFGS, we establish the non-asymptotic convergence analysis of the BFGS adaptation within our framework. Numerical experiments demonstrate the comparable or superior performance of the proposed algorithms in real-world learning tasks, including hyperparameter optimization, data hyper-cleaning, and few-shot meta-learning.
Abstract:In recent years, information-theoretic generalization bounds have emerged as a promising approach for analyzing the generalization capabilities of meta-learning algorithms. However, existing results are confined to two-step bounds, failing to provide a sharper characterization of the meta-generalization gap that simultaneously accounts for environment-level and task-level dependencies. This paper addresses this fundamental limitation by establishing novel single-step information-theoretic bounds for meta-learning. Our bounds exhibit substantial advantages over prior MI- and CMI-based bounds, especially in terms of tightness, scaling behavior associated with sampled tasks and samples per task, and computational tractability. Furthermore, we provide novel theoretical insights into the generalization behavior of two classes of noise and iterative meta-learning algorithms via gradient covariance analysis, where the meta-learner uses either the entire meta-training data (e.g., Reptile), or separate training and test data within the task (e.g., model agnostic meta-learning (MAML)). Numerical results validate the effectiveness of the derived bounds in capturing the generalization dynamics of meta-learning.
Abstract:3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has emerged as a powerful representation due to its efficiency and high-fidelity rendering. However, 3DGS training requires a known camera pose for each input view, typically obtained by Structure-from-Motion (SfM) pipelines. Pioneering works have attempted to relax this restriction but still face difficulties when handling long sequences with complex camera trajectories. In this work, we propose Rob-GS, a robust framework to progressively estimate camera poses and optimize 3DGS for arbitrarily long video sequences. Leveraging the inherent continuity of videos, we design an adjacent pose tracking method to ensure stable pose estimation between consecutive frames. To handle arbitrarily long inputs, we adopt a "divide and conquer" scheme that adaptively splits the video sequence into several segments and optimizes them separately. Extensive experiments on the Tanks and Temples dataset and our collected real-world dataset show that our Rob-GS outperforms the state-of-the-arts.
Abstract:We introduce AlphaTablets, a novel and generic representation of 3D planes that features continuous 3D surface and precise boundary delineation. By representing 3D planes as rectangles with alpha channels, AlphaTablets combine the advantages of current 2D and 3D plane representations, enabling accurate, consistent and flexible modeling of 3D planes. We derive differentiable rasterization on top of AlphaTablets to efficiently render 3D planes into images, and propose a novel bottom-up pipeline for 3D planar reconstruction from monocular videos. Starting with 2D superpixels and geometric cues from pre-trained models, we initialize 3D planes as AlphaTablets and optimize them via differentiable rendering. An effective merging scheme is introduced to facilitate the growth and refinement of AlphaTablets. Through iterative optimization and merging, we reconstruct complete and accurate 3D planes with solid surfaces and clear boundaries. Extensive experiments on the ScanNet dataset demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in 3D planar reconstruction, underscoring the great potential of AlphaTablets as a generic 3D plane representation for various applications. Project page is available at: https://hyzcluster.github.io/alphatablets
Abstract:We present StdGEN, an innovative pipeline for generating semantically decomposed high-quality 3D characters from single images, enabling broad applications in virtual reality, gaming, and filmmaking, etc. Unlike previous methods which struggle with limited decomposability, unsatisfactory quality, and long optimization times, StdGEN features decomposability, effectiveness and efficiency; i.e., it generates intricately detailed 3D characters with separated semantic components such as the body, clothes, and hair, in three minutes. At the core of StdGEN is our proposed Semantic-aware Large Reconstruction Model (S-LRM), a transformer-based generalizable model that jointly reconstructs geometry, color and semantics from multi-view images in a feed-forward manner. A differentiable multi-layer semantic surface extraction scheme is introduced to acquire meshes from hybrid implicit fields reconstructed by our S-LRM. Additionally, a specialized efficient multi-view diffusion model and an iterative multi-layer surface refinement module are integrated into the pipeline to facilitate high-quality, decomposable 3D character generation. Extensive experiments demonstrate our state-of-the-art performance in 3D anime character generation, surpassing existing baselines by a significant margin in geometry, texture and decomposability. StdGEN offers ready-to-use semantic-decomposed 3D characters and enables flexible customization for a wide range of applications. Project page: https://stdgen.github.io
Abstract:This paper presents a generalizable 3D plane detection and reconstruction framework named MonoPlane. Unlike previous robust estimator-based works (which require multiple images or RGB-D input) and learning-based works (which suffer from domain shift), MonoPlane combines the best of two worlds and establishes a plane reconstruction pipeline based on monocular geometric cues, resulting in accurate, robust and scalable 3D plane detection and reconstruction in the wild. Specifically, we first leverage large-scale pre-trained neural networks to obtain the depth and surface normals from a single image. These monocular geometric cues are then incorporated into a proximity-guided RANSAC framework to sequentially fit each plane instance. We exploit effective 3D point proximity and model such proximity via a graph within RANSAC to guide the plane fitting from noisy monocular depths, followed by image-level multi-plane joint optimization to improve the consistency among all plane instances. We further design a simple but effective pipeline to extend this single-view solution to sparse-view 3D plane reconstruction. Extensive experiments on a list of datasets demonstrate our superior zero-shot generalizability over baselines, achieving state-of-the-art plane reconstruction performance in a transferring setting. Our code is available at https://github.com/thuzhaowang/MonoPlane .
Abstract:Classifier-Free Guidance (CFG), which combines the conditional and unconditional score functions with two coefficients summing to one, serves as a practical technique for diffusion model sampling. Theoretically, however, denoising with CFG cannot be expressed as a reciprocal diffusion process, which may consequently leave some hidden risks during use. In this work, we revisit the theory behind CFG and rigorously confirm that the improper configuration of the combination coefficients (i.e., the widely used summing-to-one version) brings about expectation shift of the generative distribution. To rectify this issue, we propose ReCFG with a relaxation on the guidance coefficients such that denoising with ReCFG strictly aligns with the diffusion theory. We further show that our approach enjoys a closed-form solution given the guidance strength. That way, the rectified coefficients can be readily pre-computed via traversing the observed data, leaving the sampling speed barely affected. Empirical evidence on real-world data demonstrate the compatibility of our post-hoc design with existing state-of-the-art diffusion models, including both class-conditioned ones (e.g., EDM2 on ImageNet) and text-conditioned ones (e.g., SD3 on CC12M), without any retraining. We will open-source the code to facilitate further research.
Abstract:In a compound AI system, components such as an LLM call, a retriever, a code interpreter, or tools are interconnected. The system's behavior is primarily driven by parameters such as instructions or tool definitions. Recent advancements enable end-to-end optimization of these parameters using an LLM. Notably, leveraging an LLM as an optimizer is particularly efficient because it avoids gradient computation and can generate complex code and instructions. This paper presents a survey of the principles and emerging trends in LLM-based optimization of compound AI systems. It covers archetypes of compound AI systems, approaches to LLM-based end-to-end optimization, and insights into future directions and broader impacts. Importantly, this survey uses concepts from program analysis to provide a unified view of how an LLM optimizer is prompted to optimize a compound AI system. The exhaustive list of paper is provided at https://github.com/linyuhongg/LLM-based-Optimization-of-Compound-AI-Systems.
Abstract:Neural implicit representations have revolutionized dense multi-view surface reconstruction, yet their performance significantly diminishes with sparse input views. A few pioneering works have sought to tackle the challenge of sparse-view reconstruction by leveraging additional geometric priors or multi-scene generalizability. However, they are still hindered by the imperfect choice of input views, using images under empirically determined viewpoints to provide considerable overlap. We propose PVP-Recon, a novel and effective sparse-view surface reconstruction method that progressively plans the next best views to form an optimal set of sparse viewpoints for image capturing. PVP-Recon starts initial surface reconstruction with as few as 3 views and progressively adds new views which are determined based on a novel warping score that reflects the information gain of each newly added view. This progressive view planning progress is interleaved with a neural SDF-based reconstruction module that utilizes multi-resolution hash features, enhanced by a progressive training scheme and a directional Hessian loss. Quantitative and qualitative experiments on three benchmark datasets show that our framework achieves high-quality reconstruction with a constrained input budget and outperforms existing baselines.
Abstract:Multi-modal 3D multi-object tracking (MOT) typically necessitates extensive computational costs of deep neural networks (DNNs) to extract multi-modal representations. In this paper, we propose an intriguing question: May we learn from multiple modalities only during training to avoid multi-modal input in the inference phase? To answer it, we propose \textbf{YOLOO}, a novel multi-modal 3D MOT paradigm: You Only Learn from Others Once. YOLOO empowers the point cloud encoder to learn a unified tri-modal representation (UTR) from point clouds and other modalities, such as images and textual cues, all at once. Leveraging this UTR, YOLOO achieves efficient tracking solely using the point cloud encoder without compromising its performance, fundamentally obviating the need for computationally intensive DNNs. Specifically, YOLOO includes two core components: a unified tri-modal encoder (UTEnc) and a flexible geometric constraint (F-GC) module. UTEnc integrates a point cloud encoder with image and text encoders adapted from pre-trained CLIP. It seamlessly fuses point cloud information with rich visual-textual knowledge from CLIP into the point cloud encoder, yielding highly discriminative UTRs that facilitate the association between trajectories and detections. Additionally, F-GC filters out mismatched associations with similar representations but significant positional discrepancies. It further enhances the robustness of UTRs without requiring any scene-specific tuning, addressing a key limitation of customized geometric constraints (e.g., 3D IoU). Lastly, high-quality 3D trajectories are generated by a traditional data association component. By integrating these advancements into a multi-modal 3D MOT scheme, our YOLOO achieves substantial gains in both robustness and efficiency.