Abstract:Low-precision training is considered an effective strategy for reducing both training and downstream inference costs. Previous scaling laws for precision mainly focus on integer quantization, which pay less attention to the constituents in floating-point quantization and thus cannot well fit the LLM losses in this scenario. In contrast, while floating-point quantization training is more commonly implemented in production, the research on it has been relatively superficial. In this paper, we thoroughly explore the effects of floating-point quantization targets, exponent bits, mantissa bits, and the calculation granularity of the scaling factor in floating-point quantization training performance of LLM models. While presenting an accurate floating-point quantization unified scaling law, we also provide valuable suggestions for the community: (1) Exponent bits contribute slightly more to the model performance than mantissa bits. We provide the optimal exponent-mantissa bit ratio for different bit numbers, which is available for future reference by hardware manufacturers; (2) We discover the formation of the critical data size in low-precision LLM training. Too much training data exceeding the critical data size will inversely bring in degradation of LLM performance; (3) The optimal floating-point quantization precision is directly proportional to the computational power, but within a wide computational power range, we estimate that the best cost-performance precision lies between 4-8 bits.
Abstract:The fusion of speech and language in the era of large language models has garnered significant attention. Discrete speech token is often utilized in text-to-speech tasks for speech compression and portability, which is convenient for joint training with text and have good compression efficiency. However, we found that the discrete speech tokenizer still suffers from information loss. Therefore, we propose a simple yet effective continuous speech tokenizer and a text-to-speech model based on continuous speech tokens. Our results show that the speech language model based on the continuous speech tokenizer has better continuity and higher estimated Mean Opinion Scores (MoS). This enhancement is attributed to better information preservation rate of the continuous speech tokenizer across both low and high frequencies in the frequency domain.
Abstract:This paper presents a method to evaluate the alignment between the decision-making logic of Large Language Models (LLMs) and human cognition in a case study on legal LLMs. Unlike traditional evaluations on language generation results, we propose to evaluate the correctness of the detailed decision-making logic of an LLM behind its seemingly correct outputs, which represents the core challenge for an LLM to earn human trust. To this end, we quantify the interactions encoded by the LLM as primitive decision-making logic, because recent theoretical achievements have proven several mathematical guarantees of the faithfulness of the interaction-based explanation. We design a set of metrics to evaluate the detailed decision-making logic of LLMs. Experiments show that even when the language generation results appear correct, a significant portion of the internal inference logic contains notable issues.
Abstract:In the field of large language models (LLMs), Knowledge Distillation (KD) is a critical technique for transferring capabilities from teacher models to student models. However, existing KD methods face limitations and challenges in distillation of LLMs, including efficiency and insufficient measurement capabilities of traditional KL divergence. It is shown that LLMs can serve as an implicit reward function, which we define as a supplement to KL divergence. In this work, we propose Direct Preference Knowledge Distillation (DPKD) for LLMs. DPKD utilizes distribution divergence to represent the preference loss and implicit reward function. We re-formulate KD of LLMs into two stages: first optimizing and objective consisting of implicit reward and reverse KL divergence and then improving the preference probability of teacher outputs over student outputs. We conducted experiments and analysis on various datasets with LLM parameters ranging from 120M to 13B and demonstrate the broad applicability and effectiveness of our DPKD approach. Meanwhile, we prove the value and effectiveness of the introduced implicit reward and output preference in KD through experiments and theoretical analysis. The DPKD method outperforms the baseline method in both output response precision and exact match percentage. Code and data are available at https://aka.ms/dpkd.
Abstract:Action understanding matters and attracts attention. It can be formed as the mapping from the action physical space to the semantic space. Typically, researchers built action datasets according to idiosyncratic choices to define classes and push the envelope of benchmarks respectively. Thus, datasets are incompatible with each other like "Isolated Islands" due to semantic gaps and various class granularities, e.g., do housework in dataset A and wash plate in dataset B. We argue that a more principled semantic space is an urgent need to concentrate the community efforts and enable us to use all datasets together to pursue generalizable action learning. To this end, we design a Poincare action semantic space given verb taxonomy hierarchy and covering massive actions. By aligning the classes of previous datasets to our semantic space, we gather (image/video/skeleton/MoCap) datasets into a unified database in a unified label system, i.e., bridging "isolated islands" into a "Pangea". Accordingly, we propose a bidirectional mapping model between physical and semantic space to fully use Pangea. In extensive experiments, our system shows significant superiority, especially in transfer learning. Code and data will be made publicly available.
Abstract:Thermal issue is a major concern in 3D integrated circuit (IC) design. Thermal optimization of 3D IC often requires massive expensive PDE simulations. Neural network-based thermal prediction models can perform real-time prediction for many unseen new designs. However, existing works either solve 2D temperature fields only or do not generalize well to new designs with unseen design configurations (e.g., heat sources and boundary conditions). In this paper, for the first time, we propose DeepOHeat, a physics-aware operator learning framework to predict the temperature field of a family of heat equations with multiple parametric or non-parametric design configurations. This framework learns a functional map from the function space of multiple key PDE configurations (e.g., boundary conditions, power maps, heat transfer coefficients) to the function space of the corresponding solution (i.e., temperature fields), enabling fast thermal analysis and optimization by changing key design configurations (rather than just some parameters). We test DeepOHeat on some industrial design cases and compare it against Celsius 3D from Cadence Design Systems. Our results show that, for the unseen testing cases, a well-trained DeepOHeat can produce accurate results with $1000\times$ to $300000\times$ speedup.
Abstract:This paper presents Systolic-CNN, an OpenCL-defined scalable, run-time-flexible FPGA accelerator architecture, optimized for accelerating the inference of various convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in multi-tenancy cloud/edge computing. The existing OpenCL-defined FPGA accelerators for CNN inference are insufficient due to limited flexibility for supporting multiple CNN models at run time and poor scalability resulting in underutilized FPGA resources and limited computational parallelism. Systolic-CNN adopts a highly pipelined and paralleled 1-D systolic array architecture, which efficiently explores both spatial and temporal parallelism for accelerating CNN inference on FPGAs. Systolic-CNN is highly scalable and parameterized, which can be easily adapted by users to achieve up to 100% utilization of the coarse-grained computation resources (i.e., DSP blocks) for a given FPGA. Systolic-CNN is also run-time-flexible in the context of multi-tenancy cloud/edge computing, which can be time-shared to accelerate a variety of CNN models at run time without the need of recompiling the FPGA kernel hardware nor reprogramming the FPGA. The experiment results based on an Intel Arria/Stratix 10 GX FPGA Development board show that the optimized single-precision implementation of Systolic-CNN can achieve an average inference latency of 7ms/2ms, 84ms/33ms, 202ms/73ms, 1615ms/873ms, and 900ms/498ms per image for accelerating AlexNet, ResNet-50, ResNet-152, RetinaNet, and Light-weight RetinaNet, respectively. Codes are available at https://github.com/PSCLab-ASU/Systolic-CNN.
Abstract:Object detection has gained great progress driven by the development of deep learning. Compared with a widely studied task -- classification, generally speaking, object detection even need one or two orders of magnitude more FLOPs (floating point operations) in processing the inference task. To enable a practical application, it is essential to explore effective runtime and accuracy trade-off scheme. Recently, a growing number of studies are intended for object detection on resource constraint devices, such as YOLOv1, YOLOv2, SSD, MobileNetv2-SSDLite, whose accuracy on COCO test-dev detection results are yield to mAP around 22-25% (mAP-20-tier). On the contrary, very few studies discuss the computation and accuracy trade-off scheme for mAP-30-tier detection networks. In this paper, we illustrate the insights of why RetinaNet gives effective computation and accuracy trade-off for object detection and how to build a light-weight RetinaNet. We propose to only reduce FLOPs in computational intensive layers and keep other layer the same. Compared with most common way -- input image scaling for FLOPs-accuracy trade-off, the proposed solution shows a constantly better FLOPs-mAP trade-off line. Quantitatively, the proposed method result in 0.1% mAP improvement at 1.15x FLOPs reduction and 0.3% mAP improvement at 1.8x FLOPs reduction.
Abstract:Convolutional neural network (CNN) has been widely used for vision-based tasks. Due to the high computational complexity and memory storage requirement, it is hard to directly deploy a full-precision CNN on embedded devices. The hardware-friendly designs are needed for re-source-limited and energy-constrained embed-ded devices. Emerging solutions are adopted for the neural network compression, e.g., bina-ry/ternary weight network, pruned network and quantized network. Among them, Binarized Neural Network (BNN) is believed to be the most hardware-friendly framework due to its small network size and low computational com-plexity. No existing work has further shrunk the size of BNN. In this work, we explore the redun-dancy in BNN and build a compact BNN (CBNN) based on the bit-level sensitivity analy-sis and bit-level data pruning. The input data is converted to a high dimensional bit-sliced for-mat. In post-training stage, we analyze the im-pact of different bit slices to the accuracy. By pruning the redundant input bit slices and shrinking the network size, we are able to build a more compact BNN. Our result shows that we can further scale down the network size of the BNN up to 3.9x with no more than 1% accuracy drop. The actual runtime can be reduced up to 2x and 9.9x compared with the baseline BNN and its full-precision counterpart, respectively.
Abstract:FPGA-based hardware accelerators for convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have obtained great attentions due to their higher energy efficiency than GPUs. However, it is challenging for FPGA-based solutions to achieve a higher throughput than GPU counterparts. In this paper, we demonstrate that FPGA acceleration can be a superior solution in terms of both throughput and energy efficiency when a CNN is trained with binary constraints on weights and activations. Specifically, we propose an optimized FPGA accelerator architecture tailored for bitwise convolution and normalization that features massive spatial parallelism with deep pipelines stages. A key advantage of the FPGA accelerator is that its performance is insensitive to data batch size, while the performance of GPU acceleration varies largely depending on the batch size of the data. Experiment results show that the proposed accelerator architecture for binary CNNs running on a Virtex-7 FPGA is 8.3x faster and 75x more energy-efficient than a Titan X GPU for processing online individual requests in small batch sizes. For processing static data in large batch sizes, the proposed solution is on a par with a Titan X GPU in terms of throughput while delivering 9.5x higher energy efficiency.