Abstract:Validating the safety and performance of an autonomous vehicle (AV) requires benchmarking on real-world driving logs. However, typical driving logs contain mostly uneventful scenarios with minimal interactions between road users. Identifying interactive scenarios in real-world driving logs enables the curation of datasets that amplify critical signals and provide a more accurate assessment of an AV's performance. In this paper, we present a novel metric that identifies interactive scenarios by measuring an AV's surprise potential on others. First, we identify three dimensions of the design space to describe a family of surprise potential measures. Second, we exhaustively evaluate and compare different instantiations of the surprise potential measure within this design space on the nuScenes dataset. To determine how well a surprise potential measure correctly identifies an interactive scenario, we use a reward model learned from human preferences to assess alignment with human intuition. Our proposed surprise potential, arising from this exhaustive comparative study, achieves a correlation of more than 0.82 with the human-aligned reward function, outperforming existing approaches. Lastly, we validate motion planners on curated interactive scenarios to demonstrate downstream applications.
Abstract:Traffic simulation aims to learn a policy for traffic agents that, when unrolled in closed-loop, faithfully recovers the joint distribution of trajectories observed in the real world. Inspired by large language models, tokenized multi-agent policies have recently become the state-of-the-art in traffic simulation. However, they are typically trained through open-loop behavior cloning, and thus suffer from covariate shift when executed in closed-loop during simulation. In this work, we present Closest Among Top-K (CAT-K) rollouts, a simple yet effective closed-loop fine-tuning strategy to mitigate covariate shift. CAT-K fine-tuning only requires existing trajectory data, without reinforcement learning or generative adversarial imitation. Concretely, CAT-K fine-tuning enables a small 7M-parameter tokenized traffic simulation policy to outperform a 102M-parameter model from the same model family, achieving the top spot on the Waymo Sim Agent Challenge leaderboard at the time of submission. The code is available at https://github.com/NVlabs/catk.
Abstract:Mesh reconstruction of the cardiac anatomy from medical images is useful for shape and motion measurements and biophysics simulations to facilitate the assessment of cardiac function and health. However, 3D medical images are often acquired as 2D slices that are sparsely sampled and noisy, and mesh reconstruction on such data is a challenging task. Traditional voxel-based approaches rely on pre- and post-processing that compromises image fidelity, while mesh-level deep learning approaches require mesh annotations that are difficult to get. Therefore, direct cross-domain supervision from 2D images to meshes is a key technique for advancing 3D learning in medical imaging, but it has not been well-developed. While there have been attempts to approximate the optimized meshes' slicing, few existing methods directly use 2D slices to supervise mesh reconstruction in a differentiable manner. Here, we propose a novel explicit differentiable voxelization and slicing (DVS) algorithm that allows gradient backpropagation to a mesh from its slices, facilitating refined mesh optimization directly supervised by the losses defined on 2D images. Further, we propose an innovative framework for extracting patient-specific left ventricle (LV) meshes from medical images by coupling DVS with a graph harmonic deformation (GHD) mesh morphing descriptor of cardiac shape that naturally preserves mesh quality and smoothness during optimization. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in cardiac mesh reconstruction tasks from CT and MRI, with an overall Dice score of 90% on multi-datasets, outperforming existing approaches. The proposed method can further quantify clinically useful parameters such as ejection fraction and global myocardial strains, closely matching the ground truth and surpassing the traditional voxel-based approach in sparse images.
Abstract:Offline safe reinforcement learning (RL) aims to train a policy that satisfies constraints using a pre-collected dataset. Most current methods struggle with the mismatch between imperfect demonstrations and the desired safe and rewarding performance. In this paper, we introduce OASIS (cOnditionAl diStributIon Shaping), a new paradigm in offline safe RL designed to overcome these critical limitations. OASIS utilizes a conditional diffusion model to synthesize offline datasets, thus shaping the data distribution toward a beneficial target domain. Our approach makes compliance with safety constraints through effective data utilization and regularization techniques to benefit offline safe RL training. Comprehensive evaluations on public benchmarks and varying datasets showcase OASIS's superiority in benefiting offline safe RL agents to achieve high-reward behavior while satisfying the safety constraints, outperforming established baselines. Furthermore, OASIS exhibits high data efficiency and robustness, making it suitable for real-world applications, particularly in tasks where safety is imperative and high-quality demonstrations are scarce.
Abstract:Offline model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) enhances data efficiency by utilizing pre-collected datasets to learn models and policies, especially in scenarios where exploration is costly or infeasible. Nevertheless, its performance often suffers from the objective mismatch between model and policy learning, resulting in inferior performance despite accurate model predictions. This paper first identifies the primary source of this mismatch comes from the underlying confounders present in offline data for MBRL. Subsequently, we introduce \textbf{B}ilin\textbf{E}ar \textbf{CAUS}al r\textbf{E}presentation~(BECAUSE), an algorithm to capture causal representation for both states and actions to reduce the influence of the distribution shift, thus mitigating the objective mismatch problem. Comprehensive evaluations on 18 tasks that vary in data quality and environment context demonstrate the superior performance of BECAUSE over existing offline RL algorithms. We show the generalizability and robustness of BECAUSE under fewer samples or larger numbers of confounders. Additionally, we offer theoretical analysis of BECAUSE to prove its error bound and sample efficiency when integrating causal representation into offline MBRL.
Abstract:Simulation is an indispensable tool in the development and testing of autonomous vehicles (AVs), offering an efficient and safe alternative to road testing by allowing the exploration of a wide range of scenarios. Despite its advantages, a significant challenge within simulation-based testing is the generation of safety-critical scenarios, which are essential to ensure that AVs can handle rare but potentially fatal situations. This paper addresses this challenge by introducing a novel generative framework, CaDRE, which is specifically designed for generating diverse and controllable safety-critical scenarios using real-world trajectories. Our approach optimizes for both the quality and diversity of scenarios by employing a unique formulation and algorithm that integrates real-world data, domain knowledge, and black-box optimization techniques. We validate the effectiveness of our framework through extensive testing in three representative types of traffic scenarios. The results demonstrate superior performance in generating diverse and high-quality scenarios with greater sample efficiency than existing reinforcement learning and sampling-based methods.
Abstract:Simulation plays a crucial role in the development of autonomous vehicles (AVs) due to the potential risks associated with real-world testing. Although significant progress has been made in the visual aspects of simulators, generating complex behavior among agents remains a formidable challenge. It is not only imperative to ensure realism in the scenarios generated but also essential to incorporate preferences and conditions to facilitate controllable generation for AV training and evaluation. Traditional methods, mainly relying on memorizing the distribution of training datasets, often fall short in generating unseen scenarios. Inspired by the success of retrieval augmented generation in large language models, we present RealGen, a novel retrieval-based in-context learning framework for traffic scenario generation. RealGen synthesizes new scenarios by combining behaviors from multiple retrieved examples in a gradient-free way, which may originate from templates or tagged scenarios. This in-context learning framework endows versatile generative capabilities, including the ability to edit scenarios, compose various behaviors, and produce critical scenarios. Evaluations show that RealGen offers considerable flexibility and controllability, marking a new direction in the field of controllable traffic scenario generation. Check our project website for more information: https://realgen.github.io.
Abstract:In the domain of autonomous driving, the Learning from Demonstration (LfD) paradigm has exhibited notable efficacy in addressing sequential decision-making problems. However, consistently achieving safety in varying traffic contexts, especially in safety-critical scenarios, poses a significant challenge due to the long-tailed and unforeseen scenarios absent from offline datasets. In this paper, we introduce the saFety-aware strUctured Scenario representatION (FUSION), a pioneering methodology conceived to facilitate the learning of an adaptive end-to-end driving policy by leveraging structured scenario information. FUSION capitalizes on the causal relationships between decomposed reward, cost, state, and action space, constructing a framework for structured sequential reasoning under dynamic traffic environments. We conduct rigorous evaluations in two typical real-world settings of distribution shift in autonomous vehicles, demonstrating the good balance between safety cost and utility reward of FUSION compared to contemporary state-of-the-art safety-aware LfD baselines. Empirical evidence under diverse driving scenarios attests that FUSION significantly enhances the safety and generalizability of autonomous driving agents, even in the face of challenging and unseen environments. Furthermore, our ablation studies reveal noticeable improvements in the integration of causal representation into the safe offline RL problem.
Abstract:Robustness has been extensively studied in reinforcement learning (RL) to handle various forms of uncertainty such as random perturbations, rare events, and malicious attacks. In this work, we consider one critical type of robustness against spurious correlation, where different portions of the state do not have causality but have correlations induced by unobserved confounders. These spurious correlations are ubiquitous in real-world tasks, for instance, a self-driving car usually observes heavy traffic in the daytime and light traffic at night due to unobservable human activity. A model that learns such useless or even harmful correlation could catastrophically fail when the confounder in the test case deviates from the training one. Although motivated, enabling robustness against spurious correlation poses significant challenges since the uncertainty set, shaped by the unobserved confounder and sequential structure of RL, is difficult to characterize and identify. Existing robust algorithms that assume simple and unstructured uncertainty sets are therefore inadequate to address this challenge. To solve this issue, we propose Robust State-Confounded Markov Decision Processes (RSC-MDPs) and theoretically demonstrate its superiority in breaking spurious correlations compared with other robust RL counterparts. We also design an empirical algorithm to learn the robust optimal policy for RSC-MDPs, which outperforms all baselines in eight realistic self-driving and manipulation tasks.
Abstract:Training control policies in simulation is more appealing than on real robots directly, as it allows for exploring diverse states in a safe and efficient manner. Yet, robot simulators inevitably exhibit disparities from the real world, yielding inaccuracies that manifest as the simulation-to-real gap. Existing literature has proposed to close this gap by actively modifying specific simulator parameters to align the simulated data with real-world observations. However, the set of tunable parameters is usually manually selected to reduce the search space in a case-by-case manner, which is hard to scale up for complex systems and requires extensive domain knowledge. To address the scalability issue and automate the parameter-tuning process, we introduce an approach that aligns the simulator with the real world by discovering the causal relationship between the environment parameters and the sim-to-real gap. Concretely, our method learns a differentiable mapping from the environment parameters to the differences between simulated and real-world robot-object trajectories. This mapping is governed by a simultaneously-learned causal graph to help prune the search space of parameters, provide better interpretability, and improve generalization. We perform experiments to achieve both sim-to-sim and sim-to-real transfer, and show that our method has significant improvements in trajectory alignment and task success rate over strong baselines in a challenging manipulation task.