Abstract:Distribution shifts between operational domains can severely affect the performance of learned models in self-driving vehicles (SDVs). While this is a well-established problem, prior work has mostly explored naive solutions such as fine-tuning, focusing on the motion prediction task. In this work, we explore novel adaptation strategies for differentiable autonomy stacks consisting of prediction, planning, and control, perform evaluation in closed-loop, and investigate the often-overlooked issue of catastrophic forgetting. Specifically, we introduce two simple yet effective techniques: a low-rank residual decoder (LoRD) and multi-task fine-tuning. Through experiments across three models conducted on two real-world autonomous driving datasets (nuPlan, exiD), we demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods and highlight a significant performance gap between open-loop and closed-loop evaluation in prior approaches. Our approach improves forgetting by up to 23.33% and the closed-loop OOD driving score by 8.83% in comparison to standard fine-tuning.
Abstract:The safety-critical nature of autonomous vehicle (AV) operation necessitates development of task-relevant algorithms that can reason about safety at the system level and not just at the component level. To reason about the impact of a perception failure on the entire system performance, such task-relevant algorithms must contend with various challenges: complexity of AV stacks, high uncertainty in the operating environments, and the need for real-time performance. To overcome these challenges, in this work, we introduce a Q-network called SPARQ (abbreviation for Safety evaluation for Perception And Recovery Q-network) that evaluates the safety of a plan generated by a planning algorithm, accounting for perception failures that the planning process may have overlooked. This Q-network can be queried during system runtime to assess whether a proposed plan is safe for execution or poses potential safety risks. If a violation is detected, the network can then recommend a corrective plan while accounting for the perceptual failure. We validate our algorithm using the NuPlan-Vegas dataset, demonstrating its ability to handle cases where a perception failure compromises a proposed plan while the corrective plan remains safe. We observe an overall accuracy and recall of 90% while sustaining a frequency of 42Hz on the unseen testing dataset. We compare our performance to a popular reachability-based baseline and analyze some interesting properties of our approach in improving the safety properties of an AV pipeline.
Abstract:We propose Wolf, a WOrLd summarization Framework for accurate video captioning. Wolf is an automated captioning framework that adopts a mixture-of-experts approach, leveraging complementary strengths of Vision Language Models (VLMs). By utilizing both image and video models, our framework captures different levels of information and summarizes them efficiently. Our approach can be applied to enhance video understanding, auto-labeling, and captioning. To evaluate caption quality, we introduce CapScore, an LLM-based metric to assess the similarity and quality of generated captions compared to the ground truth captions. We further build four human-annotated datasets in three domains: autonomous driving, general scenes, and robotics, to facilitate comprehensive comparisons. We show that Wolf achieves superior captioning performance compared to state-of-the-art approaches from the research community (VILA1.5, CogAgent) and commercial solutions (Gemini-Pro-1.5, GPT-4V). For instance, in comparison with GPT-4V, Wolf improves CapScore both quality-wise by 55.6% and similarity-wise by 77.4% on challenging driving videos. Finally, we establish a benchmark for video captioning and introduce a leaderboard, aiming to accelerate advancements in video understanding, captioning, and data alignment. Leaderboard: https://wolfv0.github.io/leaderboard.html.
Abstract:Modern neural trajectory predictors in autonomous driving are developed using imitation learning (IL) from driving logs. Although IL benefits from its ability to glean nuanced and multi-modal human driving behaviors from large datasets, the resulting predictors often struggle with out-of-distribution (OOD) scenarios and with traffic rule compliance. On the other hand, classical rule-based predictors, by design, can predict traffic rule satisfying behaviors while being robust to OOD scenarios, but these predictors fail to capture nuances in agent-to-agent interactions and human driver's intent. In this paper, we present RuleFuser, a posterior-net inspired evidential framework that combines neural predictors with classical rule-based predictors to draw on the complementary benefits of both, thereby striking a balance between performance and traffic rule compliance. The efficacy of our approach is demonstrated on the real-world nuPlan dataset where RuleFuser leverages the higher performance of the neural predictor in in-distribution (ID) scenarios and the higher safety offered by the rule-based predictor in OOD scenarios.
Abstract:This paper presents a hierarchical control framework that enables robust quadrupedal locomotion on a dynamic rigid surface (DRS) with general and unknown vertical motions. The key novelty of the framework lies in its higher layer, which is a discrete-time, provably stabilizing footstep controller. The basis of the footstep controller is a new hybrid, time-varying, linear inverted pendulum (HT-LIP) model that is low-dimensional and accurately captures the essential robot dynamics during DRS locomotion. A new set of sufficient stability conditions are then derived to directly guide the controller design for ensuring the asymptotic stability of the HT-LIP model under general, unknown, vertical DRS motions. Further, the footstep controller is cast as a computationally efficient quadratic program that incorporates the proposed HT-LIP model and stability conditions. The middle layer takes the desired footstep locations generated by the higher layer as input to produce kinematically feasible full-body reference trajectories, which are then accurately tracked by a lower-layer torque controller. Hardware experiments on a Unitree Go1 quadrupedal robot confirm the robustness of the proposed framework under various unknown, aperiodic, vertical DRS motions and uncertainties (e.g., slippery and uneven surfaces, solid and liquid loads, and sudden pushes).
Abstract:Adapting driving behavior to new environments, customs, and laws is a long-standing problem in autonomous driving, precluding the widespread deployment of autonomous vehicles (AVs). In this paper, we present LLaDA, a simple yet powerful tool that enables human drivers and autonomous vehicles alike to drive everywhere by adapting their tasks and motion plans to traffic rules in new locations. LLaDA achieves this by leveraging the impressive zero-shot generalizability of large language models (LLMs) in interpreting the traffic rules in the local driver handbook. Through an extensive user study, we show that LLaDA's instructions are useful in disambiguating in-the-wild unexpected situations. We also demonstrate LLaDA's ability to adapt AV motion planning policies in real-world datasets; LLaDA outperforms baseline planning approaches on all our metrics. Please check our website for more details: https://boyiliee.github.io/llada.
Abstract:Inductive Conformal Prediction (ICP) provides a practical and effective approach for equipping deep learning models with uncertainty estimates in the form of set-valued predictions which are guaranteed to contain the ground truth with high probability. Despite the appeal of this coverage guarantee, these sets may not be efficient: the size and contents of the prediction sets are not directly controlled, and instead depend on the underlying model and choice of score function. To remedy this, recent work has proposed learning model and score function parameters using data to directly optimize the efficiency of the ICP prediction sets. While appealing, the generalization theory for such an approach is lacking: direct optimization of empirical efficiency may yield prediction sets that are either no longer efficient on test data, or no longer obtain the required coverage on test data. In this work, we use PAC-Bayes theory to obtain generalization bounds on both the coverage and the efficiency of set-valued predictors which can be directly optimized to maximize efficiency while satisfying a desired test coverage. In contrast to prior work, our framework allows us to utilize the entire calibration dataset to learn the parameters of the model and score function, instead of requiring a separate hold-out set for obtaining test-time coverage guarantees. We leverage these theoretical results to provide a practical algorithm for using calibration data to simultaneously fine-tune the parameters of a model and score function while guaranteeing test-time coverage and efficiency of the resulting prediction sets. We evaluate the approach on regression and classification tasks, and outperform baselines calibrated using a Hoeffding bound-based PAC guarantee on ICP, especially in the low-data regime.
Abstract:In highly interactive driving scenarios, the actions of one agent greatly influences those of its neighbors. Planning safe motions for autonomous vehicles in such interactive environments, therefore, requires reasoning about the impact of the ego's intended motion plan on nearby agents' behavior. Deep-learning-based models have recently achieved great success in trajectory prediction and many models in the literature allow for ego-conditioned prediction. However, leveraging ego-conditioned prediction remains challenging in downstream planning due to the complex nature of neural networks, limiting the planner structure to simple ones, e.g., sampling-based planner. Despite their ability to generate fine-grained high-quality motion plans, it is difficult for gradient-based planning algorithms, such as model predictive control (MPC), to leverage ego-conditioned prediction due to their iterative nature and need for gradient. We present Interactive Joint Planning (IJP) that bridges MPC with learned prediction models in a computationally scalable manner to provide us the best of both the worlds. In particular, IJP jointly optimizes over the behavior of the ego and the surrounding agents and leverages deep-learned prediction models as prediction priors that the join trajectory optimization tries to stay close to. Furthermore, by leveraging homotopy classes, our joint optimizer searches over diverse motion plans to avoid getting stuck at local minima. Closed-loop simulation result shows that IJP significantly outperforms the baselines that are either without joint optimization or running sampling-based planning.
Abstract:Trajectory prediction modules are key enablers for safe and efficient planning of autonomous vehicles (AVs), particularly in highly interactive traffic scenarios. Recently, learning-based trajectory predictors have experienced considerable success in providing state-of-the-art performance due to their ability to learn multimodal behaviors of other agents from data. In this paper, we present an algorithm called multi-predictor fusion (MPF) that augments the performance of learning-based predictors by imbuing them with motion planners that are tasked with satisfying logic-based rules. MPF probabilistically combines learning- and rule-based predictors by mixing trajectories from both standalone predictors in accordance with a belief distribution that reflects the online performance of each predictor. In our results, we show that MPF outperforms the two standalone predictors on various metrics and delivers the most consistent performance.
Abstract:Safety and performance are key enablers for autonomous driving: on the one hand we want our autonomous vehicles (AVs) to be safe, while at the same time their performance (e.g., comfort or progression) is key to adoption. To effectively walk the tight-rope between safety and performance, AVs need to be risk-averse, but not entirely risk-avoidant. To facilitate safe-yet-performant driving, in this paper, we develop a task-aware risk estimator that assesses the risk a perception failure poses to the AV's motion plan. If the failure has no bearing on the safety of the AV's motion plan, then regardless of how egregious the perception failure is, our task-aware risk estimator considers the failure to have a low risk; on the other hand, if a seemingly benign perception failure severely impacts the motion plan, then our estimator considers it to have a high risk. In this paper, we propose a task-aware risk estimator to decide whether a safety maneuver needs to be triggered. To estimate the task-aware risk, first, we leverage the perception failure - detected by a perception monitor - to synthesize an alternative plausible model for the vehicle's surroundings. The risk due to the perception failure is then formalized as the "relative" risk to the AV's motion plan between the perceived and the alternative plausible scenario. We employ a statistical tool called copula, which models tail dependencies between distributions, to estimate this risk. The theoretical properties of the copula allow us to compute probably approximately correct (PAC) estimates of the risk. We evaluate our task-aware risk estimator using NuPlan and compare it with established baselines, showing that the proposed risk estimator achieves the best F1-score (doubling the score of the best baseline) and exhibits a good balance between recall and precision, i.e., a good balance of safety and performance.