ETH Zürich
Abstract:Trajectory prediction, the task of forecasting future agent behavior from past data, is central to safe and efficient autonomous driving. A diverse set of methods (e.g., rule-based or learned with different architectures and datasets) have been proposed, yet it is often the case that the performance of these methods is sensitive to the deployment environment (e.g., how well the design rules model the environment, or how accurately the test data match the training data). Building upon the principled theory of online convex optimization but also going beyond convexity and stationarity, we present a lightweight and model-agnostic method to aggregate different trajectory predictors online. We propose treating each individual trajectory predictor as an "expert" and maintaining a probability vector to mix the outputs of different experts. Then, the key technical approach lies in leveraging online data -the true agent behavior to be revealed at the next timestep- to form a convex-or-nonconvex, stationary-or-dynamic loss function whose gradient steers the probability vector towards choosing the best mixture of experts. We instantiate this method to aggregate trajectory predictors trained on different cities in the NUSCENES dataset and show that it performs just as well, if not better than, any singular model, even when deployed on the out-of-distribution LYFT dataset.
Abstract:Global bundle adjustment is made easy by depth prediction and convex optimization. We (i) propose a scaled bundle adjustment (SBA) formulation that lifts 2D keypoint measurements to 3D with learned depth, (ii) design an empirically tight convex semidfinite program (SDP) relaxation that solves SBA to certfiable global optimality, (iii) solve the SDP relaxations at extreme scale with Burer-Monteiro factorization and a CUDA-based trust-region Riemannian optimizer (dubbed XM), (iv) build a structure from motion (SfM) pipeline with XM as the optimization engine and show that XM-SfM dominates or compares favorably with existing SfM pipelines in terms of reconstruction quality while being faster, more scalable, and initialization-free.
Abstract:We show that contact-rich motion planning is also sparsity-rich when viewed as polynomial optimization (POP). We can exploit not only the correlative and term sparsity patterns that are general to all POPs, but also specialized sparsity patterns from the robot kinematic structure and the separability of contact modes. Such sparsity enables the design of high-order but sparse semidefinite programming (SDPs) relaxations--building upon Lasserre's moment and sums of squares hierarchy--that (i) can be solved in seconds by off-the-shelf SDP solvers, and (ii) compute near globally optimal solutions to the nonconvex contact-rich planning problems with small certified suboptimality. Through extensive experiments both in simulation (Push Bot, Push Box, Push Box with Obstacles, and Planar Hand) and real world (Push T), we demonstrate the power of using convex SDP relaxations to generate global contact-rich motion plans. As a contribution of independent interest, we release the Sparse Polynomial Optimization Toolbox (SPOT)--implemented in C++ with interfaces to both Python and Matlab--that automates sparsity exploitation for robotics and beyond.
Abstract:Contact-implicit motion planning-embedding contact sequencing as implicit complementarity constraints-holds the promise of leveraging continuous optimization to discover new contact patterns online. Nevertheless, the resulting optimization, being an instance of Mathematical Programming with Complementary Constraints, fails the classical constraint qualifications that are crucial for the convergence of popular numerical solvers. We present robust contact-implicit motion planning with sequential convex programming (CRISP), a solver that departs from the usual primal-dual algorithmic framework but instead only focuses on the primal problem. CRISP solves a convex quadratic program with an adaptive trust region radius at each iteration, and its convergence is evaluated by a merit function using weighted penalty. We (i) provide sufficient conditions on CRISP's convergence to first-order stationary points of the merit function; (ii) release a high-performance C++ implementation of CRISP with a generic nonlinear programming interface; and (iii) demonstrate CRISP's surprising robustness in solving contact-implicit planning with naive initialization. In fact, CRISP solves several contact-implicit problems with all-zero initialization.
Abstract:Emerging 3D geometric foundation models, such as DUSt3R, offer a promising approach for in-the-wild 3D vision tasks. However, due to the high-dimensional nature of the problem space and scarcity of high-quality 3D data, these pre-trained models still struggle to generalize to many challenging circumstances, such as limited view overlap or low lighting. To address this, we propose LoRA3D, an efficient self-calibration pipeline to $\textit{specialize}$ the pre-trained models to target scenes using their own multi-view predictions. Taking sparse RGB images as input, we leverage robust optimization techniques to refine multi-view predictions and align them into a global coordinate frame. In particular, we incorporate prediction confidence into the geometric optimization process, automatically re-weighting the confidence to better reflect point estimation accuracy. We use the calibrated confidence to generate high-quality pseudo labels for the calibrating views and use low-rank adaptation (LoRA) to fine-tune the models on the pseudo-labeled data. Our method does not require any external priors or manual labels. It completes the self-calibration process on a $\textbf{single standard GPU within just 5 minutes}$. Each low-rank adapter requires only $\textbf{18MB}$ of storage. We evaluated our method on $\textbf{more than 160 scenes}$ from the Replica, TUM and Waymo Open datasets, achieving up to $\textbf{88% performance improvement}$ on 3D reconstruction, multi-view pose estimation and novel-view rendering.
Abstract:We present PreF3R, Pose-Free Feed-forward 3D Reconstruction from an image sequence of variable length. Unlike previous approaches, PreF3R removes the need for camera calibration and reconstructs the 3D Gaussian field within a canonical coordinate frame directly from a sequence of unposed images, enabling efficient novel-view rendering. We leverage DUSt3R's ability for pair-wise 3D structure reconstruction, and extend it to sequential multi-view input via a spatial memory network, eliminating the need for optimization-based global alignment. Additionally, PreF3R incorporates a dense Gaussian parameter prediction head, which enables subsequent novel-view synthesis with differentiable rasterization. This allows supervising our model with the combination of photometric loss and pointmap regression loss, enhancing both photorealism and structural accuracy. Given a sequence of ordered images, PreF3R incrementally reconstructs the 3D Gaussian field at 20 FPS, therefore enabling real-time novel-view rendering. Empirical experiments demonstrate that PreF3R is an effective solution for the challenging task of pose-free feed-forward novel-view synthesis, while also exhibiting robust generalization to unseen scenes.
Abstract:Sequentially solving similar optimization problems under strict runtime constraints is essential for many applications, such as robot control, autonomous driving, and portfolio management. The performance of local optimization methods in these settings is sensitive to the initial solution: poor initialization can lead to slow convergence or suboptimal solutions. To address this challenge, we propose learning to predict \emph{multiple} diverse initial solutions given parameters that define the problem instance. We introduce two strategies for utilizing multiple initial solutions: (i) a single-optimizer approach, where the most promising initial solution is chosen using a selection function, and (ii) a multiple-optimizers approach, where several optimizers, potentially run in parallel, are each initialized with a different solution, with the best solution chosen afterward. We validate our method on three optimal control benchmark tasks: cart-pole, reacher, and autonomous driving, using different optimizers: DDP, MPPI, and iLQR. We find significant and consistent improvement with our method across all evaluation settings and demonstrate that it efficiently scales with the number of initial solutions required. The code is available at $\href{}{\tt{}}$.
Abstract:An important paradigm in 3D object detection is the use of multiple modalities to enhance accuracy in both normal and challenging conditions, particularly for long-tail scenarios. To address this, recent studies have explored two directions of adaptive approaches: MoE-based adaptive fusion, which struggles with uncertainties arising from distinct object configurations, and late fusion for output-level adaptive fusion, which relies on separate detection pipelines and limits comprehensive understanding. In this work, we introduce Cocoon, an object- and feature-level uncertainty-aware fusion framework. The key innovation lies in uncertainty quantification for heterogeneous representations, enabling fair comparison across modalities through the introduction of a feature aligner and a learnable surrogate ground truth, termed feature impression. We also define a training objective to ensure that their relationship provides a valid metric for uncertainty quantification. Cocoon consistently outperforms existing static and adaptive methods in both normal and challenging conditions, including those with natural and artificial corruptions. Furthermore, we show the validity and efficacy of our uncertainty metric across diverse datasets.
Abstract:We initiate a study of the geometry of the visual representation space -- the information channel from the vision encoder to the action decoder -- in an image-based control pipeline learned from behavior cloning. Inspired by the phenomenon of neural collapse (NC) in image classification, we investigate whether a similar law of clustering emerges in the visual representation space. Since image-based control is a regression task without explicitly defined classes, the central piece of the puzzle lies in determining according to what implicit classes the visual features cluster, if such a law exists. Focusing on image-based planar pushing, we posit the most important role of the visual representation in a control task is to convey a goal to the action decoder. We then classify training samples of expert demonstrations into eight "control-oriented" classes based on (a) the relative pose between the object and the target in the input or (b) the relative pose of the object induced by expert actions in the output, where one class corresponds to one relative pose orthant (REPO). Across four different instantiations of architecture, we report the prevalent emergence of control-oriented clustering in the visual representation space according to the eight REPOs. Beyond empirical observation, we show such a law of clustering can be leveraged as an algorithmic tool to improve test-time performance when training a policy with limited expert demonstrations. Particularly, we pretrain the vision encoder using NC as a regularization to encourage control-oriented clustering of the visual features. Surprisingly, such an NC-pretrained vision encoder, when finetuned end-to-end with the action decoder, boosts the test-time performance by 10% to 35% in the low-data regime. Real-world vision-based planar pushing experiments confirmed the surprising advantage of control-oriented visual representation pretraining.
Abstract:Based on the framework of Conformal Prediction (CP), we study the online construction of valid confidence sets given a black-box machine learning model. By converting the target confidence levels into quantile levels, the problem can be reduced to predicting the quantiles (in hindsight) of a sequentially revealed data sequence. Two very different approaches have been studied previously. (i) Direct approach: Assuming the data sequence is iid or exchangeable, one could maintain the empirical distribution of the observed data as an algorithmic belief, and directly predict its quantiles. (ii) Indirect approach: As statistical assumptions often do not hold in practice, a recent trend is to consider the adversarial setting and apply first-order online optimization to moving quantile losses (Gibbs & Cand\`es, 2021). It requires knowing the target quantile level beforehand, and suffers from certain validity issues on the obtained confidence sets, due to the associated loss linearization. This paper presents a novel Bayesian CP framework that combines their strengths. Without any statistical assumption, it is able to both: (i) answer multiple arbitrary confidence level queries online, with provably low regret; and (ii) overcome the validity issues suffered by first-order optimization baselines, due to being "data-centric" rather than "iterate-centric". From a technical perspective, our key idea is to regularize the algorithmic belief of the above direct approach by a Bayesian prior, which "robustifies" it by simulating a non-linearized Follow the Regularized Leader (FTRL) algorithm on the output. For statisticians, this can be regarded as an online adversarial view of Bayesian inference. Importantly, the proposed belief update backbone is shared by prediction heads targeting different confidence levels, bringing practical benefits analogous to U-calibration (Kleinberg et al., 2023).