Abstract:The increasing demand for high-quality, diverse training data poses a significant bottleneck in advancing vision-language models (VLMs). This paper presents VLM Dialog Games, a novel and scalable self-improvement framework for VLMs. Our approach leverages self-play between two agents engaged in a goal-oriented play centered around image identification. By filtering for successful game interactions, we automatically curate a high-quality dataset of interleaved images and text. We demonstrate that fine-tuning on this synthetic data leads to performance gains on downstream tasks and generalises across datasets. Moreover, as the improvements in the model lead to better game play, this procedure can be applied iteratively. This work paves the way for self-improving VLMs, with potential applications in various real-world scenarios especially when the high-quality multimodal data is scarce.
Abstract:As the AI community increasingly adopts large-scale models, it is crucial to develop general and flexible tools to integrate them. We introduce Gather-Attend-Scatter (GATS), a novel module that enables seamless combination of pretrained foundation models, both trainable and frozen, into larger multimodal networks. GATS empowers AI systems to process and generate information across multiple modalities at different rates. In contrast to traditional fine-tuning, GATS allows for the original component models to remain frozen, avoiding the risk of them losing important knowledge acquired during the pretraining phase. We demonstrate the utility and versatility of GATS with a few experiments across games, robotics, and multimodal input-output systems.
Abstract:Detecting successful behaviour is crucial for training intelligent agents. As such, generalisable reward models are a prerequisite for agents that can learn to generalise their behaviour. In this work we focus on developing robust success detectors that leverage large, pretrained vision-language models (Flamingo, Alayrac et al. (2022)) and human reward annotations. Concretely, we treat success detection as a visual question answering (VQA) problem, denoted SuccessVQA. We study success detection across three vastly different domains: (i) interactive language-conditioned agents in a simulated household, (ii) real world robotic manipulation, and (iii) "in-the-wild" human egocentric videos. We investigate the generalisation properties of a Flamingo-based success detection model across unseen language and visual changes in the first two domains, and find that the proposed method is able to outperform bespoke reward models in out-of-distribution test scenarios with either variation. In the last domain of "in-the-wild" human videos, we show that success detection on unseen real videos presents an even more challenging generalisation task warranting future work. We hope our initial results encourage further work in real world success detection and reward modelling.
Abstract:Building models that can be rapidly adapted to numerous tasks using only a handful of annotated examples is an open challenge for multimodal machine learning research. We introduce Flamingo, a family of Visual Language Models (VLM) with this ability. Flamingo models include key architectural innovations to: (i) bridge powerful pretrained vision-only and language-only models, (ii) handle sequences of arbitrarily interleaved visual and textual data, and (iii) seamlessly ingest images or videos as inputs. Thanks to their flexibility, Flamingo models can be trained on large-scale multimodal web corpora containing arbitrarily interleaved text and images, which is key to endow them with in-context few-shot learning capabilities. We perform a thorough evaluation of the proposed Flamingo models, exploring and measuring their ability to rapidly adapt to a variety of image and video understanding benchmarks. These include open-ended tasks such as visual question-answering, where the model is prompted with a question which it has to answer, captioning tasks, which evaluate the ability to describe a scene or an event, and close-ended tasks such as multiple choice visual question-answering. For tasks lying anywhere on this spectrum, we demonstrate that a single Flamingo model can achieve a new state of the art for few-shot learning, simply by prompting the model with task-specific examples. On many of these benchmarks, Flamingo actually surpasses the performance of models that are fine-tuned on thousands of times more task-specific data.
Abstract:When trained at sufficient scale, auto-regressive language models exhibit the notable ability to learn a new language task after being prompted with just a few examples. Here, we present a simple, yet effective, approach for transferring this few-shot learning ability to a multimodal setting (vision and language). Using aligned image and caption data, we train a vision encoder to represent each image as a sequence of continuous embeddings, such that a pre-trained, frozen language model prompted with this prefix generates the appropriate caption. The resulting system is a multimodal few-shot learner, with the surprising ability to learn a variety of new tasks when conditioned on examples, represented as a sequence of multiple interleaved image and text embeddings. We demonstrate that it can rapidly learn words for new objects and novel visual categories, do visual question-answering with only a handful of examples, and make use of outside knowledge, by measuring a single model on a variety of established and new benchmarks.
Abstract:In offline reinforcement learning (RL) agents are trained using a logged dataset. It appears to be the most natural route to attack real-life applications because in domains such as healthcare and robotics interactions with the environment are either expensive or unethical. Training agents usually requires reward functions, but unfortunately, rewards are seldom available in practice and their engineering is challenging and laborious. To overcome this, we investigate reward learning under the constraint of minimizing human reward annotations. We consider two types of supervision: timestep annotations and demonstrations. We propose semi-supervised learning algorithms that learn from limited annotations and incorporate unlabelled data. In our experiments with a simulated robotic arm, we greatly improve upon behavioural cloning and closely approach the performance achieved with ground truth rewards. We further investigate the relationship between the quality of the reward model and the final policies. We notice, for example, that the reward models do not need to be perfect to result in useful policies.
Abstract:Deep reinforcement learning has led to many recent-and groundbreaking-advancements. However, these advances have often come at the cost of both the scale and complexity of the underlying RL algorithms. Increases in complexity have in turn made it more difficult for researchers to reproduce published RL algorithms or rapidly prototype ideas. To address this, we introduce Acme, a tool to simplify the development of novel RL algorithms that is specifically designed to enable simple agent implementations that can be run at various scales of execution. Our aim is also to make the results of various RL algorithms developed in academia and industrial labs easier to reproduce and extend. To this end we are releasing baseline implementations of various algorithms, created using our framework. In this work we introduce the major design decisions behind Acme and show how these are used to construct these baselines. We also experiment with these agents at different scales of both complexity and computation-including distributed versions. Ultimately, we show that the design decisions behind Acme lead to agents that can be scaled both up and down and that, for the most part, greater levels of parallelization result in agents with equivalent performance, just faster.
Abstract:We show that a critical problem in adversarial imitation from high-dimensional sensory data is the tendency of discriminator networks to distinguish agent and expert behaviour using task-irrelevant features beyond the control of the agent. We analyze this problem in detail and propose a solution as well as several baselines that outperform standard Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL). Our proposed solution, Task-Relevant Adversarial Imitation Learning (TRAIL), uses a constrained optimization objective to overcome task-irrelevant features. Comprehensive experiments show that TRAIL can solve challenging manipulation tasks from pixels by imitating human operators, where other agents such as behaviour cloning (BC), standard GAIL, improved GAIL variants including our newly proposed baselines, and Deterministic Policy Gradients from Demonstrations (DPGfD) fail to find solutions, even when the other agents have access to task reward.
Abstract:We present a framework for data-driven robotics that makes use of a large dataset of recorded robot experience and scales to several tasks using learned reward functions. We show how to apply this framework to accomplish three different object manipulation tasks on a real robot platform. Given demonstrations of a task together with task-agnostic recorded experience, we use a special form of human annotation as supervision to learn a reward function, which enables us to deal with real-world tasks where the reward signal cannot be acquired directly. Learned rewards are used in combination with a large dataset of experience from different tasks to learn a robot policy offline using batch RL. We show that using our approach it is possible to train agents to perform a variety of challenging manipulation tasks including stacking rigid objects and handling cloth.
Abstract:Humans are experts at high-fidelity imitation -- closely mimicking a demonstration, often in one attempt. Humans use this ability to quickly solve a task instance, and to bootstrap learning of new tasks. Achieving these abilities in autonomous agents is an open problem. In this paper, we introduce an off-policy RL algorithm (MetaMimic) to narrow this gap. MetaMimic can learn both (i) policies for high-fidelity one-shot imitation of diverse novel skills, and (ii) policies that enable the agent to solve tasks more efficiently than the demonstrators. MetaMimic relies on the principle of storing all experiences in a memory and replaying these to learn massive deep neural network policies by off-policy RL. This paper introduces, to the best of our knowledge, the largest existing neural networks for deep RL and shows that larger networks with normalization are needed to achieve one-shot high-fidelity imitation on a challenging manipulation task. The results also show that both types of policy can be learned from vision, in spite of the task rewards being sparse, and without access to demonstrator actions.