Cornell Tech
Abstract:Diffusion-based algorithms have emerged as promising techniques for weight generation, particularly in scenarios like multi-task learning that require frequent weight updates. However, existing solutions suffer from limited cross-task transferability. In addition, they only utilize optimal weights as training samples, ignoring the value of other weights in the optimization process. To address these issues, we propose Lt-Di, which integrates the diffusion algorithm with meta-learning to generate weights for unseen tasks. Furthermore, we extend the vanilla diffusion algorithm into a trajectory diffusion algorithm to utilize other weights along the optimization trajectory. Trajectory diffusion decomposes the entire diffusion chain into multiple shorter ones, improving training and inference efficiency. We analyze the convergence properties of the weight generation paradigm and improve convergence efficiency without additional time overhead. Our experiments demonstrate Lt-Di's higher accuracy while reducing computational overhead across various tasks, including zero-shot and few-shot learning, multi-domain generalization, and large-scale language model fine-tuning.Our code is released at
Abstract:Long Context Language Models have drawn great attention in the past few years. There has been work discussing the impact of long context on Language Model performance: some find that long irrelevant context could harm performance, while some experimentally summarize loss reduction by relevant long context as Scaling Laws. This calls for a more thorough understanding on how long context impact Language Modeling. In this work, we (1) propose a clean and effective theoretical framework on explaining the impact of context length to Language Modeling, from an Intrinsic Space perspective; and (2) conduct experiments on natural language and synthetic data, validating our proposed theoretical assumptions and deductions. Our theoretical framework can provide practical insights such as establishing that training dataset size dictates an optimal context length and bounds context length scaling for certain case. We hope our work may inspire new long context Language Models, as well as future work studying Physics for Language Models. Code for our experiments is available at this url:
Abstract:Memes have emerged as a powerful form of communication, integrating visual and textual elements to convey humor, satire, and cultural messages. Existing research has focused primarily on aspects such as emotion classification, meme generation, propagation, interpretation, figurative language, and sociolinguistics, but has often overlooked deeper meme comprehension and meme-text retrieval. To address these gaps, this study introduces ClassicMemes-50-templates (CM50), a large-scale dataset consisting of over 33,000 memes, centered around 50 popular meme templates. We also present an automated knowledge-grounded annotation pipeline leveraging large vision-language models to produce high-quality image captions, meme captions, and literary device labels overcoming the labor intensive demands of manual annotation. Additionally, we propose a meme-text retrieval CLIP model (mtrCLIP) that utilizes cross-modal embedding to enhance meme analysis, significantly improving retrieval performance. Our contributions include:(1) a novel dataset for large-scale meme study, (2) a scalable meme annotation framework, and (3) a fine-tuned CLIP for meme-text retrieval, all aimed at advancing the understanding and analysis of memes at scale.
Abstract:Few-shot 3D point cloud segmentation (FS-PCS) aims at generalizing models to segment novel categories with minimal annotated support samples. While existing FS-PCS methods have shown promise, they primarily focus on unimodal point cloud inputs, overlooking the potential benefits of leveraging multimodal information. In this paper, we address this gap by introducing a cost-free multimodal FS-PCS setup, utilizing textual labels and the potentially available 2D image modality. Under this easy-to-achieve setup, we present the MultiModal Few-Shot SegNet (MM-FSS), a model effectively harnessing complementary information from multiple modalities. MM-FSS employs a shared backbone with two heads to extract intermodal and unimodal visual features, and a pretrained text encoder to generate text embeddings. To fully exploit the multimodal information, we propose a Multimodal Correlation Fusion (MCF) module to generate multimodal correlations, and a Multimodal Semantic Fusion (MSF) module to refine the correlations using text-aware semantic guidance. Additionally, we propose a simple yet effective Test-time Adaptive Cross-modal Calibration (TACC) technique to mitigate training bias, further improving generalization. Experimental results on S3DIS and ScanNet datasets demonstrate significant performance improvements achieved by our method. The efficacy of our approach indicates the benefits of leveraging commonly-ignored free modalities for FS-PCS, providing valuable insights for future research. The code is available at .
Abstract:Gradient-based interpretations often require an anchor point of comparison to avoid saturation in computing feature importance. We show that current baselines defined using static functions--constant mapping, averaging or blurring--inject harmful colour, texture or frequency assumptions that deviate from model behaviour. This leads to accumulation of irregular gradients, resulting in attribution maps that are biased, fragile and manipulable. Departing from the static approach, we propose UNI to compute an (un)learnable, debiased and adaptive baseline by perturbing the input towards an unlearning direction of steepest ascent. Our method discovers reliable baselines and succeeds in erasing salient features, which in turn locally smooths the high-curvature decision boundaries. Our analyses point to unlearning as a promising avenue for generating faithful, efficient and robust interpretations.
Abstract:How well do text-only Large Language Models (LLMs) grasp the visual world? As LLMs are increasingly used in computer vision, addressing this question becomes both fundamental and pertinent. However, existing studies have primarily focused on limited scenarios, such as their ability to generate visual content or cluster multimodal data. To this end, we propose the Visual Text Representation Benchmark (ViTeRB) to isolate key properties that make language models well-aligned with the visual world. With this, we identify large-scale decoder-based LLMs as ideal candidates for representing text in vision-centric contexts, counter to the current practice of utilizing text encoders. Building on these findings, we propose ShareLock, an ultra-lightweight CLIP-like model. By leveraging precomputable frozen features from strong vision and language models, ShareLock achieves an impressive 51% accuracy on ImageNet despite utilizing just 563k image-caption pairs. Moreover, training requires only 1 GPU hour (or 10 hours including the precomputation of features) - orders of magnitude less than prior methods. Code will be released.
Abstract:Uncovering latent values and opinions in large language models (LLMs) can help identify biases and mitigate potential harm. Recently, this has been approached by presenting LLMs with survey questions and quantifying their stances towards morally and politically charged statements. However, the stances generated by LLMs can vary greatly depending on how they are prompted, and there are many ways to argue for or against a given position. In this work, we propose to address this by analysing a large and robust dataset of 156k LLM responses to the 62 propositions of the Political Compass Test (PCT) generated by 6 LLMs using 420 prompt variations. We perform coarse-grained analysis of their generated stances and fine-grained analysis of the plain text justifications for those stances. For fine-grained analysis, we propose to identify tropes in the responses: semantically similar phrases that are recurrent and consistent across different prompts, revealing patterns in the text that a given LLM is prone to produce. We find that demographic features added to prompts significantly affect outcomes on the PCT, reflecting bias, as well as disparities between the results of tests when eliciting closed-form vs. open domain responses. Additionally, patterns in the plain text rationales via tropes show that similar justifications are repeatedly generated across models and prompts even with disparate stances.
Abstract:Category discovery methods aim to find novel categories in unlabeled visual data. At training time, a set of labeled and unlabeled images are provided, where the labels correspond to the categories present in the images. The labeled data provides guidance during training by indicating what types of visual properties and features are relevant for performing discovery in the unlabeled data. As a result, changing the categories present in the labeled set can have a large impact on what is ultimately discovered in the unlabeled set. Despite its importance, the impact of labeled data selection has not been explored in the category discovery literature to date. We show that changing the labeled data can significantly impact discovery performance. Motivated by this, we propose two new approaches for automatically selecting the most suitable labeled data based on the similarity between the labeled and unlabeled data. Our observation is that, unlike in conventional supervised transfer learning, the best labeled is neither too similar, nor too dissimilar, to the unlabeled categories. Our resulting approaches obtains state-of-the-art discovery performance across a range of challenging fine-grained benchmark datasets.
Abstract:The ability to learn compact, high-quality, and easy-to-optimize representations for visual data is paramount to many applications such as novel view synthesis and 3D reconstruction. Recent work has shown substantial success in using tensor networks to design such compact and high-quality representations. However, the ability to optimize tensor-based representations, and in particular, the highly compact tensor train representation, is still lacking. This has prevented practitioners from deploying the full potential of tensor networks for visual data. To this end, we propose 'Prolongation Upsampling Tensor Train (PuTT)', a novel method for learning tensor train representations in a coarse-to-fine manner. Our method involves the prolonging or `upsampling' of a learned tensor train representation, creating a sequence of 'coarse-to-fine' tensor trains that are incrementally refined. We evaluate our representation along three axes: (1). compression, (2). denoising capability, and (3). image completion capability. To assess these axes, we consider the tasks of image fitting, 3D fitting, and novel view synthesis, where our method shows an improved performance compared to state-of-the-art tensor-based methods. For full results see our project webpage:
Abstract:Training of large neural networks requires significant computational resources. Despite advances using low-rank adapters and quantization, pretraining of models such as LLMs on consumer hardware has not been possible without model sharding, offloading during training, or per-layer gradient updates. To address these limitations, we propose LoQT, a method for efficiently training quantized models. LoQT uses gradient-based tensor factorization to initialize low-rank trainable weight matrices that are periodically merged into quantized full-rank weight matrices. Our approach is suitable for both pretraining and fine-tuning of models, which we demonstrate experimentally for language modeling and downstream task adaptation. We find that LoQT enables efficient training of models up to 7B parameters on a consumer-grade 24GB GPU. We also demonstrate the feasibility of training a 13B parameter model using per-layer gradient updates on the same hardware.