equal contribution
Abstract:The primary challenge of cross-domain few-shot segmentation (CD-FSS) is the domain disparity between the training and inference phases, which can exist in either the input data or the target classes. Previous models struggle to learn feature representations that generalize to various unknown domains from limited training domain samples. In contrast, the large-scale visual model SAM, pre-trained on tens of millions of images from various domains and classes, possesses excellent generalizability. In this work, we propose a SAM-aware graph prompt reasoning network (GPRN) that fully leverages SAM to guide CD-FSS feature representation learning and improve prediction accuracy. Specifically, we propose a SAM-aware prompt initialization module (SPI) to transform the masks generated by SAM into visual prompts enriched with high-level semantic information. Since SAM tends to divide an object into many sub-regions, this may lead to visual prompts representing the same semantic object having inconsistent or fragmented features. We further propose a graph prompt reasoning (GPR) module that constructs a graph among visual prompts to reason about their interrelationships and enable each visual prompt to aggregate information from similar prompts, thus achieving global semantic consistency. Subsequently, each visual prompt embeds its semantic information into the corresponding mask region to assist in feature representation learning. To refine the segmentation mask during testing, we also design a non-parameter adaptive point selection module (APS) to select representative point prompts from query predictions and feed them back to SAM to refine inaccurate segmentation results. Experiments on four standard CD-FSS datasets demonstrate that our method establishes new state-of-the-art results. Code: https://github.com/CVL-hub/GPRN.
Abstract:Semantic segmentation in videos has been a focal point of recent research. However, existing models encounter challenges when faced with unfamiliar categories. To address this, we introduce the Open Vocabulary Video Semantic Segmentation (OV-VSS) task, designed to accurately segment every pixel across a wide range of open-vocabulary categories, including those that are novel or previously unexplored. To enhance OV-VSS performance, we propose a robust baseline, OV2VSS, which integrates a spatial-temporal fusion module, allowing the model to utilize temporal relationships across consecutive frames. Additionally, we incorporate a random frame enhancement module, broadening the model's understanding of semantic context throughout the entire video sequence. Our approach also includes video text encoding, which strengthens the model's capability to interpret textual information within the video context. Comprehensive evaluations on benchmark datasets such as VSPW and Cityscapes highlight OV-VSS's zero-shot generalization capabilities, especially in handling novel categories. The results validate OV2VSS's effectiveness, demonstrating improved performance in semantic segmentation tasks across diverse video datasets.
Abstract:Few-shot 3D point cloud segmentation (FS-PCS) aims at generalizing models to segment novel categories with minimal annotated support samples. While existing FS-PCS methods have shown promise, they primarily focus on unimodal point cloud inputs, overlooking the potential benefits of leveraging multimodal information. In this paper, we address this gap by introducing a cost-free multimodal FS-PCS setup, utilizing textual labels and the potentially available 2D image modality. Under this easy-to-achieve setup, we present the MultiModal Few-Shot SegNet (MM-FSS), a model effectively harnessing complementary information from multiple modalities. MM-FSS employs a shared backbone with two heads to extract intermodal and unimodal visual features, and a pretrained text encoder to generate text embeddings. To fully exploit the multimodal information, we propose a Multimodal Correlation Fusion (MCF) module to generate multimodal correlations, and a Multimodal Semantic Fusion (MSF) module to refine the correlations using text-aware semantic guidance. Additionally, we propose a simple yet effective Test-time Adaptive Cross-modal Calibration (TACC) technique to mitigate training bias, further improving generalization. Experimental results on S3DIS and ScanNet datasets demonstrate significant performance improvements achieved by our method. The efficacy of our approach indicates the benefits of leveraging commonly-ignored free modalities for FS-PCS, providing valuable insights for future research. The code is available at https://github.com/ZhaochongAn/Multimodality-3D-Few-Shot .
Abstract:This study investigates the application and performance of the Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM2) in the challenging task of video camouflaged object segmentation (VCOS). VCOS involves detecting objects that blend seamlessly in the surroundings for videos, due to similar colors and textures, poor light conditions, etc. Compared to the objects in normal scenes, camouflaged objects are much more difficult to detect. SAM2, a video foundation model, has shown potential in various tasks. But its effectiveness in dynamic camouflaged scenarios remains under-explored. This study presents a comprehensive study on SAM2's ability in VCOS. First, we assess SAM2's performance on camouflaged video datasets using different models and prompts (click, box, and mask). Second, we explore the integration of SAM2 with existing multimodal large language models (MLLMs) and VCOS methods. Third, we specifically adapt SAM2 by fine-tuning it on the video camouflaged dataset. Our comprehensive experiments demonstrate that SAM2 has excellent zero-shot ability of detecting camouflaged objects in videos. We also show that this ability could be further improved by specifically adjusting SAM2's parameters for VCOS. The code will be available at https://github.com/zhoustan/SAM2-VCOS
Abstract:With the emergence of a single large model capable of successfully solving a multitude of tasks in NLP, there has been growing research interest in achieving similar goals in computer vision. On the one hand, most of these generic models, referred to as generalist vision models, aim at producing unified outputs serving different tasks. On the other hand, some existing models aim to combine different input types (aka data modalities), which are then processed by a single large model. Yet, this step of combination remains specialized, which falls short of serving the initial ambition. In this paper, we showcase that such specialization (during unification) is unnecessary, in the context of RGB-X video object tracking. Our single model tracker, termed XTrack, can remain blind to any modality X during inference time. Our tracker employs a mixture of modal experts comprising those dedicated to shared commonality and others capable of flexibly performing reasoning conditioned on input modality. Such a design ensures the unification of input modalities towards a common latent space, without weakening the modality-specific information representation. With this idea, our training process is extremely simple, integrating multi-label classification loss with a routing function, thereby effectively aligning and unifying all modalities together, even from only paired data. Thus, during inference, we can adopt any modality without relying on the inductive bias of the modal prior and achieve generalist performance. Without any bells and whistles, our generalist and blind tracker can achieve competitive performance compared to well-established modal-specific models on 5 benchmarks across 3 auxiliary modalities, covering commonly used depth, thermal, and event data.
Abstract:In the field of visual affordance learning, previous methods mainly used abundant images or videos that delineate human behavior patterns to identify action possibility regions for object manipulation, with a variety of applications in robotic tasks. However, they encounter a main challenge of action ambiguity, illustrated by the vagueness like whether to beat or carry a drum, and the complexities involved in processing intricate scenes. Moreover, it is important for human intervention to rectify robot errors in time. To address these issues, we introduce Self-Explainable Affordance learning (SEA) with embodied caption. This innovation enables robots to articulate their intentions and bridge the gap between explainable vision-language caption and visual affordance learning. Due to a lack of appropriate dataset, we unveil a pioneering dataset and metrics tailored for this task, which integrates images, heatmaps, and embodied captions. Furthermore, we propose a novel model to effectively combine affordance grounding with self-explanation in a simple but efficient manner. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate our method's effectiveness.
Abstract:This paper revisits few-shot 3D point cloud semantic segmentation (FS-PCS), with a focus on two significant issues in the state-of-the-art: foreground leakage and sparse point distribution. The former arises from non-uniform point sampling, allowing models to distinguish the density disparities between foreground and background for easier segmentation. The latter results from sampling only 2,048 points, limiting semantic information and deviating from the real-world practice. To address these issues, we introduce a standardized FS-PCS setting, upon which a new benchmark is built. Moreover, we propose a novel FS-PCS model. While previous methods are based on feature optimization by mainly refining support features to enhance prototypes, our method is based on correlation optimization, referred to as Correlation Optimization Segmentation (COSeg). Specifically, we compute Class-specific Multi-prototypical Correlation (CMC) for each query point, representing its correlations to category prototypes. Then, we propose the Hyper Correlation Augmentation (HCA) module to enhance CMC. Furthermore, tackling the inherent property of few-shot training to incur base susceptibility for models, we propose to learn non-parametric prototypes for the base classes during training. The learned base prototypes are used to calibrate correlations for the background class through a Base Prototypes Calibration (BPC) module. Experiments on popular datasets demonstrate the superiority of COSeg over existing methods. The code is available at: https://github.com/ZhaochongAn/COSeg
Abstract:Modern approaches have proved the huge potential of addressing semantic segmentation as a mask classification task which is widely used in instance-level segmentation. This paradigm trains models by assigning part of object queries to ground truths via conventional one-to-one matching. However, we observe that the popular video semantic segmentation (VSS) dataset has limited categories per video, meaning less than 10% of queries could be matched to receive meaningful gradient updates during VSS training. This inefficiency limits the full expressive potential of all queries.Thus, we present a novel solution THE-Mask for VSS, which introduces temporal-aware hierarchical object queries for the first time. Specifically, we propose to use a simple two-round matching mechanism to involve more queries matched with minimal cost during training while without any extra cost during inference. To support our more-to-one assignment, in terms of the matching results, we further design a hierarchical loss to train queries with their corresponding hierarchy of primary or secondary. Moreover, to effectively capture temporal information across frames, we propose a temporal aggregation decoder that fits seamlessly into the mask-classification paradigm for VSS. Utilizing temporal-sensitive multi-level queries, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the latest challenging VSS benchmark VSPW without bells and whistles.
Abstract:We propose a novel ECGAN for the challenging semantic image synthesis task. Although considerable improvements have been achieved by the community in the recent period, the quality of synthesized images is far from satisfactory due to three largely unresolved challenges. 1) The semantic labels do not provide detailed structural information, making it challenging to synthesize local details and structures; 2) The widely adopted CNN operations such as convolution, down-sampling, and normalization usually cause spatial resolution loss and thus cannot fully preserve the original semantic information, leading to semantically inconsistent results (e.g., missing small objects); 3) Existing semantic image synthesis methods focus on modeling 'local' semantic information from a single input semantic layout. However, they ignore 'global' semantic information of multiple input semantic layouts, i.e., semantic cross-relations between pixels across different input layouts. To tackle 1), we propose to use the edge as an intermediate representation which is further adopted to guide image generation via a proposed attention guided edge transfer module. To tackle 2), we design an effective module to selectively highlight class-dependent feature maps according to the original semantic layout to preserve the semantic information. To tackle 3), inspired by current methods in contrastive learning, we propose a novel contrastive learning method, which aims to enforce pixel embeddings belonging to the same semantic class to generate more similar image content than those from different classes. We further propose a novel multi-scale contrastive learning method that aims to push same-class features from different scales closer together being able to capture more semantic relations by explicitly exploring the structures of labeled pixels from multiple input semantic layouts from different scales.
Abstract:Multi-sensor clues have shown promise for object segmentation, but inherent noise in each sensor, as well as the calibration error in practice, may bias the segmentation accuracy. In this paper, we propose a novel approach by mining the Cross-Modal Semantics to guide the fusion and decoding of multimodal features, with the aim of controlling the modal contribution based on relative entropy. We explore semantics among the multimodal inputs in two aspects: the modality-shared consistency and the modality-specific variation. Specifically, we propose a novel network, termed XMSNet, consisting of (1) all-round attentive fusion (AF), (2) coarse-to-fine decoder (CFD), and (3) cross-layer self-supervision. On the one hand, the AF block explicitly dissociates the shared and specific representation and learns to weight the modal contribution by adjusting the proportion, region, and pattern, depending upon the quality. On the other hand, our CFD initially decodes the shared feature and then refines the output through specificity-aware querying. Further, we enforce semantic consistency across the decoding layers to enable interaction across network hierarchies, improving feature discriminability. Exhaustive comparison on eleven datasets with depth or thermal clues, and on two challenging tasks, namely salient and camouflage object segmentation, validate our effectiveness in terms of both performance and robustness.