Abstract:Understanding neural networks is challenging due to their high-dimensional, interacting components. Inspired by human cognition, which processes complex sensory data by chunking it into recurring entities, we propose leveraging this principle to interpret artificial neural population activities. Biological and artificial intelligence share the challenge of learning from structured, naturalistic data, and we hypothesize that the cognitive mechanism of chunking can provide insights into artificial systems. We first demonstrate this concept in recurrent neural networks (RNNs) trained on artificial sequences with imposed regularities, observing that their hidden states reflect these patterns, which can be extracted as a dictionary of chunks that influence network responses. Extending this to large language models (LLMs) like LLaMA, we identify similar recurring embedding states corresponding to concepts in the input, with perturbations to these states activating or inhibiting the associated concepts. By exploring methods to extract dictionaries of identifiable chunks across neural embeddings of varying complexity, our findings introduce a new framework for interpreting neural networks, framing their population activity as structured reflections of the data they process.
Abstract:Model merging combines multiple expert models - finetuned from a base foundation model on diverse tasks and domains - into a single, more capable model. However, most existing model merging approaches assume that all experts are available simultaneously. In reality, new tasks and domains emerge progressively over time, requiring strategies to integrate the knowledge of expert models as they become available: a process we call temporal model merging. The temporal dimension introduces unique challenges not addressed in prior work, raising new questions such as: when training for a new task, should the expert model start from the merged past experts or from the original base model? Should we merge all models at each time step? Which merging techniques are best suited for temporal merging? Should different strategies be used to initialize the training and deploy the model? To answer these questions, we propose a unified framework called TIME - Temporal Integration of Model Expertise - which defines temporal model merging across three axes: (1) Initialization Phase, (2) Deployment Phase, and (3) Merging Technique. Using TIME, we study temporal model merging across model sizes, compute budgets, and learning horizons on the FoMo-in-Flux benchmark. Our comprehensive suite of experiments across TIME allows us to uncover key insights for temporal model merging, offering a better understanding of current challenges and best practices for effective temporal model merging.
Abstract:Vision-language models (VLMs), such as CLIP and SigLIP, have found remarkable success in classification, retrieval, and generative tasks. For this, VLMs deterministically map images and text descriptions to a joint latent space in which their similarity is assessed using the cosine similarity. However, a deterministic mapping of inputs fails to capture uncertainties over concepts arising from domain shifts when used in downstream tasks. In this work, we propose post-hoc uncertainty estimation in VLMs that does not require additional training. Our method leverages a Bayesian posterior approximation over the last layers in VLMs and analytically quantifies uncertainties over cosine similarities. We demonstrate its effectiveness for uncertainty quantification and support set selection in active learning. Compared to baselines, we obtain improved and well-calibrated predictive uncertainties, interpretable uncertainty estimates, and sample-efficient active learning. Our results show promise for safety-critical applications of large-scale models.
Abstract:CLIP has shown impressive results in aligning images and texts at scale. However, its ability to capture detailed visual features remains limited because CLIP matches images and texts at a global level. To address this issue, we propose FLAIR, Fine-grained Language-informed Image Representations, an approach that utilizes long and detailed image descriptions to learn localized image embeddings. By sampling diverse sub-captions that describe fine-grained details about an image, we train our vision-language model to produce not only global embeddings but also text-specific image representations. Our model introduces text-conditioned attention pooling on top of local image tokens to produce fine-grained image representations that excel at retrieving detailed image content. We achieve state-of-the-art performance on both, existing multimodal retrieval benchmarks, as well as, our newly introduced fine-grained retrieval task which evaluates vision-language models' ability to retrieve partial image content. Furthermore, our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of FLAIR trained on 30M image-text pairs in capturing fine-grained visual information, including zero-shot semantic segmentation, outperforming models trained on billions of pairs. Code is available at https://github.com/ExplainableML/flair .
Abstract:Vision-Language Models (VLMs) trained with contrastive loss have achieved significant advancements in various vision and language tasks. However, the global nature of contrastive loss makes VLMs focus predominantly on foreground objects, neglecting other crucial information in the image, which limits their effectiveness in downstream tasks. To address these challenges, we propose COSMOS: CrOSs-MOdality Self-distillation for vision-language pre-training that integrates a novel text-cropping strategy and cross-attention module into a self-supervised learning framework. We create global and local views of images and texts (i.e., multi-modal augmentations), which are essential for self-distillation in VLMs. We further introduce a cross-attention module, enabling COSMOS to learn comprehensive cross-modal representations optimized via a cross-modality self-distillation loss. COSMOS consistently outperforms previous strong baselines on various zero-shot downstream tasks, including retrieval, classification, and semantic segmentation. Additionally, it surpasses CLIP-based models trained on larger datasets in visual perception and contextual understanding tasks.
Abstract:Large-scale multimodal representation learning successfully optimizes for zero-shot transfer at test time. Yet the standard pretraining paradigm (contrastive learning on large amounts of image-text data) does not explicitly encourage representations to support few-shot adaptation. In this work, we propose a simple, but carefully designed extension to multimodal pretraining which enables representations to accommodate additional context. Using this objective, we show that vision-language models can be trained to exhibit significantly increased few-shot adaptation: across 21 downstream tasks, we find up to four-fold improvements in test-time sample efficiency, and average few-shot adaptation gains of over 5%, while retaining zero-shot generalization performance across model scales and training durations. In particular, equipped with simple, training-free, metric-based adaptation mechanisms, our representations easily surpass more complex and expensive optimization-based schemes, vastly simplifying generalization to new domains.
Abstract:Humans excel at learning abstract patterns across different sequences, filtering out irrelevant details, and transferring these generalized concepts to new sequences. In contrast, many sequence learning models lack the ability to abstract, which leads to memory inefficiency and poor transfer. We introduce a non-parametric hierarchical variable learning model (HVM) that learns chunks from sequences and abstracts contextually similar chunks as variables. HVM efficiently organizes memory while uncovering abstractions, leading to compact sequence representations. When learning on language datasets such as babyLM, HVM learns a more efficient dictionary than standard compression algorithms such as Lempel-Ziv. In a sequence recall task requiring the acquisition and transfer of variables embedded in sequences, we demonstrate HVM's sequence likelihood correlates with human recall times. In contrast, large language models (LLMs) struggle to transfer abstract variables as effectively as humans. From HVM's adjustable layer of abstraction, we demonstrate that the model realizes a precise trade-off between compression and generalization. Our work offers a cognitive model that captures the learning and transfer of abstract representations in human cognition and differentiates itself from the behavior of large language models.
Abstract:Pre-trained large language models (LLMs) have been reliably integrated with visual input for multimodal tasks. The widespread adoption of instruction-tuned image-to-text vision-language assistants (VLAs) like LLaVA and InternVL necessitates evaluating gender biases. We study gender bias in 22 popular open-source VLAs with respect to personality traits, skills, and occupations. Our results show that VLAs replicate human biases likely present in the data, such as real-world occupational imbalances. Similarly, they tend to attribute more skills and positive personality traits to women than to men, and we see a consistent tendency to associate negative personality traits with men. To eliminate the gender bias in these models, we find that finetuning-based debiasing methods achieve the best tradeoff between debiasing and retaining performance on downstream tasks. We argue for pre-deploying gender bias assessment in VLAs and motivate further development of debiasing strategies to ensure equitable societal outcomes.
Abstract:Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) has emerged as a powerful approach to align text-to-image (T2I) models with human feedback. Unfortunately, successful application of DPO to T2I models requires a huge amount of resources to collect and label large-scale datasets, e.g., millions of generated paired images annotated with human preferences. In addition, these human preference datasets can get outdated quickly as the rapid improvements of T2I models lead to higher quality images. In this work, we investigate a scalable approach for collecting large-scale and fully synthetic datasets for DPO training. Specifically, the preferences for paired images are generated using a pre-trained reward function, eliminating the need for involving humans in the annotation process, greatly improving the dataset collection efficiency. Moreover, we demonstrate that such datasets allow averaging predictions across multiple models and collecting ranked preferences as opposed to pairwise preferences. Furthermore, we introduce RankDPO to enhance DPO-based methods using the ranking feedback. Applying RankDPO on SDXL and SD3-Medium models with our synthetically generated preference dataset ``Syn-Pic'' improves both prompt-following (on benchmarks like T2I-Compbench, GenEval, and DPG-Bench) and visual quality (through user studies). This pipeline presents a practical and scalable solution to develop better preference datasets to enhance the performance of text-to-image models.
Abstract:Multimodal foundation models serve numerous applications at the intersection of vision and language. Still, despite being pretrained on extensive data, they become outdated over time. To keep models updated, research into continual pretraining mainly explores scenarios with either (1) infrequent, indiscriminate updates on large-scale new data, or (2) frequent, sample-level updates. However, practical model deployment often operates in the gap between these two limit cases, as real-world applications often demand adaptation to specific subdomains, tasks or concepts -- spread over the entire, varying life cycle of a model. In this work, we complement current perspectives on continual pretraining through a research test bed as well as provide comprehensive guidance for effective continual model updates in such scenarios. We first introduce FoMo-in-Flux, a continual multimodal pretraining benchmark with realistic compute constraints and practical deployment requirements, constructed over 63 datasets with diverse visual and semantic coverage. Using FoMo-in-Flux, we explore the complex landscape of practical continual pretraining through multiple perspectives: (1) A data-centric investigation of data mixtures and stream orderings that emulate real-world deployment situations, (2) a method-centric investigation ranging from simple fine-tuning and traditional continual learning strategies to parameter-efficient updates and model merging, (3) meta learning rate schedules and mechanistic design choices, and (4) the influence of model and compute scaling. Together, our insights provide a practitioner's guide to continual multimodal pretraining for real-world deployment. Our benchmark and code is here: https://github.com/ExplainableML/fomo_in_flux.